Anyone else feel bad GRRM? They completely massacred his boy
/got/ general
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GoT is for faggots
Now that the dust has settled with did the existential threat better?
he deserves it for not finishing the books
fat cunt
>massacred his boy
The last two books were garbage, and possibly ghostwritten.
I'm gonna miss him lads.
most memorable track since light of the seven?
>there are people on Yea Forums who remotely liked that shitpile of an episode
He does get a big paycheck out of it though so I don't feel too bad for him
I want to impregnate Maisie Williams after last episode. Holy shit she is a Goddess.
I doubt he even cares what the show does anymore.
Honestly, the Night King
The Witch King didn't feel as threatening to me, but I guess that is because he doesn't get much showtime
What the FUCK was he doing during the battle except fly around with the crows??
literal brainlet
it was even worse than light of the seven, neither track fits GoT at all
RIP his sexy fucking voice, goddamit
Worst part of this show is never got justice for based boy Edmure
Wasn't he the guy that came back from the dead time and time again? Why can't he do so now?
back to Yea Forums bookfag
Arya is not AA btw. There is no AA in the show. Did you see Lightbringer? Did she had anything to do with the prophecy? No, because there is no AA.
Sam did more in the battle than Jon
More vine, your hokagness?
Sauron objectivly.
The Night King was only a threat if you lived beyond the wall and died due to hax. Sauron threatened the entire world for thousands of years, and only died because his carefully planned scheme backfired due to the absolute worst case scenario happening
Serves us right for expecting anything else from Benioff and his cronies
This nigga hasn't written half of TWOW
Far from
The music this episode sucked compared to the other stuff Ramin made
They paid him well to not publish any more content until they were done with the show. They might even pay him well not to publish anything still. Time will tell.
>Yea Forums
Choose one and only one.
>George R. R. Martin writes book with anti-war message in mind, as with his other books, that will lead to the conflict with the others resolved without resorting to war
>nah fuck that women stronk kill night king with the power of tropes and women
>the main threat of the series is defeated in a single episode with almost no deaths of any importance
I can't get over how shit this is.
Serves him right for being a lazy fat fuck
This so much
N + A = J
Fat fuck could have just written his books like the contract required
trips of prophecy
Only way this shit show is redeemed is if /ourgirl/ wins and has more twincest with Jaime
because his sole purpose was to save arya so she could kill the nk
>resurrected 6 times only to save arya and then die miserably to a bunch of stab wounds through armor, no less
Tell me again why people are even wearing armor. It never does anything. Like ever.
so how many of you suspected that the NK would die this episode? assuming this wasnt leaked and you read it ofc
Its not even enough that the NK went out like that, but we only get 6 episodes because they wanted a fancy CGI battle that is hyped as longer than helms deep and the battle was fucking shit.
Shaky cam the first half and constant cuts, unsullied that are dead to the hordes reappear in formation just fine a quick scene cut later, its all too fucking dark, they had plenty of moments to use the massive amounts of characters they have to show their side of the battle but we see half of them and even fewer die.
What a fucking trainwreck this show has become, I came in to this season expecting nothing because of how bad last season was and im still disappointed.
BURLINGTON BAR'S BASED reaction to Arya saving humanity! I also jumped up in excitement due to severe autism
What it makes you think this is not GRRM's endgame. After all in earlier drafts of ASOIAF he paired Jon with Arya
GRRM doesn't care about his boy. D & D said they knew about this 3 years ago. That's when they sat down with his fat ass and he told them what was going to happen
*hair woosh*
>it just snows a little and people feel a slight chill.
>Night King gets hit face on with dragon fire
>not even a scratch
>gets stabbed with Valyrian steel dagger, which was most likely made using dragon fire and regular steel
back in season 3 i thought them using a rock song version of the bear and the maiden fair was too much
i can't believe it got THIS fucking shit
Is it wrong to wank to the Sansa rape scene?
Dothraki lives matters. All of their deaths were important.
>Dark Souls man died for Goblin Girl
Trash writing.
Azor Jaime
Revisiting the most beautiful moment he ever experienced.
The rape of Sansa.
Prove that you're not a blind fanboy by giving me valid criticisms towards this show without resorting to the books.
I meant to post this pic
I choose the one where you fuck off with your shit taste
The Long Night was a masterpiece of television.
Has this place finally realized that the main target audience for this show is millennial white women? Stop wasting your time with this shitfest now, everything has been butchered
God shes so cute and perfect..
If they knew Arya was going go kill him 3 seasons ago why didn't they hint at it or link Arya to the NK in any way at all and continue with the GRRM themes all the way?
I seriously think they just scrambled through archive footage, saw the "blue eye" sentence from Melly and thought "yes, we can use that!"
It's so weak
So Jaime traveled all the way to WF, made a big deal about how he's on the good guys side now and accomplished absolutely nothing of importance.
