GoT - The "Great" battle at Winterfell

The episode was hyped up to be the greatest and most exciting event in TV history, and many people claimed it could even dethrone Battle of Helms Deep for the greatest battle in cinema history.

>“It's the biggest action sequence ever seen on television.” -Miguel Sapochnik

Well, it's too bad we couldn't see shit. I was honestly struggling to see which characters did what during most of the episode, because everything is just pitch black with the exception of a few dim torches and burning swords. Thanks to Andrew Lesnie’s phenomenal cinematography we could actually see what was going on during Helms Deep.

Plot holes, anticlimax and hilariously bad military tactics aside, this episode was a disaster due to the shitty cinematography alone.

Attached: helms deep vs great battle.jpg (1920x1300, 873K)

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I agree but I don't have anything to add so have a bump

I'm sorry that you have a poorfag television with bad color and contrast settings. I could see everything just fine, even though it was a purposely dark episode. It still sucked plotwise, though.

Post your screens or bullshit

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can someone post that webm of Lyanna running like a goblin

To be fair, right is how night usually looks like

Seriously, just get your TV calibrated. The correct way. Google it or YouTube it if you don't know how. sRGB calibration should be mandatory for normies.

they meticulously worked on the lighting for the LOTR battle to make sure it wouldn't be too dark or confusing, it's shown how they went about it in the making of.

it's too expensive to hire proper lighting artists for TV shows.

it had to be that dark to hide low quality cgi and horrendous fight sequences.

So what? I can't see shit when I take a night walk, so I shouldn't be able to see shit on my TV? What?! Explain.

Did this even beat the battle in braveheart?

>"let's film the battle so that it's only watchable on an expensive 4k OLED TVs in a dark room."
brainlet detected.

Attached: brainlet2.png (733x464, 97K)

The Burlington bar collapsed into a singularity last night

While it's true that Helm Deep couldn't be that bright if it was really at night, D&D went way overboard, probably to hide budget cuts as they pocketed what was left of the budget when the actors had been paid

I don't think her and Arya run the same.

Exactly. Let's just pay for some $10,000,000 CGI dragons instead and still not be able to see them.

Post a screen cap of how it looked for you then faggot

Exactly this.

How could he do that. What it looks like depends on your monitor.

it's almost insulting that any named characters made it out of that shit alive

>he didn't watch it in 1080p
>he cant see an area well lit by fire
>he didn't like how the dothraki ran into total darkness
the night king conjured a fucking storm so no moonlight could enter
you can't see because the characters also cant see

It's like some Total War game where only the heroes remain after a zerg due to their insane health pool.

>being a Europoor in the year of our Lord 2010 +9

My tv is calibrated perfectly and it still looked like shit. They were going for a more realistic battle experience compared to a Helms Deep and it backfired.

Also brainlet and faggot

brilliant, let’s make a film in a cave that’s just sound and a completely black image

>my eyesight is bad so you're stupid

>I literally have no idea what I'm talking about

>you can't see because the characters also cant see.
I refuse to believe that you are this fucking braindead that you accept this as a valid excuse.


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I watched the battle in a lit bus stop on a mobile with headphones

i swear you people literally don't watch movies

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8 seasons of buildup

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Apparently you don't have any idea of how calibration works.

Tbh that could be good if done well.
I get that Americans need people to draw pictures.

Weird, I watched it on a laptop in less than full resolution and everything was perfectly clear.

Good point. The writing really has tanked.

LMAOING @ all the poorfags who can't afford an OLED tv

Sure thing kiddo

you can actually see what's going on in that movie

This film knew what contrast was, you know, dark and light.

Episode 3 is Contrast -50% Brightness -75%


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One is a horror film where claustrophobia is the intended effect, because it increases fear of what;s past the precipice of light.
One is a war scene, where the intended effect is to make people feel exhilarated due to awesome action sequences. This fails because you can't see chit captain.
Ironically, The Descent had better lighting anyway.

not even a big as a kingdom as half the usupers had lolol

Fire should've been more intense and used side lighting, maybe shooting before morning, idk was pretty good anyway.

Thousands of corpses all drop dead at once

Imagine the smell

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>a fucking blizzard
>fire should have been more well lit bro

>Battle of the Blackwater shot just fine
>huuuur calibrate your tv for the 15 million dollar episode

Still it wasn't enough for the lighting as you can see with your eyes.

Didn't the last WW threat take an entire generation to defeat?

>normalfags praise the end of the episode because that’s the only scene where they can actually see anything

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fuck you. I have a more calibrated monitor I use for photo editing than you have.

It's also 1440p.

I had to crank up its brightness to barely see anything. If you knew anything about calibration you'd know that they don't crank up brightness because it messes with how print would look.

Apologist cucks.

Helm's Deep will always be the peak of medieval battles. It won't be outshined by anyone nevertheless by dynamic-entry-ninja-girl

I just rewatched parts on my phone and it actually looked a lot better on a smaller screen. Makes me believe the issue was with the blurriness over the color. It was still dark, but it looked clearer. There were a lot of out of focus and jump shots which will be more distorted on a bigger screen.

the fucking tullys own more land

>“It's the biggest action sequence ever seen on television.”
>Whoops did I say "ever" I meant "never"

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>medieval battles

The problem wasn't necessairly the brightness considering they had to do that to hide things because of their budget but there wasn't a nice dynamic to the battle. It was a feature length episode but it didn't have the ups and downs the little victories the defeats, it just was a clusterfuck. Barely anyone spoke, nobody really adapted etc. the charcters didn't shine or do what they're good at.

