Why aren't there any WW2 movies where Italy is the bad guy?

Why aren't there any WW2 movies where Italy is the bad guy?

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Because they were the comedy sidekick of global politics.

because they weren't the bad guys

How can bumbling irrelevant faggots make good bad guys? Would literally be the least threatening villains ever

Most people aren't as interested in Italy in WWII. I think this is partly because Germany overshadowed them so greatly in their actions and fervency, and partly because Mussolini was rather unsuccessful (in many ways incompetent) in his goals. Funny, too, because what he did in '35 was considered a much bigger deal than anything Hitler was doing at the time (though he had only been sworn into power).

Pitch me the idea scrub

Could be fun.

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because the allies are the bad guys

To be fair I'd be up for seeing movies set in the North African theatre before Rommel got involved, if only because it'd be interesting seeing those initial (and perhaps only truly) Italian victories in Egypt. If you were doing it from an Allied perspective, you could work the underdog angle of a bunch of British troops that are outgunned, outmanned and having to rely on lazy Egyptians to defend their own country from what was a numerically/technologically superior force.

Incidentally, nobody would be interested in this, but you COULD do movies featuring the Regia Marina; which I'd argue was the most successful arm of the entire Italian military during WWII. Though I suppose if it doesn't involve U-boats people generally aren't interested.

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>To be fair I'd be up for seeing movies set in the North African
I've seen this one long time ago, it was good.

literally why ethiopia of all places

Pont Saint-Louis numbers are incorrect.

Mussolini was still aligned with France and Britain until the Anschluss. He was seen as a popular, although rather silly leader before Hitler went off the rails and Mussolini went with him.

I don't know about the Italian forces but the French were really 9, and they all survived (and they surrendered after the armistice)

unironically because thats where the ark of the covenant is kept. Also because it was the only African nation not already under the control of a European power (thanks to ark of the covenant)

9 French Soldiers did hunker down in the Alpine line, but they weren't responsible for those casualties, nor are those numbers accurate.

It's more of the reddit-tier 'incompetent italy' meme.

Thank you for showing the truth. Meme retards never get this.

The fuck? There are many and most of them are godlike.

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revenge for when gthey had their shit pushed in years earlier


>having to rely on lazy Egyptians to defend their own country from what was a numerically/technologically superior force.

This just isn't true at all. Italy was not technologically or militarily superior to Britain in North Africa. Their airforce and navy had been utterly devastated in the Mediterranean, their troops didn't have enough supplies for a single offensive, their artillery was often unmanned and lacking ammunition.

Britain routed the Italian army with only a small force, because the Italians weren't prepared for a war in Africa.


People would rather have simple answers to this shit, rather than understanding the fact that behind every one of these meme wikiboxes is issues of logistics, firepower and poor sources.

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>they weren't responsible for those casualties
They were though. The place is an absolute death trap for the assailant, Italians shouldn't have try to take it.

life is beautiful

And another one:

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>poor sources

Imagine being the descendants of the Roman Empire and be so pathetic in combat

In Captain Corelli's Mandolin the Italians are somewhat fairly portrayed.

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they put all their points into early game abilities and hoped the advantage would carry into the late game, and it worked until everyone teamed up against them

ah yes I definitely believe that, just as much as I believe nazis were responsible for Katyn

>hurr durr I don't believe your source
Feel free to provide yours.

9 French soldiers did not kill those Italians, but rather the 743 French soldiers in Cap Martin and Mont Angel.

Stop pretending you've read or understood this source because we both know you haven't. If you did, you wouldn't have linked it in the first place.

The source doesn't ever claim the 9 French men within Saint-Louis were responsible for 200 deaths, it simply explains their 'Glorious Defence' in a poorly sourced document with French nationalist undertones. Nearly all of the source is dedicated to the structure of the fortification, not the actual infliction of Itlain Casualties.

Unsurprisingly, since actual records of the order of battle account that the casualties are attributed to joint battles in Mont Angel and the surrounding Maginot line, in which 349 French casualties were also recorded. Equally, these deaths are attributed to mainly artillery shellings, not infantry.

If you're gonna come in with sources to look smart, maybe understand them first.

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>these deaths are attributed to mainly artillery shellings
Where those shells could come from, I wonder.

>forced to have just meme replies about muh italy bad, muh france surrender, muh germany ebil reddit tier trash

I'm not the guy you replied to
I also don't care about that specific subject
I'm only saying that no word coming from a french mouth is true

Maybe we should ask your own source?

