>watch camrip of endgame because why not
>friends and coworkers ofc wanna talk about it
>genuinely get insulted if you aren’t calling it movie of the decade
>let alone daring to attempt critiquing any part of it
It’s not like I’m autistic about it or anything, nor am I the only one who said it was meh/ok.
People just literally can’t comprehend it wasn’t a perfect movie.
Is this the brainwashing /pol/ always goes on about?
Watch camrip of endgame because why not
If you don't like a movie that much but everyone around you says they loved it, just say it was "pretty good" as a conciliatory middle ground
Y'all realize that Carol Danvers is an even more insufferable self righteous cunt with even more overpowered abilities right?
Haven't watched it yet but I'm guessing it starts off sad, then get the gang back together to get revenge on thanos, then they beat thanos and everything's okay again.
>genuinely get insulted if you aren’t calling it movie of the decade
this didn't happen.
do you hang out with teenagers or something? i find it hard to believe people actually got insulted
Plebs who haven't seen many movies think everything they watch is GOAT while most of it is fucking shit.
I remember rooting for the only movie I saw that was nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award when I was a kid. Clearly biased opinion since I hadn't seen any of the others.
they’re all sad and crying then they find where thanos is then he used the stones to destroy the stones and then they kill him and are sad and Thor gets fat and then they time travel to get all the stones then past thanos finds them and follows them back and then they fight him then they do Le epic big avnerges fight after having brought everyone back and then tony snaps thNos and they both die and all his army dies and then cap returns the stones to the past and stays with titcow and comes back old the end
Thats what I do
>i find it hard to believe people actually got insulted
you cant criticize anything in todays age without being labeled a nazi
Not OP but some fuck at my work told me I'm "getting left behind". Not really an insult but definitely more defense than this movie merits.
The one major marvel-geek of the job (30 somethin spic) said it was disrespectful that I pirated it.
Yep, sounds about right.
Not OP but I work with late 20's tech dweebs and they genuinely got offended when I casually mentioned I don't particularly care for Marvel. Not like "haha can't believe you dont like capeshit you weirdo". Their faces literally dropped like I had said I'm into scat or something. Some people are really fucking retarded dude.
I feel you OP, it happened to me with Upgrade, i said that it was a 7/10 and everyone was angry that i didnt call it MOTY 10/10
I know how you feel. I work in IT so if you're not into video games, capeshit, star wars, etc. they think you're odd for being into tech. It's quite odd.
>get insulted
probably they are not really your friends or probably you are a whiny ass bitch
>inb4 hurr durr
end game is solid shit and i wasn't afraid to tell my disgust to my marvelnormie friends
>watch the movie of the century in horrible quality in your dingy room all alone
>why didn't i like the movie?
just tell them IW is the movie of the decade
casual socializing is all based on a principle called "yes, and". it's always supposed to be enjoyable, and most people don't enjoy being contradicted, so you just have to find a way to support whatever people say without lying.
so you just need to say a couple of things you liked, and avoid giving your overall assessment.
these films fill the hole that god, family, virtues and morals should fill for these people, if you say this movie sucks you're basically speaking blasphemies or calling their kid retarded
Why are you incapable of lying just to shut them up? You know how many people speak to me about sports at work and I just agree because I don't give a shit about sports. Not everything needs to be fucking disputed
I made the mistake of telling a few coworkers as we were on break that I'm getting burnt out from all the superhero movies. These are guys and girls in theirs late 20s/early 30s. They looked at me like I had just shit on the coffeeroom table.
Motherfucker, you basic thots were listening to emo music and watched rom coms all throughout the 00s when these super hero movies started. You would have thought people were nerdy if they were super into superhero movies. Now you pretend to be into it? Fuck off.
The first 2 hours were boring filler, admit it.
I think it's interesting that you can make the comparison without recognizing the underlying implication you are making about "god, morals" etc.
Have sex
i can admit it because I saw the movie as it was meant to be. Being a camrip cuck, your opinion will NEVER be valid, regardless of where you fall on liking or disliking it
brand consumerism loyalty is reaching all time highs, this shit is a huge part of peoples lives and identities
It's not an implication against gods and morals, these people are empty, nihilist vessels of no character who fill the void with whatever trend is current
>yeah goyim just pay for my #34334672959 generic capeshit
it's like with starwars back then.
