Superpower: being Tony's friend
Superpower: being Tony's friend
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Half the avengers dont have superpowers
Black widow
War machine
I love you 5000 Don.
Beyond genius IQ and Batman wealth?
>Despite only being 13% of the Avengers-
why did this guy, who was victim of government interference with whole "iron patriot" bullshit, actually support the idea to put more bureaucrats in the control in civil war?
At least three of those have superpowers.
nigga literally invented time travel how is that not a superpower
he was in the air force, they literally brainwash you to be patriotic during basics
she literally shows up and drains all the blood from my body into my dick so i pass out. how is that not a superpower?
i don't see how is it patriotic to serve government of whole world.
>Rhodey gets given his supersuit by Tony, his generous white friend
>Falcon literally steals his wings from the US government
wow this is everything #blackmagic
Don Sneedle
Those are not superpowers.
He can inhale a whole car into his nostrils.
No. THIS is his super power.
does this guy even have a family?
No wonder he and Brie get along so well together, whereas the others shun her.
Protect them from what? Themselves? That's who is most likely to hurt them.
Protect them from their parents. We all know who's making the decisions there.
what about the fag with the shield
all i’ve seen him do is pathetically punch people
Protect them from my cock. Good luck.
he can't get drunk. I think he was able to hold helicopter really long in one movie.
Go to about thirty seconds in
mmm ahh yes very impressive *obliterate every single bone in his body him with a flick of my wrist* very nice
did anyone else find it really funny that his biggest threat the entire movie was a puddle?
protect them from not getting their dicks chopped off
>*obliterate every single bone in his body him with a flick of my wrist*
his superpower is being a dindu. automatic plot armor.
hey batfag :) Cap would decimate your powerless, street level hero whose name is Batman :)
The least he could now is to marry popper and raise tony's kid to honor his friend
he had the best scene in the movie with the starlord thing
I know.
Was it autism?
not if he had preptime
preptime isnt a real power. plot armor device no count
he was only person who suffered during civil war final fight.
Stark's level of genius is basically treated like a superpower.