Someone prettier

Someone prettier

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saddest death for me

at least they're married irl


Ygritte might be prettier but her body is lacking. Dany's got the big tits and plump ass and you know that matters more than a pretty face in bed.

>marry redhead qt who is scottish aristocracy
>cheat on her with some slag
Jon Snow’s not too bright upstair

Eh, Emilia Clarke is rather squat. I prefer the long-legged athletic types, even if the tits and ass are a bit lacking in size.

*shot throughout the heart starts playing*

>big tits

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red fluff

The fuck did Melisandre know her catchphrase anyway?

Does the fire have fucking audio?

They're certainly a cup or two bigger than Ygritte's

Because she's MAGIC

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skinny girls are the best.

Not bad at all, but prettier than this falls into the personal taste area. The prettiest women are not for everyone because absolute beauty is not the same for different people.

That doesn't make them big. Bigger tits on a inferior body is nothing to be proud of. I'll take the perky, lithe ass and tits over all of that not even trying Emelia Clarke has.


I know you are but what am I?

are you mixing the show with reality or did he actually do that?

that's the point

It's fake news, some Russian hoe was trying to shake him down

Dany's tits are maybe a cup size or two bigger, but they sag. Ygritte has those nice, pert tits. It doesn't really matter, though. Melisandre out-tits both of them.

manlet detected

guys you have to remember
>making fun of something a man can't change
>making fun of something a woman can change
not okay

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someone post the nude

Agreed. I’ve experienced both and at the end of the day, the way you move in bed is far more important than just having assets.