Daily reminder that this works because the Night King is a military commander who is used to fighting trained soldiers on a mass scale and has never had a street-rat thug move like this pulled on him before. Just because you're a warlord doesn't mean you know alleyway knife fight tricks like the ones Arya learned in her years of being a vagrant.
Daily reminder that this works because the Night King is a military commander who is used to fighting trained soldiers...
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Good bait, but why didnt he snap her neck instantly, why would a god of death hesitate?
Too bad he didn't get to assimilate Carl Tanner.
It's an awkward position b, how would you go from holding someone by the neck to snapping it? Hes not a good, just an old superweapon still running on old programming
Maybe he underestimated her and was toying with her? The vibe that I get from the Night King is that he possesses a kind of sardonic malevolence to him.
It's literally the most uninteresting way to kill the nightking.
Also isn't armour meant to do things?
He's strong enough to hurl an ice spear hundreds of feet into the air with enough force to mortally wound a dragon, I think he's capable of snapping a teenage girl's neck with one hand.
>why didnt he snap her neck instantly
You watch too much capeshit. Snapping neck isn't easy. And with one hand it's impossible.
>grabs her by the neck and arm
>doesn't immediately break her arm and have the blade flung away in the process
Not against Valaryan steel
as you can clearly see from jorah's flexi-cuirass in this scene, most armour is made from rubber
Nigga, it's a fantasy TV show about frozen zombies, dragons and magic. What the fuck are you talking about?
I was actually hoping for that. It would have been a great way to upend fan service expectations. But nope, they went full fan service instead.
Why didn't you ask that girl out? Why didn't you slow down to avoid that crash? Why didn't you take that job? People don't always do the smartest things. Sometimes mistakes are made. Y'all are smooth brain retards if you think characters should always make the best smartest choice 100% of the time
It used to be more than this before the "just turn your brain off" audience became the majority of the viewer base.
white walkers have immense physical power, they could easily do it, especially the NK.
Prove it
>clearly see
I can’t see shit
I mean, medieval knights fought dirty and learned to fight with knives and all kinds of weapons.
If it had to be Arya at least it would have made sense if she shot him through the head with a valyrian steel arrow or something. This is just disgraceful.
How to identify the moron: he's the guy focusing on why this is possible in the fantasy world, instead of focusing on why this doesn't make any sense in a sense of story telling
>God of death
Fucking hell, the Night King isn't as all-powerful and all-knowing as most people make him out to be.
The white walker literally chucks Jon around the room with one arm dumbass.
Incels still seething a day later later just because the person who killed NK has a vagina.
Truth is, Arya fucking master-classed him with the use of all of her previous knowledge and skills obtained in Braavos. Dont pretend like she didn't work for that shit.
>B-b-but why didnt he just snap her neck instantly
lol you're fucking pathetic.
Didn't he throw an icicle at a dragon which killed it immedietly, only to ressurect said dragon so he could ride it into combat?
Mad. Just deal with it faggots. You're telling me that it's not realistic that the fire-proof king zombie didn't do X. You sound like a retard.
because in real life she would get womped by any average infantry
Hes just a an old dude programmed to go south and kill things. He is like those ants with funguses in their brain who climb a tree so spores can fly away and spread. His programming was just go south and kill humans. If anything d and d fucked up by having him reanimate polar bears, giants, and horses and dragons. I doubt the children of the forest would have programmed that in.
>no great showdown between the champion of light and the champion of the great other
bravo dabid
Maybe along the way he mutated into something far more dangerous than anything they could have envisioned?
tbqh, if i was the night king and i could res animals, i would just hang around north of the wall collecting bears and wolves and shit, then when i have about 5 million of them i'd start the war
>You're telling me that it's not realistic that the fire-proof king zombie didn't do X
Yeah I am, It's a pretty simple concept, what's the issue here?
>in real life
Are you 12 or what?
I can do that as well, considering Jon's a manlet. Still, not strong enough to snap a neck.
>drogon and dany just sitting outside winterfell and a bunch of corpses start piling onto them
200 IQ
I mean why not. I think its just supposed to be an allegory for native people that were displaced using old mysticism to get revenge. Its a common steven king trope and he has sold more books than anyone so I think it resonates with people.
>Still, not strong enough to snap a neck.
okay dumbass
>Send all the light cavalry to their imminent deaths purely for cinematic lighting
300 IQ
>green arrow meme
okay dumbass
Next time include a picture of a frog to make your point stronger.
>as you can clearly see
They decided to be on the safe side with all the CGI and made everything so dark than you can't distinguish between real and CGI parts of the scenes.
Isn't this almost a ripoff of the part where Rey drops her lightsaber in TLJ?
At least it wasn't quite that bad.
Maybe he sensed that she was Azor Ahai, put him off guard, a little scared even.
>Yeah I am, It's a pretty simple concept, what's the issue here?
Why did you even bother watching the show? You knew it wasn't going to be written by an incel neckbeard, why did you even bother? Just wait for your next shitty book.
way too obvious
this board will never have sex
of course not, it's online and not in real life
Gonna cry? Gonna piss you pants? Maybe? Maybe shit and cum??