>anyone bad that the people he personally handpicked did a shit job
He shouldn't have let himself be seduced by the studios money. He knew this kind of shit would eventually happen.
Reminder this was the very last moment Arya was ever good and I didn't even realise it at the time.
I thought he would die this episode because of how shit the writing is. Cynical I know.
He officially gave up on finishing ASOIAF so who gives a fuck. He's developing like 12 tv shows and spends his free time blogging. Let it die
No. Honestly the music was pretty lackluster since S6.
Good point to be honest. How the fuck was he able to resist dragonfire like it was nothing?
>the main threat of the series
We all have our kinks
Remember when this show had genuine pornstars playing whores mixed in with great actors and great actors, so you could find a pornscene after the episodes finished and have a great fap?
Have sex my darling
holy fucking cringe
someone please make a webm for shitposting purposes
Arya will stab her in the back and slit her throat, then sit on the iron throne when Jamie comes along. You getting that reference?
I unironically feel insulted.
I started watching GoT because it was so different from anything else I have ever seen on TV.
Now it has becoming something akin to a 14 year old's fan fiction with constant fan service bullshit.
Now I don't feel bad about pirating every single fucking episode. Fuck these kikes.
>captain marvel shirt
This is all GRRM’s fault.
8 years since the last book.
8 fucking years.
He had to have known that D&D were absolute hacks and he let this happen anyway.
Please return to 8 chan you filthy slav
might have been a good endgame threat if the show didn't make him into a generic viking faggot
It's women of all ages, I don't know a single male who wastes his time watching series unless they watch with their girlfriend.
>his boy
the the Night King is show only. He would never write such a retarded villain in the first place.
So what if he never gotten a dragon?
Things change user
And rarely for the better
What the fuck is wrong with normies?
D&D are intentionally leaving out content so there is stuff for the prequel show.
she's an unfaithful HOE tbqh
Am I the only one who expects the Sopranos theme song after the HBO logo sound? I just can't stop associating it with it.
Even maario poster gave up on this shitshow
I feel like in the final season we’ll see something related to the nightwalkers again
I don't know what you guys are complaining about, this episode was visually stunning.
We really should classify normies as a different species entirely now.
This episode was better than 0/10
Well done as long as you had brightness turned up. It’s not plausible for John to have defeated the Night King 1v1, decent way to end it.
However Bran & WW story arc basically just served to weaken all the “good” forces (Stannis, Norf FC, Eire, Dany)
Almost all terrible episodes like this in the past have had something enjoyable to take from it here and there. But I honestly can't think of a single thing this time. It was completely irredeemable. The fighting was shit, the dialogue was shit, the dragons did nothing, the White Walkers had zero cool moments, the Night King sort of had one with the Dragonfire but that was predictable and ruined instantly by that fucking dumb smirk. Jon did nothing, Dany did nothing, Bran STILL did nothing despite being the one who knows more about the bad guys than anyone else. The "twist" was horribly contrived and had zero set-up, not to mention making no sense from a narrative/character arc perspective. Nobody important died except Theon and his death was completely undermined by the threat he died fighting being vanquished seconds later. All the bad guys dropped dead as soon as the head bad guy died, something which GRRM has said he doesn't like about LoTR's ending. Everyone thought there'd be some cool crypt sequences, but that was just as much of a confused mess as the battle upstairs. Oh and you could barely fucking see anything because of the lighting. I know we say it every time but this has got to be it. I don't think any subsequent episode could top how utterly awful this one was.
Why can't islamists just bomb these places?
No it's fucking horrible, the last two seasons have had such an AWFUL soundtrack.
Bare in mind I make music for a fucking living.
This is the most basic, most trashy, crap you find for free on royalty sites.
Rains Instrumental is the best song the show ever had, close second is What is Dead May Never Die.
was the episode written by someone who has no idea what the show is a about? you don't need the books to write something better than this
>The year is 2020
>GOT is dead
>Marvel capeshit is dead
>Star Wars is dead
>Trump gets a second term in the white house
Get ready boys, we're about to witness the start of the most based decade in history.
*blocks your headcanon*
This is what I'm going to picture in my head any time someone says "Defend Western Civilization" from now on
President Xi, fire the missiles.
Will have to see season 9 to make proper critics.
The only question left about this show is when will Arya turn Super Saiyan and BTFO everyone
I agree but you should have watched it in 1080p glory
Then Sauron, for reasons already explained by the other user
>cersei is the main villain
sociopath shaming is disgusting
>skeletons punching through stone in the crypt
bravo dabid
Azor Arya
he based
I'm just glad i never paid a cent for this show
I'd be hype for Euron if he was that cool in the show. He's just some wanker who wanted to stick his dick in Cersei now.
No this was his plan all along so now people will want to buy the book to see a better ending.
Which was more tragic?