"At 13h55 Cap Martin executed again his stop shot nº1. LaTurbie is immediately alerted: "Attack on the Pont St. Louis!" Colonel Chabrol then ordered that the fires of a turret of Mt Agelse join those of Cap Martinet which, on his side, "Fontbonne Sud-Ouest", fired on the railroad track. But it was not a false alarm and at 14h15 order is given to all suspen-dre their shots"

"Then at 11:10, it is the PC of MontGros which, signaling to Cap Martin the presence of men above the Avant-Poste, triggers a new artillery fire"

"This fact is not recounted in the "summary of operations" previously mentioned. However, in his report 2353 / S of June 20, Lt. Colonel Mercier de Sainte Croix writes that at "15:05. LePont St Louis fires 3 shots of 37, which triggers the stop shot # 1 of the Cap Martin work. He added that "because of the muddling and the OTCF network being disrupted, it was not possible to know the objective"."

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I can’t think of one. Movie name please?

The real bad guys were the Germans Nazis, Italian fascists stop playing a role altogether halfway thru

Because they didn't call out the jews


You should watch Bertolucci's Novecento. There's a scene in which a fascist straps a cat to a pole using his belt then kills/mauls it with a headbutt.

*thinks VERY big*

why would they be the "bad guys"? They are so incompetent in two fucking world wars that no one takes them seriously in the present. Holy hell, it took them decades to reclaim Sicilly back from crime syndicates. Italy is a joke

to be fair, most of them descended from Germanic lombards. Ironically, Sardinia is more Latin than mainland Italy

>Leading Fascists such as Dino Grandi and Italo Balbo reportedly opposed the racial laws,[3] and they were unpopular with most ordinary Italians; the Jews were a small minority in the country and had integrated deeply into Italian society and culture.

Italy didn't have a large industrial base and their leadership failed during the war. Most Italians fought with German units in Italy, North Africa, France, and on the Easter Front.

There is nothing of intersting. You could make something about ww1 but I think it would resemble "Paths of Glory". Other movies could be about Libya and Ethiopia portraying Italians as evil colonialists

Wrong. Mussolini wasnt incompetent at all. Many times he warned Hitler that Italy wasnt anywhere near being ready for the scale of war that England and France were ready to from the get go.

Furthermore, Italy's problem was the officer corps and the general staff all got their "positions" through nepotism and name, rather than merit and talent.

That made the Italian war effort a failure, because despite having brave and good soldiers (according to many Prussian staff officers), they were led by cowardly buffoons.

Hitler was the real incompetent leader, Mussolini was surrounded by cretins. Dont get me wrong. Im no fan of him, but lets stay true to history.

The Germans and Spanish had a long history of purging their countries from the Jewish filth. Meanwhile, Northern Italians benefited the influx of Jews when Spain kicked them out from the Iberian Peninsula. Because most of these Jews are adept at usury, they developed the Renaissance banking system in Venice and Modena

„Commandos” by Armando Crispino.

We all know that your French, Pierre

How's that supposed to be a counter argument? The law was seen as excessive since there weren't many of them, but it was approved and applied nonetheless

>they developed the Renaissance banking system in Venice and Modena
There were a lot of discrimination laws against Jews in Northern Italy that were abolished only with Napoleon. The patricians and merchants created the banking system not the Jews

Think you've replied to the wrong guy.

You are right

not really. Jews were banned for owning lands. They could only learn living through money laundering. Since its illegal for Catholics to perform usury, jews filled this economic position. Also, Venice was known to be the hub for jewish refugees across the HRE, France, and Spanish Naples. You could definitely conclude that Jews did in fact influenced the formation of the modern banking system. The Renaissance also started because of jews introducing usury in these lands.

*earn living

stupid autocorrecting keyboard

>That made the Italian war effort a failure, because despite having brave and good soldiers (according to many Prussian staff officers), they were led by cowardly buffoons.
Can confirm. Gramps fought in Greece, one time they were surrounded on top of a hill and the LT was a fucking joke, he didn't know what to do, basically a spineless fag who only was there because he was some colonel's nephew. One night, when they all thought they were going to die, grandpa decided to take the bull by the horns and told his fellow soldiers to per on their Carcano cause the bolts were frozen and to break through the weakest point of the Greek siege, so they did, with faggot Lt along with them, and they managed to survive. I still remember when those old fucks coming by Fran's house still thanking him after 50 years.

Ill add to that, that you had usury on the highest levels by the Fuggers in Germany.

I would've blown the Lt.'s head off before escaping.

can confirm
t. user who lives near Venice and gets stopped by rabbis at least once a week while walking in its ghetto

The LT lucked out. My friend's grandad served the Afrika Korps in Tunesia. They got surrounded (like 20 of them) in a ditch and they were told to throw out their guns, or they would throw in grenades.