Give it some time and the brand loyalty will fade
some guy got triggered because I said IW was better and thst it felt dull when compared to earlier avengers, and my brother got annoyed when I tried to point out all the plotholes.
i guess people dislike other people ruining their fun too
That’s because you are a Nazi
>watch camrip of endgame because why not
anytime i bring this up, my friends go into full defense mode and talk about how it's not the "real experience"
they STILL try to act like they're better than me for seeing infinity war in theaters.
when we discussed the plot, i was the one reminding everyone about what happened. nobody else really knew how to summarize it.
Depends on how long you get to conversate about it.
>Join them in praising the actual good parts.
>Brief silence, bring up some scenes you may be confused about. Nit pick minor plot holes before you bring up major plot holes.
>They slowly start to agree with you.
>Continue to shit all over the movie till they agree with you.
Did this with 3 co-workers. But they're still going for repeat viewings...
>I gave my money to the corporations so I'm a good boy!
Oh damn, I had no idea these "people" were here too.
I was so sure my irl friends are a special brand of stupid. They get mad I pirate games, too.
The question here is: why the fuck do you engage with your shitty coworkers in discussions about a subpar series? Shame on you user.
Because I don’t have aspburgers and actually talk with my coworkers about things, even if the topic isn’t something I care too much about.
pirating games doesnt change the game experience
watching a camrip is absolutely and by far an inferior experience, so to pretend your opinion of the episode is generalizable for non-camrip cucks is delusional
what do i watch if the last marvel film that i watch was thor+hulk one ?
Does Disney really has its root so deep into the internet that none of you faggots would post a link to the he chink rip? Holy cucks
There's already HD leaks out there you muppet.
>talking with your coworkers about boring, inane things you have no interest in
>you have autism is you dont do this
Normies are always like that for nearly every Marvel movie. They'll praise it as being incredible, and perfect, and the best MCU movie so far. Then after 3 months they'll come down from their high and reality will start sinking in that the movie probably wasn't that great. Then a couple more months later a new Marvel movie comes out and it restarts again. Hell, a solid chunk of people were praising Captain Marvel the same way.
That's not what happens at all
At the end of endgame, Thanos agrees to undo everything he's done if the Avengers can beat him in a penis measuring contest, but none of the avengers even come close. Even the Hulk is shorter than Thanos by a noticeable amount, and the girth isn't even comparable. That's when at the last moment, Captain Marvel pulls down her pants and unleashes the phattest hawg the universe has ever seen.
Shamed by her immense size, Thanos undoes all that he has done, and then commits Japanese ritual suicide. He is buried in an unmarked grave in area 51.
Zoomers just think newer = better
>Having any critical opinion of a movie after watching a camrip
That's like critiquing an album after listening to it on phone speakers from a youtube-mp3 rip from 2011
Calm down there, John. Your lookin a little to deep into this movie....
>dialogue, narrative, and acting are unimportant in movies
>only how good the pew-pew lasers look is
Watched it when it first came out. Didnt write it because it wasnt relevant.
My Friends and I decided to go see it randomly on Saturday. Live in small town so basically one theater available and of course it was booked. Somehow got the 2 2x2 disabled persons seats for all four of us. One of my friends that went had never seen a single marvel movie, but he was exited. we also had a derb pen to use during the movie.
Overall it was a long but enjoyable movie but I enjoyed the first one better, Problly bc avengers got there ass beat and Wakanda got BTFO'd
IDK why you ya'll have faggots that go on for day about it, we talked about it for a little while after but just moved on. Tell them valid points that you think they could have done better. It's just a movie niggie nothings perfect
Thx for reading my blogpost
His first love, before he frozoned
Infinity War starts pretty much the second Thor Ragnarok ends. There might be some characters you aren't familiar with but it shouldn't be particularly hard to follow.
Why didn't Tony tell his daughter a bedtime story?
This is what happens when you don't gatekeep
Elitism is the only thing shielding us from this shit, but it's too late now
You're still missing half the film with a camrip
Its a solid 6/10
Most people I work with don't give a fuck about Marvel movies. The few who do don't care if you don't like it.
Might be an American thing. I haven't seen it but my younger sister did and said it was fairly generic and her friend had a similar sentiment. Also said there was a girl power scene which was "cringe" which was last thing I expected to hear. Maybe you have to be in your teens or in your 30s to obsess over it?