Arya will also kill cersei and rob Jaime of his moment just like she did with Jon
>maester luwin randomly popping out of a crypt to do nothing
Everyone involved with Sam dies.
we see in the episode preview dozens of unsullied marching, a full room of northern lords and soldiers, even though we were shown winterfell courtyard that basically just had jaime brienne and a handful of others fighting? where were the rest of the troops hiding?
he needed D&D to do the dirty work and lay out the continuation of the story that he couldn't write himself out of
now he will be all like "oh they just happened to understand my vision" when TWOW and ADOS are just ripped straight from HBO
He's only the final boss in the show because GRRM told them he's the final boss of the books. They just didn't bother to adapt him properly
Nothing anyone did really mattered.
It all came down to 50 last-second events that barely worked out, but then it didn't work out all the way till the end where it worked out.
That's literally it. That's all taht happened the whole episode. Non-consequence for anything. Just some people dying, but barely any named characters and they survived surpringly long against what seemed like infinite white walkers charging constantly and being resurrected.
And blue fire can tear down walls, but a piece of rubble or the walls of a building weaker then the surrounding wall? No way.
How convenient for Jon that it all worked out barely, every time.
I literally fell asleep during this episode, last thing I remember was Beric dying and melisandre's bit about him serving his purpose.
I'm kind of torn on if I even want to go back and finish watching it/continue to watch the last few episodes. How much time was left in the episode after that.
>WC3 remastered
>Classic wow
Will the 20's be a good decade?
Seriously, though. Why do they make it so dark? Is it to save money? Surely they sit in the production room and notice how dark it is for the average person sitting at home
I'm in too deep, mate
I feel like a battered housewife man
I know he's bad for me, but maybe he'll change
Before the year is over, I'll be dead most likely
ned and catelyn were basically strangers pre-war sweety
Tell me fellas is this how you felt after watching
What did Bran do? Just fuck around as usual?
What did the fire lady do? Why did she die?
Why didnt the nightking just starve em to death? It looks like he has some knowledge about warfare?
Wasnt the Nightking surrounded by zombies n shit? Where did the ninja come from?
Didnt the ninja get concussion?
Why did the ninja need some special weapon?
Why did they go down to the crypts if they knew they could raise the dead?
Why did the dwarf that saved kings landing do nothing?
How did the smartest person alive not know how to use a dagger?
So many questions.
How did you know I'm Slav?
>Salt Throne: Conquered
>Neice: Captured
>Sand Snaked: Dead
>Dany's Navy: Sunk
>Nephew: Died a failure
>Cersei: Conquered
Behold the strongest character in GoT
>this killing intent...
So what was the point of the white walkers?
He should have fucking burst into flames during this shot, would have been much better end for him.
What the fuck was even the point of raising wights from the crypt if no named characters even died there. For a huge battle in the final season it really seems like they're scared of killing "fan-favorite" characters.
stone becomes weak after hundreds of years
Why the fuck did the Night King even care who killed Bran anyway if all he wants is to end the world?
Could have just sat in the Norf while his army killed everyone including Bran. He literally knows one stray dragonglass arrow hits him and his entire army and centuries of plans are ogre.
>that closing shot of the disappointed guy admist the crowd of roaring retards
Having Arya kill the NK ruined the entire show for me.
Boromir. Theon's death and Alfie's A+ acting was completely ruined by Coldsteel the Hedgehog
Boromir by far. He at least died for something. Theon's death was useless
i feel like this is a breaking bad situation, where the big bad guy (Gus) is defeated and then a less interesting final boss (Neo Nazi meth bikers) are introduced late into the game and it's not as satisfying to watch them die.
>Theon didn't have to die but Bran is an evil fuck who didn't tell him Aria was about to anime the NK
What is he looking at?
The death that actually mattered
They built up the walkers for 8 years only to have them not do anything for the whole episode and get jobbed after the Night King who is considered to be unstoppable is stabbed by a dagger. It was a massive anti-climax
as do skeletons behind stone
what the fuck
Also, why have a dude with a flaming sword stand there idly while Missandre slowly gets escorted, only to cast a spell, that barely activated just in time. But in the end didn't matter because of master tactician.
I wish she wasn't bullied into stopping cosplaying. She had one of the best 2b cosplays ever.
this was the last time the show had good music that added to a scene, to me.
^literally me
My white millennial gf was yasss queening all over it so yea. I think I finally get the picture
I always expect the Band of Brothers opening.
She's disgusting dude.
distract us from the real threat, euron
Theon. He died thinking he had failed to stop the NK from killing Bran. Boromir got reassured by Aragorn he died with honor at least
That's the starfall bitch isn't it? Does A mean Arthur Dayne? Do you imply alien incest sir
>tormund, greyworm, sam, gendry literally only ones left alive in the courtyard as they fight for hours on end and have hundreds of corpses surrounding them
I don't think he cares
Why did Bran go beyond the wall in the first place?
Can't believe this cunt who can't act for shit and is a spinmeister in danish Prime Minister show is a major character in GOT.
it wasn't that dark, come on. And it was needed, the NIGHT King brings the NIGHT with him and it was kino to see all those zombies appear from absolute darkness.
