Just when the battle starts to get interesting she ruins it

>just when the battle starts to get interesting she ruins it
You're literally not allowed to have fun when she's not around

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Other urls found in this thread:


She cute.

>Flies into things till they explode
Soooo empowering, what a fantastic role she played

>she immediately loses after her only major appearance in the movie
>m-m-muh feminist propaganda
Hmm ok den

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>Hero who can fly, is immune to everything and is strong enough to blow up spaceships with lasers
Does she even have a weakness, what part of this character is supposed to be interesting? How are you supposed to maintain the illusion of stakes when she can do pretty much anything?

>hey penis parker, you got something for me *wink wink*

pretty hot tbqh

t. Brie Larson

Shu up brie

That’s every superhero you literally brainlet NPC mutt

Can't wait for Captain Marvel 2 where the final battle lasts for 5 secs

How did they shrink Thanos' ship to send through the quantum realm back in time?

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Did you miss the part where she blew up Thanos ship that was raping everyone by herself then went one on one with him WITH the Gauntlet and was close to overpowering him?

Fuck you

past nebula gave him the pym particles future nebula had

HUGE missed opportunity when they had her fighting Thanos with the glove. He should have started draining her power forcing her to retreat or weakening her enough for Thanos to smack her into Orbit without the power stone, but with the pure power of the glove. It would make her next movie all the better, having her try to deal with losing or being depowered or trying to get her powers back. FUCK I HATE HER. People in my theater cheered when Thanos smacked her away. God damn she's bad...

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Probably used those particles that shrink things to a subatomic level. Just a wild guess

They used half of the pym particle on the ship and half on grimora


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>acting like you wouldn't fuck this


Attached: Brie Mode.webm (852x480, 1.66M)

Battle could have been 30 mins longer with everybody literally pissing and shitting their pants if it wasnt for her

People in my theater cheered when he smashed her too.

brie is not cute

Is that how she lost her ass

Attached: Another thread about the same thing..jpg (410x410, 107K)


fuck off

You're right, I would fuck that better looking athletic body double.

Not the cheese toes man faced actress though.

Did she do her own stunt? XD It's obviously not her as the second it rodeo cuts to the cheer the person has a bigger waist and thicker legs. We got a real Tom Cruise over here!

Her power level just really breaks the tension of the movie. If she showed up 10 minutes earlier there'd be no need for a big battle.

i get a frickin boner looking at the pic of her in the BOOB dress you know the one lol

She is quite pretty but her smug and snarky attitude with 0 emotion is such a deal breaker. How can other women even like her?

god I wish I was spiderman in this scene
I want brie larson to statutory rape me!

my cat is cute, she is ugly shitty actress

I couldn't believe how shitty and cunty her acting was. I hadn't seen captain marvel and thought it was just a meme.

Smuggy McSmug Face

>People in my theater cheered when Thanos smacked her away. God damn she's bad...

The two girls sitting next to me cackled and yelled "dumb bitch" at that part. Not even women like her.

WHO /briegang/ HERE


>Hey Peter Parker
>Got something for me?
Literally diamonds

I don't know why Yea Forums is so mad at her. She was used sparingly in Endgame and didn't steal the spotlight. Brie Larson is objectively good looking and a decent character, but the script she has to work with as Capn Marvel is pretty tame.

>her smug and snarky attitude
that is exactly why women like her. worthless women who need to find worthlessness in another high status women to feel better about themselves. no self respecting woman like brie and her plank of wood acting

Triggered much?

A bunch of non-feats. Thor did a lot more damage to full gauntlet Thanos in the previous movie.

My problem is that they should have just saved her for after Endgame instead of shoehorning in some literal who into this generation of movies at the last minute.

LMAO Strange was just busy with the waterbending, he could have finished the ship himself

He didn't automatically know how her power worked

>Strange fights Thanos with 4 stones in the last movie
>lmao just let me waterbend this for a while

No, no, no. You don't get it. She's the Superman of the Marvel Universe, but because she's a wahman you can't complain or criticize her like you can with Superman.

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Here. We. Go.

Can't wait to shut down these stupid fucking arguments all day. Sucks having nigger friends sometimes.

Is this a copy pasta? Because if it isn't already, it is now.

It's even worse in her own movie.

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You don't even know why you hate her. You're just doing it to fit in.

Scarlet Witch was there and she still couldn't pull it off, and she's multitudes more powerful than Marvel.

