So, what was he training Bran for exactly?

So, what was he training Bran for exactly?

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To watch Sansa getting raped

He trained him wrong as a joke.

To do nothing and let events unfold as they were meant to

Attached: you were so beautiful.jpg (451x447, 31K)

Hands-free masturbation

teaching him everything he knew - NK basically did the same thing to him that he was trying do to Bran

He and the other white walkers (not the wights) walked up to the 3ER, suspenseful pause, stabbed 3ER

he was about to do the same thing, verbatum, to Bran. then arya appeared

>have unlimited bandwidth to the entire westernet
>access to all knowledge and events that ever happened
>just watch people fucking 24/7

We're not so different.

Knowing the unique pleasure of watching the rape shansha

How to defeat Pazuzu.

unlimited rape watching

Attached: the rape sansa.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

To sit and occasionally provide plot relief

How to watch his sister get plowed? Yeah I dunno. But no training ever happened In the first place. Bran went into a trance, and conveniently came out of it knowing everything. A better question is, what's the point of the weirwoods? It was implied that Max von Sydow needed to be physically connected to them to use his psychic powers, to the point that he's become part of the tree itself. But Bran doesn't need to, somehow.

Nice, someone turned my shitpost into a webm I've fulfilled my destiny

To tell Bran about a part of the population that commits 50% of violent crimes

>the rape was beautiful
>Jon you are fucking your aunt

I don't remember any other plot point revealed by this little shit except

>durr the walking dead are evil they want to kill all the living

Well no shit everyone had figured that out already

Bran's wheelchair is made of weirwood

The old man was training Bran to sit by a tree and wait. The old man was an expert at that.

Now you too can die in peace

To fill up screen time because of budget constraints.

>3ER is “the world’s memory”
>but previous 3ER just sat in a hole doing nothing but watch old reruns and wait for Bran to show up
>Bran’s only role of consequence is as bait, and to tell Jon about his parentage, something that seems insignificant compared to a threat like the NK
What’s the point of being the world’s memory if you don’t tell anybody anything?

>it's time for you to become meme

he literally said it, and i came true.

What would have happened if a random wight killed Bran?
Would that have ruined the night king's plans?
If the night king's plan was to kill Bran himself, why were Theon and the others even guarding him? They could have just hid in the tree and snuck up on the night king.

I don't understand anything.

>I don't understand anything.
you don't need to, because there is nothing to understand

he could've just burned the garden area with his dragon, Bran was unprotected as fuck in there.

Attached: 801_Winterfell_Overview.png (1920x1079, 2.08M)

yeah if that's all he's ever done then what else could he teach Bran besides being a boring tree sitter. he was just some dumb old tree cuck and the kids were too low IQ to realize that.