Everyone I talk to agrees it's shit. I guess it's because I'm eastern European and we don't care much for superhero faggotry.
Consumerism brainwashes people, they want to be part of something bigger than themselves more than actually liking movies/tv shows or anything in general.
Like Endgame was pretty entertaining, I thought it was too long and some parts were uninteresting and thought overall Infinity War was a better movie. However that opinion gets attacked not for its substance but from the fact that I am somehow denying culture by ignoring "historical substance" of endgame as a movie which is weird.
So just say a movie was pretty good and don't try and have legitimate discussions with those people
Remember those kids who made fun of you in school for playing yugioh and talking about star wars? They work with you now and they are watching capeshit too only they assert their anti geek culture instead by dictating how you should like some geek franchise instead of totally not being part of it. Pretty soon they will be no more
no you are weird, if you worked in construction you wouldn't be getting that.
>Elitism is the only thing shielding us from this shit, but it's too late now
Elitism only create faux oldfags and showwars.See Yea Forums current state, sure it is less shit than most of Yea Forums but at the cost being a "I am more elitist than you" board
Were the girls even attractive? I find this hard to believe and you are probably just a sperg who read into their reactions. They probably didn't care that you don't like capeshit and think you were trying to sound cool by saying it
>I remember rooting for the only movie I saw that was nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award when I was a kid. Clearly biased opinion since I hadn't seen any of the others.
So just like the Academy voters, then.
I think you are trying to hard to be cool
Had some cool moments but as a kids super hero its just a fun popcorn movie.
these are incels without social skills or social awareness, they thrive on being contrarian and making themselves outcasts so they can whine about how no one likes them and they can't get laid because everyone is an NPC and they are so smart
everyone who isn't a self absorbed pretentious pseudo intellectual nerd can enjoy superhero movies for what they are without going all high and mighty cinema critic on them, but look where we are
It is the movie of the decade and it'll be the movie of the century unless another movie gets two dozen of them as buildup again. And I doubt even Marvel's next movies will have the quality of the ones leading up to infinity war, since having the origins and OG adventures of the legendary original avengers was pure gold.
And no other company besides Disney has the power or vision right now to even try it. On those merits alone I name it the best. Also fuck you if you didn't get hyped by that climax I mean do you even like action if that doesn't get you shaking? I guess some snobs who only watch French movies or something can cop out and claim to dislike it, but I'll bite your dick off if you enjoyed previous movies and try to say the last 40 minutes of Endgame weren't pure hype.
Sure, the ending scene might be a plothole though it's not relevant, and a certain death might have been unnecessary if you account for different possibilities but you can just chalk it up to Strange also seeing the possibility you thought leading to failure. This was the only way, move on.
what autists don't understand is that critical analysis of a movie isn't good for break room casual chat. It isn't the fact that the movie has flaws its that no one cares or wants to hear you talk about them. Save that for your close friends at someone house or some shit.
>friends get mad at me by saying it's on the same level as the 3rd episode of GoT
it's really nothing special as a film, it's your typical capeshit with terrible storytelling pandering to its onions audience
Or talk about the parts that you liked first, then you can throw in some criticism without looking like a douche.
There's nothing weird with liking working with tech but not being some capeshit and videogame nerd.
capeshit fans are legitimately not human and in a just world killing them would not be murder
I watched it on a pornsite
Agreed. Eradication the would be a service to the fatherland. They are simple vermin pretending to be people.
no that is fucking weird you sperg, but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with that.
image and audio quality has nothing to do with plot or story telling which is what matters pleb
Huh also this, you are right and it's not wrong. I fucking felt inspired by Captain America as if he was a real hero, and I wouldn't be against using videos of him IRL to teach morals and good attitudes on school. I really feel like he's a part of my core now, him and the other good guys, so a lot of people might feel the same way while being unaware. Anime has done similar things before but this is even more credible since they're real people.
>things that never happened
You don’t have friends user
It is you fucking idiot. Someone working in IT without a single nerd hobby is weird as all shit (Star Wars, Star Trek, videogames, Comics, Anime, Cartoons, D&D, Magic the Gathering, The Lord of the Rings, Fantasy and Sci fi in general etc etc are all nerd hobbies and almost all people working in IT like at least one or two of them)
Watched a lifestyle/news show on tv that interviewed people about the movie and how it's a social event. The absolutely normiest normie girl (decidedly not weird normie or stacy) said she watched it 5 times already.