That was a cheap shot though, plus that Thanos wasn't even trying to kill them he just wanted to get his snap off and go farm. Captain Meme would have ripped the gauntlet off him if he hadn't removed the power stone and falcon punched her

I felt this way about black panther but I REALLY feel this way about captain marvel. she's stupid. it's like super man in the justice league. what's the point in everyone else?

Fucking cringed when she unironically began overpowering fully gloved Thanos. Whats even the point of having other avengers now? Literally call this bitch and solve whatever.

Not a cheap shot if he's in the middle of an active battlefield. Carol tried to blitz him too and just couldn't pull it off.

I watched this shit yesterday and want to discuss it but everyone's posting about walmart lord of the rings instead

Fuck that stupid series

I want her to bully me.

>lmao just let me waterbend this for a while
Don't do me like this man I was almost interested in some mystic cool shit but he just stands there and does nothing

>Not WOMANager

Sure, but then Thor, Cap, and Iron Man all struggle against a Thanos that has no infinity gauntlet.

She was clearly overpowering him, his normal attacks didn't even hurt her, he had to use the power stone. Meanwhile he is stomping a mudhole in thor and the hulk with ease.

>Spiderman endured significantly more struggling than she did
>she treats him like a dog who needs to hand over the bone he retrieved because of GIRL POWER

Shit writing.

The avengers are there just in case the villain suddenly takes her out for the rest of the battle... you know, like how it happened in the movie.

>my capeshit is better than your capeshit

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>People in my theater cheered when Thanos smacked her away.

That's pretty funny.

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Alright lets do this

In terms of the avengers' power levels it goes like this

1. Scarlet Witch
2. Vision
3. Captain Marvel
4. Thor
5. Dr. Strange
6. Ant Man
7. Iron Man
8. Black Panther
9. Spider Man
10. Captain America
10-N. the rest
N+1. Falcon

She's literally only a plot device in this movie, just like Black Panther cast. How can you still complain is beyond me.

>Sure, but then Thor, Cap, and Iron Man all struggle against a Thanos that has no infinity gauntlet.
If you were paying attention, his double-bladed sword was fucking amazing, able to block blasts from Stormbreaker and Iron Man powered by Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. It was even able to wreck the vibranium shield with little difficulty. Wanda already took care of the blade before Carol took her shot.

Has nothing to do with that. My friends tend to get stuck on small, dumb details.

Has nothing to do with race, either, I'm just a bigot.

Sure I do. I hate the character because it's basically a carbon copy of on of the most controversial super heroes in comics. She is Marvel's clone of Superman.
You know, that character who a lot of people hate because he is beyond overpowered? You know, the only character who is able to have an interesting story when he dies? Or becomes evil?
Nearly everyone can see the core issues with Superman as a heroic archetype. Even people who like him on principle can admit that he's difficult to write.
So we take that character, slap on some boobs, and you have all of the same issues and problems, but you're now called a bigot sexist for laying the exact same criticisms on the female clone of Superman.

As for the actress, she's just a dumb cunt. If she had kept her mouth shut and took her millions, no one would care. But instead, she had to be like nearly every other annoying actor in Hollywood and give their unwanted opinions about politics and "gender issues".

How is she a plot device if she's not really integral to the plot?

someone had a robot read out a thread from 3 days ago to whine. why not include any of the replies? I was in those threads too and you're a complete dumbass.

I get that her red glowy shit is powerful but what does scarlet witch actually do?

Nigger, Peter do jackshit in Endgame. He's only there to promote his movie and act cute while he bleeds

I'm fine with an invincible hero if they're extremely likeable. The main issue with Carol Danvers is how unlikeable she is. The only way they can make her interesting is to go the comic route and give her serious emotional issues.

>hey Mr Stark I was turned to dust but then I woke up and now I'm here
wow, such an emotional scene

He beat Thor and Hulk easily in Infinity War without it though. He headbuts captain meme in the face and she no sells him.

She is integral because she saves Tony at the beginning then shows up at the end to nuke Thanos ship with zero effort

Superman has weaknesses though and his attitude is humble and to serve at the end + he knows with his great power he really shouldn't be solving all the problems. He plays his role as a Guardian not as a god

>So we take that character, slap on some boobs, and you have all of the same issues and problems
>Except shes not concerned at all about any particular race or planet
>Except shes a cunt to literally everyone all the time instead of having a messiah complex
>Except she has 0 qualms murdering everything between her and her target
If she was the superman of the Marvel universe she would be more interesting, instead its like some thot made a female OCDONUTSTEEL !superman with a fundament misunderstanding of what makes Supes a likable character to his fans

Vision never seemed that powerful in practice to me. Even though he should be a souped up Ultron with an infinity stone, he doesn't even seem strong enough to solo Tony.

wheres the ass?