>Barely anyone spoke
This has been the past three episodes increasingly.
It's like the writers just... ran out.

Helm's Deep looked like shit in comparison

>and many people claimed it could even dethrone Battle of Helms Deep for the greatest battle in cinema history.

Pathetic. It didnt even hold a candle to it

Anyone that disliked this episode is an absolute pitiful brainlet that should kill himself.

Theon literally died for no reason. And they stole the Arya library scene from a low budget movie I saw on the Horror Channel last year. Camera movement and all.

>this tv shill in every thread

Imagine not liking this episode. What a sex-free life you guys must have.

- To fucking dark on the battlefield. To the point where I got surprised when the horse riders started riding out. It completely slammed me out of any immersion I had.
- Absolutely destroyed previously established lore.
- Entire episode was a cop out in order to get rid of said previously established lore (like Azor Ahai).
- Typical "lol imma watch you and give you a shitlong time to retaliate" trope.
- The only main characters (if you can even call them that) who died is people who have been pretty much irrelevant for quite some time now.

+ Pretty cool visuals.
+ The dragon fight in the sky was pretty cool visually. Certain shots looks like straight out of a painting.
+ Hound staying true to his character and freezing up for a moment, just like at blackwater.
+ Tyrion loosing faith in himself due to his bad decisions.
+ Night king displayed some pretty good strategic decisions, making him a bit human. Such as deciding to resurrect the dead inside the crypts.

Visually (besides the insanely darkened shots, comparing it to helms deep is just pure arrogance) it was cool. Lore wise they fucked it up. Again.

I had a glimmer of hope at the start of the battle when they were getting overrun bigly that dnd might do something cool and kill off a ton of then unceremoniously in overwhelming fashion

But no. They were like hero units in an rts game. Jaime, brienne and sam being swarmed up against that wall for 40 minutes was particularly bad, and sam being saved over and over at the last minute

>Fucking red priest standing in the room with him when he dies
>Doesn't do shit to revive him
I hate Melly. I hate the writers for not letting me hear that voice one last time.

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I think they could have done it better if they choose something in between those comparisons.

Yi Ti/5 Forts spinoff WHEN

get a real tv, i dont want to watch green and orange filtered bullshit just because you're a cheapskate

Did Ghost survive?

>comparing it to helms deep is just pure arrogance
How so?

Might be stupid, but I think they didn't really utilize the characters to their full potential. Tyrion and Sam didn't bounce ideas doing some desperate crazy genius thing which turns out to be futile, the military strategy was shit, the fights were meh, and so on.

Why did they have to add the little swoosh of hair and the wight looking to the side? If not for that, I could justify Arya getting the jump on NK by being in the fucking tree or something.

But nope. Now we know that she literally just ran up to him.

>Greatest threat to Westeros, throne is meaningless
>"The Long Night"
>barely took 1/3'd of the North
What did D&D mean by this?

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Yeah that shit was annoying although I think it might’ve been a problem with streaming the episode off the app

Like mell said, his only purpose was to save arya

I really enjoyed the music of this episode, too. It made a lot of the sequences more horror-like.

>comparing it to helms deep is just pure arrogance
They are different, indeed, and i will need to watch it again a few more times to decide for sure. But on its own, this battle is very close to that. The way it conveys the desperate situation of the battle, this one is far superior. The confusion of the battle is far more realistic.

Helm's Deep was still better.

Why was this so much more emotional then a 10 year old character being killed off?

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Here retard

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>J R R Tolkien
>Mythic imagery that lifts us up the world of ideas and human emotion

>G R R Martin
>Gritty realism that leaves us cold despite initial shock value

>there's an universe where DND watched and filmed a better battle

>tfw trying to watch it on the bus home with the afternoon sun sun beaming down behind me and also wearing my sunglasses because I always wear sunglasses in public

He disappeared during the first charge. Chances are he's dead, but some managed to escape back, so he might be hidden in a forest or something. Also didn't come back as a zed to bite anyone, and that would have been a juicy drama moment to skip on it without reason.

>The confusion of the battle is far more realistic.
How does that make it better? It made it worse in my opinion. I had no clue what the fuck was happening half the time, and thus any tension was gone.

Better comparison is Army of Darkness

>right wing reactionary

>left wing progressive

really makes you think

I could not see shit. What a shitshow lmao
Oh yes GoT is full oh realism
Just shut the fuck up

How did that Uruk teleport behind him, honestly?

He's alive. He's in the next episode preview.

GRRM has ton of mythic imagery aswell. It's just that the D&D hacks can't capture it at all.

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because we knew he'd never return home to his loving wife.

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>arguing about how winterfell is more realistic when no real person who's lives are on the line would go for such a stupid strategy of throwing all your best troops outside the wall

>all the comments on various Helm's Deep videos are now just about GoT
I fucking hate zoomers.

I felt nothing for that chubby elf who appeared out of nowhere and wasn't in the books

Nobody knows how to post screens from a TV, you fucking faggot. All you've done is prove you watched some pirate-shit version.

>clear view of uruks climbing the ladder behind him
>context is he's too distracted trying to get everyone to retreat

>world war veteran, has seen horrors of the world firsthand

>fat autist chicken wing enthusiast

I'm so pissed about it it hurts.

