It was an hour and a half of characters desperately hacking away at faceless zombies in the dark. It was boring as fuck
Jason Hall
how can anyone watch this show? everything i see from it is in pitch darkness 80% of the time.
Bentley Hall
I literally said the word kino out loud when I saw the shot of the dragons battling in the sky above the blizzard. You know the one Im talking about. Hope someone can make a screenshot of it
Zachary Bennett
Can't remember anything as kino as this in TV history, was kino from start to finish and never stopped.
I agree the kill was weird but for me it's more about the geometry of the scene and supercharging her powers for that moment. In the library she can barely escape, at the kill scene she is jumping from a high ground that doesn't exist and there is a solid 20-30 meters between the line of the dead and the Night King. Just don't see how it's possible but whatever.
Lincoln Hughes
I know I freaking loved this episode, so freaking EPIC!!! I literally started screaming when Arya killed the night king. Unfortunately my wife's boyfriend came and told me to be quiet because he was reading some comic book called "berserk" or something like that and I was disturbing him. He can be a little mean sometimes, Im glad he's a part of my life regardless!
Ian Phillips
Not even as good as Battle of Bastards. Atleast in that one you could tell what was going on.
I did like the Dothraki charge though out of a spectacle point of view.
Yeah we should have gotten an hour of discussing the diplomatic surrender to the Night King and the intricacies of his new tax policy. What the fuck were you expecting other than a kino battle episode?
Ayden Martin
Elijah Phillips
my bear loli got crushed in her armour like a jay owen can crush bros... best death of the show tbqh.....
It does get repetitive seeing the same four characters swing aimlessly at anonymous zombies that have little to no impact on the outcome regardless. I would've preferred more shots of them fighting in formation and actually having the battle have elements of tactics in it.
Adrian Rodriguez
Tbqh there were a handful of beatufilly shot scenes but the plot is just so fucking shit it doesn't matter.
Gabriel Torres
Imagine watching 8 seasons of this show then coming on this board to pretend he just watches GoT ironically while hitting the download button as soon as a new episode arrives every week.
Jaxon Walker
It wasn't great lol. Zoomers will literally enjoy anything with muh special efex.
Fucking tiresome.
John Watson
first time surfing this board looking for intellectually higher opinions on the show, what the fuck is kino?
Gavin Wilson
Mason Gray
Jacob Anderson
Joseph Collins
I hoped from my beanbag clapping hard as I could when Arya yeeted the Night King, shouting ''YASSS QWEEN SLAYYY'', pure kino.
Ryder Mitchell
German word for movies.
Isaac Walker
the entire show takes place in one night? thats crazy.
Carter Powell
>Imagine watching 8 seasons of this show then coming on this board to pretend he just watches GoT ironically while hitting the download button as soon as a new episode arrives every week.
if you're talking about the entire show, the latest seasons are expected to be darker since winter "wuz coming", but otherwise it's definitely watchable, check your eyes or brighten up the display
Jayden Davis
Only kino scene on these last seasons was pic related, by far. Last night's episode was the worst of the serie
I turned the episode off halfway through, it was that bad. I'd rather spend the rest of the season just letting Yea Forums spoil it for me than waste my time actually watching it.
To anyone saying they didn't like this episode: have sex you fucking incels, it's a tv show, it's a cartoon for adults. It's fine. it was fun.
Leo Bailey
Me too! I was like totally so hyped by this episode. Like OMG they did so well. Its a masterpiece in writing
Juan Ramirez
any link?
Logan Martinez
Imagine being such a faggot that you have pictures of basedboys saved on your hard drive
Elijah Lewis
What's funny is Ash is less of a Mary Sue. He's an idiot, a coward and has no loyalty.
Jonathan Nguyen
I admit it was very nice of the undead to line up and come at dany and jorah once at a time like that. Very sporting.
Leo Bell
Imagine making the most expensive episode of your show an unwatchable one (in every sense)
Carson Davis
>It was boring as fuck Yes, it was boring as fuck. 1h 30m for something you could do in 30m. We had 45m battles before but they mostly had structure and things happened. Here it's mostly random scenes. Regardless of the main plot it's a badly written episode. Before such a battle you would expect a few dialogues or a speech or something. I liked how they tried to go with a rather creepy feel than just a battle feel but the implementation wasn't that great. It had a few really beautiful scenes though. Main story was shit.
Isaac Cox
I know exactly which scene you're referring to. This shot of the dragons above the clouds being kissed by the moonlight freaking floored me.
Say what you will about the show as a whole, but this was objectively the finest fight between dragons ever put on screen.
Bitch darkness and death is about to consume the living. The cinematic approach reflected this.
Luis Wilson
for me it was the slow motions paired with parallel editing of all the heroes. It felt truly unique and innovative. I couldn't even begin to imagine a twist coming, I was so utterly shocked when it did!
