When will we stop pretending that little girls can fight competently in film or television when in reality they'll fail against an able-bodied man of the same size every time?
When will we stop pretending that little girls can fight competently in film or television when in reality they'll fail...
having a lower center of gravity and being more nimble is an obvious advantage against a larger foe
lol stop watching anime
Stop spewing your toxic logic you entitled white male!
t. arya stark
It's the result of judeo-marxism/judeo-christianity and their equality meme.
every stupid clownworld thing (muh soul, muh blank slate, muh 6 million genders etc) stems from that.
But if you weigh less than half of what your foe does than it doesn't mean shit
source (but only if it's porn)
Equality isn't a Christian thing. Hierarchy, vocation, and hard work are.
your extra 50 lbs of lard won't protect you from a knife attack to your groin or gut, idiot
T. I've never been in a fight in my life
"Do unto others" sounds pretty damn close to "treat everyone as your equal" familia
>they'll fail against an able-bodied man of the same size every time
Lol are you telling me a 6'1" woman weightlifter could beat a 5'4" manlet?
The manlet would still have more muscle than the woman so long as he wasnt aushwitzmode
Let me guess... You are under 6'0?
5'4'' manlet detected
Excuse me, incel?
no, but I'd rather take my chances against someone my size than a rabid dog going for my balls
>women can never be equal to men
>they're just there to give birth and support husbands
>therefore, they should be portrayed in fiction as either love interests or damsels in distress
Is that your entire argument in a nutshell?
>Lol are you telling me a 6'1" woman weightlifter could beat a 5'4" manlet?
OP is implying the opposite of that, can you read? Faggot manlet.
>Jean of Arc
>French woman cult leader burned at the stake
>her armies did the heavy lifting
And nothing of value was lost.
Chun exists in a world where one can be strengthened by mystical energy.
Tommy exists in a world where one is strengthened by futuristic energy.
The differences between men and women are negligible, when you factor in supernatural forces.
Chun li will just fireball spam his ass