One of the faction was using overruning with numbers as his strategy, it wouldnt have made sense to see all the undeads lined up finely. The quality of their standard troop is lower than human, they need to charge all together like that. Pretty sure if you were in a real battle as a grunt you wouldn't understand shit all the time. You would obey the orders and hope to survive. Looking at it from a drone pov is underwhelming.


the entire episode was green screened like a marvel movie. it would have looked like shit without the smoke and darkness

I have THX reference everything, all calibrated.

I couldn't see shit.

Nice! Is Jon's dragon there too? After the struggle against NK he crashed down and wasn't seen again, but it didn't seem like injuries were fatal.

Looks like all the CG budget was spent on ep 3.

Attached: ep 4 preview.png (1440x900, 1.24M)

Because Haldir's motivations involved concepts of honor, tradition, and loyalty to a cause greater than himself in the face of annihilation.

>An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance.

>We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.

Lyanna Mormont's 'motivation' was owning straight white males epic style with the writing team ensuring that she wasn't realistically immediately squashed like a bug

So, like 50 people survived in the end?

House Mormont is now extinct right?

>One of the faction was using overruning with numbers as his strategy, it wouldnt have made sense to see all the undeads lined up finely.
Obviously. This doesn't have anything to do with the battle being largely incomprehensible to the viewer though.
>Pretty sure if you were in a real battle as a grunt you wouldn't understand shit all the time. You would obey the orders and hope to survive. Looking at it from a drone pov is underwhelming.
This is the dumbest reasoning ever. By your logic almost any combat should be quick and incomprehensible since that's how most chaotic scenes are in real life.

The fact that I can't tell what the fuck is going on means they can't meaningfully build any tension, because I have no sense of the action. The Battle of the Bastards was able to convey the frantic energy of a chaotic battle without sacrificing comprehension.

Anyone who thinks this fucking retarded shit episode is even close to Helm's Deep should be shot.

Where did the targ-stark alliance's soldiers go?
Didn't they had atleast :
>100,000 dothraki screamers
>10,000 Unsullied
>15,000 knights of the vale
>whatever few thousands of northerners and wildlings that survive battle of the bastards
Worse of the worse was that Glovers was right
>stay at home instead of going to winterfell

>”I hear there’s a good port in Ashai”


>we will never learn about the shadow lands

It's not about colour scheme.
I'm almost certain it's about HDR (high dynamic range). You'll need a TV or monitor with HDR and probably an HDR copy of GoT in order for black not to look just black.

Assuming i wanted all battles filmed as this one is only your brainlet assumption. I liked seeing it this way in this specific context because the undead faction made it fitting.
Maybe i can resume what happened to make it easier on you: bad guys attacked in open field, won; then proceed to siege, overrun walls; then starts butchering anyone inside castle; wasn't too hard to follow, honestly.

“What of good Solonius?”

Honestly, it was perfect. This entire episode was flawless, just not in the way Yea Forums expected it to be. This episode summarizes every argument against the show and proves all of its detractors 100% correct. The show went to shit in Season 5. Everyone was in denial about it because they wanted it to be good. They wanted the dumb things put out there by D&D to be retconned or extrapolated upon later, thus justifying their faith in an "epic" tv series for the past few years. But they were wrong. Supremely wrong. And there's no possible salvaging of it now. Eight seasons of build up and tension all to lead to a mid-season climax that ended as dramatically and with as much poignancy as a loud fart right in the middle of exchanging wedding vows. It was like having two hours of dialogue and drama in a serious political thriller only for it to end, at the apex of the action, with someone unrelated walking on screen and honking a doggy squeak toy for comedic effect. And right as you sit there, confused and bewildered, asking "What in the fuck?" the credits roll. That's Game of Thrones now. All that plot, all that tension, all that anticipation, all that investment from the viewer is now not just dead, but killed in a completely hilarious and embarrassing way.

It could almost be forgiven if the point was D&D saying
>FUCK YOU hahaha ;)

But they're not even clever enough to be taking a shit on the audience. They legitimately thought that episode was the best thing television has ever seen, and what the people really wanted was a smirk-off between Dany and Cersei as the climax of the series. It's like watching the medieval fantasy equivalent of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Literally better than the shit we got

desu reminded me of one of my Warhammer 2: Total War battles where I face down a vampire army and only Ungrim Ironfist is left standing due to his insane defences when he gets to low HP, as well as unlimited stamina.

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Has to find the right setting on the tv. It wasn’t that bad.
Nevertheless, there was awful military tactics, idk why the catapults and trebuchets were sort of wasted like the dothraki. I mean, Rob was known for his military prowess, never losing a battle. Meanwhile, mr prince that was promised and his “sisters” went full retard. You can’t win against-all-odds battles by just being retarded.

>Assuming i wanted all battles filmed as this one is only your brainlet assumptio
you're saying it's better because it's incomprehensible, i'm just following the logic you set out
>Maybe i can resume what happened to make it easier on you: bad guys attacked in open field, won; then proceed to siege, overrun walls; then starts butchering anyone inside castle; wasn't too hard to follow, honestly.
of course it's not difficult to sum up after the fact. but the battle had no rhythm or flow to it whatsoever. it was literally just compiled shots of random characters fighting zombies that could've been in almost any order without any difference, shot so dark it was difficult to tell what was actually happening, and then just cutting away when they're completely surrounded without any sort of resolution. i guess they just fought their way clear offscreen?

how the fuck is that a good battle? just because it was confusing?

Fuck, that literally looks like a videogame but with details removed and everything blurred to hide it.
Where is it even focused, everything in the picture is out of focus!

TV isn’t reality fucktard. If you were a director you’d probably throw out all the lighting equipment because “muh realism”. Fuck off dogma 95 fag

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>Gritty realism

What if the subversion was that the night king has no plot armor?

