Alita: Battle Angel
Previous Thread:
Fuck you, now I'll have to watch it. I still don't understand what there is to discuss about any movie that much, but I guess I'll fucking see it now.
It's only two hours long, but it's very dense. You can tell that this movie has been long in development.
Hello, new bread!
Explosions are banned in Iron City. Punishable by death. Anything that challenges the Devil King.
>Fuck you, now I'll have to watch it.
You act as if that's still a possibility, it's out of theaters. And if your first viewing is going to be a shitty camrip, well... may God have mercy on your soul.
Its a great movie, you won't regret it. Alita is top notch, I like her a lot as a character.
Post alita wallpapers
Apparently Jim's script was 3 hours and he wanted to cast Jessica Alba for the part. Then when it came to test shots for the performance capture technology it became apparent to James Cameron that it wasn't there yet so he worked on Avatar first so the technology from Avatar could better help him make Alita. Then Avatar went on to make 3 billion and he got roped into making Avatar for the rest of his life and Alita was left apparently to die until Rodriguez came over and asked him if he was ever going to get around to it and then Jim dumped the script and like 500 pages of notes on him and said if he could crack the script he'd let him make it. Rodriguez was the guy who cut it down to 2 hours and according to Jim still managed to keep all his favorite parts.
/alita/ threads are genuinely the only good content these days. Fucking capeshit and GoT are cancer
They never made it explicit that Nova rules Zalem - he might be hiding up there, only relying on his haxor skills to keep himself from caputre. They definitely do show him being there though - if it wasn't for the final scene where Alita raises the sword, I would be liable to think that Nova could have been lying about even being in Zalem.
>Farmer Thanos general
first one got archived at 220 posts and the 2nd one around 70 posts
/ALITA/ is around 440 thread all reaching close to the thread limit
Thanos is no match for Alita
how long with they last?
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita's KISSU LIPS.
I have nothing against Endgame having a general thread. Nor am I angry about there being an assload of GoT threads on the day when it drops. While I have no interest in the MCU, I can just jump past that.
Who gives a damn? It's not a competition.
I have nothing against it either of course that would hypocritical
I just use it to highlight the crazy run this general had based on a single movie
Of Bodies, Hard and Not So
by Leeta, Vector Foundation Unpaid Intern
I'm going to address a painful subject for People of Machinery (PoM), so I would appreciate if any organics reading would close the article now.
Ok, for you PoMs, I hope that you're in a comfortable place and that you have resources available for self-care after reading this, because I'm going to discuss the H-word. "H*rdbody." This hate word springs without warning from the mouths of organics, a stinging reminder of the unexamined privilege that they enjoy every day of their lives. For PoMs, the H-word stuns us, bruises us, sends shivers through our bodies like a backfire, makes every actuator and servo tense up like a surge of oppressive power. A "hard body" does not feel pain or alienation. It's a body that can be used and abused in any way an organic sees fit. By repeating this word, organics reduce us to nothing more than a wrench of screwdriver, tools for organic-bodied people to exploit until they break down.
PoMs are defined by the traumas etched into our not-so-hard bodies, the scratches, abrasions and corrosion that eat through our bodies and attack our very souls even as organics deny us our vulnerability, our humanity as they spit those two vicious syllables into our faces. "H*rdbody." Every time this word falls across my ears like a lash I am reminded that I have a not-so-hard body, that my body was built to know pain in a way that no organic can imagine in the same way that no colonizer can understand the depth and richness of the cultures destroyed by colonialism.
And lastly, because it can never be said enough: fuck organic people.
Hello new bread please be healed by Rosa and her coffee cup!
GoT and Endgame threads especially, are so fucking man-child and Reddit tier its insane....
it's just for shits and giggles
don't get all high and mighty on me
We know what's special about Rosa, but what about the coffee cup?
I think part of the reason for that is that it contains people who have stayed away from Yea Forums to avoid spoiler until they saw it. I tend to shy away from any discussions about a movie in the last months leading up to a bit tentpole release, and the few days before it premieres I stay off the Internet except for work.
