Why didn't Bran just warg into Viserion and do a barrel roll so that the Night King would fall to his death?
Why didn't Bran just warg into Viserion and do a barrel roll so that the Night King would fall to his death?
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Why didn't they just put bran on a ship in the middle of the sea? Wights can't swim lol
>Viserion incinerates the ship
he was a lure idiot lol
Why didn't they put Bran in a cage made of dragon glass?
Why didn’t you just stop making new threads for every thought that pops into your head reddit newfag?
A lure for fucking what? Arya went completely off script when she Omae wa shindeirued the NK
Why don't you just have sex?
Why didn't they ram dragon glass through Bran, to make him into a human porcupine?
If everything had gone according to plan, they would have never entered the castle, the dragons, the remaining army and everyone else would be prepared to attack as soon as the Night King approached the useless crippled dude.
Because it’s that time of the month for your mom fuckboy.
How would the NK have gotten to Bran if the only way in was through the rest of the castle?
Why didn't Bran just [anything]?
Bran can't control the dead, just the living. In that way he is a mirror to NK.
>Why didn't they just put bran on a ship in the middle of the sea? Wights can't swim lol
actually thats blacks
>1. Can't enter the castle which means NK and its army was destroyed outside
>2. If 1. fails then at least we know exactly where he is going so focus all forces in that area
Makes sense to me and it kinda happened, but the full force was Arya since everyone else was dying somewhere else
The ass is still in business
no, that was Brann's plan you dumbfuck
he knew everything, he knew Arya will do what she did thats why he was so confident even when NK was standing in front of him
So, is Jon dragon dead or what? Couldn't see shit with all the darkness. And what happened with Ghost?
>no, that was Brann's plan you dumbfuck
Which he shared with everyone else beforehand, you mongoloid. He is luring NK to a very specific spot for a reason.
We never saw him warg into anything in control of the NK
by your logic, why didn't he just warg into the NK and kill himself?
why did they just hire a faceless man to kill the night king?
Ghost probably died offscreen, because we needed to have heroic death scene for Lyanna Mormont instead.
someone said it was in the preview
>Jon's dragon
It's still Dany's dragon
Ghost is in the preview for the next episode. It was meaningless to have Ghost charge
>you can't have sex with a woman who's on her period
Oh, man, you ARE actually a virgin LOL
because Bran can only warg into the living, while the Night King can only warg into the dead. he is a First Man, right?
he didnt tell anyone how it would happen because it would ruin his plan
if he'd told them ill lure him and arya will jump him
why even have a fight outside at all?
He warged into the past and watched Theon get his dick cut off.
That would have been fucking funny
How about you google it, based redd*tors? Everyone from the cast is still alive - that includes Ghost and the dragon. Just literal whos died last night.
Ghost and the two remaining dragons. So Raegal just took a comfy nap after crashing and no wights proceeded to stab him to death.
At least we get to see the Cleganes duke it out now.
I didn't say that. You are the one repeating the same thing. Bran told everyone that NK was looking for him, so he would lure him to the open space next to the tree with archers close to him for protection. Everyone else was conscious of that tactic to eventually go to that spot and fight back once NK arrived.
To be fair none of the other direwolves had a ceremonious death.
Am I the only one who thought this episode was a terrible clusterfuck of shitty writing? It's like the writers didn't even know what to do so after 6 years of buildup they kill off the big bad in some faggot girl power "TWEEST" so they didn't actually have to write themselves out of their clusterfuck of a story.
a lure with archers defending him in close range in one of the most insecure place, he could have burned that entire garden at any time.
Bran didn't know he was going to survive. He just wanted Theon to protect him for as long as possible, so he could warg back into time and watch Ramsay raping Sansa because she looked so beautiful that night. That's why Bran thanked Theon because he kept him alive long enough to relive this moment.
>Am I the only one who thought this episode was a terrible clusterfuck of shitty writing
Did you read literally any thread on this board?
Everyone here is shitting on it, I haven't seen one post with a proper defense of this episode's dogshit plot.
It worked.
Because strong independent womans need more epic scenes
The wights cant do shit to pierce dragon scale as shown by drakkaris just shrugging hundreds of them off of him
>The wights cant do shit to pierce dragon scale as shown by drakkaris just shrugging hundreds of them off of him
did you miss the squishy sounds and the dragon crying out in pain?
You'll squeak like a little bitch if I poke you with a toothpick a few times. Doesn't mean it has any danger of killing you. Dragon is shown completely fine minutes later.
NK uses his ice magic to freeze the sea
Why haven't we seen Bran warg into a dragon yet at all?
Imagine having a lure without a means to capture/kill. Just throw the worm in the lake, who needs a hook.
to answer my own question -- it would reveal his true loyalties
>not Warging as Sansa and having her sexually submit to Lyanna in bdsm
Fuck all of you low test low IQ cuck porn loving reddifugees and your kosher cuck wars capeshit game of cucks unholy trifecta of soifaggotry. I hope all of you fucking faggots are gassed when the day of the rope arrives or you (((transition))) and do us all the favor of willingly castrating yourselves. You subhuman niggers are the final and true death of this board.
The Night King did fall from the dragon during the fight with Danny and Jon. The fall did nothing to him.
better yet just leave a bunch of tiny dragon nails all around bran. He accidentally steps on one and it goes through his foot and rip.
I used thos exact explanation last night. 100 toothpicks into your back will make you scream and writhe but it wont kill you. If anything you'll rage harder it was stupid to try.