Hating capeshit and popular things

Isn't an opinion. An argument. Or interesting.

Nobody cares that you're crying in the corner that nobody wants to play with you. You're not high IQ or smart. You're cringe and beta af.

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I don't care that it's popular, I care that it's the only thing Hollywood provides these days.

If jews want me to stop whining about capeshit, then they should make films that aren't capeshit.

snape kills dumbledor.

Endgame ends with two white people having a traditional beautiful marriage.

You've failed.

I blame Harry Potter. Fucking stupid speculation shit fests for years.

Why would you use the word capeshit if you’re satirizing people who hate it?

Are you, by any chance, subconsciously thinking that super hero movies, which you claim to love, are actually shitty, deserve to be called “capes hit”?

I do care that it’s popular. We would be better as a society if film was unsustainable

>Hating capeshit and popular things isn't an opinion. An argument. Or interesting.
>You're cringe and beta af.

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Whatever you say son, i just want to ask if you wanted to watch Miami Vice with me

why do their thumbs bend like that
is that the mark of the npc

gamer thumbs pressing on that joystick

I criticized the thing! Pickle rick!

You don't know what an argument or an opinion is. Everything about your personality, your hobbies and your taste in art has all been manufactured for you by the social machine and you just follow it like a good boy. The fact that you made this thread already shows you're starting to see the flaws in your ways but your programming won't let you be free just yet.

You're not smarter than anyone just because you don't like something. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you...you're a child and witless.

I dont hate popular things because they are popular.
I hate them because they are shit. In regards to the stuff on this board I have no issue with capeshit/got threads.

What I do have a problem with is fucking dozens of them at any one time and threads about anything else being pushed into archive because some fags are bitching got has become feminists because they didnt see tits in the last episode.

This desu. Those who reject there programming are the true humans

>He still watches anything that comes out of Hollywood

You sound insecure as fuck.

i'm just imagining some stinky and greasy mulatto zoomer making this post now

>Statement. Statement statement statement.
Ah yes, the truist is here.

And liking them doesn't make you interesting either. Also accusing people of contrarianism doesn't validate your shit taste

>Reddit normies act like they're huge Marvel fans and didn't even know who Thanos was until he was introduced in the MCU.

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