Get sick of cancer Alitalovers.
no u
I bet that with minimal effort you could re-write these into feminist deconstruction of transhumanism in sc-fi and cyberpunk and trick academics into submitting them to their various journals
Thanks for you kind messages user!
Whats wrong sweetie?
Does anyone here have PACER access to check how that "Battle Angel" trademark suit between Epic Stone Group and 20th Century Fox is going. Any motions filed? In the USPTO database there were other companies who used to sell things with the "Battle Angel" mark, but registration does not trump actual use.
Good Afternoon Alitans
Thread OST:
hey atila's, when is the BD going to hit? asking for a friend
>tfw no alita gf
Tentative date is June 25th, fren
Bless this thread with Holy Gets, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
>Chinese hand-painted poster
>No Vector
>No Zapan
>No Nyssiana
This poster is clearly biased against People of Machinery
good afternoon to you too eclectic taste music man
You don't have a winning attitude.
>close to the thread limit
We always hit bump limit. Usually our threads are close to image limit.
Dank OC, brother.
thanks, have some sweatpants 'lita
>tfw I still hnng every time to sweatpants Alita
I am a broken man.
Alita, I don't think Radiation Water is safe to drink
Reminds me of the days when I would tune into obscure German webradio for some cozy Euro Truck 2 sessions.
On the contrary, hnnging to sweatpants Alita means at least something is still working properly upstairs.
>go get that dick, girlfriend!
>page 7
fuck you /GoT/, contain your damn redditors
Officially /comfy/ hours.
This is what a Doll body Alita statue could look like o.0 cmon fox....
Final one. :3
I'm ready
>extreme comb over creepyguy Alita on the floor
I wish I hadn't seen that
bitchin' v3
is there a good reason for those retarded eyes she has other than the fact it's based off a manga?
I liked Avatar - I think I even saw it in Imax 3D when it came out, because it was a pretty new deal to me back then. But I never had any desire to re-watch it, ever. Maybe because the plot was so simple, or because I disliked Giovanni Ribisi. The world-building was fine, and I'd be happy to play a game set in that world, but I don't feel like I missed anything in that first viewing.
She's a martian. Less light - more eyes
Yeah didn't quite clock that at first, does look creepy af.
In additon to , it's to make her obviously non-human. They could have done it by giving her metal "skin" like in the manga, but the way to defeat the uncanny valley is to make her look LESS human, but make her act and move in a MORE human way.
If Zalem is the first class Titanic deck.
If Iron City is a third-class Titanic deck.
Is that Alita an iceberg?
>I would play this character for the rest of my life
Don't do this to me user, I want to believe.
What's with Rosa's shirt there?
God I luv Rosa so much...
She's wearing a man's shirt backwards. If it's because she's cold or because it's fashion - who knows?
I like how this is a "local girl stars in world's biggest movie of the year" story, even if it was just February, it was technically true at the time.
Alita: Zalem Raider
"Guns are outlawed" - I'm guessing this also applies to all string and spring-operated weapons which don't stay attached to the operator? So harpoons should be OK?
>Yea Forums is now 90% GoT threads of such low quality they scarcely even rate as shitposts
I'll never understand what compels people to post such garbage.
hey how's everybody doing today
>I, I can't lie, I'm scared to open my eyes
>'Cause what if I'm wearing nothing at all, nothing at all?
I imagined Alita saying that as she landed. heh.
>alita washes yugo's clothes in a cement mixer
and we usually hit image limit well before we hit bump limit too lol
I really love the one with plastic hair. Great job.
Having a tactical analysis thread is pretty based, but much of the other stuff is pretty contentless, yes. It's the final season of a big show though - I am pretty tolerant of people freaking out about it. I'm honestly not sad if the Alita thread gets bumped off temporarily, we could always continue discussing it.
Don't get me wrong, I went to see the movie and it was ok, but WHAT THE FUCK IS THERE TO TALK ABOUT? Like literally, a fucking general for this movie? Or any movie for that matter. Is this some f/a/ggot that wants to push the weeb culture outside of Yea Forums?