>good strategic decisions
>attacks rather than just wait until everybody starves and gets himself killed in the process

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>sRGB calibration should be mandatory for normies.
You stupid cuckfuck, most screens and monitors come precalibrated from factory. Also one does not simply "calibrate" a fucking tv screen, except switch the color profiles, if you have that option.

>I'm sorry that you have a poorfag television with bad color and contrast settings. I could see everything just fine, even though it was a purposely dark episode. It still sucked plotwise, though.
Fuck off bitchass cunt. I just looked at a few seconds of episode online with my 32" Dell Ultrasharp 4K monitor and still couldn't see shit.
Switching to CIERGB color profile helps a tiny bit but not much. Just a shitshow.

wow just like jesus bravo D&D bravo

If you're looking at it from a brightly lit room, yes. Left is what it looks like when you're out there, your eyes adjust, you can walk around at night without a torch and you'll see things just fine

You know for all its faults and shittyness i'd have allowed it if they let the hound cleave more than 5 cunts in half, like jesus christ i need 15 minutes of grey worm looking intense but clegane can't shine? fuck this shit

Wow it’s almost like GoT sucks dick or something.

From what I read, they had an insanely massive budget for a tv production. Per episode, it was unprecedented. Should not be an excuse.

Pretty much this. The battle has no rhythm to it.

The main thing that annoys me about this is that the Night King was killed midseason. The show has been building up the confrontation with the White Walkers since the first scene.

However, now the final battle isn't against the being that can raise the dead, that can kill dragons with a throw of a spear, that is immune to dragon fire and can create large snow storms. The final villain will be Cersei, a woman who is psychotic and incompetent, yet somehow keeps winning. She makes shirtless twin daggers Ramsey seem like Ramsey against Jon Snow. I guarantee she will kill off more main characters than the army of the dead did and this is likely because D&D find Lena Headey smirking whislt drinking wine to be the height of television.

They said God knows how many times that this was a hopeless battle. They keep retreating and giving up positions as it was supposed to happen until they can no more and get cornered and basically all killed. The only people moving fast on the battlefield are Dany and Jon, because of the dragons. Everyone else was outside of winterfell first, then moved inside, then got cornered and slaughtered.

>Bret King on foot
By the lady how unchivalrous.

This part looked pretty nice.

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>They said God knows how many times that this was a hopeless battle
>They keep retreating and giving up positions as it was supposed to happen until they can no more and get cornered and basically all killed
It just all pretty much happens at once though, the only time the battle really had any sort of flow back was when Melly lights the trench on fire, from then on its just a zombie moshpit. Characters like Sam get grappled to the ground by zombies and it just cuts away to another character getting surrounded. Are they alive? did they die? did they fight their way out? who knows.
>The only people moving fast on the battlefield are Dany and Jon,
And any character that needs to rescue another, then they'll just teleport to that character's aid regardless of where they were before, like Jorah just appearing outside the castle walls to save Dany somehow.

Vast wealth aside, how do you think George is feeling this morning?

I have spilled so much seed to this woman.

>that great dragon fight where you couldn't tell which dragon was which

>that scene when arya tells the red priestess "Not today" and stands awkwardly for a while before awkwardly leaving the screen
that was so out of place

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Helms deep was pure kino compared to that

I agree. Shame it didn't really matter or do anything narratively besides keep Dany and Jon from doing anything important


>At the end everybody dies. Cersei goes Allahu Akbar and lighst up wild fire with every name character and dragons in Kingslandig. Post credit scene shows a hooded man on a horses watching dieng flames and smoke coming out of ruins.
>takes off his hood
>it is STANNIS
>he says "what a shitshow" and rides off screen

the shot where they fly above the clouds is awesome then it devolves into the usual shit

>take bran's hand in a dream
>eternally marked and tracked
>grab arya by the throat in reality

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>>that great dragon fight where the fire dragons don't breath fire

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both are shit

It's sort of like this part from the matrix if you catch my drift, you know, above all the shitstorm, calm and quiet.

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Nice background of Stronhold: Crusaders.

>breathing fire when everybody involved in the fight is immune to fire

>Lil lady mormont
are you fucking kidding me, these are the only characters you have the balls to kill?
Fuck you Dan and fuck you Dabid, I curse you with golf ball sized kidney stones for the rest of your life.

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Are you fucking kidding me
That is the cheapest shit ever
Holy fucking god almighty

Arya did it again
Dex & Agi > Str, Sta and Mag

A high dynamic range setup has a greater range between the brightest brights and the dimmest darks. It will let you see further into what appears to be just a wash of black normally. You need a TV with HDR, most of them have it now. Even $500 TVs (LG ones are super cheap). But then you also need an HDR copy of the episode.

Attached: HDR-vs-SDR[1].png (2500x1080, 771K)

>This. Silmarillion still amazes me.

no one cares, redditor

Kek. If only they'd knew.

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I actually found it funny that according to D&D Beric was resurrected like 7 fucking times just to die in a hallway in order to save an Anglo sasquatch.

>calm and collected Arya *smirk smirk smirk*
>effortlessly kills 30 white walkers
>suddenly scared of white walkers for no reason and runs away
>Beric gets stabbed in the dick to save her
>back to calm and collected Arya *smirk smirk smirk*

Jaime, Brienne, Podrick, Sam or The Hound were practically dead several times. Yet they lived. They and no one else.

