Not one single main or even minor character died. Even the ones that were standing on the front line when they got completely swamped. Thats what this show used to be about. This is fucking ridiculous, they're just completely pandering to the most pathetic fans.
>or even minor character died
But like 4 of them did.
and Lord Commander Edd
i think the main character immortality is mostly due to the story/realism trade off. it would be the most realistic and likely scenerio if a bunch of these main characters died but then their plotlines and archs just sort of stop and it feels anticlimactic. It worked a lot more in the early/middle seasons because we knew there was a ton more to come so the surprise deaths of main characters shook up the story and the world. but now the deaths of the characters don't shake up the world anymore because we are too close to the end for it to be that different from what we expect.
They didn't even have the balls to kill Jorah in the initial retarded charge to at least make things serious. One of the worst falls from grace I've ever seen, almost everything was wrong in this episode.
literal whos
I'm sick of her pass, she seems to constantly get swamped by the creatures and somehow doesn't get hurt once, every scene of hers is AUUUUGGGHHHHHHH
Brienne should have died when she first got swarmed. Greyworm should have died trying to light the trench on fire. Tormund, Podd and Gendry should have died on the walls. None of these characters had anything to do in the battle and have no arcs left. At least get some emotion from the audience when they die.
So Azor Jaime lived? Based, even though there is no Azor in the TV show. Still.
>"It's a victory for the living but at a great cost because some of our favourite characters fall along the way."
>Edd is a token death
>Beric, whilst his sacrifice was kinda cool it went on longer than it should'v, and led to that shitty ending
>Lyanna's death was more funny than anything else
>Theon was virtually setup and killed by Bran
>Jorah's death was actually decent
>Mellisandra was pointless
>Grey Worm and that one black bitch he's in love with are still alive
Yeah this would have made the anime ending a lot more satisfying. Goes through a string of losses and get a satisfying revenge payoff
characters not dying is the new meta cause now everyone expects characters to die, like get with the times gramps lmao
Wait a minute. Waif a fucking single minute. IS GHOST DEAD?
How the fuck did Sanza and Daenrys survive. They dont even know how to fight!
When did this show become such a Happy tale. More main characters were killed in the red wedding!
Theon and Jorah are the only even remotely central characters, and they're not even really part of the core cast. Jon should have died.
First it was capeshit. Then starshit. Now we have throneshit. Take a popular IP, put a faux-high stakes conflict around some familiar characters and drop a couple ounces of humor. Have maybe 1 or 2 character deaths of secondary characters, but your main characters continue to defy the odds and live erry time. Print money. On to the next.
he was a good man
Hold on, who else...
Little lyanna
Red Witch
Lord commander
anyone else?
>Grey Worm and that one black bitch he's in love with are still alive
Im wondering that too. This guy arc was complete, he was in the front line and with a huge death flag on his shoulders.
The only reason I can imagine is that SJW would go berserk if the only black person in the cast didnt get a happy ending
It would have been so great if every woman got slaughters, and also that fat kid.
Instead only a few men got killed, in spite of all the ones standing on the very fucking front line against 20:1 numbers.
Like anyone gives two shits about any of those, where's the fucking meat?
None were important at this moment in the story. They brought some props back from the early seasons just to knock them down. They tried to redo the Hodor climax with Beric and it utterly failed. Another utter failure is Daenerys’ emotional reaction to Jorah when she always treated him like shit, used him and hated him.
Every main character of importance is assembled side by side on the frontlines for fan service and they all live.
imaging being so emotionally stunned
How did John survive. He was injured and completely 360degree surrounded by two ranks of enemies. And he got out completely unscathed. You;re telling me he wiped out 30 guys instantly
we lost the last qt
he spun in a circle while holding his sword out
Theon died many years ago
How many times was somebody saved by a friend at the last moment.
I counted at least 6. Once is cliche and terrible, but 6 fucking times
Why werent the saviors being completely outrun like everybody else
The guy survived an airborn battle with a dragon while being tossed around in the air and thrown flames at. Its a wonder he made it to the first half hour.
