Hollywood is dead

Hollywood is dead

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no shit


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>film is dead
>music is dead
>culture in general is dead
literally nobody is forcing you to watch this shit, the amount of movies being made each year continues to increase. broaden your scope and quit complaining about this benal shit

It's a dark age when popcorn flicks are hailed as epics and no one bats an eye. Critics are completely balless and contributed to this nonsense.

>literally nobody is forcing you to watch this shit
The lack of alternatives is a pretty clear form of coercion.

there is no lack of alternatives though, unless you're strictly speaking about a theater

>one lone cowboy along with a bunch of Mary Sues, a fag, and a girl fucking a fish
No really, what did they mean by this.

Frozen 2 looks good and The Shape of Water was great.

What a shitty era for movies.

we need a hero


If you don't like it make your own films you lazy neckbeard.

the potentially decent sequel on that list is frozen 2, and I still have zero faith

can you speak on the quality of anything from the last nine or so years? the last i saw was toy story 3

Coco and that's about it, desu
Finding Dory and Monsters University aren't awful but they're just... There
Incredibles 2 was lackluster
Brave was decent but not what I consider a classic
Nobody over the age of 10 cares about Cars 2/3

Oh forgot Inside Out and The Good Dinosaur
Watch Inside Out and Coco
Skip The Good Dinosaur

right on, might have to give them a go then. last animated movie i saw was the lego movie and it was surprisingly good

As the original guy you replied to, pretty much sums it up.
Brave was a decent film.
Didn't see Monsters university.
Inside Out was pretty solid.
Good Dinosaur was awful I turned off in ten minutes. Dory was forgettable. Coco was solid, albeit corrupted. Didn't see Incredibles 2.
I'd watch Coco and Inside Out. Harken back to the Silver Age post disney acquisition.

Star Wars is the biggest offender, why couldn't they just leave the saga alone. George Lucas is a fucking jew who sells his own children.

>thinking that anyone on Yea Forums could ever actually make something

These folks don't even watch movies how could they make them

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>Interspecies Couple

Google says the budget for captain marvel was 152 million.
You think the average user couldn't make something at least interesting with that much money? And that's not even counting the massive amount of team support.
Hell, it wouldn't even require creativity. Just shamelessly rip off some fanfiction.

Rey is one of the worst characters I've ever seen, what is her fucking motivation? If we could see inside her head there would be nothing.

Poor old Walt would be spinning in his grave. Knowing his mortal enemies got ahold of his empire.

Stop watching shit movies like these and they'll go away. The audience has more power than they realize.

>haven't seen a marvel movies in years
>each one makes more than the last because retards still watch it
If you're intelligent enough to realize the power is entirely in the audience's hands, you're not the target audience. it is fairly simple to guess why.

The jewish hostile takeover of Walt Disney is emblematic of their largescale takeover of american society from the old WASP establishment.

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>this benal shit
>too pretentious to spell "banal" correctly

What happened to music?

First of all, there clearly is a lack of alternatives in the big budget sphere. Second of all, it's also cannibalizing the lower budget market. Feel free to post examples and prove me wrong.

>The lack of alternatives is a pretty clear form of coercion.
Look to the past, my friend. Start building your dvd/blu ray collection which no one can take from you. The classic Twilight Zone looks great on Blu Ray, as does the Universal Monster films. Tons of great shit out there waiting to be discovered by you, and no need to go to the cinema.

The past is finite. I have see every single original Twilight zone episode.
Assuming he's talking about the ever increasing rise of music by algorithm

>make billions

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>ultra kike Iger will pass over the company to (((someone))) as equally as shitty as him
>WB will be brought out by Disney in the next couple of decades
There's no stopping this, is there?

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>Disney owns 50% of all TV shows and movies
Americans don't deserve the Bill Of Rights.

No, they just realized that the average people have the intelligence and taste of a farm animal, so they're better off not putting any effort into their work.

>average people have the intelligence and taste of a farm animal,

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It's just robots. The robots write all the songs. They even manage how the artists look.

I'm not paying for their shit

Fair enough. I just don't get how the general audience can consume this garbage, it's just so clearly aimed at fringe Feminist groups and has been for years now. Absolutely bonkers.

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this is objectively true though.
The worse GoT got, the more viewers it seemed to attract.
Anyone even remotely intelligent stopped watching as soon as they stopped following the books, foolishly believing that their writing team had any talent whatsoever in creating an original story.

The same reason why capeshit is so popular.

>Infantilization is the MCU game plan. A serious publication is obligated to point out similarity to the free-college, no-student-loans, socialized-medicine political promises that stoke immaturity. Also note how Endgame secularizes religious allegories. The end-times premise is hollow, just an excuse for the usual sci-fi, CGI destruction. Even Thor’s junked-up Norse myth and Black Panther’s purely cosmetic Afrocentricity join the trend of ignoring spiritual faith and trivializing national heritage.

You just a contrarian with shit taste

and you're a spic with no semblance of intelligence whatsoever.

>this is objectively true though.

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Anyone who watches this tripe is a farm animal

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But Jontron produces lots of high quality content that gets as many views as big TV shows


That's literally the first rule of a speaker. The more people you trying to appeal to the simplier your speech must be.

The MCU is the only shit thing in that picture tho

Who could stem the tide? Europe is America's eternal anal slave. China has the means and the money to crush Hollywood, but it doesn't produce its own content, it only copies Hollywood. Russia makes white man's kino, but it doesn't have any money. India can make nothing but pure trash in egregious volumes.

Terrorism is the answer. I plan to deploy dedicated theater shitting squads, with the entire snack shack replaced with gutter oil.

You sound like a fish fucker