Did the NK fucking Smirk
Tell me I'm not the only one seeing this

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No the preview of the next episode showed unsullied marching out of winterfell. Maybe they will get allies in the vale/reach/dorne who come help but honestly they might have some character (probably davos) to explain that loses were bad but they still have just enough manpower to take kings landing, if we get lucky.

>implying Tolkien's best stories weren't gritty
He was a incest or two from GRRM before he died

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yeah, he did

That seems to be the implication. Every character with plot armour had their backs to the wall and apparently only a dozen people survived in the crypts which were apparently meant to house every non-combatant in winterfell, its surroundings, and every human north of it

Send in the Dothraki.



I want to scrape DnDs faces off with sandpaper

Who cares honestly? Why do they need armies for? They have 2 dragons and they can just let Arya on the loose in the Red Keep. What can stop her at this point ?

>were apparently meant to house every non-combatant in winterfell, its surroundings, and every human north of it
Didn't we have a touching moment about needing all women, elders and children to fight too if they wanted to win the battle? Fucking lazy asses.
Well, if they use dragons on king's landing the win should be easy. Dunno if golden cucks know how to deal with them.

this is correct

I don't think you know what 'gritty' means. They could be dark and melancholic, but not gritty.

I don't know why people are criticizing this.

Is this not how you use shock troops?

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Game of Smirks
Game of Quips
Game of Queens
Game of Female Empowerment

They're fairly ridiculous with how overboard they'll go with (tumblr pleb) fan service given how lazy and incoherent they are at other points.
That scene with the little girl who gets gratuitously murdered by a giant but still kills him is just disgusting on many levels.

Is this season split in half or are there only 3 episodes left?

Why the fuck did theon charge the NK like that?
>you're a good man theon
>runs the fuck off and gets oneshotted

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lmao anime eyesight
try go where there isnt light pollution in a rainy night, like in the fuggin helms deep, and let me know what you see inceloid

No. They should harass the flanks, take out the loners, retreat, make a charge, run out again, etc.
Obviously it's less effective when you're facing zombies with a hive-mind control

I genuinely didn't believe they would kill of the sentral antagonist for what, 4 seasons, in the third episode of the final season.

>stream pirates complaining they couldn't see shit on a 720p monitor from 2007
Lmfao sad!

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Took ages for me to figure out what dragon had its face slashed away.

Well, zeds kill anyone don't they? Seemed fine. Many have been shown to bite, so that's also acceptable. Dunno how the strength of a dying kid managed to create enough damage to kill him but will leave it to dragonglass weak point. I liked the scene, she died anyway so it's acceptable.

The filter on the camera in the snow scenes was awful. It’s like my cable was failing. I’m so fucking mad at how shit everything looked

WHERE THE FUCK DID SHE COME FLYING FROM ???????????????????????????????????

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The whole fucking battle was garbage. It was just entirely full of idiotic moments.
>Dothraki just charge into the complete darkness for no reason
>they didn't create bonfires in advance, use dragons to start fires for light, launch shit on fire in the trebuchet to make light,etc
>Why did Dany land her dragon? Why?
>Crypt zombies, the majority of these corpses are so old they would be dust and bones so brittle they would break under their own weight
>3 feet deep trench. lol
There's more, but fuck me, it was just stupid moment after another.

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>send your light cavalry against an unbreakable enemy many times their number, in the dark, against unknown defenses and formations, when you have arrows and artillery you can fling at them instead and take zero casualties

They should have had the Dothraki parked a few dozen miles away to ride in and flank at a proper moment. That is the most basic bitch medieval combat maneuver. See: Return of the King. Instead they had a bunch of horseback Persians rush the undead with regular steel swords like fuckin Agincourt. When every dead soldier you leave behind gets resurrected, wasting 50,000 people in 30 seconds seems like a really bad idea.

So no, you fucking muppet. This is not how you use shock troops.

>fine cavalry maneuvering at night with bad weather on a terrain you're not familiar with

oh so thats why i could see it perfectly

It would have been better if she'd been in the crypts and survived. Even though I don't like her character

Are you retarded? Children of Húrin was gritty as fuck, what do you think something needs to be gritty? Tits and heads rolling every two minutes?

didnt you see that white walker's hair moving? that was her passing near them at incredibly high speed

shut the fuck up incel
she said not today didn't you see

Watching the latest GOT episode like

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Have sex.
We have a new winner!

>how can the fictional characters not have the hindsight that I, the fucking viewer, possesses to immediately know how stupid strong the undead army was??

He couldn't handle the pressure

And so that's an excuse for a frontal charge
>at night with bad weather on a terrain you're not familiar with

Reminder that this is still the greatest battle scene of all of kino in the history of mankind.

>S-she's fast!
Coldsteel.png where?

people forget it would have looked like shit because the scales were real, the buildings were not CGI but neither real made of stone, so they had to mask it

This sums up what was going through my mind during the final 10 minutes of the episode:

>*Episode's near the end of it's runtime.*
>"The situation is dire and the White Walkers are winning. There's no means of escape for the protagonists.
>There's still three episodes left and as much as D&D love Lena, they'd never have the balls to kill off most of the cast and have Cersei vs NK as the endgame."

>*A slow montage with dramatic piano music plays as NK approaches Bran.*
>"Most likely resolution: Someone is going to jump into the frame right behind him and save the day at the last second. Jon, Dany, and co. are occupied. Theon is dead.
>Which leaves..."

*Arya jumps into the frame right behind NK.*

She was cool imo, but i don't live in a feminism paradise so seeing a kid actually behaving like an adult is only a good view and a good example to me. Not some empowering propaganda.

