20 years ago this was the cultural television movement everyone followed. What went wrong?

20 years ago this was the cultural television movement everyone followed. What went wrong?

Attached: tony.jpg (183x275, 9K)

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advent of postmodernism

Was it just that a majority of the audience watched for tits and hits? Or was the mainstream genuniely accepting of its kino moments?

You faggots would call The Soporanos post modernist marxism today for even attempting to deconstruct anything

How about I deconstruct your ass with my dick.

society developed into an audience that loves to be spoonfed drama without nuance, being told what to interpret from a selected piece of media, and the increase of easily digestible "epic" storylines that require no actual thought

this was a time that the mainstream could actually sit down and give a show a chance. the tits and hits became a novelty for shows years later

How do we fix Television and Film? A WW3? We need an reset button and fast! I feel ill imagining the cesspool of shit that people will eat up and be spammed on this board.

>We need an reset button
>all White race wipes out
I'm fine with this honestly

Maybe its just the moment every medium has where the mainsteam and the cutting edge happen to intersect. Like the 60s for music, 70s for film, 90s for fashion, arguably 2000s for vidya.

It came at the right time, simple as that. What the audience chooses to be the 'cultural television moment' has nothing to do with quality of the show, though. GoT could have been a lot better, but it wasn't because the creators had no originality themselves - they were simply good at adapting already existing work.

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Streaming television services & torrenting.

The show was commenting on such notions like social paradigm shifts, changing cultural trends and perceptions, its view of isolation and loss of individual values through social imposed norms and technology and among others. Considering this, we could say the sopranos played a major role reigning in post modern society through it's influences on narrative structures in modern film and tv, the use of surrealism and dreamlike qualities and it's depiction of death and violence in an almost humourous/ironic method.

curious on your comment about how 90s fashion was a blend of mainstream and cutting edge, how so?

Supermodels and clothing designers were pretty mainstream in the 90's. Household names, with their very own kinos.

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Are we going to become like our parents talking about how crappy modern tv is.

i guess i misunderstood. i thought you meant mainstream fashion collided with more artistic endeavors. i see your point now cheers

Yeah if your parents are 30.


anti-fashion was mainstream.

do you even know what postmodernism is or did you just hear jordan peterson say it a bunch of times and you automatically didn't like it?

audiences are plebs and do whatever media tells them to. they'll watch whatever is hyped as the "next _____". right now it's GOT. it was breaking bad. before that lost. the sopranos was a cultural event back when drama on television relied on the strength of the writing and the idea of an auteur showrunner with a vision. these things have disappeared. writing on tv is now capeshit level. but the sopranos was an exception anyway. if you want good storytelling take the bookpill.

Stop using words you don’t understand

You're a fucking concordantly faggot.

ah neat thanks for the link, i'd rather kill myself than watch an hour of this retarded video

ah neat thanks for the link, i'd rather live than watch an hour of this interesting video

spot on.
go to bed kid, you've got school in the morning.

Sopranos didnt have 1/2 the viewers of GoT

people are plebs and should be culled. thanos was right.

of course you are, pablo

>Advent of Postmodernism
>In the fucking late 90's

What a brainlet lol.

postmodernism was dead and buried before the sopranos aired
what the fuck are you americans going on about

Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo are still alive, cunt.

because the advent of retarded manchildren wouldn't happen for another decade


Attached: I'd like to die.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

GoT is the best tv show since Sopranos.

It is known.

Do these 'film-class style' dissertations on capeshit, T&A Conan shows and misc. cable TV trash actually look deep and meaningful to you guys when you post them?

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That's not even remotely true.

Twin Peaks: The Return
The Little Drummer Girl
True Detective

All better than GotT