Only slavs like you find that disgusting munter sexy. And for some reason they also love TTG Raven
>its a main characters continuously almost dying while fighting on the top of a pile of bodies episode
This is exactly how i felt during the last season of Lost. At least they kind of tried though
Three clicks in MSPaint, there's literally no color information in a third of this image except pure pitch blackness, lmao JUST TURN UP YOUR BRIGHTNESS BRO, CLOSE THE CURTAINS
Considering half the screen was black, anywhere
It sounds like budget LOTR soundtrack
Who? Can't see shit!
Imagine if Boromir died, but 5 seconds later the Hobbits drop the ring in the Mount Doom and all the Uruk-Hai turn to dust around them.
Jesus Christ I can't believe I stuck to this show for this long, at this point it feels like I only got this far out of fear that I'm the only one that didn't finish this wreck of a show.
>implying that he will even finish the books
GoT is done and ASOIAF will never be finished.
>Thanks for the giving me your armies and letting me ride one of your dragons, Dany!
>Thanks for sacrificing all your Dothraki, a lot of your Unsullied, and one dragon for the cause!
>You're going to go mad and I'm going to kill you now! But thanks, though! I'll rule Westeros in your memory.
jon is literally the most cucked character ever
>supposed to deal with mance, stannis takes care of that instead
>supposed to deal with ramsay, sansa/littlefinger takes care of that instead
>supposed to deal with night king
>night king avoids him so hard he gets killed by arya
the only revenge jon had was with karl tanner and janos slynt. and olly. at least he avenged mormont, "father" and ygritte.
Why would I stop now? Only 3 more episodes.
I also like discussing it, I am not truly mad.
>block corridor with his body
>more and more wights pile in
>throw him to the ground in one big heap
>beric goes nuclear, burning the whole lot
>corridor blocked by flames
Instead he dies without a word.
Boromir, its not even a fucking contest. Theon could have at least had a duel or some shit with the NK. He could have got stabbed just as Arya was jumping out.
Neither, Arthas trumps both
he went spectator and relayed intel to his clan on vent
>NK just casually walks up to bran
>doesn't just chuck a spear right at his head and walk the fuck out
I wish I was a retarded normie who could just enjoy this shit
sounds nothing like lotr
Hopefully. I for one, am looking forward to it.
Predictions for next episode? Will we have other strong woman moments? I'm ready to see Arya dab on the Mountain!
fucking kek
>"Think of me, eghhh, when you're making love to other men"
Hes applauding when Arya stabs him
my gf hates it
but she's 1. contrarian 2. half amerindian so not as infected with white girl brain rot
Fuck the fans also
Arthur's sister was named Ashara, user. It's implied in the books that Ned had a thing for her. When Catelyn brings up the rumor that Ashara is Jon's mother to Ned, he flips out at her and makes sure the servants stop talking about it.
so WTF is this this?
melisandre came back to light some wood and swords on fire and tell potato face to go do something?
so is the azor ahai plot line thrown out the window now?
This is my mom. THread is fast no one will notice her.
>The Long Night was a masterpiece of television.
yo, so if their seasons are magical in nature, and it seems to stem from the first Long Night/WW, does that mean the seasons will return to a more natural and magic-free cycle? winter won't be 2-10 years, etc
I wish they cast the actors age appropriate so I didn't get wrapped up in a YA novel by a fat man with no kids
where the fuck are the anime edits?
post the the virgin walk vs chad euron stride
>real ASoIAF: Brotherhood never
check 'em
Boromir's death is one of my favorite scenes ever filmed. Not even anything in the earlier good seasons tops it.
Does he even have the horn or his armour in the show?
Wrong. The Tyrion Essos arc is fantastic both from a character development point of view a worldbuilding point of view, and a foreshadowing point of view.
The AFFC Iron Islands story is kino
It's a shame you're too much of a brainlet to see that
>it was beautiful george
>the night your legacy was raped
dude just shut your brain off and enjoy
Arya = Last Hero?
slayed the Others (WW)
used valyrian steel
blood smelled by the others
Reminder that they don't understand Georges work.
his whole character is
>so what
d&d showing their hack colors
what's her #?
fucking knew it from the first frame
this is fucking disgusting
No hes just funny rapeman haha small cock boi
do you guys think he'll have a better story for the Others in the books? or will they just be evil killing machines again?
>nostrils so big he could fit his eyeballs in there
Dave and Dan are too retarded to distinguish Dragonglass from Valyrian steel I guess
GRRM ruined his own product by giving up on writing and pivoting to marketing. I'll bet anything he doesn't even care that his penultimate work has been ceded to writers who appear to be working at internship levels. Normies will never read the last 2 books, whenever or if ever they are published. I would place a hefty bet that at least 1 of the books will be written by whatever random ghost writer the publishing company can find. Pretty insulting that they hype up this battle with the WW since the very beginning of the tale, and then just drop the entire plotline, nothing personnel. They didn't even care about making a watchable product... and I mean that literally.... how did editing not even care that their movie is unwatchable? would have been better if they had just filmed in black and white... at least the contrast would have been the same colors of black brown and grey blurs.