Literally me

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>charge into the fucking complete darkness against unknown sized force
>need hindsight to start fires so you can fucking see in the night
>land your dragon amongst horde of zombies
fuck off idiot

The screen should turn black every few seconds to simulate me blinking.

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>greatest battle in cinema history
but that's Pelennor Fields

So the biggest threat to whole Westeros gets a literal "nothin personel kid" treatment from a anglo-goblin, jesus fuckin christ

It's that she's a child that's the most disgusting to me. The fact it's a girl (and thus definitely feminist propaganda) cements it.
She could have had a "heroic death" that wouldn't also be gratuitous, but no.

Hottest woman alive

Yeah, it's not like there's been several battles lost to said massive army and many warriors in the good guys army were survivors of said battles and saw them first hand, and have been trying to gather enough forces to stand up to this impossibly huge army.

That'd be really stupid, if they acted like they did in this episode, knowing all that.

She ran along the Ravens in the air obviously.

Is that from Sonic '06? The woman is clearly Sonic's love interest from the movie imprisoned in Eggman's castle. You can see his robots below.

>I have an exceptionally low IQ and don't understand that the scene was so dumb it was immersion breaking, even to normies who don't know medieval battle tactics

How's any death on battlefield gratuitous? They are there to battle, everyone is at risk of death. No particular reason for it.

Its probably best they hid the effects as much as possible.

They had artillery (their trebuchets) that they used a single time, and didn't bother using after the dothraki all died. Charging the dothraki was stupid. Having artillery you don't use is stupid. Every tactical decision made last night was STUPID!

Damn, that actually looks pretty good.

>>Gritty realism
Arya's move was groan inducing and shattered SoD in an episode where we saw ice giants and dragons.

A little girl should not be on a battlefield.

Nothing personnel, kid.

So what was the plan? Just die near the castle and wait untill NK gets to Bran?

Bran basically told him, "hey, you die here. " theon couldn't think of a cool way of dying so he went for an anime charge. Pretty cool, desu.

Honestly, this did nothing for me and I cannot understand how can normies can shill this.
I mean why would I care about anything? Zombies are not interesting characters, I don't care about any of the characters. The characters keep making stupid decisions without real tactics.
Battle of Black Water was better than this in every way.

>blaming Martin for DnD's shit

Yeah I didn't have any problems too, who would have though that Yea Forums is made of monitorlet.

For Tolkien it was pretty gritty, but it still isn't close to Gurm edginess. The only thing that was unique to CoH was the slight sexual themes that only stand out because of his otherwise puritan writing. What with one instance of attempted rape (the outlaw Turin killed while he was chasing a half naked girl), some Easterlings forcibly taking some Edain women as wives (guess you can call that rape as well) and enslaving the rest, and one instance of unknowing incest, which is still more tame than Jaime and Cersei or the hundred generations of Targ incest. In the end CoH was just a rewrite of the tale of Kullervo. Down to the unwitting incest and talking sword.

Shooting at night means they can cg in more stunt workers than they actually bother to pay. Battle scenes cost many shekels, goy!
You got jewed. Bastard bowl was the closest thing this piece of shit show came to a battle scene.

It was basically the same thing Dr Strange did in Endgame
same way the Arya moment is basically the same thing that happened in TLJ's throne room
Why is this battle scene the only good thing to come out of GoT in the several last seasons?

This is not correct. Left is what looks like with moonlight.

When it is dark with no moonlight, you see shitall

And here is the difference, GRRM is edgy, but his books are full of marry Sues who will survive no matter of what, while Tolkien have much more "unavoidable Doom"

>modern media is just a handful of cliches shuffled around
Pretty gay stuff there, friend. Good thing I only watch pornography and baseball.

Not my Euron.

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Bran misgendered him

I don't see Preston surviving this one lads

hmm yes

>You're a good man, Theon
>Charges NK.
>But you're also a stupid one.

Sure, not the one from the books, but the fight scene is fuckin great

Hoth > Helms Deep

The episode was pretty alright up until the wights retook the castle and I realized none of the important characters were going to die.
Lighting was shit yeah, but it did feel sort of hopeless despite the fact that I knew everyone was going to make it.

Of course it was more tame, I'm not disputing that. Even the bible is edgier than Tolkien.

Ironically I think Theon could have just stood there and waited for the NK to walk up to Bran. The few seconds where goblina was silently sprinting didn't seem to require the distraction to cost Theon's life.

>Bran misgendered him
unironically this

jesus christ how much of a pleb can a person be

Spoilers: Arya takes the face of The Mountain and she wears stilts to make it seem like she is 7 foot tall. Then she kills Cersei from behind.

>no pitch covered ground to start a fire
>no boiling oil pots on the walls
>no logs covered in oil stacked on the walls and then thrown to the walkers
>no stones stacked on the walls to be let lose when the walkers approach
>not a single fucking man trap
>not using the cavalry to attack on the sides of the opposing army while infantry hold their ground
>no fire carts
>not a single fucking use of Guerilla shit used in medieval times
I was cringing so hard during this battle.
Why the fuck the single most advanced tactic they had was setting on fire the trinches and even then they had to resort to fucking magic?
Tyrion was right, he had to be up there, but months ago and actually building a stand

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Game of thrones fucking sucks and only hipsters like that shit.

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He's still the best to me Yea Forums.

We better have some insight about all the occult shits he has been doing over the seasons (twirly symbol with corpses, baby transformation and all that shit). Fuck it hurts.

