I genuinely can't wait for this fat fuck to bite the dust...

I genuinely can't wait for this fat fuck to bite the dust. I eagerly await the day when his cholesterol clogged coronaries are completely occluded and his fat-filled heart is starved of oxygen. I will relish the moment as the pain tightens around his chest like a vice and he falls to his swollen knees in agony. I will probably be giddy with glee the moment he takes his last breath, alone and in excruciating pain, knowing his life's work will go unfinished. The only thing that will give me more joy is knowing that millions of his asinine fans will never receive the closure of knowing the book ending and will have to live with the show ending. Rest in piss faggot.

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tell it to these incels senpai

has he done a damage to art comparable to what spielberg did in the 70s/80s?

He needs to save his series that hopefully are nothing like the bullshit HBO has been putting out, fucking spoon feeding us normie fan service the last two seasons. I just want to forget the last two seasons ever existed.

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Also this is what happens when the fan base becomes exponentially female. I'm just so tired of all the grrl power shit in television and film. GOT was supposed go against that grain and now its spearheading this shit.

Someone post the video with the mega-fan recounting how his meeting with Martin was a bitter disappointment because the fat fuck only talked about football and salad dressing while avoiding all his questions.

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hey retard, GRRM is a bigger feminist than the two kikes combined

based George!

Both the books are done already. He's just not releasing them until after the show ends. WoW will literally release in November. Screen shot this
ADOS will release in Spring of 2020. It's all very planned to make money.

It's not nice to wish death on somebody. But I do hope all the major plot points are exactly like the show to piss bookfags off. Maybe add a couple more chapters of Tyrion asking where whores go, or Brienne travelling the entirety of Westeros as every single literally who character she meets delivers a variation of the Broken Man speech

half right, GRRM was tricked with a "no spoilers" clause and the books constitute spoilers

We all know that's not true.

There was a six year gap between affc and adwd. The gaps will only get longer and George isn't getting any younger.

George is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers. He made D&D show their entire asses and will cash out even harder when he releases the next 2 books. Nerds are pissed and he knew they would be. Calculated fat fuck

why are you toying with me like this

He has disrespected the fantasy genre so much. First he deconstructs it, trying to prove how much smarter he is than the average writer. Then he doesn't bother to finish his story. He might as well just piss on Tolkiens grave.

The more she drank the more she shat

>when he dies, GRRM's estate will be instructed to destroy his notes so Winds and Dream can never be finished
How mad will you be?

why do you hate him so much OP? maybe your obsession with the television show is your own fault

No this nigga is eating the chess board more like it. Fat fuck.

Her cunt became the world

He looks like the typical new york kosher commie


She let herself imagine her fingers were bore's tusks, ripping the Myrish woman apart

I hope not, I want to see if myrish swamp survives.

Typical kike. He treats his work as a product.
No love or actual passion to the craft.
Which is why now that he's made it he literally doesn't care anymore.

>likes Richard K. Morgan

Yeah that sounds about right. People who read his books tend to be creepy guys with manboobs.

why do I have a feeling there will be two idiots named Davyd and Danyl working for one of the theater companies in Braavos?

>will never receive the closure of knowing the book ending and will have to live with the show ending.
Implying they will be very different

We might get wow in 2021 and that will be it

He doesn't even think about you

>there are genuine d&d fanboys on this board
you guys make Yea Forums look alright

>How’s the book coming along George?
>George takes a deep inward gasp, his throat closing upon itself, briefly choking him
>His coughing fit lasts three minutes, farting wildly the whole time
>Finally he opens his mouth and beckons his publisher over with a finger that resembles a ham’s fist
>He grabs the publishers tie, pulls the young man close and whispers
>”The more she drank the more she shat”

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acquire coitus

look at me I'm replying to everyone!

Retard. Him dying is the only way we're actually going to get the books

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