Theons death was so B-movie level of cringe. Why charge like an autistic idiot? Hold your fucking ground and protect bran, isnt that what you said you'd do? Then arya literally jumps out of the moon to get a stupid kill on whats supposed to be an existential threat thats been going on for 60 episodes.
What a fucking joke
Why would (((they))) hurt themselves ?
Quads of truth. I cri everitim
I don't think Jon was "supposed" to deal with Mance, since that would have served against his interests completely.
If Sansa merely told Jon that the Knights of the Vale were coming, we never would have needed Jon to be bailed out at the last second by Sansa and Littlefinger. Jon would have led a victory against inferior forces.
I do believe he was cucked hardcore by Arya, though. No excuse for that.
>shes blonde irl
Fucking disgusting.
Theon literally didn't have to die. Bran just let him do it out of spite.
bitch got played
Right I know Ned allegedly fucked her just forgot her name and got confused. thanks.
Can anyone give me spoilers of what happened? I just watched 30 minutes of this shit and slept through it. Who directed this? If I gave you a black screen and told you there's a battle there would you believe me? No. So why the fuck did the people who made this decide it'd be a good idea just to show nothing but darkness. Absolutely awful, put me off of the rest of the show. Massacred him they did.
ps dont get me wrong, I dont mind dark shows, but this is a travesty.
Tldr what happened this episode?
Yo theon bruh protect me ima dip
What will happen to Kit Harrington, Emilia Clarke, Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams now? Will they have good careers?
tyrion x sansa scene fucking when
Boromir had the better death but Theon was a better character
Peter Jackson is just better at adapting a story than D&D
nth for Stannis
>"GOT is dead"
>five spinoff shows on the way
>"Marvel capeshit is dead"
>already eight movies planned out for the next 3-4 years
>"Star Wars is dead"
>D&D and Rian Johnson are both balls-deep in pre-production for TWO separate trilogies of films releasing on alternating years after 9 comes out
no one's ever really gone
>got cured of greyscale
>dies in the arms of a nasty anglo bitch with caterpillar eyebrows after he just fought hordes of undead and was probably freezing his nonexistent tits off from the cold a few months later
I can't fucking
Theon died for nothing
Holy shit I'm fuming
why do I even watch this trash?
>No horn, no armour, nothing magic at all
What's the point
>The lord brought him back for a purpose
>Now that purpose has been served
What purpose? To act as a meat shield for a few seconds? Is that seriously Beric's payoff for being resurrected so many times?
They literally don’t even get their own fan fiction.
Eredin and the Wild Hunt > the night king and le zombie army
Based, and redpilled
Fuck ni99ers
Fuck J3ws
Fuck capeshit
Fuck normies
Fuck China
>a fucking 2ft wide moat filled with sticks of firewood
>order your trebuchets to stop firing instead of keeping up the barrage and lifting the aim so they hit into the enemy in front of the friendlies
>have 2 dragons that somehow lose 2v1 to the dragon piloted by NK who isn't even supposed to be able to fly one unless the show writers forgot that part they spent so much time on the previous ep
>all of your shitty master plans go to waste for obvious reasons
>doesn't matter because power puff girl flies through the battlefield magnetically drawn to the evil guy's neck and executes him with a quick 1-2
am I watching capeshit? did mel gibson co-write this? where is the problem?
The fat fuck just didn’t give D&D material to adapt so they had to make up their own shit.
I hope someone like Brian Herbert finishes A Song of Ice and Fire if Martin doesn't finish the series. Fuck him for allowing this shit.
Feel bad for a multimillionaire hack writer who used history for dummies summaries as source materials for his big stinking pile of fantasy shit and can't even speak one foreign language? No.
Would Stannis have run his cavalry into the dark?
I enjoyed him and Aragorn talking in Lothlorien even more. Nothing in GoT has come even close to it.
he did that himself when he added dragons and zombies.
show/series would have been a masterpiece if it continued being low magic or no magic like the first season/first few books. but no, we want the millennial white bitch audience
I thought he would "die" but then Jon and friends would have had to go up North to stop him from respawning.
Or that he would be wounded but he would have kept going south and a few survivors from the battle would have managed to kill the NK while he was siegeing King's Landing.
Reminder that Lyanna Stark became an Ice Zombie and killed multiple people
Arya anime-ed NK and some unimportant characters died
What I thought at nk death
He completed his redemption.
this was the peak of the show
The sad thing is that I'm not sure GRRM even gives a shit anymore. He's made so much money he doesn't have to do anything but sit on his ass and write blogs about the NFL. I wish I had never become interested in fantasy as a genre.
>green haired hipsters are normies now
We haven't really gotten to that point have we?
