Rian Johnson with the troll!

Attached: rian.png (590x103, 11K)

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Yes he's s nigger

Attached: Rei Arya.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Absolutely based.

>The Night King was actually a used car salesman the entire time
>he asks Bran to pull his finger before telling him a yo mamma joke

twitter.com/rianjohnson/status/1122730861097566208 hhahahaha

Why is Rian such a fucking faggot?

why does anyone think this would work

>Rei lets go of his blade completely giving him a chance to cut her head off

Rian is worse than any other director alive.


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There were actual mentally retarded people making all of the decisions and signing off on this stuff.

UGH! Fan theories!

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While I don't have a problem with the Night King going out the way he did since I think more conventional death can be cool, holy fuck does this guy just not get it. There's nothing good about dangling plot hooks and sucking all the romance and mystery out of the room just because nerds enjoy things like that. No wonder his movie was so terrible.

>your theory sucks it was actually nothing at all hahaha

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>Left: makes no fucking sense, a contrived move
>Right: makes sense, drops knife from restricted hand into free hand
What's the problem here?

Good to know that he is still seething about this.

>all these mad replies
Rian is too powerful.

daddy issues
but in his father's defense, his son is kind of an obnoxious faggot

You think she pegs him?

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The choreography of TLJ's throne room scene is honestly some of the absolute worst I've ever witnessed, in Star Wars or otherwise.