"have sex"

>"have sex"
Why do I keep seeing this reply?

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is she from akb

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because you need to have sex

Is this from got?

It's to imply that you are a loser who can't get laid.


people get off on bullying random strangers to feel better about themselves

It's some new psyop by the left. If you see someone seething about incels or virgins or telling people to have sex, it's a leftist.

Ironically this is being used by permavirgins who white knight whenever someone calls their waifus a shit.

Would it kill you to just go and have sex already?

is the have sex meme toxic sexist enforcement of rape culture?

It's a meme that Disney started after they got called out on buying their own tickets for captain fungus.

Real answer: Because Yea Forums was targeted as a """right wing""" bastion that needed to be subverted. There are discords dedicated to raiding Yea Forums. One of them is the infamous "tranny" discord, most of whom aren't actual trannies but tranny apologists. I saw screenshots that one of the discords requires you to literallly take a 100 question google-forms quiz.

As said, this is their way of trying to "break" you. They see Yea Forums as a battle of ideology.

dude i think you are lacking several layers of irony here.

Have sex

Kill yourself.

is this the game of thrones thread?

It's like hatting people, just a bit of fun.

trannies are using it cause they are mad about dilating

because it makes you incels seethe


Get married.

To be honest this meme is perfect for exposing incels online. The amount of seething it generates it just priceless.

have sex

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I guess incel wasn't working or something

yep, just before killing the NK, Arya whispers to him "you should have had sex".


>mfw I finally got a gf and can get laid whenever I want but it turns out sex is overrated and doesn’t actually feel that good and I’m still a bitter depressed piece of shit

Can I die now?

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OP shut the fuck up and give sauce, jesus fucking christ

'have sex' was a common reply on /bet/ in 2017, 'seething' too. i'm surprised more of their sayings haven't caught on

Share ur gf when u do

have sex (again)

Because it gets a bunch of free (You)'s.

Its the new ‘s0iboi’ ‘cuck’ ‘faggot’ ‘sjw’. Just a quick, sorta empty insult response.

>exposing incels
Yes, because in the left's fucked up worldview it's a moral offense of the highest order to be unable to have sex.

This is why a civil war is urgently needed.

youre bad at it

Seems to be a bullagit response to anyone calling out how retarded popular media is. While being critical of children's movies like Star Wars and the Avengers seems a bit dorky, everyone is watching then so it seems like fair play to be critical. Same for Game of Thrones, shit just happens that makes no sense, the writing is lousy, motivations don't make sense, build up is not subverted, but ignored in favor of fan service. But if you call it out, you're just a no life virgin who doesn't enjoy things cause your contrarian. It's lazy and dismissive that serves only to defend the work of corporate media and feelings of idiots. A lot of the criticism is also a feminist response to "manbabies" who point out that shoehorning in strong female characters into already existing fictional narratives to suit the political climate undermines the narrative structure that has been in the works unfolding for roughly a decade.

It's dismissive horseshit so no ones feelings are hurt for liking dumb media. Jew corporations like Disney and HBO also benefit because consumerism is now activism because reasons.

it used to be ''U MAD BRO XDD'' now it's ''HAVE SEX BRO XDD''

I presume it's satirizing the lazy advice given by Chads to incel types.

Have sneed

Because it's easier to attack a man's character than his ideas. Lefties with ugly gfs post it here in response to arguments they can't win.

I pay for sex, it's much better that way.

>it's a moral offense of the highest order to be unable to have sex.
Nah, it's just pathetic.

Nah, it's something thots say when you say something they don't like.
It implies that if you don't like the idea of raising Jamal's baby and similar scenarios you must be a virgin freak.



>i-i mean I...would if it could...a-a-re you motherfucking offering...GOD FUCKING DAMINIT

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No, it's been designated a moral offense by the left. Yet they are unable to explain the justification.

but what if sex turns out to be just as dissapointing as fapping?

Redditor white knights and 12 year old boys who have never had sex.

They're trying to turn us all into rapists.

normies think having sex with randos fixes problems, but they're really just signalling to everybody that their priorities are warped and that their opinion is backed up by the fact that someone is willing to fuck them for whatever reason

they're probably not in relationships, at least in healthy ones

Nah, you're just bad at sex.

>Lefties with ugly gfs
it's also the ugly gfs posting this shit too. they shitpost while their onions boyfriends go out and cheat on them with teenagers

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Having sex with the same woman gets old . Look up the Coolidge effect.. it’s science bitch

> it turns out sex is overrated

The loud sex the flatmates are having in the room next door every night say that for some it just isn't and you're just projecting your personal experience.

dire economic situation and outlook have forced elites to push hedonism to all corners of culture as a way to distract the masses from analysing their lives or their futures with any real seriousness.
it's not enough just to advertise these things anymore through media but now it's reaching weaponized levels where the advertisement is not directed at people in an attempt to condone the activity but as a method of convincing the masses to social shame and immediately ostracise those who might be on the fringes of society and are more critical in nature of the predicament. expect this kind of thing to increase exponentially

>Having sex with the same woman gets old
not after a year you dumb fuck, it takes longer than that to figure out how to even get her off, you're just embarrassed you haven't figured it out yet

It’s a wrestling meme from Yea Forums. Kevin Nash used to say it in promos.

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desu it kind of was, media hyped it up too much, I was severely let down

this is actually how you can tell when it's bad or is happening because of arguments

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>longer than a year to get her off
This has to be a troll..

It's literally just the newest form of easy baiting because there's no response that doesn't make you look like a tryhard, same with "cope" and "seething"

The proper move is not to fucking reply to it but nobody can let it go and every faggot has to have the last word with their """witty""" response

this, decadence has always been linked to the collapse of civilizations. Late-stage capitalism is in its dying throes

His pelvis slapping against her perfect 21yo butt is music to my ears, fuck you it's awesome.

>but she made a lot of noise, not to get me to finally stop frantically humping her with my sweaty body but because she enjoyed it
>she also said she came lol

Are you just projecting now

Premarital sex is degeneracy.

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was that intended to be a question? i'm just saying nobody here has anything to brag about that's all


because you're obviously an incel /pol/ween who needs to fuck off from this board.

have sex

in 10 years we'll be seeing 12 year olds go "at least I got to uhh third base!! haha loser" to married couples

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Yea Forums would unironically be a lot better if only people who had sex posted. Some boards reek of bitter virginity.

Sex cant cure autism or social retardation, so no.

What porn is this from?

>Yea Forums would unironically be a lot better if only people who had sex posted.

I think it'd be the opposite. Not even kidding. some of the best works of art are created out of frustration. On a macro scale, the sexual frustration makes the humor in these boards pretty evergreen.

I'd go as far as to say boards like this wouldn't even exist if people got laid easily.

It's basically calling someone an incel and fuck you at the same time.