Did we ever find out what The Night King's tax policy was?
a ghost writer would have narrowed the books scope not add a dozen characters in the 5th one
its almost like the dragon wasnt used in destroying the wall that doesnt allow the dead to pass, retard faggot
I nearly stopped watching the episode right there...
A boars of bessies on an open whore ned
>This is what I'm going to picture in my head any time someone says "Defend Western Civilization" from now on
The rest of us aren't as retarded as Anglos.
so it's confirmed Arya is killing cersei too right?
why didn't they make a bunch of dragon glass caltrops and just let the white walkers step on it? :^)
you can see the realization hit him once he disconnects from the crowd mentatility, he just sists there going "what the fuck?"
you fat fuck let thos happened? I hope you die by diabetes but slowly
>WC3 remastered
Why haven't you DROPPED it already?
He got a better death than he deserved. He fucking betrayed them
He died to protect Bran. Don't be silly, user
Yes i agree
Skull knight... gotta be
Nothing of consequence happens, then arya teleport behind the night king and kills him
No joke that's literally fucking it
8 years for that
Fucking this. All fatties must die
>did mel gibson co-write this?
Mel would have made something far, far better
it was good up until the part in the library with arya sneaking around
but the way they set it up until that part could not be resolved in any other way except winterfell falling and everyone in it dying
watching people seethe online will be more entertaining than the show itself now
So literally the entire story of the Walkers is two scenes
Post cunts you want to see dead in the next few episodes:
1. Danaerys
2. Tyrion
3. Arya
Hope you voted on the survey, /got/ :).
Eredin went out even worse desu
I wonder if d&d had hilarious talks about how they should bring back undead stannis for shits and giggles and make him the most comical evil bad guy ever. they probably almost called stephen before they realized this guy probably wouldn't do that.
>tax policy
Is my favorite meme ever. GRRM is such a pretentious cunt.
Nothing personnel kid
Everyone not important died. The entire Greyjoy subplot was dropped, the entire Mormont family was literally cucked to death, and Arya killed the knight king via "Pssh nothin personnell"
What if the shit writing was planned by D&D to force GRRM into writing the rest to not taint his legacy
theon redeemed himself ages ago back when he saved sansa
he was already redeemed when he died. he died finally feeling accepted and loved, with a home to all his own, and that's what he always wanted.
In the laziest, least satisfying way possible, yeah he did.
Absolute state of this show's writing
What night king death felt like
>not killing arya instead
>not having beric giving her the kiss of life and ressurect her
would've been a much better payoff and would've softned the blow of arya killing the NK
>couldn't get out of a wood box to show cersei
>The entire North of the Wall is now free territory
>No one will ever bring it up again
Where is Shade of the Lamp when I need him?
Why couldn't melly make one of those ghost assassin things that killed renly to possibly do damage to the night king
Sauron is a real patrician.
>Worshipp Morgoth
>Pragmatic genius
>Plan to steal back ring forged for you by elven smiths
>Disguise as advisor
>Guide men
>Get men to follow the faith of Morgoth
>Don't give a fuck about physicall form, return anyway
>Army consists of mutilated elves, bred for war
>Speaks black speech fluently with his close supporters, soldiers feel inspired to speak dialectal varietations
>Rule over strategically vital area, protected by mountains
>Keep humans as slaves
>Efficient economic design
>High production-output of orcs
>Awesome armory and assault-tactics,
>Occupy the five forts and man them properly
>Spider guarding your one tunnel
>So intimidating that Easterlings and other humans join your army
>Diplomatic chad, corrupt one of the wise council to ally you
>Soldiers become immune to sun
>Loose to worst-case coalition of all races only
>After ban, still exist somehow
Night King is a pleb.
>Only few dozen supporters who speak your tongue
>Rule over a mass of dumb, undead human corpses and skeletons
>Army is reliant on killing more than lost for reinforcement
>No tactics, no strategy, no diplomacy, no pragmatism
>Easily killed by a fucking girl with a dagger
Kek i was hyped until i saw that aswell we litterly can’t have anything not even our nostalgia bideogames
lol he metaphorically sold his boy to pedophiles
Best part of asoiaf is the hidden magic lore within. The mystery of Melisandre's god, of the Faceless Men, of what exactly the Others are. Least for me. Shame the show never explores it.
>could pull of some drama from the fact dead starks turned to undead
>let's just show missandei being assblasted and sansa and tyrion holding hands
>stay a mile inland
>Euron Gayboy nullified
lol have sex incel
So now that the NK is dead what is Jaime going to do? He can't go back
Everyone gets surrounded and/or puked on by Zombies but are totally fine with b explanation. Arya anime teleports begins the big bad and kills him at the last second before he does anything to Bran who is sitting around watching rape porn the whole episode and never actually uses his powers to affect the battle in any way.
I mean at this point shes literally the most powerful character in Westeros. Whats really stopping her?
