Can we all agree that her scenes with Tyrion this episode were quite good?

Can we all agree that her scenes with Tyrion this episode were quite good?

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I thought him and Sansa were gonna kiss desu

fuck off

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I would fucking bury my face in that holy fuck
RIP Scott putesky

Come here, user.

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the pain and despair of knowing i'll never smell this hurts so much bros. i LITERALLY feel like im being tortured by ISIS

if she was my girlfriend she would never need to buy toilet paper


she looked quite cute to be quite honest, reignited by boner for her


is that sophie?

post more

I want to dissapoint her with my 6" white penis

I thought they were gonna kill themselves Romeo and Juliet style.


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*ruins your one of the few non-terrible scenes*
nothing personnel kid

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no u

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Oh jesus fuck can you imagine pumping away at that ass while she sits there bored on her phone. God fucking damn it

I want to knock you out with a haymaker TO THE FUCKING JAW. BOOOOOOOOOM. Knockout time!!1! YAAAAAAAAAS.

How much would she charge for suffocating me with her ass?


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do you think she would win in a wrestling match vs that half-caste chick?

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Yuck no! Probably smells very bad ha ha.

what about her soles here? what do you think they smell like?

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>those tattoos
why is she so trashy bros

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>tfw you will never be that goat

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can someone webm this fight pls

She's English.

she was born to mog manlets

working class English to be precise, although she did attend a middle class school from early on, still turned out bad though

she's gonna marry Tyrion and recieve his midget seed, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>can't get a good tattoo artist
how is this such a common thing

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shit meant this one but if you could webm both it would be appreciated!!!


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post more candids

what a fuckin slag


Didn't make much sense for them to warm to each other quite that much.

who's the girl in the back?

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She was so much cuter in her jailbaiting days.

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So was Gilly.

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