I always looked past plot armor in this show prior to this, but it just made no fucking sense anyone survived this episode beyond those. Are we really supposed to believe the characters in the courtyard managed to fend off thousands of wights attacking them at once? And we assume that the characters that couldn't defend themselves, like Melisandre and Davos, were just hanging out in some quiet room despite the fact that Winterfell was completely overrun and outnumbered?
The scale of the survivors in itself is bizarre. If the next episode preview is any indication, Dany and Jon still have an army. How? The only people still standing look to be the main characters + a handful of civilians in the crypts.
no, he's visible in a shot in the preview
They really went completely overboard on Maisie's skill - she is basically a one man army now,.
This for me was the biggest disappointment of the entire episode. I can deal with Arya killing the NK if significant deaths had taken place beforehand. The whole thing just felt emotionless when it became apparent that nobody important was going to die. They'd set it up perfectly for tyrion and sansa to kill themselves, and for brienne and jaime to die together. Seems they lost their nerve.
There was a brief moment where I thought they were killing EVERYBODY on the wall or in the courtyard and I got a bit of a chill, but then I realized that the only real deaths were the ones with lots of gratuitous, on-screen stabbing. Never mind that Sam should have been killed several times over, along with Brienne and Jaime.
If you didnt say that was Brienne i would never Guess, fucking lighting and editing
Night King
True. Also, can anyone fucking explain to me how is this fat bastard not dead? He spent the whole episode not hiding, but in the battlefield where everyone was dying around him, and not even one White decided to take this wide fat target out of his misery in the battlefield.
By the end he was just curled up on the ground and crying, surrounded by white walkers, and not every single one of them though “ oh look, there is this fat sad man here, lets pork him with a sword or sth, we are killing everyone here anyways”
yeah it was bullshit. literally everyone gets run over by the dead but somehow the ''heroes'' hold off the fucking horde by themselves, the same fucking horde that was so large the dead managed to climb over the walls of Winterfell by piling onto each other. It's fucking stupid, I wonder how they'll die in a believable way after the writers made them hold off an endless horde of zombies. Dany has a staredown with the NK with no repercussions, then proceeds to get swarmed fighting with Jorah and she survives again even tho she never held a sword in her life. I thought GOT liked to emphasize that mistakes and bad decisions often lead to death, Edd chose honor and lost hid head, Tywin fucked the wrong whore and got killed for it, Khal Drogo died because of an infection, Stannis faced a stronger enemy and lost, theese fucking cunts fight against an endless army of unkillabe zombies and survive even when their entire army falls. this show is bullshit without Martin's guidance
>people whose arcs are done should be killed right away, it’s not realistic for them to survive or start a new arc
You’re as bad as the stans who don’t want anyone to die ever
it was supposed to be a high stakes episode and ended up being not at all
>the strong “no bulshit” woman knight character gets gangraped by a bunch of enemy soldiers
Thats my fetish
>before episode
>"oh man like at least half the people in the fireplace room are totally gonna die"
>after episode
>"darn Jorah died, who the fuck are the rest of these people though? why is this little girl yelling orders? who was that random infantry man that died in front of sam?"
Use of cavalry pissed me off. what a waste.
Literal participation trophy
They were gonna pick dudes off but the Wights formed a meter high "death wall" and overwhelmed them. You can't fight that on horseback, you get tripped up.
>>Mellisandra was pointless
Wait she died ? I didnt even notice, stupid dark cinematography
>Couldn't defend himself
u wut m8
It was at the end when she walked out and died of the old.
That was such a stupid death, she accomplished nothing exceptional in the context of the narrative, anyone could have easily killed the giat with a dragon glass spear, maybe if she had made a sacrifice to save Jon or something like that.
Theon and Jorah should have died WAY back, don't even know why they were alive for so long.
I have a feeling that Pod's dead, but it's unconfirmed.
What level of autism is this?
>no one died
Back to the asylum, faggot
He did a death blossom
This is some uncanny valley shit
So 2 literal whos and 2 supporting characters who were overdue to die anyways
Fat Gilly made it. There is no excusing that.
