why was his death so pointless?
Why was his death so pointless?
Because they made the Night King pointless and everything related to him too, basically a filler
He saved Arya innit?
where was my berserk Dondarrion lighting the trenches?
wasn't that the hound?
His true purpose should have been to carry the Flaming Sword until the hound was ready to use it.
The hound picking up a flaming sword to save Arya would have been multiple payoffs at once.
he's a white man and deserve to die like everybody else in the show
his fear of fire was hardly even a point in this episode. Literally one scene where he is haphazardly hinted at being afraid of it. That was such an underwhelming way of doing it.
How is it pointless when he rescues the person that kills the nightking?
Arya's bullshit really ruffled my feathers though. Holy shit everything about that was just bad.
the entirety of game of thrones is pointless now
nothing paid off in a satisfying way up until this point so its silly to think that it will in the next 3 episodes
Why was your thread so pointless? Post in the GoT General newfag.
>Prepare to invade Westeros for 10000 years
>Start invasion
>Run into Arya
>fall for the ol' "up high down low too slow"
the lord of light brought him back 19 times just to be a meatshield kek
>The only purpose of your 12 painful deaths was to set up that prank
Because it wasn't much of a rescue.
Arya has been in much more life-threatening positions and saved by a great deal of other characters prior and the Lord of Light did not need to act through them.
A few wights in a corridor isn't significant at all.
It would have made more sense if the rescue was more dramatic, at much more pivotal or crucial moment. Like maybe Arya tries assassinating the Night King with the detachable spear (whatever was the point of that anyway), fails, is about to get murdered by him or Viserion, and Beric saves her from THAT.
Everything was so dark I had literally zero idea who was saving who or who was dying. 10/10 great cinematic experience.
>Beric served his purpose
>everyone assumes his purpose was to save Arya
he was ressurected to shield arya from whites
jon was resurrected to distract a draogn so arya could 360 knifescope the nightkang
it's like pottery
>charge and give your life for no reason other than just to set up the prank
Grey worm literally did more
Actually he was decent in the episode, the unsullied were actually the MVP as rear guard.
why was his life so pointless?
>witness the death of your entire fighting force
>the only men that could truly understand you are all dead
If this show was any good, everyone in Winterfell, but Grey Worm especially, should be massively shellshocked.
Well he probably is, we didn’t see him since they lit the fire around winterfell. Dany doesn’t give a shit though
Spinoff show about Greyworm travelling around Essos and further East as the last unsullied when?