What did Disney mean by this?
>go check catalog
>woah he's right
Yea Forums has no right to bitch about us having a contained thread.
>Yea Forums
>anything but moeshit
lol ok you can go post in a /got/ now if you like
Does anyone else remember the thread that got archived just seconds after the new thread got posted
Haha okay go see the movie though user
I want to give her headpats
>I went to see the movie and it was ok,
What was your favorite part?
What did you like about it the least?
Have you read or do you think you will now read the Manga?
we all do
Damn do I want to fill her mouth with choco
Plenty of people on Yea Forums do like /m/ content, but since it tends to get bumped off Yea Forums by the moefad of the day, we tend to keep it on /m/ most of the time. I remember when TTGL was running, and Yea Forums was all over it back then.
Based Wholesome poster.
y'all niggas based as hell
really liked the ball game, the visual were amazing
everything else was cringe
thanks little froggy
You didn't even like the fight scenes? Or Rosa Salazar's and Cristoph Waltz' acting?
The only thing I've heard people fairly consistently dislike is Hugo, but that is typically because he turns out to have a quite different role in the story than what people expected.
What is this, a shitpost for ants?
Will there be a sequel? Didn’t seem to make a big splash
It's all up to James Cameron and whatever investors he finds. Alita is looking to make a modest profit, or modest loss, depending on the details of the marketing spending - and with home media sales will probably justify a sequel on financials alone. One important consideration is that they've already built most of the sets and developed the technology that they need for the sequels.
Hopefully, the sequels justify high enough budgets to hire good talent.
Boatman wants more movies, and he always gets what he wants.
Didn't do well enough to guarantee a sequel, but did well enough that Cameron can certainly make it happen if he wants to. I'm feeling confidant so long as he doesn't entirely lose himself to perpetual Avatar.
I think he cares about audience reactions yes, as far as they can be seen from the box office. Only arthaus directors and hacks want to make movies that the audience doesn't like.
there will be a sequel. It did better than anybody expected despite some comically biased factors going against it. The fans are insane and JC/RR made it because it was a passion project. They wouldn't have taken a risk with a new IP unless they were confident with it.
>only hacks want to make movies the audience doesn't like
Did someone say my name?
I have never ever seen fans this crazy about a movie since SW Episode I and that was the newest installment of the biggest franchise of all time after like a 15-year absence
Not everything is for everyone
I still suggest you check out the manga. It has a clean art style, alotta soul and is 9.9 times better than the movie
Episode I and The Lord of the Rings, yes. I wasn't one of those people who camped out outside movie theaters, but pretty close.
I sure wanted to campout for Phantom Menace but only 9 lol. I was resistant to LotR too but eventually realized how fun they were.
*but I was only 9
It's the movie that made anime real and you're on Yea Forums.
/alita/ threads have been the most wholesome threads on Yea Forums ever since the movie came out and all this Star Wars, Marvel, and Game of Thrones posting gets real annoying real fast. You guys rock, don't let the haters get to you :D
thanks fren
it did pretty o.k. and as most of us should know with cameron, a home kino hit like terminator was when it hit the vhs and tv only made terminator 2 possible, the first movie with a budget as high as it had, setting up a new era of film
>I would be worried if everybody across the board [said] "Yeah, that was a good movie." It’s much more exciting to me when you get a group of people who are - like - coming up to you and really, really excited. And there are other people who will walk out, just - I mean, literally saying "it was the worst movie ever". Having those two extremes to me is.. you know. Is the type of movie I want to make, so…
damn nigga that's kawaii as fuck
I've seen this before but I don't get it. Is it just because the shirt they have is similar?
I assume it's that simple, yes. Alita does embody many psychological archetypes though - so you could say that the connection is a little deeper than that. But Inside Out is a kids' story about integrating emotions, so it's perhaps not as "deep" as some people like - but it's deep enough.
I mean I liked Inside Out but I didn't know if I missed some joke about it being mixed with Alita.
It's a joke because of the shirt and eyes.
I had almost forgotten about the freakout over the eyes. Yes, right.