>Sam was just sitting on a pile of bodies like he was playing a video game
Theyre just doing this intentionally at this point right? And not taking the show serious anymore?
fat sam made it and edd didn't because of him. There's no excusing THAT
Smiles Yea Forums failed to protect
What was the actual point of the undead, feels like they were just filler.
clearly you're not a bookfag
Where are her eyebrows?
The entire battle itself was pretty ridiculous. Dothraki died in a minute, the unsullied literally stood there without doing anything. They put their catapults on the front line and shot out 5 fireballs before getting mobbed. Arya is playing a metal gear sneaking mission in the middle of it despite thousands of zombies pouring into the city. No real strategy. The main characters are the only ones left standing... could've put the effort into making soldiers fight along side them. I can only imagine they got all the soldier extras to switch to be zombie extras. I feel asleep before the show ended.
She's a mary sue
Killing off MCs isn't a problem when you work the death into a character arc. Villains like Joffrey and Tywin dying at the heights of their worldly power (because the steps they took to get it made everyone hate them) showed how their actions led to their downfall. Ned's death had meaning. So did Robert's, Robb's, Cat's, so did Old Mormont's, and so did Drogo's. It's when they started sacrificing narrative for cheap shock that it all fell downhill.
>Not one single main or even minor character died.
They need them for the spin-off shows.
>she always treated him like shit, used him and hated him.
She was angry with him like three times in the whole show up until she found out about him spying for Robert earlier. He was probably the person who was closest to her out of everyone left alive. Wtf are you even talking about? She can be a cunt but she's been far shittier to Jon and Tyrion than she ever was to Jorah.
isn't she 16?
It's more than 6. Happened to Sam three times. Dany twice. Jon twice. The Hound. Beric. Jorah. Bran, and literally the whole world. And what makes it all worse is the context of the show. This is a story where that's never supposed to happen. Absolutely terrible storytelling. It's like a joke without a punchline.
they're already set on prequels
If you didnt pour one out for Ser Jorah The Andol, youre a faggot
Imagine if Arya jumped at the NK and he casually catched her and broke her neck then proceeded to kill Bran. Now that would've been kino.
>Stop complaining neckbeards.
Nothing felt more anticlimactic than what they fillmed. The first scene of the first episode set up this conflict. And they ended it with a pump fake rebound for 2.
After all the dothraki died everyone outside the walls should have too. Jamie, Brianne, Tormund, Jorah. All of them should have died right out there. I'd even be fine with Arya killing the knight king like that if that's out the battle outside their walls went.
How it should've gone:
Arya disguised herself as a wight
Tries to stabby
NK grabs her
Breaks her neck
Kills bran.
Everyone has to flee and regroup anew against the nightking
Also, the fuck was bran doing? I was anticipating sone cool warg action any second, but he just entered spectator mode and did NOTHING??
How sad and terrible a world do we live in that not only has this man never seen beauty, he doesn't even know what it means?
Everyone should have died except Jon who escapes on his dragon.
This should have been a fucking massacre.
Agreed. If it had felt desperate instead of convenient, I wouldn't be so disappointed.
Gilly i think
No one said who it was brainlet.
What is dead cannot die.
She died in the daylight you absolute fucking retard
>beautiful fucking piece
Bran was getting Aeyrs to yell "burn them all"
based dnj poster
What was the point of the crypts zombies scenes? No named character died down there.
Watching the interview thing at the end and they talk about how they tried to distract us and surprise us with Arya killing him...
>gets told she kills someone with blue eyes
>runs out into battle
>isn’t shown once during that lead up sequence
... yeah, I totally didn’t expect that
Emilia took them.
I expected everyone to die then Bran opens his eyes and we're in the morning of the day before. And he says "we shall do it the other way" and titles roll.
Melisandre's death makes sense since the NK is dead. It's only because NK's death is unsatisfying that makes her feel that way as well.
read the bible u retarted bich
Was she albino?
i think i saw him in the trailer, tho it's dif to make out
>he didn't get to slay the night king
>ywn climb on top and inseminate big brienne
>you got one arm
>get called kingslayer everywhere you go
why live
i missed this meme, this isn't real is it?
It's satire, in here somewhere
thanks bud
How and why did the red witch even die?