I have to assume this kind of person don't even follow the plot and use the cinema like a pub with a fireworks display room.
And that's part of you watching a camrip and not the theater, because the real experience was clapping and cheering at the final battle while feeling a small insignificant spect of dust in the universe. Watching a camrip takes the grandiose out of it in the same way you could have skipped watching it all together and merely read the script. You'd be even more aware of the story and dialogues if you read a transcription of it but that wasn't the real experience people are paying and going crazy for.
Really I think I wouldn't even watch this on TV, seeing it with an enthusiastic audience was leaps and bounds above that.
>date with a girl
>She is into MCU and is Team Iron Man
>Tell her you are Team Captain America and wished Cap killed Iron Man in the end
>She's visibly upset and starts arguing how wrong I am
Attitude is everything user. Keep it cool, don't be autistic and they will end apologizing for insulting you.
Or Just say that you didnt like It and that is your opinion.
Stop being weak willed fucks
>genuinely get insulted if you aren’t calling it movie of the decade
I told you, it's the honeymoon phase.
No of that happened kek
>T.basement dweller slobs
They are more human than you since they actually socialize
basic rule of thumb when socializing, don't hate on things that are harmless entertainment, since having hard opinions on trivial shit makes you look like a tard. Just casually say it isn't your thing or you didn't see it.
Of course women would be Team Iron Man
>No need to take responsibility for your own actions
>Government instead will do it for you
It is the movie of the decade though, since you can't deny the popularity of marvel movies and their impact on popular culture. What is the most popular game out right now? What franchise did a tie in with that game? That doesn't mean that saying its the movie of the decade is the best objectively good movie of the decade either.
I got insulted by a coworker in his 30s for saying I didn't like Mass Effect Andromeda. Didn't even get to criticize it or call it bad, just said I didn't personally like it and that was enough for the guy to start behaving like a child.
You have to understand these are people who have never had their views opposed and passed most of their life surrounded by people with similar ideas. They're just not prepared for different opinions and when it happens it feels like a personal offense to them, so they react aggressively.
It's the hybrid of a retarded normalfag and a blind fanboy, nothing of worth could come from people like that.
I hate when anons watch some big spectacle blockbuster on some shitty camrip then talk about what shit the movie is
It’s like reading about a sporting event and wondering why everyone thought it was a great game even though the score was low
The MCU was part of my childhood and is an important part of my life. I really like it.
But I still admit Endgame is not a perfect movie, I loved it, but it had many, many flaws. Infinity war was better, and even that movie had a lot of flaws.
So I think the people you talk to think that you hate the movie when you critique it, Wich is ridiculous.
you should've said you're too old for kids movies and made them feel more beta than you
have you tried telling them its just a game? I do and it works like a charm. If they still insult you and you still come here crying thats on you
Nah, women want to do whatever they want
user’s date was actually based and he’s a fag
Me and my normie girlfriend thought it was eh. Both dissapointed. Would not see again.
t. no friends
a lot of it comes from buyers remorse and cognitive dissonance. these chumps played right into the hype. they are all sheep.
>the media says this movie will break records
>zomg, i must go see it cause i don't want to be left out
>movie ends up being shit
>but i paid for it so i must defend my purchase
>i sure don't want to look like an idiot
>'endgame was the best crossover in history!'
fools. all of them.
>buyers remorse over $20
>calling people that can't handle you not liking every single thing they like your "friends"
stop hanging around weak cunts ya weak cunt
Well I liked it. But I know what I saw is no cinematic masterpiece. I just liked it.
So was hour 3. That end battle wasn't even that fucking cool
It's not like a camrip is a different film. it's the same fucking movie, except I didn't pay money to sit in a theater full of fat neckbeards
it isn't about the monetary value. people who buy something will usually defend their purchase to the death because they will refuse to admit they've been bamboozled. have you never heard of choice supportive bias?
"Choice-supportive bias or post-purchase rationalization is the tendency to retroactively ascribe positive attributes to an option one has selected and/or to demote the forgone options"
that's fine. you like what you like. but OP was talking about getting abused by coworkers because he wasn't raving about it like everyone else. i'm just trying to explain why people will do this bandwagon shit on the psychological level.
Easy there no friends, you'll make it through
Stop being a bitch and just say you didn't like it. If you don't want to talk, just say you didn't watch it. Pussy.
