What's the point of this character?
What's the point of this character?
Fail and look stupid over and over again.
>sad origins (black sheep of his family)
>entire character arc over 8 seasons has been about fulfilling his duty as a Nightwatchman, protector of mankind
>is extremely involved in humanity's fight to protect the North and the rest of the realm
>does not do anything significant during the climax moment of the series, the Battle of Winterfell
>mary stu that hasn't been involved in the North story for 7 seasons
>her whole arc is about a kid surviving alone in a harsh world after experiencing grief and tragedy
>she learns to fight for herself but also becomes extremely cocky, almost arrogant in her abilities
dude he rode a fucking dragon lol
be the token male protagonist so incels can be fooled to stick around while the real protagonists, the stronk wymen kick ass in this feminist fantasy
to give you expectations that can be subverted
manlet jokes
hahah yeah dude that was epic lol
>What's the point of this character?
To be a big pussy boy with a strong arm.
Jon 'Sit on the fence' Snow. What a faggot. Literally had a never ending supply of napalm and combat air patrol platform and he just sat on a wall watching his faggot cripple brother.
female empowerment
Pulled agro from the dragon
name one war in history where one leader killed the other leader in single combat
you must have serious insecurity issues if female protags bother you this much
>they want the light the trenches
>Davos signals to Dany but she is to far away to see it.
>Jon sits with his dragon on the muthafukkin wall the whole time
>they try lighting it with arrows, it doesn't work
>Jon still sitting
>Melly comes out and struggles to light the fire
This show has no point after it ran out of source material.
GRRM is a guy who actually had some knowledge how low fantasy high/late medieval world could work, who knew a bit of history and used a book format.
They followed his blueprint more or less for a few seasons and it was a nice hybrid of historical drama and fiction.
Since then it turned into a capeshit that enjoys success because mainstream "nerds" adopted it as a part of their identity. It's still fun. But it's pure capeshit with medieval background.
It doesn't seem like they're bothered dude. GoT is a show for women so they're just starting the obvious.
he was supposed to be a separate character from Aegon Targaryen, they combined the two when the plot caught up and they didn't have the means to cast another person for a dead end plotline that gurm had no idea how to finish.
really fucking awesome how they turn every male character on the show into a useless fucking faggot just so one more hole can have the limelight
I am not bothered, I find it amusing
btw strong female characters have existed since forever in virtually all media and I've always liked them. I don't like when it feels forced and basically just consists of projecting masculine characteristics into women though
>tits every other episode
>decapitation and mutilation
>show for women
Whatever you say, bud. Female leaders in the real world fuck everything up and everyone knows it, so why care so much about fictional ones?
he will kill Daenerys when everyone realizes shes insane
It is just insane how Arya has become so cocky and arrogant with nothing to bring her back down to earth. She flunked out of the Faceless Men and is now a smug super assassin who can kill an 10,000 year old personification of death the very first time she meets him.
Fuck Jon, fuck Daenerys, fuck the Unsullied, fuck the Dothraki, fuck the Northerners, fuck the dragons and fuck the Wildlings. Arya The Teleporting Killing Machine will take care of The Night King and his army of ice demons and zombies.
Clearly GRRM hasn’t even thought of how to end the story,
>especially if he told D&D that Arya would be the one to defeat the NK
runs through the battle and scream
Every character that gets raped literally comes back and kicks ass. The gore isn't bad and the incest is just meant to shock. It's a show for women.
>why do you care lmao
because they ruined an actually good series with it
women are portrayed as competent leaders (realistic men), while all the men are portrayed as "fucking everything up" (realistic women), and this role reversal looks utterly ridiculous no matter which way you cut it
The show is not over, you retards. Cercei is the real enemy, all the hero cards that were not played yet will have own time
>comes back and kicks ass
Sansa sits in a chair and does nothing else my dude what are you saying
Its still a good show, and if you actually watched it you'd know Danerys hasn't been a good leader since (maybe) Mereen. All of her decisions are rash and immature, while she acts like an entitled brat. The only people keeping her crazy emotions in check are, shocker, men.
Trojan War
100 Years War (eg Henry V vs Charles VI)
R+L=J was confirmed by GRRM, unless D&D are lying. The only similarity of note is that D&D also called Jon "Aegon." As far as we know, the Aegon in the books could be a fake or just a Blackfyre.
I guess his purpose was to rally the living against the army of the dead but just that exactly. Important stuff no doubt, but a bit anticlimactic after that.
>100 Years War (eg Henry V vs Charles VI)
>Trojan War
>citing mythology as history
Alexander almost did it with Darius III.
>What's the point of this character?
He's an archetype, anti-hero turned into hero. You might as well ask what is the point of any drama while you're failing to appear smart.
To be the rightful king but step aside and give it to a female instead
He was never an anti-hero. Jon has been a good guy since day 1.
don't forget the NK vs jon teasing since hardhome. all he does now is lick danys arse in front of the northern lords and eat her out, and DxD is telling me thats what he got revived for? seriously fuck DxD
>tricks LF and gets revenge on her rapist. wins BotB in the last moment
>does "nothing"
ask me how i know you dont watch the show
>tits every other episode
women like tits aswell
women love rape. see danys wedding night with drogo on google. also nr.1 female porn fetish
why should females in particular dislike it?
>decapitation and mutilation
mutilation of cocks. why should women be enraged about this?
0/10 try again
>jon is an into hero
based retard
screencap this. 100% going to happen after arya kills cersei
1488 with the queen
To be the epitome of a fucking reject loser for whom most of Yea Forums falls for and starts worshiping.
Lets not forget his sole claim to fame
>I got targareyen blood dany
>my name is aegon targarean
Bwahahaha, you still a fucking loser shithead fuck Jon, hell you are such a fucking loser, you were named Jon instead of John. Who the fuck cares whose blood courses through your veins when your sole claim to fame is getting your dumbass rescued over and over again cuz you fail hard.
Super glad this cocksucking smurfagget didn't kill the NK. He didn't deserve to even get the chance. fucking imbecile, caveman looking troglodoit.
Go back to the caves Jon. Try making fire Jon, try not failing at something for first time in a while Jon.