Bro my father is a normie fan of the show but he's old and has issues with his vision and he can't see shit
Connor Edwards
you have to be the saltiest of humans to not be blown away or think this episode was trash. the way the dothraki charged out with flames to extiguish quickly right out the gate, the darkness of the episode set out uncertainty, then the dead hordes were displayed exactly how an impossible enemy would look like.
all hope was lost and tons of deaths. avengers endgame was child's play. directors kept interest in the longest battle we've ever seen. yes, miraculously most main characters survived while the nameless ones died in bunches. there still has to be a final conflict with cersie.
10/10 I could watch this episode 100s of more times. we will never see an episode in a tv show that compares for another decade minimum.
what happened in that episode that Yea Forums is so bootyblasted?
Justin Moore
you have to be the saltiest person alive to react as you have to the notion of any criticism lol
have sex
Leo Thompson
>the finest fight between dragons ever put on screen.
manifestly you never saw a video involving dragon dildos
Juan Thomas
How the fuck do you have tactics against a swarm? you saw the Unsullied in phalanx just get swarmed the POV show of the undead swarming over the Unsullied to to show to you how much what we know tactics and politics just got thrown of the window.
Jason Reyes
you have to be the salt
Josiah Walker
the Unsullied held to the last in formation
Brody Rivera
Jaime died trying to take down a White Walker.
Adrian Davis
Jamie died while trying to save Brienne. Also Tyrion drinked a growth potion so he'll never be a dwarf anymore :(
Owen Lewis
>next decade Don't overplay it nigger, it was definitely good mainly because of all the stories coming together in a dramatic moment, but something like this will probably be done sooner than that, mainly without CGI aswell
Julian Gutierrez
Jamie literally didn't died
Asher Cooper
did you not watch the next to last episode of last season in which all of the wights attacked the guys who traveled north of the wall one at a time? there's was nothing new about this episode in terms of ridiculousness.
Thomas Wood
Imagine, you're an ice king been around for thousands of years. Your creators want you dead. You spend your years collecting the dead and making more of your kind from a creepy incest fuck from the nearby forest. You've been preparing for this moment to wipe out mankind for eternity, the three eyes raven is now some cripple kid (Easy target). You down a dragon slaughter a bunch of wildlings finally get your ice cold hands on a sweet fucking dead dragon. You break the wall whats been keeping you at bay for thousands of years impale some bratty kid on a wall and do some artwork you march down to Winterfell. Make an ice storm, storm the castle get your dragon almost killed. Make your way inside snap the spear of some weird sea boi (the second spear that he had snapped). Finally you get to your target (easy as fuck) you go to draw your sword blam you grab some little bitch girl by the throat. WHAT WHAT? SHE DROPPED THE DAGGER OH GOD OH FUCK You're killed by feminism embodied.
The darkness, snow storm, and flames in the background were goddamn perfect atmosphere
John Thompson
Jamie's alive.
Luke Ward
He died metaphorically.
Brody Moore
Cinema in german. It’s memed here as meaning something that is quality cinema, or cinematographically pleasing from a purely visual standpoint
Andrew Young
Nothing too amazing but it triggered the incels and troglodytes on this board so
Logan Cook
>'kill the leader and all the rest die' cliche yawn
Brody Ortiz
the shot with the flame swords slowly being extinguished in the distance was kinda kino giant casually punching the annoying girl off screen was top comedy rest sucked monkey fuck
Justin King
The highest tier of artistry in motion pictures. Kino is above all the other categories (Joints, Flicks, Movies, Film, and Cinema).
Kino can only be enjoyed by patricians. Plebeians aren't ready for kino, as they would have trouble picking up on the subtle sociological themes & masterfully-executed yet intentionally-mistransmitted messages that always seem to fly right over lesser minds undetected. These motion pictures are eternally poignant, forever relevant, steeped in an understanding of the world and exuding it unto others like a blessing from heaven, made from important thinkers, visionaries. Unlike bar-lowered shite-content-pushers like Tarantino. Joints, flicks, and movies appeal to a wide range, while Kino is for people with a true passion and understanding of filmmaking.
Brandon Campbell
I mean it wasn't intelligent or the best siege you've ever seen but I did cheer like a dork at several parts. Which says a lot since it's hard to care about a show nowadays they succeeded with that.
Brayden Butler
It's as if George RR Martin is just a Tolkien rip-off but with more blood and sex.
Elijah Wood
It was prophesied Arya killing the NK when the red priestess told her she would "put put a darkness forever" several seasons ago when her and stannis were after ghendry for his kings blood. This was brilliant writing and foreshadowing, I don't understand the protest.
Elijah Ortiz
>This was brilliant writing D&D literally said they only picked Arya because they thought the audience wouldn't expect it
Matthew Thompson
that's out of context
they said they knew the audience wouldn't expect her based off of how the sequence ran from the time she met with Mel to the time she jumped outta nowhere
William Reed
It was literally prophesied at least 3 seasons ago. Stay mad incel
Luis Garcia
So are we back to human drama now? Is that really it from the night king army?