Can't see shit
he's literally getting set up to kill his sister.
unless arya kills her too
epic retarded cape shit writing
15/10 would shart again
strong independent womans don't die so easy
Honestly they could all just sit in Winterfell, drink hot cocoa while Arya solos Cersei.
What makes you think that? the red priestess literally says Arya is Azor, she ended the long night, people were brought back to life to help her complete her goal.
why are people so confused?
He was warging the ravens to get a better view of all those people desperately fighting and dying. It was beautiful.
I'm shocked greyworm is still alive I thought he was going to sacrifice himself
I want to fuck her until she calls me her Night King
During the episode all of the shitshow goes down.
Compare that to EIGHT FUCKING SEASONS of groundwork laid out.
Someone is got to tell Dany that now she has no army left and Cersei's plan worked flawlessly.
they didn't have the time or money for a good night king death ontop of that huge battle, and they didn't care, they knew you'd watch and continue to watch regardless of outcome.
i'm pretty sure cersei's gonna be like "yeah fuck all these main characters and their no-army having bitch-asses" and jamie's going to protest since they just saved humanity and all that and then stab her
To attempt a defense of this shitty show: Apparently, unless the wight is carrying a weapon or is freshly-made, it's not all that threatening. The most dangerous part was apparently right after the resurrection, which was minutes before The Hero We Deserve killed the Night King. Most of the Army of the Dead were just desiccated skellies that can rush you, then bite and scratch you, and are certainly terrifying, but probably could be held off for quite some time, unless they were armed - and most weren't at Winterfell until the res.
All I wanted was a proper duel with no jump cuts.
Most of the fighting in this episode consisted of fucking jump cuts and it was grating.
>Character called Tormund GIANTSBANE
>Told a story the night before about how he killed a giant and fucked it's wife or some shit
>Even if the story wasn't true, this was his chance to give tangible truth to his name
>Doesn't kill the giant
>Little girl who was originally a throwaway character
>Fans liked her so much they brought her back
>Gets smacked by a giant that ripped through a stone wall like paper
>Turns out she didn't actually die
>Kills the giant
Forget Arya killing the NK. This was much worse.
I thought Jon was suppose to be shit at commanding and doing military strategy and great at 1 v 1 while rob was the one who is the opposite.
Weird how even though technically several important characters died, it lacked any "oomph".
Jorah, Beric and Theon's deaths were already fairly predictable and the rest were barely relevant. Feels like they should've had several bigger characters die almost straight out of the gate to set the tone, rather than pull their punches for most of the episode. Almost got kinda boring when they just keep slashing away and somehow keep surviving because the plot armor demands it.
Reminder that this place was supposedly built with the same magic as the wall
But he is a terrible commander though.
In both this and battle of the bastards he manages to instantly put himself completely out of commission for almost the entire battle, ultimately accomplishing nothing as he's in no position to give orders or control anything.
Are we supposed to like Sam? hes a useless fighter and an actually competent man got killed baby sitting him. I hate this trope. Guy falls over, guy 2 runs over and helps him up, then guy 2 gets stabbed/shot in back.
they may as well be burning the asoiaf books at this point
That's what I'm saying, Jon is bad at being a commander and bad at war fare in general. Is being bad enough to justify all the shoddy defenses like full on calvary charge and putting your seige weapons in front of infantry?
But there were plenty of characters who could have died fittingly in this episode yet didnt.
He wasn't the only one making battle plans.
fuck all of you low test low iq cuck porn loving reddifugees and your kosher cuck wars capeshit game of cucks unholy trifecta of soifaggotry. i hope all of you fucking faggots are gassed when the day of the rope arrives or you “transition” and do us all the favor of willingly castrating yourselves. you subhuman niggers are the final and true death of this board
somebody hates women lul
>forgetting Edd
>what is not valuing someone until they die
Sam the fat fuck killed edd
What is this picture?
She's 16. WHy the fuck does every brit looks underaged?
A lot of things, name one and it's yours
It's the same fucking ending.
I don't remember anyone at the table discussion being well versed in military strategy except for maybe jamie. Tyrion and sansa are more apt at doing political shit, bran is autistic, Daenerys just uses her dragons to bully shitters so she knows nothing. Jorra is too busy being a cuck in front of her. But then again jamie became too reserved.