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bannerlord looks promising

This episode was great. Only contrarian loser virgins will dislike it. If you wanna make a rebuttal, better post proofs you lost your virginity if you want anyone to take you seriously.

>nothing better to do

It lasted a generation until the last hero found the children of the forest and dragonglass, and then both together fought back the Others in the Battle for the Dawn.

This battle nests nicely between Twilight & Battle of Hogwarts.

>be in australia
>show airs live at 11am
>sunny af
>close all curtins
>still cant see shit

Great job, m8.

great post

so if you watch the post-episode annex they talk about how the plan was to charge the dothraki and the dragons to not engage (which was obv. retarded) so they can guard bran.
then danny uses the dragon anyway, bc they say she couldn't just watch the dothraki get slaughtered. normally movie logic dictates that such a deviation from the plan results in some other cost. that didn't happen did it? the dragons weren't deciding the battle and the nk took his sweet time getting to bran.. so it was all inconsequential?

Lol it IS just like the heroes in Warcraft 3!!!!

Unless they coated his fangs in dragon glass or gave him a valyrian steel grill, what the fuck was a wolf gonna do against white walkers?

What did they think was going to happen when they charged w/ the dothraki?

What happened to Gendry? I didn't see him after the first fight outside.

The NK could've jumped from Viserion right to where Bran was and they couldn't have done anything to prevent it because the guy that thought that having catapults and trebuchets in the front lines apparently doesn't know about ballistas and thinks the only medieval weapon with arrows is the bow, so no crossbows either
But yeah, nothing was at stakes in this episode.

That is what half the scenes unironically looked like.

>wasting the brown dothraki as cannon fodder, so they won't get the opportunity to permanently settle in westeros as legendary heroes
>only brown unsullied survive, but they are eunuchs anyways

I am starting to believe that they shot all the episodes but forgot about Ghost and when Martin Was shown everything He demanded them to add Ghost, so they told an intern to do it and that's why it's like the fucking wolf is not even there.
It's just an after thought

>devolved to hero units
>somehow able to hold off for 40mins (guess those swarms can’t rush hero units)
>can’t have John sitting there on his fucking dragon light the trench.
>poor writing plot device hero appears out of nowhere, multiple times
>The swarming dead(only kills peasants)

The only hope this show had was a complete route and 3/4 of the cast slaughtered. Instead we are going to get some horrendously gay boring shit with the Golden company. What a shitshow. I’ll wait for the last 3 episodes to view them together. I don’t even care anymore, fucking hack writers.

Ofc we won't. None of it will ever be mentionned again, not even on Cersei's side. Characters of this show behave like 21st century jaded atheists who have no capacity to wonder at anything.

>Cersei needs a special ballista to even hurt the dragons
>Some shitty wildling zombies can now easily pierce the dragon's scales with old and maybe even rusted knives/swords
>NK is immune to dragon fire
>NK dies to valyrian steel, which is great only because it's made with dragon fire
>A 100 white walkers do absolutely nothing, even though each of them carried the ice spears, they could at the very least threaten the dragons from the ground
>Arya can sneak around the undead, she could've picked out the WW from the very start of the battle and inflict much larger casualties, she instead spends her time shooting a few wights off the wall and stealing the NK's kill from literally any other character
The more I think about it the shittier the episode was
>The 10 years of building up WW as THE threat to Westeros, resolved in a single episode

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>we have won the great war

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I have only seen the first three or so episodes of Game of Thrones, and I didn't love it so I quit, but all I've heard about is how dark this episode was. I had no idea it was THAT dark, though. Is that really how it looked? Because that's unacceptable.

He's back on the boat.

Did Ned Stark's head came back to life and started biting people in the ass?

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It was a siege. They should have had the artillery in the courtyard and archers on the walls with all the infantry defending the gates and the cavalry parked somewhere else for a time they were needed. Aka: Exactly how Blackwater was arranged.

Speaking of which, remember wildfire? Remember that being a thing? Remember Tyrion destroying an entire fleet of ships with it? Why didn't they use it here? Why didn't Tyrion remember to use it? Why could they not even get the use of pitch correct? It's supposed to be dumped on the enemy and lit on fire, or alternatively spread over fields and then the fields lit on fire. Dumping it into a 3 foot trench is asinine and not at all how it was used in any siege, ever.

Why weren't the archers continuously shooting? Why were there only 20 archers? Why the fuck was Winterfell so poorly designed that it had not even basic defenses against a siege, including a trench, drawbridge, ballistae, catapults, portcullis, etc? The whole castle was so indefensible that they should have taken one look at it, realized it was pointless, and fucked off down south. Arguably the best position in the entire GoT world to defend against a northern invasion is actually that river where the Freys live. In the books, the white walkers can go under water. In the show, they can't. So funneling them into a river crossing kill box would be the easiest in-show thing to do.

Not even mentioning that Dothraki fodder gayness.

>someone on Yea Forums actually knows about dogma 95
actually laughed thanks man

People have a point, but as usual on this board, they are exaggerating. Over the 1h10 there is maybe 10 minutes of really foggy scenes and vague movements, the rest was perfectly watchable.

>battle of the bastards
>battle of blackwater bay

They were all better than this.

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Dany about to be enriched.jpg

The dothraki dying in the distance with each fire going out one by one was cryptic kino af.

Why didnt you turn the brightness up a bit on the tv? Its what I did. With that said, with how they filmed the ww so fucking fast it was almosy impossible to tell who was who. Battle of the bastards was FAR superior.

