Will she have a career beyond GoT?

Will she have a career beyond GoT?

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Hopefully in porn

She looks like a potato nigga what's wrong with you

no she died last episode, very sad

She is 16 and look like a kid.

>Will ugly but "stronk whoman" have a career in jewwywood?
I don't know user, I don't even

at least she got the best death scene

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it's like one of the pictures where the face is shopped really small

Do you prefer 16 yo girls to look like women?




if only the nights watch had a little girl on their side back when that giant broke through into the tunnel under the wall.

the next black widow?

There's something wrong with her face but I can't put my finger on it.

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Damn she's legal to dick in most of the world

Cunny is cunny

>thrown around like a rag doll by literal giant
>can still charge at the giant
>giant crushes her bones
>can still move and thrust a blade into the giant so hard it pierces it

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She looks pretty spoopy desu

she has a slight whiff of the downs about her

Arya looked cute at the start of the show and look at her now. With some luck puberty will treat this one better.

I think all of her features are too small, especially the mouth.

you blind nigger? tiny eye lids/eyebrows with six head. but i think she cute :3333

It was a soft eyeball tho


she got swatted away by his hand and was about as injured as you would expect for the force of it. then her chest gets crushed, which wouldn't stop her arms from working even if her spine broke probably

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you still need force to thrust

think of the searing fucking pain of every bone in her torso and her lungs getting smushed

i don't want to think about that, it's sad ;_;

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Le mindless killing machine picks her up and crushes her for le epic gaymer death instead of just stamping on her or bashing her with it's weapon

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>think of the searing fucking pain of every bone in her torso and her lungs getting smushed
Think of adrenaline and being near death completely numbing you to any pain

Looks like a Fingol desu

Full NPC face

>Arya looked cute at the start of the show

lmao no she didn't.

god I wish she was in my room right now so I could snuggle her

Yeah it's called being a character actor for the future.

fucking women can't even hold a weapon properly

half expected her head to explode, but d&d had to do some shitty fan service yet again

soulless nigger eyes

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Alcohol Fetus Syndrom?

Really? I thought she was 11 or 12

>adrenaline can move a broken spine

>I loved when the baddy held her up in the air & she pierced him with the dagger killing him unexpectedly.

but enough about ayra.

lyanna did it better

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Didn't you watch the episode?
She's dead. No more career-

how many normalfags have even given thought to the fact the mormont is the only house which ended this episode

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tinha que ser brasileiro

many houses ended and nothing really changed, peasants will finally control themselves and achieve happiness by communism
no need for a shitty noble in his/her fancy chair to tell me how to dig potatoes

She could star in a horror movie about black eyed kids.

based CHAD communist

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Lyanna vs giant was kino

>when it charges in
>when it swats her to the side
>her scream


She was the least offensive thing about the episode.
Just goes to show you can go gurl power without being bad, it just has to take place with some realism.
Little girl murdering an undead giant on her own? Not believable. Little girl getting crushed to death in an undead giant's hands and getting off a lucky shot? Feasible.

She’s a cute pigeon

She is the protag of The Worst Witch on Netflix, pretty kino show for kids

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God, I'm sick in the head

>She is 16
wtf i thought she is 12 or something