>Lord commander
well, at least they won't need a new one.
And all the Whites just waltz through it, break down walls arent kept out by said magic. D&D are hacks
Probably bait, but
>Needs Merry's help to shank the witch king, would've been fucked otherwise
>Doesn't fucking teleport out of nowhere to deliver the killing blow
Cuck armor.
Major character =someone the normies watching this show knows the name of.
Normies don't even remember Theon's name.
This is like if Thor killed Thanos died in Infinity War, and people said "well we lost major characters like Loki, Heimdall, Gamorra and Vision!"
this fucking battle.
>starting the defence of a castle with a frontal charge of the cavalerie
>not spamming the ww with firebombs from behind the wall
>not spamming the ww with burning arrows after they've been stopped by the burning trenches
>not making two trenches to buy some time
>not using burning tar to defend the walls
it's like no one even bothered to open a book about castle defense tactics.
btw, i think they killed ghost.
Is Ghost alive? He was charging with retarded horse meme men
Jaime led the successful efforts against House Tyrell. He became "very wise" and should have leveraged that experience.
As I understand it the last two seasons are nothing but fanfiction anyway.
Once the Night King was defeated and all the Wights were no longer under his control, Ghost returned back within the walls of Winterfell to group with the remaining survivors of the battle. says the wiki
Fuck I wanted that
Can someone please post the arya teleports behind you night king version?
What the fuck, now way. That critter is no older than 12. I refuse to believe otherwise.
>people unironically still watch medieval capeshit
This is my problem. You're labeled as a neckbeard, dudebro or hater, if you don't think something was a masterpiece. Then, a year later all these same people are the ones making articles like, "Was GOT really all that good after season 4"
He was protected by the layers of fat, the blades could not hit his organs.
Exactly what I was thinking
This guy is a fucking Roblox player.
Fuck you made me laugh
Has anyone made an edit with NK yet?
I've wondered what it is about this girl ever since her first scene - for some reason, her face just seems off to me. I just now realized what it is - she doesn't look like a real person. She looks like a painting of a person, that has somehow come to life
yes they have, no one will fucking post it though.
The ep was shit but you're wrong.
The zombies climb over it, the wall is broken by the ice dragon, same way they destroyed the great wall
>characters that should have died but didn't
Grey Worm
Varys(or just anyone in the crypts at least)
Offing themselves when things looked hopeless, but the good guys manage to win in the end.
Would it have redeemed the episode?
I genuinely thought they were going to kill eachother right then and there and yes that might have somewhat redeemed the episode.
kill themselves*
I want this show to have the most dry, downer ending possible. I hope that everyone dies a horrible, pointless death, with full knowledge that their hopes and dreams are gonna stay unfulfilled.
This guy has it: The plan was for the dragonriders to wait until the NK revealed himself, instead Dany goes "the dead are here, jon" and the dragons go fully leeroy jenkins which costs Jon his dragon and therefore ability to quickly make it to the godswood, which his entire plan hinged upon. So you can blame Dany for that mixup.
As for the battle plan, they were actually supposed to lose in order to lure the NK out, which they did. Everything went according to plan. Actually setting up a functioning defense would defeat the point, like when Edmure stopped Tywinn from crossing over to be ambushed by Robb.
how you write this season
>lose the battle of winterfell
>bran may or may not die
>all major characters and the tiniest force escape to the eyrie
>regroup and form special commando squad to kidnap cersei and put her on trial to all the lords of the seven kingdoms
>use various characters skills to do mission (davos and gendry knowledge to sneak into city, tyrion knowledge to sneak into red keep, arya to take quburns face and get mountain away from her)
>dany wants to just kill cersei but jon says she should have a trial or else should they really be allowed to rule?
>other kingdom leaders are hesitant to fall in line but using relations and past they join together.
