Why didn't they just wait until the Germans went to lunch and then stormed the bluff?
I don't get it.
Why didn't they just wait until the Germans went to lunch and then stormed the bluff?
I don't get it.
Why didn't the US just join Germany?
why didnt they just bomb the beach from afar?
Because the US never allies with losers
Why didn't they just drop their first nuke on German bunkers?
What about the south vietnamese?
Why didnt they just fly the eagles to Berlin?
why didn't they just wait for the army in italy to reach germany?
Gas yourself, Chaim.
Why didn't they just drop tanks off instead of people?
>South Vietnam
What the fuck where they thinking storming the beaches without any kind of support or armor?
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram the bunkers ?
These assholes again.
Because the Germans had Lunchables so they didn't have to leave to eat.
Because they weren't Germans, they were Czechs.
US was too transphobic
seething tranny
These are great
I've asked this before and I'll ask it again. Why didn't they just tunnel to Hitler's bunker and make a trapdoor under his toilet? They could have waited until he needed a poo and then grabbed his legs and pulled him in, never to be seen again. As an added bonus they could have sniffed the sweet aromas of Eva Braun's braps while they waited until Hitler needed to drop a load.
Germany declared war on the U.S brainlet
Hitler's poo was too toxic, filled with all kinds of diseases and drug remnants
Israel actually sort of did this to assassinate a Palestinian guy in Sri Lanka once. They tunneled under his toilet and put a bomb on his toilet that activated when it flushed.
Not even memeing
was he assassinated by bugs bunny?
>*Alpha male phobic
Why not just shoot him?
Yep the Allies never did th-
I declared war on ur mums pussy with my dick, fgt
WTF? Apologize right now
Because he was in a heavily armed camp and had a lot of security except when he took a shit. Only time he was by himself.
>It's okay to be a tranny because others are trannies
Why didn't they just catapult the Allies over the beach to safety?
Probably the best post I've seen on Yea Forums in 2019
then you missed the Stephen thread from last night
If the allies had lost then images like would've been treated as the historical reason for the failure of the west.