>take a trip to front page
>take one look around
>head back to /ALITA/
Did FOX time the first wave of Alita marketing with the original release date? I remember there being a brief Arby's tie-in that no one knew about because it was so early on
Oh boy, it looks like it's time to get comfy
I said it earlier but the amount of bullshit going on regarding GoT is hilarious. Yea Forums can't say shit about us.
is it that bad?
Yes, this is likely what happened - but wasn't it Carls Junior? Pretty strange to have Vegan Boatman promoting a burger joint. (His promotion of veganism for the environment is part of the reason he got an orange species of frog named after him.)
Honestly it's almost hard seeing things from their perspective now because Alita is such a compelling and expressive character and the movie is so fantastic that it seems weird to be dismissive over something so trivial.
I think they would have been stupid not to do it that way and they only thing that went wrong is that they didn't get the eyes right the first time.
I looked at the catalog and read part of like two threads and now I can safely say that I don't need to catch up on the new show and I can avoid Yea Forums for a while.
Fuckkk I just remembered my ex-girlfriend has hazel eyes
she has the best expressions and the prettiest eyes in the bottom right
It's almost too much for my heart to bear.
Oh yes
You can tell they went all-out on detail for that particular shot
But is he the kind of environmentalist billionaire who lives in a mansion on an estate that could have its own zip code?
I want to watch Alita's movie.
hey guys, is uh, is there a torrent for the movie out? not a camrip pls
>not including pic related
I can literally feel the healing coming through that picture
A quick DuckDuckGo suggests that Cameron has a house in Malibu but - back in 2012 at least - spent most of his time on a farm in New Zealand. I don't begrudge them owning land, as long as they practice what they preach with that land.
haha, was that for #99?
if the center one alone doesn't heal you, you're inhuman.
No it was #430 Some of you guys are too hung up on numbers and fancy banners - I just took the funniest OC I had laying around that I hadn't seen as an OP yet, and hurried to post it when nobody would bake.
you should've bought a ticket
if we don't get a sequel it'll be your fault
but no, there's no non-camrip version at the moment
>nothing from "I'd give you my heart" scene
Speaking of, I get so butthurt when people think that this was a 'dumb, cheesy' line. Obviously, Alita realizes this is a cheesy line and is making a pun, because she is literally willing to pawn her very valuable heart for Hugo. So, she's sorta being cute and cheeky. It's ironic. Obviously, cheeky cute joke or not, Hugo schools Alita in how she can't just do that for people, no matter or trustworthy or deserving you think them to be.
>Shitty yellow camrip with ads spinning all over the place
>Slightly less shitty camrip with unsynchronized non-English audio
Might as well watch the movie as a series of gifs, user.
idk why people come in here asking this when we clearly don't have one.
/ALITA/ has a problem with timing the threads right
only cynical idiots don't like the line. She's putting everything on the line because that's who she is.
I dunno, man. She sounds like she means it from the way she says it. Not a drop of sarcasm or silliness in her voice.
>nothing from "I'd give you my heart" scene
There is - center left - when she's sitting on the bed and he's walking around the table.
I loved this OC! It doesn't always have to have a fancy banner, just Alita-related, obviously. Ideally, it would be OC, and might have some sort of banner pr something. But it's really annoying when we re-use OPs. We'd done it several times already, and each time is one time too many.
Yes, I think it's at least as important to entertain the board as a whole as it is to pander to existing /alita/ audience. For the other Yea Forums posters, the top image is the only thing they'll see, so if we can brighten their day with a funny or interesting picture, then that is a good thing in itself, and maybe they'll join us.
it'll be easier when we have more hi res images to go through. I really want a hq pic of the first night time shot of Zalem looming above. It looks so cool and it'd be a great banner.
Alita could have made at least $25M more if these guys had reviewed it back in February
change my mind
Wait, did they review it?
they're legit conmans and only review whats popular, the man runs a business
how could they have this kind of pull?
A few years ago they reviewed smaller movies but lately it feels soulless.