The German LT told them to charge out and fight, suddenly his "throat was cut" and the soldiers threw out their weapons.

Bad leadership gets alot of men killed.

Your gramps still alive?

He wasn't a bad guy, just incompetent. I remember grandpa saying he wasn't angry at him, he only felt sympathy, I mean poor fucker went from high aristocracy to what was the basic definition of a clusterfuck before having hair on his face

Italy didn't do anything wrong, they only wanted to reclaim the roman empire from a bunch of balkan dindu nuffins

No, died when I was a kid die to lung cancer. Now that I think of it, both my grandads died due to heavy smoking. I guess seeing that amount of death doesn't help with quitting smoking.

Im sorry to hear that man. The greatest generation, no matter on what side they fought on. They dont makem like that anymore.

>hard times lead to strong men
>strong men lead to good times
>good times lead to weak men
>weak men lead to hard times
Every day I'm more convinced this is true.

Yes and no. This time its not cyclical. This time we got hedonism and shallow pursuits of fleshly distractions unseen in the history of earth. Not even the richest Roman ladies ever witnessed this level of debauchery seen by the average Tinderella/club slut.

The "good times" you describe, isnt the problem. Female emancipation and suffrage are the problem.

There is no reset button this time. "Men" in the Western world are in for a rude awakening in 10-15 years time. Because thats around the time when the first zoomers will hit 30 and realize that women are broken and useless. Furthermore thats when WW3 might actually go into full overdrive. Resulting in useless Netflix-binge-watching cannon fodder in the 90%ile of Western recruits.

there are a few old commie partizan films where the italians are the baddies (though of course the nazis take primacy)

t. ex-yugofag

>Mussolini wasnt incompetent at all. Many times he warned Hitler that Italy wasnt anywhere near being ready for the scale of war that England and France were ready to from the get go.

He did at first, but then decided he wished to join in November, as he believed it was the only opportunity Italy would get to defeat France. It was Victor Emmanuel III who blocked these requests until after the German spearhead into France, assuming the UK would agree to an armistice shortly after.

1. only chunk of africa not owned by other euros
2. revenge for getting rekt by the nogs once before

>greeks, who elected a fascist party, almost joined the axis
>italians declared war on them because autism

the eternal med

Metaxas was not a fascist, he just modelled propaganda on Fascist aesthetics. His foreign policy was pro-British.

wasn't there some friction between the pro-axis king and the pro-allies government?

they had plans in annexing Albania and the Turkish-occupied Aegean Islands. I dont think they would be pro-British if the Italians didnt smite them early on

>Not even the richest Roman ladies ever witnessed this level of debauchery seen by the average Tinderella/club slut.
you're completely delusional

>mfw this might be the best thread on Yea Forums right now

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Man I honestly can't wait for the water wars and the subsequent mad max world that will follow.

Kylo Ren was right. Just burn it all down.

>Germany: you HAVE to be ethnically pure german and if you aren't then you're inferior and if you're even a quarter slav or jew then you're going to the gas chamber

>Japan: the Japanese people are the master race of Asia and koreans and chinese are subhumans and we'll kill millions of them

>Italy: Race? Who gives a shit about it, it doesn't matter at all

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There’s an Italian movie about the battle of the izono river but it’s ww1

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>Not even the richest Roman ladies ever witnessed this level of debauchery seen by the average Tinderella/club slut.
>polsharts are this delusional

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You're thinking of WW1.

Wasn’t Anne Frank’s father a veteran of the First World War. I remember a scene in the movie when the German soldier is shocked to learn about it

Mussolini declared war on France out of his own volition
Keep blaming Hitler for the Italian fascists being useless.

>if you're even a quarter slav or jew then you're going to the gas chamber
who still believes that

t. bienzo di alfonsoni

you're fucking retarded in the head mate
bienzo isn't even a name lmao

You fell for the "Romans were all sex addicts and orgies" meme, which is Christian propaganda of the 5th century AD historians.

Did you even read what I wrote? The people around Mussolini were incompetent, he wasnt.

hi /pol/

Ironically sardinians who are not ethnically italians had been the most decorated soldiers during the first and the second world war.

The austrian hungarian enemies during the WWI called them "Reute Teufel" (the red devils) and the italians called them the Intrepids.

Sardinian troops were the firsts to retreat after the Battle of Caporetto and the first ones to counterattack.

It's not true, watch the Lion of the desert


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this movie was censored in italy lel

not anymore