We won't. NK won't be mentioned again. His arc is over. We will never know who he is or why he did any of the things he did. He's just a generic bad and D&D are Jewishly happy that that plot point is swept under the rug so they can go back to Game of Smirks and Fuck White People

god this still pisses me off. i want nothing more than to cave that maga shitters little skull in with my boot

Winter in GoT means night 24/7
Night in middle age was dark as fuck
WW can summon Ice Strom
Eat this

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Maybe so, but I mean outside of Yea Forums specifically. I'm the only person in my family or friend group that never got into it, and reception was generally positive but everyone was like "I couldn't see a damn thing," kek

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It's beyond incredible how Sapochnik, the guy responsible for Hardhome and the Bastards battle episodes, directed this slop. I was actually looking forward to it

fucking retards I have a 10 year old led tv, you just need to adjust contrast and brightness correctly.

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Tactically, this battle was totally retarded so no, how could it possibly dethrone Helms Deep?

>lmao let's charge our cavalry into pitch black field head-on into an undead army as our opening move
>Impossible they all died!!!!

>no, don't let most of the 10 ranks deep Unsullied formation filter back across the choke point just trap every single one of them on the otherside. It's not like we need professional troops, we only need Grey Worm

Pants on head retarded

>that comment box

what in the actual fuck is going on in this world

You lemmings don’t fucking get it. The point of these season was to teach you obsessed fanboys that there is more to life than this crap, plothole filled Shitshow.

Notice how it all took an immediate dive into a pile of shit after they departed from the book timeline? he’s just pedaling more books. If the shitty sjw writer series provided catharsis, no one would buy the books.

Does anyone have the Jaime kills night king with the rains of castamere playing in the credits copypasta?

Man fuck off, everything looks wicked on my monitor except for this shit. Nothing's gonna help you when they filmed the episode in darkness in the first place.

Literally not true. From my lit room when I look out the window it's almost pitch black at night.

Once you go outside and especially once your eyes adjust, it's not that dark at all, even past midnight.

you're retarded

There should also be a silhouette of a blurry nose in the middle of the screen.

She's gonna take qyburns face. Screencap me

fuck off leftypol

>"God, I think it's probably three years now or something, we've known that it is going to be Arya who delivers that fatal blow."
>Already been decided since 3 fucking years ago
It's inevitable.

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this is the audience that the show is aimed at, fucking kill me

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>dude the Others are the ultimate evil humanity must band together against or else we're all doomed it's climate change yo
>ends the threat in one episode after years of build-up with a lazy subversion
If you honestly believed that was a good subversion, you may as well just have Hotpie do it because it's unexpected too

I like how the show's version of events surpassed the cringe of even the most exaggerated "leak"

So much shit was ripped off straight from Helms Deep

Because it was Glaber playing a good guy.

"Night is usually dark, this is realistic"
"Just turn your brain off dude everyone isn't a tactical genius when it comes to medieval tactics have sex incel"
The last bit on the second point is completely valid criticism but how these mouth breathers jump back and forth frothing at the mouth is sad and pathetic.

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>Tbh that could be good if done well.
>it could be good if it was good durr hurr
Well seeing as how film is a VISUAL medium it couldn't be a good film but hey if you say it'll be good if it's good then it must be so.

>nitpicking faggot is also a loud, seething inceloid

>sheer white fabric over her nipples
erotic as fuck. God bless whoever did the costumes

>fight army of ice necromancers
>hide defenseless people in crypts

really makes one thonk

Have sex sweetie.

Battle of the bastards fren. Best battle in show.

I have a calibrated projector and watch every single movie and tv show with no issues and I couldn't see jack shit.

just curious, which first shithole country that got her raped-killed?

>when wypipo give their wypipo smirk

GoT viewers are literally being programmed.

My mind is still blown they're fighting a necromancer and they put the women kids and elderly into the CRYPTS and they start the battle by giving the necromancer like 5000 Dothraki.
This is clearly realistic cause its an army lead by cuckolds and women.


brainlet retard

I literally remember an user making fun of our ending predictions like 2 years ago by greentexting
> arya backstabs the night king
> heh nothing personnel kid

fuck man i miss book euron and victarion so much

He claims he doesn't watch the series, but that usually means "i'm under contract so i cant say anything against the show". People will claim the tech achivement was big (it was when it comes to production, and not artistic results).

Jon doesn't know what the fuck he is doing on the dragon, so I can understand him being a useless asset up there. Dany though what the fuck was she doing?

Literally can't see shit LOL it looks like Thoros of Myr

In Meeren a couple of beggars with spears wounded drogon.

Pic related

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Memes aside i actually got real Warband vibes when the dead started crawling up the walls and you'd just one hit them as they come up

Man my monitor looks great when I turn the contrast up. HDR isn't needed at all, shouldn't be needed to see a shit episode.

mine was how my last few tomb kangz' spear man grind down the gringo ironhide with the special sword while my general had only 300 hp left just stand aside watching

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>But then you also need an HDR copy of the episode.
And most cable companies don't offer that. the show looked like shit on my tv.

>i'm under contract so i cant say anything against the show
Doubt honestly. He's old man after all. Creators perceive their works different. Moebius for example didn't even watch Fifth Element on release.


imagine wasting so much of your life time in conjectures about a show that inevitably got unfulfilled and now being triggered and post lots of green words and poor quality images to let some of your anger steam out

Oooh that's a lot of skin show!

Some people are actually passionate about movies and TV, and you're on Yea Forums for fuck's sake

What do you think? It was some Mexican dudes though.