Stephen... do you really wanna sit here and go through the rigamaroo?

Stephen... do you really wanna sit here and go through the rigamaroo?

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Did this interrogation tactic make Stephen finally cave? What the fuck is the normal reaction to someone leaning back like this in their chair?

someone post the damn video

You killed her Stephen. I just watched you do it with my own two feet

What the fuck was her problem?

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No wonder Nick's antique business failed. He's obviously not very intelligent.

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If you watch closely the entire point was to shuffle his legs closer to Stephen. He knew that a gold ol'fashioned game of footsie would make the sexually inexperienced Stephen crack eventually.
>tfw I'm only half joking

Why is this old incident suddenly a hot meme on Yea Forums? Apparently the murder happened in 2011 and this interrogation video was released 3 years ago.

It's been a meme for years newfag

Fuck off retard, I've been here literally for 10 years and never saw this meme until this month.

nah, it hasn't. stop trying so hard to fit in you retard
the interview has been posted for a long time but the chair leaning shit started recently

Daring synthesis

Is he OK?

The chair or you Stephen one of y'alls gonna snap.


2019... I am... foreclosed...

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Someone write up a Virgin vs Chad for this interrokino and i'll make it

newfriend tourists run anything we find funny into the ground within weeks of discovering it; even when to us it has been funny for years

Your a guilty guy

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Nobody asked for that gay shit.

t. Stephen

gimme the source lads, need to keep up with the hot stale Yea Forums memes

it's rigmarole OP

you have to watch S11E05 of the simpsons to understand

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Have sex

>y'know what this stoyre used to be called, stayven?
>I don't know
>Yes you do, Stayven. You know damn well what da stoyre used ta be called
>I don't understand the joke

holy KEK

What the fuck am I looking at

Reddit loves their dead maymays

>I've been here literally for 10 years

the OP is in reference to the World Peace skit "Wine Party" in which Nick says "Rigamaroo"

lurk more

I'll talk, I'll talk! Just please never do that again! I'm begging you, please stop!