He's absolutely right.
He's absolutely right
>this twitter post made me feel things
>I better start a brand new thread on Yea Forums so everyone can see what I saw on twitter!
I wonder how the people here always find these
What does anyone in this thread gain from this? What does anyone on this board gain? What does OP gain? What about the faggots that made the tweets? What's wrong with us guys?
sjw's go home
What's the purpose of discussing shit on Yea Forums. What's the point of talking about anything? Hmmm
>I wonder how the people here always find these
Who do you think is posting them
Yes if you don't support movies made by people that hate you and actively go out of their way to tell you this, you're just as bad as they are!
>If you kill your enemies, they win!
>you’re an sjw get out!
>do I fit in yet, guys?
>I wonder how the people here always find these
Youtubers/Twitch streamers
He's right. The issue is when the movie itself reeks of SJW
>Missing the point this hard
He is right, yes.
But that post suggests that Brie Larson and Emma Watson have ever acted in actually interesting movies.
Is that a rightist thing? I despise James Woods but I'd never refuse to watch a movie, simply because he's in it.
Not supporting cunts who would see your place in the world diminished is patently not-braindead. It's what people who don't have severe mental and emotional problems do because some random fucking movie is literally meaningless and lmfao@your life if that's not the case.
You stupid niggers should self harm.
Your point was to shitpost more newfag cancer threads? Mission successful!
he is right though
Roman Polanski is one of my favorite directors, that doesn't mean he still didn't rape a 12 year old girl in a hot tub
More like gayne
>ur mad!
Summer break start early where you’re from, buddy?
>Comparing someone who broke the law and someones political beliefs
Absolute fucking retard
fight fire with fire. if faggots and catladies do boicot a product, white normal people should do the same and show whos more economically relevant and should be listen.
its like voting: put a radical leftist, i will put the closest opposite.
you vote with your wallet today. if you don’t support people behind a particular product, you shouldn’t pay for it.
if you’re a fanatic for whatever the series is, just pirate it or weigh out how much you care about the series v how much you dislike the creators/actors.
I loved how you voted with your wallet against Captain Marvel. Really loved the results!
its entertaining and we have nothing better to do
>Multi-billion dollar corporation made millions more dollars! Your opinions and values are proven wrong!
Literally robot tier indoctrination.
Obviously. The ones who love to call "snowflakes" who they perceive as SJW are the same who get triggered and endlessly whine about propaganda if they see a woman say no to a dude or two guys kiss.
If I can watch a movie by a child rapist I can surely watch a movie by someone I disagree with politically
Not only did I keep the money I would have spent but- and here's the real kicker- I didn't watch Captain Marvel.
Cash in my pocket and being spared that shit movie, you tell me how my boycott turned out.
What a faggot.
That's not what a sjw is though
The best part is that people think these people actually believe what they say
Leo shills for climate change when he has a fucking big ass yacht....people like her are just embarissing. Actors are shills, it's how they get jobs.
Refusing to watch a film because of a director's or actor's beliefs is pointless but refusing to pay is another matter
Most SJWs willingly identify as “Antifa”, which is literally labeled as a domestic terrorism organization. Pretty sure being a terrorist is classified as a crime.
>If I use the horseshoe theory, I'll be right all along
His profile is complete fucking cancer. All he talks about is superficial level ponderings, video games and comics.
>Most SJWs willingly identify as “Antifa”, which is literally labeled as a domestic terrorism organization.
Oh, right. By this logic I guess everyone on the Left think that people who are right-leaning are fucking Nazis, right? Fucking retard.
I just watch movies and turn them off if I get bored
Sounds based. At least he is actually enjoying the platform. You remember what that's like user?
>someone I don't know is my enemy because of something they tweeted about mundane politics!
you're and sjw basedboy faggot
endgame was sick and I'd fuck brie Larson even though she's retarded
Do you think people who shitpost about politics on twitter still fap to best Emma?
Yes, but the correct option is to pirate the product if it's good enough to watch. We all know this.
I'm not sure who's worse between OP or the fags who care about what other random retards are saying on social media platforms.
Yes he is.
>You don't like [popular thing], therefore you hate everything
Or maybe I have common sense to not blindly jump on literal garbage bandwagons, and to chastise those that do. Fuck off with your plebbit tier "argumentation"