So did he lived all the way from past to present and sat on the bench at exact moment or came back after the broad died?

So did he lived all the way from past to present and sat on the bench at exact moment or came back after the broad died?

Attached: CaptNigger.jpg (870x578, 111K)

He fucked up how many things for this present all because he wanted some hot 50s puss?

Came back from his alternate timeline. How and when is open to interpretation.

Be honest you would hit Atwell's pussy too

>old as dirt
>still styling your hair the same
>still bleaching and dying


He just wanted to live his life in a racially segregated America where middle class incomes were rising.

They should just introduce the X-men already. Who even cares about what's left of the Avengers?


There should be 2 cap Americas. One old and one young

The young one went back in time

What happened to Bucky?
Why isn't he the new cap?

Fucking hell why didnt the Night King... wait this isn't a GOT thread... excuse me

Bucky is still an internationally known terrorist hiding in Wakanda and he also probably didn't even want the mantle of Captain America, as we see in Infinity war he was content with just living on some farm in Africa.

Most likely Marvel is making him the character 'White Wolf' instead, who in the comics wasn't Bucky but the only white man living in Wakanda

Marvel wanted a black Captain America.

Attached: 1556298815072.jpg (784x1019, 90K)

Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if Bucky as White Wolf appears in Black Panther 2. Hopefully he colonizes Shuri.

Have you SEEN Peggy Carters tits? Worth it.

Steve can't make a baby with Peggy or he'll be branched off to an alternate timeline. So he knocked up a black woman instead and Sam Wilson is his son, that's why he's Captain America Jr.

>goes back to get 50s puss
>founds KKK
>hands shield to black man in future after it was used to break the necks of hundreds of nigs
>laughs his way into the grave

No there was a massive error in the time travel equipment and they made him and of man like Scott Lang and then he pooed himself and fat Thor said "That's stinky. I like this one."


are you retarded, hes an assassin, murderer, commie, ya know it

Yeah, but Sam's a nigger.

I think they will,
Xmen and the F4 are coming, Dr Doom will be the next BBEG

who cares

>Yeah, but Sam's a nigger.
Yea that is why he is called captain America.
That is not a white country.

Decent folk.


Considering how many movies those two franchises already have it's not going to be exciting enough to renew interest in the next marvel phase

Yeah and Steve + Falcon helped him, so their status in the governments eyes are all the same

I'm not the only one thinking this movie was disappointing right?

Honestly it was just a bit better than Ultron.


fuck no, that ugly ass alien looking nigger needs to die along with brie