whats her endgame?
Whats her endgame?
The same endgame all white girls have. BIG BLACK COCK.
Raising niggers and complaining there are no men with balls to date her like Charlize Theron.
Her end game is photo oping with niggers until she can get enough niggers to watch her nigger films. White women who do this are scum.
stop it with the fucking blacked memes. It's all so tiresome.
>i-it’s just for a picture!
lmao cope harder
t. Francis Ford COPEola
that's right
THE WHITEMAN has come again to rape your kind
precious black seed invading her pure aryan womb
She honestly would look perfect with that big black hand next to her head. She's so ideally white looking, the perfect type of candidate to get Blacked.
>stop it with the fucking blacked memes. It's all so tiresome
t. roasty
I’m not a white woman tho
There’s literally nothing wrong with BMWF relationships
>stop it u guise
you completely misinterpreted the image
what a baboon holy crap
Why did Yea Forums become /cuck/?
Agreed, except the nigger part
>this whole thread
Yea Forums was always full of cucks of BLACKEDpilled memes.
Paying the toll is always the endgame.
Moreover, she's just trying to ensure her continued employment in Hollywood. Though personally I would have taken the lesbo route myself.
>white women are addicted to BBC so much they do it with the threat of beatings
he doesn't look like her AT ALL
BBC is inevitable
Both have a head that keeps going a few feet above their eyebrows in a weird elongated way. They look pretty similar unless she was fucking another eggplant headed baboon.
it's nonwhites that do this. they want to get back at whitey so they spam this shit
>he thinks it's nonwhites
clearly you've never been to the /blacked/ general in trash. It's white boy central over there.
>niggers think not having a receding forehead looks "weirdly elongated"
The baby daddy is in the same picture, he fits your description of eggplant headed baboon. Also I don't think it's honest to make comparisons at such a young age but you're a cuck in denial if you think baby looks like her at all.