If people like Elon Musk, Pewdiepie, and other celebrities who saw and liked the movie had actually been more obvious in their recommending of the movie, maybe it would have had an impact. To recognize that Elon Musk Tweeted about Alita, you pretty much had to have seen the movie already.
Maybe they have to save their praise for when they get paid with access or money for it.
word of mouth then it multiplies etc.
Cast Erica. Assume mocap, so don't worry too much about age and exact appearance.
I could see that, but 25 mill..
$25M was too high a guess initially but I feel like the number is easily in the millions because they have almost 1M subscribers so if a quarter of those people see the review and go watch the movie with someone else then that's $1M to the studio even if they're only getting $2 a ticket
>Elon Musk Tweeted about Alita
No way! Really? Pics or it didn't happen.
The only response to it he "Liked", among thousands, was an Alita image
Pewdiepie mentioned it for literally a couple seconds, at least 10M people saw it so spending a few minutes on it would have made a pretty big difference
Shadiversity did his part. He had a glowing review and did videos on both the rocket hammer and the Damascus blade.
>story about integrating emotions
And Alita is a story about pursuing integrity.
Shadman always delivers. I actually watched both of those videos by him. I love him and Skallagrim. They are among about only...400 Youtubers on all of Youtube I think I worth a damn at all.
>that one based kino review where he reviewed the Disney Castle and said that despite some unnecessary clustered barracks that it was amazing, elegant beautiful, and ritzy while still being a strong and very well-fortified bastion of protection.
So good.
>Meme Necromancer
Oh, my God, I knew this guy was lax and based, but what the absolute state? Has he cracked his rocker?
Maybe his lawyers told him to fill his Twitter with bullshit, to get away from the SEC? It is a bit of a coincidence that he changed his profile image to Edward Elric the day after Vic Mignogna sued Funimation.
I prefer Kojima
>what happens when you don't log off and your 15-year-old son is using your Twitter account
Which is also a fairly accurate characterization of what happened at Funimation.
Can you remember where he mentioned it?
>goodbye sausage
Lol no I don't watch him I only know about it because I've been following Alita so closely
>Got thread, got thread, got thread...
What happened?
big battle episode and Yea Forums likes to pretend they're above watching normie shows but they're clearly fuoo of shit so they bitch about ad nauseam.
From what I understand the big bad guy got casually offed by some minor side character and people are mad because he was supposed to be a huge threat.
Hey, dude, I was going to watch GoT season 8 when it's all done, so I can marathon it. No worries though, I already know these writers well enough to predict more or less what's going to happen.
The Night King, who's been built up as THE threat for 7 seasons, just got casually murdered by stabbing by Arya Stark, a teenage girl, halfway through the season.
well...Arya is hardly a minor character who spent basically 6 seasons becoming a cold murderer but it was didn't really answer what happened to the necro-dragon or why defeating the Night King auto-killed the rest of the undead. Anyway who cares back to comfy.
>Just an insignificant girl
>Kills the boss
>Just an insignificant girl
>Kills the boss
She has actually trained and suffered through the whole series though, so it's not un-earned. So many of the other characters have no real tactical or strategic skill, and are just there because of their noble birth or lolrandom.
She teleported out of nowhere. If GRRM had written it, it would have felt earned. DnD are hacks so it didn't.
Wait for the 4k Bluray
okay you made me lol
Someone else decided to draw comparisons to Avatar. I did the Titanic ones, but it's been awhile since I watched Avatar. More obvious similarities.
Well guys, get ready to wait another 3 months for the blu-ray.
been a while here too. I can't think of anything specifically similar other than maybe the 'entering a new body' comparisons.
VERY cute and VERY much saved
There's probably a lot more, I'll just have to watch Avatar again.
>URM Berzerker XL-Warrior Variant
They say "outstanding" in both movies
Well that's a staple of all Cameron movies. Honestly, rewatching the film, I don't get why people want to diss on it so much.
I don't hate it but I don't love it and I didn't really think about it once I left the theater.
I think the Na'Vi should have looked different and they should have gotten someone else to be the main character but there's not a whole lot that really needs to be fixed without changing too many things.