I meant her power level. She's obviously no Superman in personality (neither the actress nor the fictional character).

The thing with Superman is he is an actual heroic guy at heart. He's basically Captain America but insanely strong.

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>He beat Thor and Hulk easily in Infinity War without it though.
No offense to Hulk because he was a bro in this movie, but he has like no feats in the established MCU, so this really isn't as impressive as it sounds. The most he's done is beat up a giant dog.

Vision is a weak bitch, he jobbed to a fucking goblin ayyy

nothing is perfect user. there's a short scroll through some of the replies at the end if you care to frame-skip

>Forgets the part about making the portal and the mission and how important everybody is.

Imagine not being able to understand kids movies

how is captain marvel a hero anyway? She fucked her entire species to do other stuff and only returns on occasion and still does nothing. If anything she is a villain with her inaction and causing suffering.

Her weakness is MGTOW.

>Drake looking away and looking disgusted: Captain Marvel with long hair
>Drake pointing at the camera and smiling: Captain Marvel with pixie cut

For sure. He's the archetypal Jesus figure, which is why his death is such a popular storyline of his.
I'm mostly speaking on their relevant power levels though. CM is a cocky, arrogant cunt and no one would mourn her death.

Her existing and not helping just makes the movies awkward
>there are other planets teehee
That are also effected by the snap you stupid bitch. Thanos has been the number one badguy in the galaxy since Avengers/GotG1 with galactic influence and she pretends that he wasn't on her radar.

In the comics she's simply just not as strong as heroes like Thor and Hulk, so she really isn't in need of obvious weaknesses when a lot of heavy hitters can take her out.
But she's barely even fought other super powered people in the movies, so i'ts hard to tell. She's mostly just beaten up grunts and spaceships.

Imagine Black Ants vs Red Ants. The Ants kill the red ants because they will run out of food, the red ants start building super soldiers to stop the Black ants. The power from red to black ants swings left and right. Then a kid comes and comletly wipes out the black ants for no reason like captain marvel. The red ants lose their jobs and the red ants will continue to grow and lose their foundation in society because there is nothing to question it and challenge it. Captain marvel ruined Avengers.

Dont put words in my mouth you triple nigger.

I'm not that good in terminologies, so what I meant she's only there to move things along, which is stopping enemy bombardment. I even say she's tied or just behind Scarlet Witch incase of stalling Thanos.

no thanks it's a really bad video

Four letter word, space, three letter word.

shit ass

Her weakness is oppression.

ok faggot


so ugh...whats captain marvel gonna do when all these mutants on earth start waking up? You know she could guide them or something? Why iis she policing other planets? Earth is in trouble now, people are revived, mutants are waking up, society is going to crumble.

the power scaling is all over the place, age of ultron would have us believe ultron and vision are these godly tier characters who are slightly above thor level. Then Vision is easily killed by one of Thor's henchmen, but that same henchmen lost to black widow. Then Thor is able to go toe to toe with Thanos who is stronger than the henchmen who beat vision, but in age of ultron vision was supposed to be equal to or stronger than Thor.

I don't like her much ether but I don't see how her blowing up a spaceship removes all tension from the scenario.
If the villain can still overcome her to the point where she's not involved in the climax of the final encounter, then she isn't really overpowered.
Her attitude was annoying though. She was acting like other planets were news to the heroes on earth... when she talking to Rocket of all people.

I see russians are in full force today, must be a bank holiday there

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the vocal fry is awful.

>Why iis she policing other planets?
Because she's a globalist libtard.

>blew up Thanos ship that was raping everyone by herself then went one on one with him WITH the Gauntlet and was close to overpowering him?

op mary sue bullshit desu senpai. imagine superman with no weaknesses

>that part where Captain Marvel leans in and sniffs Peter Parker

Did Raimi guest directed this?

Which is why Thanos BTFOs her with the Power Stone minutes later.

>Why iis she policing other planets?
Because Earth doesn't want her.

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>>just when the battle starts to get interesting she ruins it
no, what the fuck are you talking about? maybe you are too butthurt about muh womn ruin muh movies

Her parts were so garbage. Am I supposed to like this smug bitch or something?

Why did she not just put the gauntlet on and snap? Surely she could handle the power?

Also what was she doing the whole time heist that was so important she couldn’t show up until the end? The fate of trillions was at stake.

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>Hero who can fly, is immune to everything and is strong enough to blow up spaceships with lasers
>Does she even have a weakness, what part of this character is supposed to be interesting? How are you supposed to maintain the illusion of stakes when she can do pretty much anything?
She's the equivalent of the kid playing war who insists he has a bulletproof shield and a gun that can shoot through bulletproof shields but only when he's using it.

