Scientifically proven that 200 cavalrymen with magic weapons and hero support beat thousands of undead if positioned...

Scientifically proven that 200 cavalrymen with magic weapons and hero support beat thousands of undead if positioned properly

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Other urls found in this thread:

>comparing Grail Knights to Marauder Horsemen

did the undead entrench their positions?

>Total War Faghammer
get the fuck out with that shit.

>lightly armored dothraki compared to heavy cavalry

that's science, you cannot object

>beating literally the shittiest unit in the game with the best cavalry in the game
>still take half hp damage like a fucking retard, clearly never cycle charging

Total War isn't even hard but mongoloids like OP prove why games are consistently getting easier

wait, did they have only dothraki by the time of the battle?
what happened to their heavy cav

>what happened to their heavy cav



>inb4 bran told them, the red bitch is coming
fuck you

Attached: reee.jpg (800x522, 30K)

yeah but women organised the defence


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>Comparing based Bretonnians to GoT-shit
plz don't.

Attached: 1538328282304.webm (1280x532, 1.24M)

let's be real here karl franz would have had this shit finished within a few minutes

Alberic de Bordelaux (Formerly Carcasonne)

those are grail guardians nigga

dont ask, just turn your brain off lmao

I wasn't expecting GoT strategists to cycle charge either. The point is this cav is heavier than feathers GoT used.

I thought at first that john snow is battle hardened veteran with great battle experience, he fought men and undead alike, hes tactic's going to be something clever and great but then i remembered he uses only one tactic

Attached: cunning.png (1284x744, 887K)

Writers fiat is a tactic now?

Just got done watching this episode
I realize these hacks no little to nothing about medieval style combat, but you have to be a retard to just send your light cavalry on a head on charge, far from support.
The Dothraki should have been flanking and harassing the wights in the back
They literally just feed them to a massive undead army for zero gain

>best cavalry in the game
>grail guardians

But it was lit af bro

>total soihammer players lurk on Yea Forums


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Operation human shield


play a real mans game, rome 2, Kush, slave soldiers only

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So retarded, I actually counted the seconds in that scene where they watch their fires go out. They lasted 15 seconds. It was like 1/3rd of good guys army. So fucking dumb holy shit.

>rome 2

Attached: Reaction 2299.jpg (607x607, 255K)

The Iron isles men were absolute chads though with their machine gun bows. It is almost like they could all just defended the walls.

>abusing the shit out of royal kushite titty archers

Attached: 5 scoops.jpg (228x273, 9K)

>ywn be gang-raped by amazonian kushite archers

>ywn gang rape amazonian kushite archers

bretonnians have bright wizards?

>rome 2
>mfw naval combat
Ramming full stacks to death is some good stuff.

Attached: FULL MAST.jpg (320x283, 29K)

They were defending a castle wall.

The last decent total war was Shogun 2, Empire and Napoleon were ass as well so it isn't since Medieval 2 that they had a good run.

is there any decent fantasy since lotr?

It solved their immigration problem.

no, they're the ones doing the raping

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They are too tall for Warhammer

collision detection is turned off for the undead tho.

Ambushes and night raids are very short engagements and are only that effective on enemy forces out of formation or just plain camping.