Cuts off people's faces
Can someone xray shoop this Rosa pic please?
people diss on it because 'lol dances with wolves' but like who cares? It's not WHAT movies are about, it's how they're about. Pretty tired of this lame ass meme of 'lol do u remember any character names from Avatar?' - so fucking stupid.
I diss Avatar because it's so forgettable. The only thing I remember is thinking it was the best movie ever when I left the cinema. and that I was fucking bored when I rewatched it at home later.
Do they stay outstanding in Titanic at any point?
what's up with her left arm? is this official artwork? how did that get past quality control the anatomy is terrible
Look at Ido's face, there is no way that's official art.
I really hope Godzilla doesn't suck, because Alita has been the only nondisappointing thing this year.
The only problem with it for me is some of the villain writing and it is long, it's not a film I can really put on over and over. The world building of Pandora is the best stuff, which to be fair, is a big chunk of the movie.
The iceberg sure was outstanding.
What about Shazam? That and Alita are the only two films to come out this year so far I've liked.
Shazam felt pretty meh to me, especially the ending. I Enjoyed the back and forth between billy and freddie. But thats about it...
Memes aside, the new Joker film looks promising.
Just checked, they don't say outstanding. Maybe because it's a period piece and there wasn't really a spot anyone could say it? Just imagine the lookouts saying "Outstanding!" when they see Jack and Rose making out.
Funny pic from the LA range meet
>Shotgun pointed directly at VA
Guess I'll die
I edited this with Alita’s Instead of emojis but forgot to save it
Oh well, it was really fun!
Looks like anons, about to blast VA away.
But in all seriousness, looked fun!
I know lol
It’s actually a screencap of a video of us doing meme poses
Shazam was good too. Actually optimistic about Joker and Det Pikachu (no I don't know why either)
it really was a great time
>/alitaArmy/ is gonna be a real army now
if all of Yea Forums was as based as these threads, this would be the coolest boards in Yea Forums
reposting the CO anons for those who may not have seen it
>that trailer park boys episode where julian grew his hair long then flew to LA to shoot guns with some americans who wouldn't stop talking about some robot chick from some movie
The hell was that about
>Target stands
All three of us neglected to bring one so we shot cans and shit mostly
While we do meme and goof off a lot, I'm glad the threads aren't dominated by endless shitposts just regurgitating old tired memes like OH NO NO.
There's more sincerity behind the posts. The GoT spam, while I'm not dissing the show, like geez, they complain about us being a problem, meanwhile there's like 20 GoT threads.
for the next meetup can we shoot 2 liter soda containers with printouts of characters on them?
if yes i'll bring a bunch of hugo pics
Thanks for the support, user!
Of course!
But no Hugo. Only Zapan.
>'got enough doritos there, Rick?'
> with the personalities of angels but the autism of shitposters give it up for #99 /ALITA/!
>HOLY FUCK julian, these fuckers got doritos!
>b-but muh face
I'll bring a printout of that one of Brie sticking her tongue out.
Basically every named character in Alita has a moment focused on them and most of the time somebody says that character's name in the same scene
- Ido
- Nurse Gerhad
- Alita
- Motorball
- Ajakutty briefly on the screen
- Alita again to Hugo
- Hugo
- Chiren and we learn her name in the next scene with Ido
- we see Vector in the car
- Tanji
- Koyomi briefly
- Nyssiana and Romo but we don't hear their names
- Grewishka
- Alita being called 99
- mention of Chiren again and Alita Ido
- Jashugan
- Kinuba
- Vector at motorball
- Kinuba outside Kansas (Kansas is mentioned)
- Vector again
- better scenes with Tanji and Koyomi
- berserker body
- Kansas bar
- Zapan
- Clive Lee even though he's not important yet
- Screwhead
- McTeague
- Gangsta, Kumaza, Ajakutty are in the bar but only noticeable on a rewatch
- more about Grewishka
- more with Vector and Chiren
- Nova
- insert into berserker body
I think that's everything
It's a hand-painted sign on a Chinese second-run theater
>*Proceeds to ward off shitposters and Jerome*
>They must've said something in the threads that these guys did not like!
