Friendly reminder that the Lich King is more based than the Night King. His story arc is far more compelling.
>tfw a video game character is better written than the character of a "prestige tv drama"
Friendly reminder that the Lich King is more based than the Night King. His story arc is far more compelling.
>tfw a video game character is better written than the character of a "prestige tv drama"
Other urls found in this thread:
Liche King > Witch King > Lich King > Night King
>Lich King's death was notoriously bungled
>still manages to be a thousand times better than what happened in GoT
Just the opening cinematic of WOTLK was more kino than all of the WW scenes combined
Both are shit
> there must always ne *DRAMATIC THUNDERCLAP* a Lich King
Yeah it was retarded but at least Arthas got a nice send off.
He died before wow went full retard, here's hoping they don't bring him back
exceptions can be made for a WC4 that ignores the events of WOW
Fuck off, WoW lore was always trash. It took a big shit on Arthas character, only a wrath baby could enjoy that.
>Forgetting based Setra
Setra does not serve. Setra rules.
Get back in your tower and brush your teeth.
they're completely different. Arthas was the protagonist in WC3, you saw his downfall play out.The Night King is more comparable to Sauron, just this somewhat mysterious evil force trying to take over the world.
except you know, the part where Sauron was a competent villain who through both brute force and subtle machinations was within inches of victory and defeating him required the sacrifice of countless great and lesser men
>first gets killed by teenager with butter knife
>second one gets killed by party of fat neckbeard incels
both are soi as fuck
He gets killed by a based old man with a shiny sword. He's the only boss that actually manages to kill the neckbeards.
Sauron has a backstory too in the Silmarillion. The NK has nothing.
Arkhan the BLACKED is just Nagash's little bitchboy though.
He got killed by a literally who with a sword which looks like it was designed by a 10 years old, thanks to a deus ex plot.
It's way more ridiculous and stupid than the NK death.
Let's not forget Arthas ghost dad suddenly joining the fight, casting spell, rez everyone.
>Death Knight Arthas leaves for Northrend
>Says goodbye to Kel'Thuzad. Even calls him a loyal friend.
>Picks up another best buddy when he lands on the shores fight faggy blood elves with Anub'Arak
Why were the Scourge characters in WC3 so kino?
>Night King is just a discount Lich King
>White Walkers are just Death Knights
>Undead Viserion is just like Sindragosa
>Night King lives in the North, Lich King lives in Northrend
Holy shit did D&D raid ICC back in the days?
wow went full retard with TBC. Lore got butchered.
Got a problem with scooby doo villians?
Lynch a nigger King
*lets it go in your path*
what now mortal
IS THERE a worse villain in the fantasy genre than the Night King?
Reign of Chaos campaign is the best campaign I ever played
Warcraft copied the concept of frozen undead in the north from ASoIaF but the undead dragon and Night King is blatantly copying Warcraft
>playing wow since vanilla
>have the most love for wotlk
>get called a wrathbabby
Yea Forums just doesnt let you enjoy anything
Tirion fordring is not a literal who
Their friendship was very endearing
>not vanilla
Reminder that Vanilla raped nearly everything the lore of WC3/TFT had set up;
>Druids on the Horde, Tauren suddenly having had a long friendship with the Night Elves, Warlocks on the Alliance despite everything Guldan and his ilk had done to the Humans
>Thrall's Horde suddenly having outposts and vested interests all over Eastern Kingdom despite being a ragtag group of survivors desperately fleeing to Kalimdor to found a new home away from conflict with the humans
>Night Elves joining the Alliance despite their harsh xenophobic view of outsiders, Stormwind AGREEING to this despite the fact it brought them into conflict with Thrall's Horde because Night Elves didn't want to share their infinite lumber with the guys who put their lives on the line to defend the World Tree four years ago
>Forsaken joining the Horde despite no prior connections, Stormwind humans despising their relatives despite the fact they were victims who had regained their free will and only wanted to get revenge on the Scourge, Alliance once again had no reason for their hostility with the Forsaken
>Kalimdor having settlements all over it despite it being a harsh unsettled land home only to genocidal centaurs, quillboar and harpies
He is a fucking comicbook character.
Isn't it just the exact same thing as Kerrigan?
>muh super unique chosen one good guy turned bad
>mfw when eagerly waited game sequel delivers after 8 years of waiting while got ruins 8 years in 5 seconds
>mfw realize a video game completely btfo the normie pandering emmy winning tv show
video games in general are becoming more entertaining and better written than most hollywood garbage
The lich king was my favorite wow raid boss. Remember how happy my guild was when we got him. Is wow still fun?
Current WoW story is turbo charged retardation.
It's complete horseshit now from what I hear, private servers have been fun though and they're releasing a classic version
Current expansion made me delete all my characters and account.
The Lich > both
>>Kalimdor having settlements all over it despite it being a harsh unsettled land home only to genocidal centaurs, quillboar and harpies
To be honest except barrens, durrotar and dustlow marsh most of settlements are druids, taurens and night elves and only 3 goblin cities
The Forsaken betrayed the Alliance after the battle of Lordaeron.
I wish they would release a statue of based bug bro like they did with illidan and sylvanas
Just wait for Classic. Can't wait for all these nu-wow players raiding Onyxia and wiping in the first 30 seconds because the DPS is generating more threat than the MT
Soulless vs Soul
>Arya stabs NK
>instead of explosion he starts slowly melting
they both jobbed horribly
>Lich king
>jobbed horribly
it took the greatest Azeroth fighting force to stop the madman and he even won that fight until Tirion Fordring popped bubble.
Lich King was fucking shit in WotLK. Kys Wowfag
No, they aren't. Compare WC3 with WoW, SC with SC2, D2 with D3. In each case the story gets turned into stupid pandering.
>Giving a shit about what a mongolian throat singing site says about anything
I have the most love for WotLK and Legion. Imagine how assmad that makes some people.
You mean WC2 and WC3
lol, i like this kind of contrarians