True. Maisie was genuinely good in the role before they went off books and puberty really wrecked her physically.
>lets make really long pointy sticks man
How many dragons are left? Did the dragon John was on die? I don't get it, only looks like one dragon where alive at the end and the faith of the other one was left in darkness while the undead dragon died
You can have exponentially increasing magic potency and still maintain it.
As we've seen with Three-Eyed Raven (books), he's not an Obi-Wan like character, pure and unselfish. He's quite dark and even dangerous, as Bran sees when he looks in to the heart of winter. That and the whole ''paste'' thing.
There are no good guys in the books, either the magic characters/aspects of it or just regular humans (come on, Stannis and his blood rituals?!).
why did they hate him so much again? was there an actual reason?
other than them being low IQ, jewish, or basedboys, which are obvious options
>the underboob
yes shansha
>Spectral riders
>Can only manifest during the Equinox
>posting the worst pornstar to feature in the series.
Goddamit user.
Yes. The only way this has a swerve is if Cersei hires the Faceless Men and they kill Arya
it's fucking bullshit. Jamie deserve it
Some irrelevant characters died and Arya teleported behind the Night King and nothing personnelled him
Agree 100%
Give tax breaks to the rich and reverse Kelly C-care.
the last books have fantastic worldbuilding but shit plot development. he should've just written some spinoffs to explore the world instead of stretching asoiaf out. the endgame clearly isnt worth the wait if its similar at all to the show.
there are two living dragons in ep4 preview.
wasnt he stabbed in the ankles at first or some shit. do they wear armor there at all?
Worst part of the episode. I thought for sure he was either going to give his flaming sword to someone or bring someone back to life at the cost of his own.
Book Euron ≠ Show Euron
And that only scratches the surface of what's wrong with what happened.
>Jon's entire show-long arc getting ruined
>Cersei apparently being the final boss
>the insane tactics
>Bran not doing anything and his entire show-long arc being rendered null
>The lighting
>The Night King being an idiot and having shit tactics himself
>The White Walker's motivation never being explored in depth beyond "muh memory of humanity, muh destruction, muh children of the forest"
night king was peak /fa/ this espisode
I would say he's gonna kill Cersei but they're probably gonna get the goblin to do that as well
there's an interview where they said STEPHEN WAS THE ONLY one who didn't get "the call". As in, they always call the actor when is supposed to die. Stephen found out he dies when he read the script. No joke.
Was half waiting for him to warg into ghost, or even a dragon, or anything.
How do you take one of the most overpowered heroes in the universe and relegate him to a plot device?
I guess they spent all the budget on Deus ex Arya.
Your mom's a jew.
The 2 Dragons lives. See the Episode 4 recap.
new thread?
by the nine divines
>they defeat Cersei, but Jon dies
>Danny feels guilty because she wanted the throne so much
>Sansa says some shit about Danny being a great help in saving humanity from the NK, which was Jon's goal or something and thanks to her people don't have to worry about zombies
>camera cuts to Bran
>"Time is a flat circle..."
>Bran contiunes the monologue, camera cuts to Baby White Walker
I don't have a problem with the shamanistic shit.
With dragons and zombie dragons and zombies you might as well have people casting magic missiles. It's snooze as fuck. Just compare it to the intrigue of the first 3 books/seasons. Oh well, normies gonna norm
The fuck are they even talking about? Did they write this shit high?
Post bigger threats than the Night King
I guess the never ending, undead army wasn't strong enough to pierce the plot armour of anyone with the last name Stark/Lannister/Targaryen.
Predictions for the last episode?
>She will always think of Theon as a failure
Two dragons are alive as shown in episode preview but with holes in wings might not survive cerseis ballistas and elephants
CDPR depicted them in a really weird fucking way, the books don't really try to make them as mysterious as the first 2 games did.
honestly i wish CDPR just retconned it and made them more mysterious, the interdimensional elves thing was fucking dumb
I want to suck his cock.
But why? Are they just simpletons?
LOTR has a purity to it that no knockoff or deconstruction will ever touch.
I don't fucking watch it desu
God I wish he had snapped her neck then. Would have been an actual subversion, not what D&D think is one.
Golden Company
this would've been great
Straight up explained in both witcher 2 and the books. The ghostly form are wraiths dispatched because it is easier than coming in person, they come in person for serious business.
Jaime Lannister becomes king
>Marvel capeshit is dead
They will destroy everything by the time their done. Everyone know the off-button capeshit troupe is not in his book at all. The over the top YASSS QUEEN SLAYYYYYY shit that has been the cornerstone of the last few seasons is not in the books. He could write HIS version, but he stopped writing years ago. This is the end of his magnum opus. A ten year old girl killing a zombie giant and the Others, that have been a terror for thousands of years instakilled by a teenaged goblin with a knife. And there's nothing he can do about it because he's too fat and lazy to finish the book series.
They ad-libbed it.