>bullying Hugo
this pic would be fun for target practice, we'd have to be careful to only hit our target hugo
>'julian I don't even get what's so great about this Aleena battle angle? Looks pretty fuckin stupid to me why does she need such big eyes?'
Cant bring myself to bully Hugo
Pre-Alita Hugo maybe but post Alita Hugo is based
It means it stood out of the water. (Except not, since most of an iceberg is below the waterline.)
Crop it so it's only the two of them so nobody accidentally hits Hugo and sure! It makes a good Hostage target
That's actually based on one of the official posters, they mirrored Ido and Zapan which is noticeable
That's pretty fuckin cool actually.
I finna wanna meet Alita bros and sis’ at least once a month for the rest of my life if possible
>have you even seen it yet Rick? Maybe if you read some books you'd be able to appreciate it more
>face splits in half
like pottery
remastered version
>'julian why don't just fuck off I appreciate things just fine ok? I'm self smart, I don't need books.'
Ahaha amazing.
Anything for Jerome or Blondita?
>all the layers of joke in this post
I see you.
hello me old chums, i like the stickers
we definitely gotta have another meetup soon
>shooting blondita
too far
reminder that Elysium is the perfect prequel to alita
We didn't get Jerome on video and we didn't bring a Blondita but we have a good one of a deckman and one other one that I'm trying to get converted
Better not. There are watchers behind the Discords all over Twitter. Pretty common these days. Those people will play up anything even loosely resembling a death threat and create a huge dramafest over it.
Nobody there will care about you shooting Zapan and Hugo, though.
>julian leave ricky alone, god you think you're so smart, you and your precious books
>They're called mangas, ray
I enjoy Elysium but I cannot stand how annoying Sharlto's South African accent is. Nails on a chalkboard.
Rosa mentioned in an interview she wants the sequel to be more like a western
Stylistically speaking, now that Alita has the Damascus blade, for the sequel, could Rodriguez make the movie even more like a western and even samurai film? The blade action, if paired with more solid direction, and the lone wolf attitude of Altia lends itself to the western front. The possibilities here are insane, if done absolutely correct, the sequel could be better than the first in every way, cause you got Norton writing and playing the main villain too.
I feel it, probably for the best then to not draw unwanted attention. I am so ready to get down to LA for the next one though.
Ironic considering he's actually South African
He's quite good with accents
you will get the marvel trannies flooding these threads with BLACKED porn
>a target and the word "death" behind Hugo
>They're called mangas, ray
fucking lost it right there
Get on IMDb and vote 10/10 for /ourgirl/, guys!
We just slipped from 7.6 down to 7.5.
yeah what's up with that
Yes, she liked harmonica-playing Alita when she read the manga.
what is your costume supposed to be
Not your personal army, also I don't really give a shit.
>Did you know that despite only making up 13% of the population cybo-
>Know what is hidden
>Always ask, what is it that I'm not seeing
Discord trannies?
>They are the dragons that must be slain
Or 8, or 9 or something. Honest opinions only, is my policy. People tend to discount 10 and 0 scores.
>YouTube and RottenTomatoes remove scores and only do like/dislike ratios
I'm definitely ready for more Damascus action. It's weird how iconic it is with her on all the promo stuff but only has it for like the last 20 minutes.
Whose rules do I live by?
VOTE 8 of 9, write a review, and rate other movies 8 or 9! Only way to have your rating count!
I'll dress up as motion capture suit Zapan.
someone get that tasty bread cooking
I don't mind that it wasn't used a whole lot because the Star Wars prequels had that problem with lightsabers but wish it was the damascus blade from the manga instead
actually that's a pretty good costume idea
it would be great at Comic-Con
I will bake it
It’s best to keep everything /ALITA/ related
Blow this picture up next.
we were talking about a date the other night anyone remember it?
just gonna have to shoot up the Factory Enforcers.
Aren't they bounty hunters - Zapan's stooges? I thought the guys in Factory uniforms guarding Vector were the Factory Enforcers.