Is everyone on this board either a child or a woman? Stop shitting up this board with got and avengers...

Is everyone on this board either a child or a woman? Stop shitting up this board with got and avengers, you fucking faggots.

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It would be fine even if it were contained to designated threads - people here are literally too retarded to use the catalog though, so 80% of the board is peoples personal blog and thoughts about what they just watched

It's the mods, they get paid by the studios via advertising agencies to allow marketers to spam threads.

It all makes sense now

It's been this way since Swaglord was a mod. Hiro doesn't really know nor care what's going on as long as he gets shekels.

Post your shows or shut up

>t. marketing shill
Stop spamming the board first.

fuck off back to /pol/, siegefag

>fuck off back to /pol/, siegefag

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>if you dont like got or capeshit you're a nazi
honk honk

>can't post his shitty shows

lmao fuck off then

What do you make threads about?

He's probably a Snyder fanboy, desu

Yeah, I can't post them without going to page 10 because they just get buried under the endless barrage of capeshit/got threads, dumb shill.

>Charles Manson dindu nuffin. READ SIEGE!!!!1

Snyder is a hack who makes the same kind of schlock that you unironically like.

who are you quoting? you are crazy

Name them right now, faggot.

The Prisoner is my favorite

Edgy fuck I’m sure your moty is climax huh you degenerate. Face the truth, your taste is shit. My wife’s son and I absolutely loved end game. You think he’d enjoy climax? Obviously not dumbo so how about you get off your cinematic high horse and be humble

I don't have time to type them out before the thread is deleted. Check the catalog.

>still can't post them here

lmao you pussy

I genuinely don’t understand why you’d think any of the high traffic boards would have an older demographic. The majority of users are high school to college age and that’s how it’s always been.

>Charles Manson dindu nuffin

Speaking literally, he didn't. He had someone else do his bidding for him and then used plausible deniability.
Does that remind you of anyone else? Protip: When this other group use plausible deniability they can generally get away with it. The number of Judges who happen to be on the circuit who also happen to share the plausible deniers genetic make up is just pure coincidence (it isn't).

>your flashy lights and funny sounds are childish
>my flash lights and funny sounds? They're for mature adults

Stop shitting up this board with your incel ramblings and have sex.

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>>your flashy lights and funny sounds are childish
>>my flash lights and funny sounds? They're for mature adults

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>The majority of users are high school to college age and that’s how it’s always been

No, maybe 10-15 years ago when that demographic were the only ones really using the internet in a big way. Do you think college age students don't age or do you think they just stop using Yea Forums? How many boomers have stopped using Facebook since 2009 (not including ones who've died)? Same thing, just a different site.
Stop being a fucking brainlet.

But I'm not even Aryan

it's alright


Exactly. I'm glad you and I agree on my post.

>make arthouse thread
>gets knocked to page 6 immediately
>gets knocked to page 10 in 3 mins
>some user replies with an essay that bumps it to page 1
>try to reply
I don't mind all the got shit if that's what people want to talk about, but we really need a new board for people that like to actually talk about movies, most of that shit takes time to post
Same with how /po/ is, there are threads from 5 years ago still up

Magic shit is for children

>still pussyfooting like a girl
>can't post his list

you probably have shit taste you faux arthouse loser

You're just seething because you got called out for being an infantile girl-brained NPC.

There was a man, an Agent, a Hollywood Agent man, yes? He was instrumental, nay, vital, to the elections of both Obama AND Trump.





3x3s and top 10s are all you have. Even when there is an abundance of kino in a 3x3 thread rarely does anyone get along anyways. Just how it's always been here, idiot.

This redditor lashes out at intellectual media because it's too complex for his sensibilities. Stick to your capeshit, boy.

Is 4channel just Reddit now?


The moderators definitely are.


I’m sure there’s plenty of 25+ year olds here but the ones spamming comic book movie and GoT threads are almost certainly all under 21.

So all movies are for children? Interesting.

reddit leaves once game of thrones is finished, happens every time

and then we go back to just marvel, star wars, and pedo threads

Do you have any variety in your life?

You said magic is for children. So the magic of cinema is for children.

You're on a movie board, filled with nerds who've read the actual comic books unlike you, you fake normie.

GoT and the avengers are movies and the only movies out there? If you actually think they are this proves that people who watch these sort of series have below average iq

What do those movies have to do with my post?

You seem to think that every movie has magic shit in it. Why is that?

Are you a child? It's called the magic of cinema because every movie ever has magic. Cinema itself is magic.

This but unironically

That's right! You tell him, girl!

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when did Hollywood lose its soul to the kike overlords?

Hollywood is close to the Mexican border. It has nothing to with Jews



Helter Skelter

Read SIEGE faggot