>cersei demands trial by combat and the other kingdom leaders say it has to be accepted to make the usurpation proper and right by the gods
>C L E G A N E B O W L
>tough fight, mountain dies but clegane injured badly
>clegane burns the mountain
>arrange public excution
>jaime visits her, cersei tries to manipulate him into letting her go, he almost falls for it and realizes who she actually is
>kills her in the cell while hyper emotional, breanne catches him
>unite the other realms under a united banner and army lead by all the main characters to defend kings landing in the final battle
can easily write in some major plot reasons why the NK would ride south to focus on KL and everyone. Same for writing in major character deaths etc
>after the battle the red keep is destroyed, throne melted, dany dead and jon left with the survivors to rebuild the seven kingdoms
then you either have
>king jon and his council
>proto democracy/council of elders of all the wise characters
basic as fuck but better than this cluster fuck and it all fits and is a reasonable plot progression but DnD are fucking retarded and none of this will happen without being so badly written because nowhere else in the show exists other than kings landing and winterfell
Littlefinger needs to be a blue-eyed corpse
They were never in any real danger in the crypts, except maybe from zombie Rickon, who was never seen, but even that's debatable. Wights aren't all that threatening unless they're armed and can stabby stab stab you to death. They rush you en masse and bite/claw you to death. Everyone entombed in the crypts was a dried-up old skelly or dismembered, except for Rickon
That pic, she did look like a young angelina jolie, she must think that jolie was fifty her whole life.
So, you're saying the NK was a chilly dawg without a strategic thought in his head...?
I don't remember raising this
looks like gendry by arya there
I dunno which show dropped the ball harder GoT or spongebob post season 3.
This. I've been disappointed enough and I just want all of the main characters to die for the normies who watch like it's a sport's game.
While it looked retarded in the movies, it wasn't that bad in the books.
Merry's sword being a weapon specifically against the Nazgul was established back in book 1 by Tom Bombadil iirc. and the prophecy wasn't about muh strong female characters.
but if their favorite characters die, that would upset them. you don't want to upset the fans, do you? game of thrones isn't about a complex narrative in which no one is safe, it's about my dragon girls slaaaaaaayiiiiiiiiing
It's very unsettling
D&D deserve death
Character deaths can be difficult to make satisfying. The key is having a character's death be significant. Whether it gives meaning to the character dying, or meaning to those the death affects, or significantly change the plot, the most satisfying deaths will do all (Tywin). You don't need to create these thematically rich deaths for any randy (Lyanna Mormont), but if you are going to make the audience follow a character for seven seasons (Jorah, Theon), you better have something good planned. Theon was, for all intents and purposes, already redeemed. Him saving his sister and making the choice to defend Winterfell is more than enough redemption, the death was gratuitous and pointless. We learned nothing about Theon from his death, no character will be affected by his death, the course of the story will not be altered by his death. It's the same for Jorah. His death didn't matter to his character, his death didn't matter to any other characters, and his death didn't matter to the plot. They were completely unsatisfying.
Even fucking Ghost survived despite being thrown against the horde in the beginning
nah you see her at the end once the wights crumble to dust along with little sam. I thought she died too but I guess it was some other fat chick
DESU they should have went with the book Night's King, he actually had an interesting backstory compared with the show Night King.
I'm not convinced that Jorah is actually dead. Also it seems like no one cares that he died even though he was a comparatively major character relative to Theon.
user please
it's the trigger that makes her burn KL to the ground out of vengeance/spite, becoming the next mad queen in the process
jorah's death, dany - it was beautiful
It should have been The Hound facing the dragon, and Theon dueling the NK and getting mortally stabbed as he did, then have Jon 1v1 the NK in sweet swordplay, get disarmed and thrown down. Have a dying Theon crawl to Longclaw and throw it just as the NK goes to stab Jon (who's on the ground). Longclaw in hand, NK's stab is parried, gets stabbed instead. Both Theon and Jon's arcs are now fulfilled
So only Theon? No one knows who the rest even are.
Theon and Jorah were the closest things to main characters and they should have died a season ago or more, they have had no purpose to the plot for a while now besides a few throw away acts any character could have filled
Explain this leap.
And the people who call it a masterpiece can't name more than 5 characters on the show.