They cut off most of her scenes for a reason.

>was close to overpowering him
yeah, close but then she couldn´t defeat him and then Stark did it.
Maybe you watch another fucking movie or you left the cinema before the other fucking characters win over Thanos.

Then what did past nebula use to get back to future?

So captain Marvel is basically just the space stone version of Scarlett, so does that mean the space stone is stronger than the mind stone?


Why does her voice sound like that? It's way too girly and sexual, it contradicts the mood of the scene. They couldn't get a better take?

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>Surely she could handle the power?
Hulk seemed to imply power didn't matter (to Thor) and that it was all about gamma radiation resistance.
But lets be real, she probably barely understood how the gauntlet worked, she was barely around for the details of the conflict.

If she can simply fly through any space ship, armies or robots, take hits from Thanos without even blinking, what kind of threats or villains do you throw at her? Thanos had to use a freaking power stone to just push her away.

people actually pay money to sit through a badly written video game?


Is Black Panther really above Spiderman?

Was this truncated? She kicks his leg down as If to subdue him but he's standing up in the next shot like it didn't happen.

Vision did literally nothing the entire time he was alive

In civil war, something happened to Vision. He got insight to something and it made him more human - scarlet witch did something? I can't remember...

Oh you're harsh. He almost killed War Machine.

Y'all realize that Carol Danvers is an even more insufferable self righteous cunt with even more overpowered abilities in the comics, right?

you make her stories character driven, rather than power level driven. Enemies that outsmart her or work around her powers. Or just introduce other people who are as strong as her.

>unironically began overpowering fully gloved Thanos
This never happened though.

I wanna see her /ss/ Parker

At least she has that big PAWG booty in the comics

>American theater audiences
just lol

Yes, which is why I think it's brilliant casting, but her movie made it clear we're supposed to like her. Hopefully they go down the "intentionally unlikeable" route in later movies.

Right here you faggot

Why did he have to switch hands to use the stone individually?
He was using stones individually during the fight on Titan all the time despite them being in the glove.

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i surely miss the part when that`s forbidden for a character, fucking Hulk defeat one of that gigantic things on Avengers with a fucking single blow and no one cared because he´s a fucking hero, same here, i would complain if she could do that AND defeat Thanos. But not, that didn´t happened.

>that lonely clap

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t. steve from minecraft

he has to close his fist everytime to use the glove, even if it's a single stone

>she wanted mate with peter

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But everyone is proportionally overpowered in the comics, so there are other heroes and villains that make her seem small in comparison.

i want THAT captain marvel to finger me #NoHomo

tits too big

Thanos had tons of those gigantic things, she blew up his flagship without a fight. Not even close to the same thing and you know it

You'd actually need a character for that. As she is, she literally has no personality

Do any of these femheroes have personality?
Like, can you even describe them beyond "is very stronk"?

>Hulk defeat one of that gigantic things on Avengers with a fucking single blow
The chitauri whale thing? It's small enough where many of them can be stored on Thanos' ship.

Dunno about that one chief. Also she goes black with Rhodey

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You have to close the glove to use a stone's power.
CM was preventing him from closing his fist so he couldn't use the glove to harness their powers (you see Iron Man use tech and Doctor Strange use his cape to do the same in IW)
So he took out the power stone and used it to multiply the power with which he punched.

if she gave me a blowjob, would she be able to suck all the cum out of my body? would I survive?

>guys we might be able to undo the snap and revive half the universe

I honestly wish they just skipped her character entirely. Also why didn’t Strange just push the water the other way instead of making a water tornado? He would’ve been mighty useful in the fight

Also also if Giant Man crushed Cull Obsidian like a bug when Spidey/Iron man couldn’t even duo beat him, why not have him fight Thanos? Why did Cap let 9/11 happen if he was from the future and now obviously didn’t give a shit about timelines given that he married Peggy?

Then they really need to work on her character, because a lot of people don't like her smug and boring persona. Especially when they know what the actress is like. Once in a while, you want to see that even the strongest heroes can get hurt. Thanos' punches make Thor and Hulk bleed. It's easier to relate to heroes when they have flaws, limits, and and ca hurt.

>Or just introduce other people who are as strong as her.
Such as? I don't know any myself. Granted, I don't know the comics so well.

Yeah that's the thing I like the least about the MCU honestly, everyone is nerfed. I also hate that none of the characters have their OG costumes anymore

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I keep trying to post about breaking bad but the fag jannies keep deleting my threads.

