haha just imagine snapping your magic stones and making all their clothes disappear wouldn't that be so weird hahaha
Haha just imagine snapping your magic stones and making all their clothes disappear wouldn't that be so weird hahaha
Just make them all disappear except for Mantis, my waifu
Claimed btw
Mantis > Scarlet Witch > Nebula > Kate from Lost > Captain Marvel > Gamora > Shuri > bald black > valkyrie
why are these costumes so fucking awful? superheroines usually had very interesting outfits
Mantis' actor don't have a husbando because all the men around her die
Scarlet Witch could murder Captain Mary Sue in a second :) easy
anyway Doctor Strange solos all lmao
Other than Captain Marvel none of those women are in the actual A-Force. But I suppose it's a lot simpler to make a film with them now rather than make another 20 movies explaining the origins of completely new characters.
Showing skin is haram.
>No Paltrow
Black Widow ;(
Claim wasp
She can get really small and climb in my butthole
All these bitches and the only attractive one is Nebula. Quite the achievement, really.
That's nothing!
Scarlet witch can stimulate your entire body from penis to prostate without touching you, suspend you in the air during sex, probably even make you orgasm for several minutes by manipulating your brain.
Also, she has nice cleavage.
This. She has the best ass. It was so distracting in GotG2. It's just perfecly round
Nebula's ass is super flat and shaped like a potato, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you mixing up the characters?
green Zoe but she's wearing blue Zoe's clothes
> So we're like some kind of A-Force?
Absolute Kino
yeah but captain marvel can keep you on nofap for months or more, giving you powers beyond what you can even imagine
Claim qt Neb