
We almost had classic crazy bastard Thanos instead of the THE GREATER GOOD level tripe we ended up with.

Attached: heres-the-next-big-marvel-villain-who-gets-teased-in-guardians-of-the-galaxy.png (1334x1001, 692K)

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Haven't seen Endgame yet, but I remember that a while ago people were meming that Adam Warlock would show up. No go?

no adam warlock yet

but hes comin

Boring "just want to impress lady" character


Tragic antagonist with a better motivation.

Comics are overrated, comic Thanos is shit.

Thanos is just shit, but at least the comics one doesn't pretend not to be a retarded concept

Unless he's nerfed he's NOT coming because that means that the MCU torch-bearer Captain Marvel is only the second-strongest character in MCU.

That's like saying a new Jedi is coming that'll make Rey to only be the second-best jedi in the SW-verse. NOT HAPPENING.

Movie Thanos is the lesser shit though, and that's an objective fact. Comic Thanos is an incel pussywhipped beta cuck. Movie Thanos had actual presence and charisma (in Infinity War at least) with a better motivation. Not to mention Movie Thanos had better drama and action scenes in general. Even with how over the top the comics were.

i still havent seen Infinity War. the Thanos badguy looks too dumb and cartooney for me. is there any reason for a mature adult movie viewer such as myself to watch this movie?

>a mature adult movie viewer
Which is why you're asking an anime imageboard for reasons to watch a film

In all honesty no

This shit's for the "neutered emotionally-frail yet still a shit-thrower at everything he hates" nu-male who gets positive reinforcement for being a fucking wimp.

Does Disney have any plans on updating some of these outdated post credits scenes for continuity?

have sex

>dislikes comic Thanos theatrics and better motivation

Movie Thanos is a brainlet who has the power of a god in his hands and still can't come up with a better solution than "lol kill everyone".

thats what i thought. cool :) although i did enjoy Guardians of the Galaxy movies

>Better motivation
I think you mean more realistic motivation, which doesn't mean shit because he's still an all-destroying super grape, so any hope for "grounded realistic motivations" has already gone out the window. Movie Thanos is just for people who don't like going completely over the top and for people who think moral grayness will help them forget they're watching a kid's movie.

Not to mention he actually outsmarted everyone by destroying the stones so there was nothing anyone could do.

Comic Thanos is an even bigger brainlet. Movie thanos is way weaker but did more with what he had. Comic Thanos didn't even have to snap and yet he gets punched by the Hulk and Nebula BTFO him.

Movie Thanos wanting to save the universe at the expense of many lives is still better than "trying to impress a lady" like a boring incel. Comic Thanos is boring as fuck. Even when he was overpowering the strongest cosmic beings he was still boring, nothing he did have any impact. Movie Thanos despite being a nerfed version was a million times more memorable and his confrontations felt more personal.

was he, dare is say it, our guy?

Attached: max=.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

I kind of wanted to see Thanos kill his mother and procede to rape her rotting corpse for months while fantasizing about Lady Death, but I can see why Disney went a less comic accurate depiction.

thanos mother was hot