>N+1. Falcon

I fucking laughed at how inaccurate this is.

>not even close
in fact really close, captain marvel is stronger, so she can blow away that ship more easily. The thing here is you people dont know about how writers do this shit, its not like the fucking ship was there really, is there BECAUSE they need to show Bire doing something, but the ship is not the main concern, not like the Helicarriers in Winter Soldier. That ship was there to show her power and thats it, like Doctor Strange fighting Thanos in IW, get over it, you people are riduculous.

Is blowing up the ship even much of a feat? Thor probably could’ve done so too. All she did was fly through metal a few times.

The insect girl has personality.

I realize she has no character, but user asked a question and I gave them an answer. You can still give her character development. Since she is so smug you could easily give her the Thor treatment and have her be little by little humbled by several major defeats.

I can dislike a character if I want, suck a dick user. I don't mind other characters with personality doing cool feats but watching some smug overpowered bitch destroy everything is lame. I don't like it. I didn't like the forced womyn power scene with her either. Almost ruined the movie for me.

She annihilated an entire fleet of war ships in her movie. It means that it doesn't matter if you send 1 war ship or 1000. She just flies through them. She can even fly through missiles and laser blasts. As far as we know, there is nothing in the universe that can hurt her.

Being a cute klutz is not a personality

Nebula and Gamora unironically have more personality than everyone except for Tony

Attached: brie.jpg (660x634, 67K)

It is a personality, whether or not you like it.

Disliking a personality =/= personality doesn't exist

The only being with significant power she's really fought directly is Thanos and she lost. For all we know Thor villains could trash her.

Being stoic is also a personality.

Yes it is. It's a simplistic archetype but it counts.

Oh. I skipped her movie and Ant man 2.

I still don’t consider surviving lasers and ramming through metal to be all that much of a feat. Has she done anything prime, pissed off Thor from Infinity war can’t?

Thanos only won because he had to use the power stone, which is now gone. And the only thing it did was to knock her out for a minute. I don't see Thor being able to do much better.

>that cheering
I thought it was a meme.

>personality is whatever my gay ass defines it
Okay then faggot say who you think has “personality” and describe how

>Thanos only won because he had to use the power stone
So what?
There are existing villains that can overpower a single stone in the MCU.

Having a super OP hero riddled with character flaws can be really interesting. She comes off as an arrogant, egotistical asshole but this is unintentional as the writers are going for Cool, Calm, Girl Boss. Since the arrogance/ego is not the intent, the flaw can't really be a foil for her. It doesn't work.

One of my favorite moments.

>knock her out for a minute.
Dude, she was fucking gone for the rest of the fight.

The rest of the fast lasts for a minute

There are many videos that are the same. People act like insane beasts. Can't even hear the music or people talking.

Post cat, faggot.

Post yfw the whole female character regroups

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A minute later Tony uses the gauntlet. The fight was pretty much over.

Okay, name them.

Name one besides Hela

Fuck off, cheesefeet

america was a mistake

I’m so glad this shit is ending. Fuck this generation’s views of “quality film and television”

You're missing someone

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Telepathy and TK via magic.

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I want to go inside.

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Nothing ever ends now.

no one in my theater clapped for a single second she was onscreen, and they were whooping and hollering like apes for about half the movie

Can someone explain what happened to spider man here
I get it, they want girls to like marvel so they do the contrived girl power scene
Where all of the sudden every female character scattered around this massive battle is in one place
Then what happens to spider man
They don't show him getting knocked out and his character wouldn't allow him to flee
So he just disappears for the all girl scene?

cheap is the wrong word, it was the middle of a battle, but you're right Thor had the advantage of surprise and it was not a legitimate 1v1 duel.

>and they were whooping and hollering like apes for about half the movie
Do Americans really do that?

That scene felt forced as fuck.
Not like she needed any help either.
She just tore through a huge warship carrying a whole army all by herself.

Not gonna incel but i felt the same way. It takes you out of the movie. Why would the women care to team up at that exact moment? It's fucking forced. Should have had a mixture of who was ready to go. Also Thor handing off the keys to the castle that one annoying bitch was god awful. I hate her acting.
And not Even hating because thanos daughters are actually great. And blue iron man was dope too

my theater was full of niggers
but there is still cheering and clapping even when they're absent

It would be extremely painful

where's hulk?

black can absorb dmg and give em back
spidey can shoot webs and dodge shit

The worst part of this idea is that she's even more of a Mary Sue than Superman could ever be, since Superman actually has weaknesses, morals, a sense of honour and his most notable comics or films challenge these aspects, whereas Captain Marvel will probably just fight some ayys in her next film and experience no character arc, moral dilemma outside of "I was the bad guy all along" tier shit and still be a complete cunt.