>The only reason I can imagine is that SJW would go berserk if the only black person in the cast didn't get a happy ending
Not at all you projecting that. They killed off a little girl. come one, user...
what if this is all explained in the next episode. i am sure people will be asking Arya how she killed the Nightking or something like that
Why did House Arryn not turn up? Was Robyn Arryn too busy?
1. Metal Gear Solid Through Godswoods
2. Burst through crowd of retarded wights that are all staring at bran before they realize whats happening
3. Vault off that metal quiver that was holding Theon's arrows
Wouldnt take more than 3 seconds to get from the wight line to leap range
I mean where the fuck were the whole rank of white walkers during this battle? Craster supposedly had 99 sons right? We've only seen a few white Walkers get killed. Wherr the fuck are the 80+ other white walkers??? This episode was so truly bad. All this buildup for absolutely no reason. It was confusingly bad.
only if you're extremely low IQ would you compared the two.
My pain is sharp and constant and I do not wish for a better world for anyone.
The YAAS QUEEN slayer
Brienne should have gone for sure. But her and Jamie were barely even shown.
girl was white , hes right , sjw-s would go berserk
Game of Thrones is fucking trash.
If nothing else I did enjoy the little bits they showed of Gedry and Tormund continuing to fight atop a mountain of dead undead at their feet.
Pod, Jamie, and Brienne though by all means should be dead
>backed up next to a wall for an extended period of time
>never ending swarm just keep em from moving
>never once any of the 3 got shanked by em giving the undead a chance to dogpile em
They can't unceremoniously murder anyone or the Burlington Bar patrons might sue HBO for emotional distress.
we already know Azor Ahai is supposed to plunge his sword in the heart of his beloved
The closest one there to a main character is theon, but even then he’s slipped into a side character to yara as the series has gone on, the rest of them don’t even have their own arcs
After Arya kills the Nk and they all turn to ice cubes you see him pinned against the wall next to Jaime fighting off a few others that just fall apart, he’s alive.
D&D have no balls. There hasn't been any major deaths or shocking moments since they strayed from the books.
Yeah usually if the scene cut to the big bitch or Jamie then Pod was somewhere in the background fighting.
How the fuck did Davos live though?
Fucker literally looks like he did no fighting and only drew his sword to kill melisandre who killed herself before he could.
Most of their shocking deaths tend to go to the minor characters once they get past the books.
>Normies don't even remember Theon's name.
You're wrong.
heard multiple people refer to him as reek
wtf am I looking at user
Davos makes getting out of a battle unscathed a godamn artform.
Closest he's ever gotten was the battle of the Blackwater
>comes in after the fighting when Stannis stops the wildlings
>didn't have to fight the nights watch wanting to kill Jon's loyalists
>leads a charge of archers before disappearing at the battle of the bastards
>completely disappears at this battle until the end after watching Arya Ko a dozen undead
because he's JRR Martin's self insert of a fat fuck book nerd virgin being the secret king and getting a waifu (and her bastard child)
Wow, yeah, she totally is turning 16. What a tiny grill.
My Interest for the Show
imagine ripping off star wars lmao these guys are hacks.
>still watching this shit after stannis climbing the walls of kings landing then being like awh fuck guess we lost ill climb down then
my fucking sides you knew what you were getting dont pretend this latest nonsense 'ruined' it
i don't watch this show, but you guys sound like plebs, killing off characters for the sake of it doesn't make something good.
>let me give my opinion on a show I have no idea about
Well you fucking retard. The previous seasons all killed characters when they made dumb mistakes. Ned Stark got his head chopped of for being a dumbass.
But now a literal obese retard who can`t even hold a sword properly survives what is probably the most important war in a few hundred years by crying.
jorah died a man that acted heroically in the battle of winterfell and not a exiled slaver, so his death counted for something. plus we might see in the next few episodes that he was a stabilizing influence on dany
>let's throw the dothraki head first into the dark night where they can't see shit
>let's leave the catapults outside to act as roadblock
>let's just sit there and watch people die while we look at our 2 (two) dragons
>let's hide from the guy who reanimates the dead in a crypt
>let's all rush outside of our castle which is made to protect us from situations like this
>let's have a single trench with wood that we can lit on fire if needed
Sansa hid while her people got slaughtered and Dany had a paladin + dragons protecting her. Fatwell Tarly makes no sense, as he just relaxed in a pile of Wights for half the episode
His weight was pinning that horde down that would have otherwise killed more main characters
The wights thought he was one of them, as anyone who eats to that size is already dead inside
Everything you typed is why we never allow women to plan our battles in war.
