Stop, my invincible son

Stop, my invincible son

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Such a powerful scene

Is it just me or is it possible that Clark could've freed the dog and ran abit faste than normal that he would've gotten out without people knowing?

Dumbest part of an extremely dumb movie. I think Kevin Costner just wanted out of this shit show.

Supes can almost match the flash in speed so he definitely could have saved him and the dog without anyone noticing. Hell he could have taken each person there, bring them to their house, tuck them into bed, and have them think that they just woke up from a dream.

>Be superman
>could literally just run and save dad
>If anyone asks how just say "adrenaline "
>literally saved a bus of kids before this

How is Snyder NOT retarded again?

Ten years later and brainlets still don't understand.
Just stick with MCU and leave kino to the big boys.

>Letting your father die just to protect your identity

>Stop, my invincible son who can move faster than a speeding bullet

Enlighten me please how it's impossible that Clark's cant save them by running slightly faster?

>My son was born with superpowers but I'd rather him hide his whole life and never accept his destiny

His dad was right though. By saving him, invincible son could have potentially exposed himself to the world and his father knew how hard it would be on both his son and the rest of the population. This is evidenced by what happens in BvS.

Hey moron, superman can move faster than anyone there would've been able to notice

literally could have ran just slightly over what would be believable to save him and no one would be the wiser.

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People would have seen that his father moved dozens of feet though and probably at least flicker of light or something back and forth between where Clark was.

First of all, in real life no one would be standing around staring at a nearby tornado, they'd be running for cover

He just wanted to die like half the people on this hell hole website

There wasn't any cover and you can't outrun a tornado.

Halt, my immortal offspring.

Ok, Snyder

Not an argument.

I don't see how this scene was "stupid." The point of this is that even though Clark really wanted to SAVE Jon, and you can tell he really wanted to, Jon was afraid clark will expose himself and will strike fears to others. Mind you, Clark didn't even know his true potential of his powers during that time and didn't know how to fully control it during that time. So if he used it there, he could've killed/inured someone as well. That is why there's the "flight" scene where he actually has the suit for the first time and test his abilities. I don't know how this was even a bad film, but I definitely loved it and I definitely understood Cavill's Superman.

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No one would've noticed it was Clark, autist.

sure they would have

Why didn't Clark just use super breath to clear the tornado away?
Nobody would have known it was him!

They wouldn't have, autist, if he flew into the air where no one would see him

>Stop, my invincible daughter


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He can move that fast without disturbing a single thing around his environment, like peoples hair, or maybe even creating a sonic boom?

Why didn't Clark just run up to his father?
Nobody would have seen Clark holding his father literally teleport in front of them from hundred feet away.

Yes, because the tornado twenty feet away wasn't already blowing peoples' hair around

I never understood that decision. If Pa Kent must die in a way that Clark is "powerless" to prevent - why not make it a fatal heart attack? If there must be an element of sacrifice to it - why not let Jonathan suffer the heart attack from saving a drowning kid in a winter river? Would be extra powerful too, coming from the same guy who suggested letting a busload of kids drown.

>Everyone runs under a bridge during a tornado, which is a terrible fucking idea
>Clark is about to go get the dog when his dad stops him and says that no, he'll run toward the tornado to save the dog
>Stop, my invincible son

That entire scene is a whirlwind of horrible things.

>Don't you see? He asked Clark to stay with Martha because he knew she'd be safe with him and she was much more important than the dog.

He wasn't trying to fucking suicide by running out there and getting the dog. He only didn't make it back because his leg got caught in the car; he had every intention of getting the dog and running back. It was something Clark could have done without raising any suspicion and in complete safety.

Was it in the movie? And what about the sonic boom?


No because the government was watching him.

This shit always makes me laugh

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Oh you mean like how that fucking happens anyways?
At least his mom wouldnt be all alone on that farm

Why does Snyder trigger the s o y boys so much?

It happens accidentally though.

He was before his time. He flew too close to the sun.

Because he sucks

He was protecting his son, dont forget that this was before metahumans were known to the general public, Johnatan was a man of science and he KNEW that sometimes curiosity can bend your morals, think about the scientists lining up to examine Superman's body? They would treat him worse than an animal and probably kill him when they are done replicating his powers. He sacrificed himself for his son to have a chance of a regular life and not be hunted down by the pentagon like a freak.
This scene is actually a key moment in Clark's life, not only by the loss of his father but the WHY he did it, right then and there he understood SACRIFICE, HEROISM, and from a fucking regular human, he saw what we as a species are capable of.

There are plenty of bad movies and mediocre film makers out there but for some reason this guy send the numales into a frenzy. Is it because him and his movies are unapologetically manly? Because he defies (((them))) by sticking to christian archetypes? Why does he anger the manchildren so much?

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You do realize Superman doesn't just have instantly control of all his power right? He didn't even know he could fly yet at that point.


Stop, unsolvable son

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If something is defined as unsolvable does that mean it's solved since we've reached a conclusion?

It isn't just about being able or not to save him, Pa Kent wanted Clark to experience loss like a normal person.
How do people grow up? Suffering.

MoS is kino senpai don't let the onions boy marvel cucks bring you down

you mean all those literal strangers on the side of the road?

why didn't he get clark a fucking dog then?



I have a feeling this has become some sort of a honorary tradition.
To explain MoS to Yea Forums.

Then how come all the other Kryptonians did?

They didn't.
It was the earths sun that awakened their power, on Krypton they're no different from regular humans.

are there actually people who think this? and they are allowed to vote?