Yeah, I fucking cheer when they're absent, theater or no

Spidey should be like 10 times stronger than BP too though. BP is just peak human strength, spiderman is supposed to be able to lift like 10 tons.

Yes. Look up Infinity War and Endgame audience reactions. Americans are the absolutely worst. They laugh, cheer, clap, cry and shriek at fucking everything happening at the screen.

Are you saying the Captain Marvel is stoic?
Because that is factually wrong

Why do they even do this? If you're excited for a movie don't you want to stay quiet and experience every moment of in silence?

thought about this

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She's cute with the short hair but needs a Kat Dennings personality.
Now I want a Captain Marvel with a blonde haired Kat Dennings. Fuck.

Spiderman is definitely above black panther even in mcu. The most clear display of his power level is taking a direct punch from winter soldier in civil war. He stops the direct punch mid sentence and doesn't flinch. He's also probably stronger than iron man, though they'd never give that to him directly.

YouTube is flooded with reactions to this movie in other languages. I have not found one from an English language screening without subtitles. Obviously those are all being screened in places other than the US.

swedes do that too apparently .I thought americlaps was a meme for a reason

>go see the movie today
>packed theatre
>one guy starts clapping when cap gets the hammer
>nobody supports him
>he stops abruptly
>he never pulls this shit again
Feels good not being a burger

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>mfw no one made a sound for the whole movie except for one black guy said 'Oh shit!' when thor takes thanos' head off

>You know, that character who a lot of people hate because he is beyond overpowered? You know, the only character who is able to have an interesting story when he dies? Or becomes evil?
This is just because people try to put him in the wrong kinds of stories. There are certain types of narratives where Superman works just fine, and no he doesn't need to die or become evil. The problem is that those narratives tend to work better as episodic TV show type things rather than movies or comics for nerds obsessed with power levels.

Superman has a number of distinct traits you can work with apart from kryptonite. The biggest ones are the Clark Kent alter ego and his principles. You can focus on Superman understanding humanity and facing moral dilemmas. (note that dealing with the consequences of an incorrect or lose-lose moral decision does not mean making him evil although sometimes retards interpret it that way).

Obviously, this does not play with with crossover superhero shared universe bullshit.

I saw it in Sweden twice with packed theathers. Both times it was pretty quiet., Of course there is always some laughter or chuckles at the jokes. A bit of cheering and clapping when America grabbed the hammer, when he said Avengers Assemble, and when the movie ended.

When Tony was dying it was deathly silent, until someone let out a huge fart, causing a lot of people to laugh. Shitty way to ruin the sad moment.

She cute with short hair

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>He's the archetypal Jesus figure
not really

I unironically loved the scene where all female Avengers charged at once. Only the flying horse still moving it's legs while flying was dumb.

>He's the archetypal Jesus figure
Get out Snyder.

Fucking awful

I just dont get it, imagine making your first female lead just purposefully annoying, her movie is all about her acting shittily and somehow being justified, she doesn't grow or learn

>oval face with rounded jaw
Not for me desu


Thanos wasn't using any of the stones when she nearly overpowers him, she was fighting a base Thanos until he took the power stone off. Hardly Mary sue stuff.

She took a headbutt from someone strong enough to knock out Thor and Hulk and didn't even blink. Very Mary Sue stuff. Captain Marvel, Strange and Scarlet Witch are the only enemies Thanos can't fight without the stones.

Watched this in a Russian theater, nobody clapped a single time. Only kids asking "who's that" abot characters that were in the movies before they were born.

She didn't really do anything though? She destroyed the mothership, which made sense for the character, then she got wrecked by Thanos. #girlpower wasn't her fault.

I'm really happy with how Captain Marvel was handled in this movie, unobtrusive in a way that narratively made sense.

I honestly didn't mind it that much. It was forced but at least it looked cool. My only gripe really is Captain Marvel. She really should not have been in this movie.


I don't normally go to theaters to watch movies anymore, but when did it become okay to regularly talk, cheer and even get up out of your seat and dance while watching a movie? People got out of their seat like monkeys at 3 specific parts of the movie and it baffles me

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Made sense for her character to effortlessly destroy the ship cause shes too OP and ruin the fun? Yep.

Learn programming and leave India

Superman has a very humble human side, not a retardedly over-the-top cartoonish "i'm better than all of you" attitude that is so arrogant he automatically ruins the scene every time he shows up on screen.

