So where does he go from now? His whole shtick with the Night King, Bran and time travel is gone at this point
So where does he go from now? His whole shtick with the Night King, Bran and time travel is gone at this point
Last night, he was with Ideas of ASOIAF and Dragon Demans discussing how shit the episode was
There is still 3 more episodes, and he was always more of a bookfag.
At this point his rants are better than the show, him calling out tyrion for his absolute retardation is great.
i stopped watching him when i watched a few of his podcasts, in which that red team guy btfos him on all of his meme theories. he is a brainlet and im glad he'll have to get a proper job in a few months.
Preston is an autist and his content has been shit for years now.
He lives in Germany and makes 100k+ a year at his job
Episode 3 ending was literally the phantom menace, and the night king even looks like Darth Maul lmfao
Night king was a pure dabid creation. They should have just went with Euron as the ultimate baddie like the books.
His content has been relatively the same forever
His theories may be shit, but his reviews are better than the series
Will Robin show up?
It's over
He's right though, what are they going to do for the next three episodes?
Sounds like Yea Forums
It's funnier when you realise this is the first time he's ever tweeted something that isn't "new video out".
None of that happened. What's the point he's trying to make again
Based retard
It's ok user. I'm sure they'll find a way to fix your brain someday
Kill Cersei
Final showdown Jon vs Dany
Alright have it your way faggot, I'm out of here. Enjoy your shit twitter cap thread
Is that his wife? I know he was terminally ill with yellow fever and got married a couple of years ago.
According to leaks, yes
I've been skipping the show in favor of his summaries since season 5. I also don't have any type of VOD subscription.
Remember when America and Europe stopped global warming without any help of China and the third world countries?
Red Team Reviews is such a braindead airhead, I tried to listen to one of their podcasts and it was like someone trying to lobotomize me through my earhpones with a knitting needle.
based sub 90 IQ
>Is that his wife?
He wishes.
He recently moved back to the States, but yes, he works for the State Department.
the red team review zoomer ruins everything
>Final showdown Jon vs Dany
Not going to happen.
Honestly,who gives a fuck
Literally spoiled 4 months ago by the guy that said Arya would shank the NK right after Theon died charging him
He's gonna an hero, confirmed. Mass suicides from book lovers incoming.
any link?
Wait a minute I clearly remember him praising The Last Jedi and saying killing Snoke in the second movie so we can focus on Kylo was pure genius
who cares, he's a better writer than GRRM or D&D
all his theories were basically taking a huge shit on show writing and his whole joke was that the subplots he made up were better structured than what Dabid and Tran came up with.
exactly, well thought out stories don't remove their main antagonist before the climax.
Eternal proof that Preston is an omega chad and MEGA based
What are the chances of him reading and posting in this thread? I'd say pretty high
Looks nice.
I always thought Preston was much younger.
Our guy
>ywn be Preston's cum dump for stress relief after he watches a bad episode of GoT
That's pretty gay bro
Lel. He's really not. Did you not read the chapters of his "book"? Don't mistake his autism for talent. His writing is awful.
>What is "The Scouring of the Shire"?
Where did this take place?
Dropped from the film for a reason.
He makes every GoT general so yeah it's pretty high.
f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
new episode when
Poor Alt Shift X literally doesn't believe it, I feel sorry for him,he's put more effort into the show than the Dabids.
Yeah but it's in the book. And GRRM has specifically called "The Scouring"a brilliant part of LotR. He even said he aimed for something similar
I don't get it pls explain
>Remember when Sauron was completely defeated in Two Towers
What? Did he even see the movie? It literally ends with an extremely glooming shot of flaming hell mordor and Sauron looking stronger than ever.
Oh nevermind I get it now, he's implying Night King will return.
Lmao no fucking way that's happening,
That's his point. The big bad guy is the thing you defeat last. Which is not something even GRRM agrees with as noted above
Dabid is future Jay from RLM
How have to managed to get a joke tweet wrong twice in the space of a minute?
Are you really going to defend those autistic sperg tweets?
They're jokes because he's literally joked for years about Arya killing the NK, I'm just surprised you managed to not get it then corrected yourself and still didn't get it.
he has shorted out
Where can I find this level of seething?
Be wary user, you may be just taking a very low effort bay
Sorry for not getting the inside joke of a literal who.
The joke totally sucks btw.
Yeah I know sorry, I just imagined people would know of Preston when talking about GoT.
did you know that the dutch are the tallest people on earth?
You can be our cumdump, user.
Is he dutch? He doesn't have the accent.
Wow Yea Forums is retarded. His point is that killing off the end Boss during the second act, like got did, is bad story telling. He's being sarcastic here.
If you're as good looking as Preston, sure.
No hes american
>marrying an ugly gook
he's said he's of dutch descent in one of his videos
>Season 7
>Second Act
please don't go around the internet spouting lies
He will fall back on
>muh books
as he should to be honest.