So this season so far is half way through. What was the best idea crayon moment? Based on what you've seen, can you extrapolate other crayons? Show your work.
this was exactly my reaction to almost the entire episode. at some moments I was outright stunned and had to stop laughing from how terrible it was.
>when he added
Those were in from the beginning you eternally seething poser faggot. You just want something to hate. Get the fuck out of my general
Beric died to protect Arya, whom was made the Night King killer retroactively by taking a quote from season three out of context.
Don't try to understand Beric's sacrifice in the show, because he's not even alive in the books at this point. D&D made that shit up on the fly.
what about that whore theon fucked coming over to iron islands maybe she got pregnant and yara will raise it as theons
retarded waifufaggot. go back to masturbating like the low test you are
he was the last even mildly intimidating character after tywin and roose's deaths
I can tell you this, it's not just stephen. They killed barristan selmy after the actor complained about "muh books" because the actor was a bookfag
Just imagine the brainfreeze!
>as his family are massacred around him bran logs onto the weirwood net to find more porn
he is truly /ourguy/
>Riding the tiger by ganking ally scrubs in Westfall
Baste m8.
Dude GRRM has openly said he writes yas kweens and is a feminist. Stop with this cope.
The show does take it to the next level though.
>What did Bran do? Just fuck around as usual?
yes, he did literally nothing. I was expecting him to warg into something to help with the fighting. You could tell yourself he was attracting the NK towards him but I don't think there was anything that hints that.
>What did the fire lady do? Why did she die?
She tried to contain the wights for as long as possible, I guess. And told Arya she had to go kill the NK. She died because she had fulfilled her destiny, the Lord of Light kept her alive for that reason only so she earned her right to go meet him in the afterlife. She must have been exhausted too, and had no purpose after that. She would have been killed by Davos anyway if she would stay alive.
>Why didnt the nightking just starve em to death? It looks like he has some knowledge about warfare?
He wants to kill people fast and add them to his army. He needed Bran and if he layed siege Bran could have escaped, and the living dragons could have wiped out his army in a long siege.
>Wasnt the Nightking surrounded by zombies n shit? Where did the ninja come from? She might have been in the garden the whole time, I guess. I don't remember zombies behind the NK in that scene. It was a retarded way to make the NK die anyway.
>Didnt the ninja get concussion?
the ninja is used to being hit and even stabbed.
>Why did the ninja need some special weapon?
didn't you see the episode? the weapon was well suited for her fighting style and could easily kill both zombies and WWs.
>Why did they go down to the crypts if they knew they could raise the dead?
the NK wasn't supposed to be able to raise those dead. Shit writing and definitely not canon.
>Why did the dwarf that saved kings landing do nothing?
Battle wasnt suited for his abilities and Dany didn't want him to die. Probably has a part to play in the taking of KL.
>How did the smartest person alive not know how to use a dagger?
She was just saying that she didn't know how to fight.
Transcript from vid
>We knew it had to be Valyrian steel. To the exact spot where the Child of the Forest put the dragonglass blade to create the Night King. And that weapon has been one of the totemic pieces for us, and ultimately, we've known for a long, long time that was gonna end the Night King.
>When Samwell's reading the book about dragonglass there is a picture of the dagger.
>The Targaryens used dragonglass to decorate their weapons without even knowing what the First Men used it for.
>It is very possible that the same thing that created the Night King is the thing that was necessary to destroy the Night King, or maybe it's Valyrian steel, or... Figure it out for yourself. Not gonna say.
>ISAAC (Bran):
>I think that's such a... nice little full-circle thing as well, that that's the knife that was destined to kill Bran,and here it is, saving him. That's, like, an iconic moment. You know, the fall of the dead.
>Clarke (Dany):
>It's exactly what you need.(LAUGHS) Like, oh, yeah! She, like, takes him down!It's so good. It's so good. It's perfect.
>Kit (Jon):
>I think it's, uh, it's an inspired move. Um... You've always been waiting as to what purpose... Arya's assassin skills were gonna lead to. And it's for the most important purpose.
>Maisie (Arya):
>Reading what I get to achieve and Arya's whole purpose in this world and everything she's trained for comes down to this one episode. It's just amazing. And it's just-- it's beautiful. It's poetry. And I'm grateful that it was me and not Kit (LAUGHS).
now Arya dick sucking
>nothing magic
what about his magic cock though, huh?
The one Joffrey nailed to the wall with his crossbow?
You must have forgot about the magic in the first two books.
Premonitions, blood rituals, prophecies that come to pass in matters of weeks, dragons that are useful (House of Undying?!) and living zombies both in Essos and Westeros... it has always been there.
It's what you do with it that matters. Dumb and Dumber took the easy way out. Even in chapters such as The Forsaken which is infused with Lovecraftian elements, it never breaks the logic and immersion of the world. In fact, it's deeply consistent with it.
in the books, Beric gives up his life to bring back Lady Stoneheart. Stoneheart will be the one to defeat the Others in he books