The only person who is fucked on a psychological level is the people complaining on here that they are the odd one out over some stupid movie that no one will care about in a week. Everyone isn't normal on some level, this week it was you over this movie, next week its bob from accounting who doesn't drink coffee or some shit. Not everyone has the same interests on every subject, get over it.
>You like what you like.
True, but maybe OP was kind of a cunt in the way he phrased his discontent towards the movie.
But yeah, it's far more likely that they were a bunch of pieces of shit who can't take other people's opinions, I think that explains better why they act like this, because our society became so immature that different opinions are just intolerable.
I admit I still loved that movie, but I can still see the flaws in it, the inconsistencies, the plotholes, the stupidities from the characters, etc.
most normalfags i know were disappointed in it. they thought infinity war was way better
He doesn't know any PG13 bedtime stories
The irony of this thread is that all these people mad over getting shit for not liking this movie are going to this thread so they can find other people like them to then talk shit about the people who gave them shit for not liking it.
The movie starts off showing that hawkeye loves his family, the only way he could have earned the soul stone was to sacrifice a member of his family.
Instead, his friend dying , whom i dont think he loves more than his son or daughter, was enough to get him the stone.
Thats bullshit.
his family is already dead, so she becomes the de facto thing he loves most now
I'm starting to think this shit will do 3b in box office.
Normalfags are too numerous.
Why is the only memorable thing Captain Marvel does in the movie deliver a line in such a way that makes her sound like she wants to fuck a teenage boy?
this desu
Who are these fuckers on here that blindly defend these entertainment corporations? Are they serious shills or are they here from other places and they think that if they defend Disney or whoever, that'll it'll somehow piss off /pol/?
>Is this the brainwashing
pretty much. the subhuman 2 digit IQ masses have been conditioned into thinking marvel movies are good
hes right, i would never censor my opinions like that around my friends. Around co-workers or people that I don't really know, sure. You never know how random people will react and its usually better to leave touchy subjects alone. But friends should be able to have sharp disagreements on movies/music/sports/etc without it being a big deal.
Why didn't they use the stones to revive Tony at the end? Captain Marvel or Banner could have used the gauntlet without dying, and they'd only have to use one stone so the blowback effect wouldn't even be nearly as severe as the snap.
it really depends on the type of friends. Some of my friends only care if you watched the movie and if you liked it or not, but then it gets more awkward if you go any more beyond that.
You have no idea how bad it is dude, people in their 30s and 40s start getting super excited whenever the topic of Marvel comes up and you've got grown ass men wearing superhero shirts and shit, one time I was dragged into this conversation and I said I didn't like superhero movies much because they have really samey plots and these "men" acted like children who were just told Santa isn't real.
Consumerism is the new religion.
Man, aren't you an Alpha prodigy? Cringe
fuck all of you low test low iq cuck porn loving reddifugees and your kosher cuck wars capeshit game of cucks unholy trifecta of soifaggotry. i hope all of you fucking faggots are gassed when the day of the rope arrives or you “transition” and do us all the favor of willingly castrating yourselves. you subhuman niggers are the final and true death of this board
Join us user......
>movie ends up being shit
But it didn't though. Some of the time travel wasn't written the best, but the movie itself was impressive.
>one time I was dragged into this conversation
>Tells everyone they hate the movie and gets shat on by everyone in the room
>comes on here to cry about not being part of the cool kids club
>I feel
Shut up woman. Make me a sandwich.
>tfw i liked seeing the fallout post-snap and the heroes getting on with their lives
It would've been kino if the whole movie was them just coping with the loss and moving on after killing Thanos, without all the time fuckery.
Having a great time at the theater doesn't equal a great movie, you might as well just watch Russo brothers taking a shit and eating it while everybody clapped and whistled and call it a great movie.
That is really strange, OP. The people I talked about it said Infinity War was a good film and Endgame was a bad movie.
But I live in a slum in a third world country, people aren't that connected to the Marvel brand (or the Star War brand) like the Americans are.
imagine being team iron man when captain america was 100 percent objectively correct
>being dishonest about your feelings to appease others
why? if an emotionally stunted manchild can't handle someone having an opinion that's different from theirs that's not your problem.
>attempting to be contrarian at work for cool points
It doesn't work here, so why would it work for there? Leave Yea Forums at home loser.
Marvel movies are visually terrible, though.