You have to be a special kind of piece of shit to make a character that is supposed to be wise, strong, and lighthearted, into a borderline sociopath with anger issues and a bad attitude.

She unironically managed to make the character even more unlikeable than herself is in real life. That's a whole new level of douchebaggery. She's like an autistic version of kanye west.

If only her movie wasn't total garbage and did something to set her up as this Jesus figure that helps the galaxy so things she does would be earned. Her movie should've been full camp like Aquaman with a cocky chick taking ass and kicking names, then her scenes in EG may have been cooler.

The fight was about protecting the gauntlet though, not destroying the ship. It was just flashy moment. She was honestly pretty inconsequential.

Her biggest contribution in the movie was saving Tony and Nebula at the beginning.

Comparing how they handled Captain Marvel and Scarlett Witch in the MCU makes it really apparent how much they tried to pander with CM. Both characters are women with extreme powers but Wanda suffers loss, struggles to control her powers, is remorseful when her power accidentally hurts others, and feels isolated from normal people because of her ability.

Carol on the other hand acts like her power is nothing despite arguably being even more powerful than SW. She's smug and arrogant, breaks things to make a point, steals to get payback for petty insults, and is terrible at conveying empathy to anyone. It's surprising people consider her a hero and aren't afraid the sun goddess won't incinerate them for making a rude comment.

>She's like an autistic version of kanye west.
So a regular Kanye West?

This. She was giving him some serious “I’m gonna drain this kid” vibes.

He hangs out until Tony does the snap.

This was the first movie I saw where people yelled and clapped, just during the scenes you mentioned but still

This happened in Toronto. People interacting with movies on a screen like that is an american thing is it not?

Girls liked Marvel because of Chris and Chris.

I thought it was really weird how when Thanos punched her with the power stone she freeze-framed everything and asked him if that was a personal attack.

>Carol on the other hand acts like her power is nothing despite arguably being even more powerful than SW. She's smug and arrogant, breaks things to make a point, steals to get payback for petty insults, and is terrible at conveying empathy to anyone. It's surprising people consider her a hero and aren't afraid the sun goddess won't incinerate them for making a rude comment.
I mean, this is comic accurate. Danvers has been a huge douchebag for years.

SHORT HAIRED Brie is cute.

And then that scene after Tony's funeral when Pepper asked who she was and she said Tony Stark's toxic masculinity cost him his life because she would have had the gauntlet if he hadn't refused to call her earlier? It seemed excessive, political even.

Lol "Oh my god yas!" at 1:18. Thank god I don't live in the US.

Brie is ALWAYS cute

she is a pointless irrelevant insert, she does nothing that couldn’t have been resolved another way

I know, but they want her to be a leading character in the franchise, it would behoove them to make her likeable.

You're right that it was inconsequential to a certain extent but she blew the ship up so effortlessly. Imagine what the avengers would have had to do to destroy the ship without her. Literally any scenario would be better than "fly through ship". It really just takes away so much tension during the fight.

I want her to give me an angry handjob.

>She's smug and arrogant, breaks things to make a point, steals to get payback for petty insults
when did this happen? I don't remember her breaking or stealing anything

Both of those were honestly hype as fuck scenes. its understandable.

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I watched the movie in a packed theater and when everyone showed up people were clapping and screaming but when Captain Marvel showed up and blew up the ship only one guy cheered.

basically this to be quite honest with you family

Does anybody like her? I hear annoyed noises when she appeared on the screen

There were some audible chuckles when Thanos punched her in the face.

Felt completely forced, but damn it was nice to see Pepper come back and kick ass as Rescue.

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In her movie she blasts a jukebox in a diner to prove to Fury she's not a skrull, she also steals a motocycle after a douchey guy hits on her in a parking lot. Not awful stuff but do you really want someone with that much power behaving like a cocky teenager all the time? Eventually people will get hurt.

Breaks the Jukebox in the bar when she's talking to Fury
Steals the man's motorcycle after he asks her to smile.

Is this a personal attack?

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The Rescue armor was absolute kino

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I mean, the whole plot of Ant-Man was him stealing shit from different rich people. Captain Marvel is pretty much par for the course.

I watched it but I didn't pay a single shekel


>Breaks the Jukebox in the bar when she's talking to Fury
Shitty, I'll give you that.

>Steals the man's motorcycle after he asks her to smile.
Captain America stole a person's truck for no actual reason.