But the real question is... how was GRRM even going to do it right? He had way too much going on to give the story justice. Maybe now GRRM can be inspired to be more creative after this trash.
>seasons dont have arcs
ep 4 - picking up the pieces of the winterfell battle and preparing to fight cersei
ep 5 - fight cersei
ep 6 - pick up the pieces of the cersei fight and have scenes about how each of the surviving characters are gonna live happy ever after
so many people asking this question about how are they gonna fill the time. did you see ep 1 and 2? they have gotten pretty good at wasting time
The entire point of the White Walkers was to show that the petty squabbling and pointless wars of the Kingdoms meant nothing in the face of the larger threat the undead posed. Instead, the White Walkers are dealt with so we can go right back to petty squabbling. Thematically, it's really weak. So imagine if Sauron was killed in the Two Towers and the Return of the King was just shots of Frodo chilling in the Undying Lands and Aragorn dealing with rebuilding the realms of man.
not surprised he is taking the route of "the NK isnt gone yet" , a few youtubers i see are
he is a theory channel after all, if no NK then no theory
Sauron dies halfway through the RotK book
>episode 70 out of 73 is too early for the big bad guy to die
how have people not caught on that the guy is retarded
His videos should be an hour long. Hearing him rant about how terrible the show is really makes the existance of this dogshit show worth it.
i hope it's out before the next episode
he has a lot of shit to shit on so maybe not
Yeah, and they don't go off to deal with Saruman after that because that wouldn't make sense narratively. But in Game of Thrones, that's what's happening.
heavy spoilers:
fat man will neck himself because he sold his life' work to (((white))) slavers and they ruined it and it will be up to Preston to finish the books
Which is why the ending of Rotk feels tagged on. Tolkien is pretty bad at pacing. He admitted so himself.
But they do
Not in the movies. Stop being stupid.
GRRM loves that part though
But we were talking about the book
Dumb dumb
I'm so disappointed bros, cheer me up somehow.
there's a chance this might be happening
You are retarded, he’s saying that would have been a stupid thing to do in those stories just at was a stupid thing to do in this one
People still watch this whiny faggot? He in essence is the stereotypical man child GoT fan. Constantly bitching, but never misses a live airing. I can only imagine how asspained he was when Arya got the scalp.
he's not a fan of GoT at all though, idiot
>watches every single episode multiple times as soon as they're available for his 'job' as a youtube streamer
>not a fan
The way all you soft ass titty fed daddy's money spending numales act, you'd think none of you were fans. Sorry your show about zombies, dragons, and magic didn't give you a raging hard on you autistic embarrassment to your father's bloodline.
bizarre post, don't see why you're this upset
halo fren
>mad at based prestie
Why? He's the only got commentator who matters.
It amazes me how many of you imbeciles think the Night King story is done with. Azor Ahai killed all the white walkers remember? And yet here they are. I truly believe that Bran/NK are connected in a way that hasn't been revealed to us and all of you are kvetching because Arya got the kill when the kill itself is meaningless. Mark my words, even if it's just an epilogue, the White Walkers are not done.
Damn nigga, you dumb
>Yeah, and they don't go off to deal with Saruman after that
oh user...
>not surprised he is taking the route of "the NK isnt gone yet"
he's not.
He's taking the route of "holy shit, this show is dumb"
>Azor Ahai killed all the white walkers remember?
no he and 'the last hero' with the children and nights watch drove the WW north and built the wall.
Kylo is the Vader/Voldemort/NK of DisneyWars
Are you stupid? he pushed them north to the Land of Endless Winter or something. The books and the show both say that.
seething roastie
Maybe we get a flashback right at the end where NK swapped bodies with Bran who knows.
it'll probably be out in a day or two
I find his nitpick whining to be kind of dumb now. He used to have good points, but now he's angry for the sake of being angry and/or performance and desperately reaches.
Last episode he was trying to claim Tyrion or the wildlings don't have an antagonistic relationship with the Starks because technically Tyrion never directly combated the Starks and Jon Snow doesn't count as a Stark. All so he could pretend the scene by the hearth was a ~cinema sin~ He tries to pull an autism acktually with Ban's line of Jaime not having regret when he threw him out a window on technicality that you can't regret something you are presently doing, as if anyone with half a brain wouldn't understand that line to mean Jaime at the time was remorseless and thoughtless of that kind of casual attempted murder, but believes he's different now.
Seriously stupid shit and I don't get how people eat it up.
lol jealous incel cant handle Prestons chaditus.
>dude I fucking hate preston
>but I'll watch every single episode!
get it together, user!
Is Preston the only one who points out that the northern lords are all dead except for house mormont? Everytime Sansa makes some stupid "muh north" or "muh people will not kneel" remark I always wonder if DABIB even remembers that the north is 30% Wildlings and 70% Vale traitors who should all be executed by Robert Arryn.
there should be no northerners left after this episode.
I'm pretty sure everyone died except the main characters