>let's waste all our precious dragon glass into swords for peasant and children
>let's not use the dragon glass to put spikes around our protective castle
>let's not fit armors with spikes of dragon glass
>let's not create traps with said dragon glass
>let's absolutely not make Sam into a cannonball fitted with dragon glass
ffs, we already have real historical examples of far far intense battles using better ad-hoc fortifications than this fucking garbage we were given
Winterfell be fucking reeking of corpses... imagine the smell
Against light cavalry with bows and javelins:
>It was impossible for infantry to engage light cavalry with bows or javelins in close combat on ground that did not seriously hinder cavalry movement. The only resort for engagement were missile weapons in ranged combat. In this case both cavalry and infantry fought only in a missile exchange. While the infantry can be considered static in comparison to the cavalry, their own protection, the damage their missiles would cause and the hit rate were important.
>For example, in the prelude to the Battle of Mohi, crossbowmen protected by pavises sniped at the Mongol light cavalry, resulting in a tactical defeat of this Mongol unit, although the Mongols did go on to win the overall battle.
where were the fucking horse archer/javelin skirmishers in diamond formations fucking shit up
D&D turned GOT into a fucking shitshow
Why didnt someone think to make some dragon glass hooked anchors attached to the castle walls similar to castle black had on the wall
>Jaimie have been with Theon and the the Ironborn thus protecting Bran as recompense
>Everything happens as it did in the episode except Jaimie is cutting wights that get to close to Bran
>Bran is searching the past desperately for a clue to destroy the night king
>Wight clonks Jaimie on the head
>All the ironborn die but Theon as the Night King comes up
>Theon yells for Jaimie who is struggling to move shouting "KINGSLAYER, KINGSLAYER!"
>Bran hears it and is taken to Aerys throne room during the siege of Kings landing and sees Jaimie contemplating killing Aerys and the Hand
>Theon charges and is killed by NK and co.
>NK walks up to Bran and stand over him and reaches to touch him
>Bran is beside Jaime in the past, he whispers "Kingslayer" into Jaimie's ear and touchs his shoulder
>We see Jaimie make up his mind and stab Aerys
>Cut to NK with sword on fire in his back
>Revealed as Jaimie
>Cut to Credits
But anime Arya is cool also.
And Melisandre.
But if we're being honest only Jorah and Theon really matter out of that group. And as far as "major" characters go they're kind of on the bottom of the pile.
NK can sense heat and the living, and is literally hiveminded to the walkers and undead. He knew where literally anyone was at any given time at that point in the fight. The -only- and I mean ONLY explanation is that he wanted to kill this little girl in front of Bran and simply got outplayed. Doesn't explain her inhuman flea leaping, but does explain how she got close.
This was the feeling I got near the end. It would have been bold to kill off nearly all the characters and force the one or two left over characters to retreat to Kings Landing and finally force Cersi to be a person. But then they didn't
at least Daenerys fight, Sansa coward fucking worst character was hiding in crypts bitching about Daenerys.
Why are you retards comparing Daenerys who's been fighting to survive since she was fucking born to Ms. Rich kid who's biggest trouble was being bullied by the Lannisters?
is Cersie`s Golden Company gonna fuck up Winterfell now?
>It's going to end with a shitty battle over king's landing, and finish off with Dany saying "we won" to which Jon will reply "But at what cost"
I 200% fucking guarantee this.
The point is they all survive a massive battle with death only to die because of squabbling and jealousy by humans hands in the last 3 episodes while fighting for the Throne. That would be kino
If a woman ends up killing Cersei, I will definitely be flipping my shit harder than than ever before. This cunt needs to die by a being with a penis, God, mother nature, and all things considered good in the world demand it.
They shouldn't have killed off Theon
Guy's fucking suffered enough
Who the fuck is this semen demon?!
>i am sure