Ant man was at least funny and likeable while doing it and he always had a character outside of being just another superhero

At least the post-credits scene where she gave Peter Parker head to cheer him up and said she admires his spunk was funny, I didn't think the MPAA would let you show a woman gargling jism in PG-13.

what are they even shooting at? Are you telling me the enemies are lined up so perfectly they can just fire superlasers in a fluid motion and kill enemies?

Comic Danvers is hated, too. MCU was a chance for them to reboot the character as someone likable.

you're a big guy

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>Ant man was at least funny and likeable while doing it
This is your subjective opinion. I found CM to be just as likeable as any other MCU hero.

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Agreed. Too bad Paltrow said she is done with MCU.

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Scott is well established to not be the most law abiding hero, he has a history as a cat burglar after all. Pre meditated heists are different than stealing something on impluse because someone angered you though

Didn't you see the size of Thanos' army? There were enemies fucking everywhere, both on land and in the air.

Yes, but they must take care to not hit any friends. How do they do that exactly? Do they have eyes on both opposing sides of their body?

Like another user mentioned, Captain America did the same thing in Winter Solder when he and Black Widow were going to the base in NJ. Carol needed a ride.
Also how is a crime somehow morally better because it's premeditated? Scott didn't do it out of necessity like the Captains did.


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>Go ahead and jerk that little baby dick you piece of trash, show your goddess how badly you want me

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>Captain America steals a truck because they're on the run and trying to take down Hydra. He's probably intending to return it too (since he asks Black Widow to keep her feet off the dashboard)
>Captain Marvel steals a motorcycle because she wanted to go to a bar she saw in her memories and the owner asked her to smile for once. She obviously has no intention of returning it.

>that downward angle on Brie looking up at Thanos

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The suit AI helps a lot.

I did think it was lame he was on water bending duty rather than doing more in the fight

O-oh my fuck user please.

More like "Captain Marvel steals a motorcycle because she's on a mission to take down the Skrulls and knows her memories are related to what the Skrulls are looking for."
That's just wild speculation as to whether Steve or Carol intended to return the vehicles.

control yourself man

>water bending duty
He went full Moses there

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Dude please that sentence alone got me so fucking horny like holy shit.

>whether Steve or Carol intended to return the vehicles.
Everyone has insurance anyway, why bother

Burgerclap here. Nobody made a sound except for a fat nigress who repeated oh shit oh jeezus for the whole movie and started crying when the blacks came through the portal

I want to facefuck her


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>spider man comes back
>literally entire theater erupts in applause
>captain lesbian smashes through the giant alien ship for her entrance
>dead fucking silence

It was great

>thanos knocks her out 10 seconds later

Her CG is so fucking bad. It's terribly distracting every time she's on screen.

>fat nigress who repeated oh shit oh jeezus for the whole movie
Reminded me of this, I kekd

Thor literally took the force of a STAR to the face in the last movie.

CA was on the run, he didn't have time to waste. CM wasn't in such a rush that she couldn't just call a taxi to go to a pub instead of stealing someone's personal property.

>Where did Captain America learn to steal a car?
>Nazi Germany, and we're borrowing, keep your feet off the dash
I think that's pretty clear

You guys should look into baka (small penis humiliation) joi and also findom joi

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link to full movie please

Why didnt Tony put gundam funnels on his suit like he did his wife's?

user please I need more dominant Carol in my life this second.

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Worth it to see Pepper fight alongside Tony back to back

Normally I resent the whole "turn your brain off" thing, but c'mon now. If a spinning or back-to-back attack is passable in a fantasy, historical, or martial arts film, it should be passable here.

“S M H”*

You want to watch a shaky 240p cam version with the audience cheering and clapping at everything? Wait for DVD/Blue Ray.

not a comic guy. Is the snap actually nessary or would making a fist allow you to reset the universe?

>link to full movie please
Sure. Here ya go. youtu.be/DrbFLJHeX8w

Yeah she’s a living Mcguffin, who needs to have dramatic tension and see our hero’s rise on their own when she can just come in and dominate the big bad from the start. She has no charm or humility, it’s like her character is just how she thinks someone with the biggest dick in the room would act and had nothing beyond that. Also she had no chemistry with anyone

this pretty much sums up the whole thing

Female remake when

>Awwww look at that pathetic look on your face, you are so disgusting you look like a pig in heat. You are about to cum already aren’t you little sissy? Well I guess I can help you count it down 10....9...8...7 don’t cum too fast now you have to wait until I say you can!


An actual link to the full movie, that’s where I’m getting these screen grabs

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her weakness is not being able to vote

>no She-Hulk

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user holy fucking shit please.

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I'm saving up all my cum for you, Captain! I have the spermy storage anytime you need it my love! I love you