Who is the most memorable villain in kino history?

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What Super Nintendo game is this?

The unironic answer is probably Darth Vader

Honestly maybe the shark from Jaws

or the Alien from Alien

My personal favorite villain is Oh Dae-Su from Oldboy


This. Closely followed by Bane

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Vader by an astronomical unit

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Your mom

The Devil, obviously. Literally any interpretation of adaption of him.

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Darth Vader is the real answer
it has yet to be seen how much lasting impact Thanos has

your mom

Depends. When you say memorable do you mean iconic to pop culture as a whole or impactful within his own movie?

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I don't even know who that guy is but I thought ronon the accuser was a lot more memorable

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Thanos doesn't have a cool unique outfit and he doesn't really have that much "unique" powers. He won't last that long but he'll be remembered as the person who defeated the Avengers once. Whatever that means.

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The asteroid from Armageddon.

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this is unironically one of my favorite performances in any film, ever

>all the faggots saying darth vichface ITT

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>Thanos doesn't have a cool unique outfit and he doesn't really have that much "unique" powers.
What? He's got the Infinity Gauntlet and he's got an incredibly iconic outline.

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I have to agree fellow boomer

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The dust still hasn't settled though. Visually he's just le big purple ugly chinned man but the gauntlet and design over time could be. Darth Vader is just a guy in a blacksuit. Hannibal Lecter is just a guy with a muzzle.

>You should have gone for the head
Is already one of those lines you can tell is going to be considered iconic.

Not really a villain, just a dedicated businessman

Ivan Ooze doe.

Its Shinnok for Mortal Kombat

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How about this one?

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One of the best actors of all time.

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only correct answer.

Here too. Let's just say Gary Oldman, period.

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I watched power rangers as a kid and still had to google him

im da joka baby

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> Thanos doesn't have a cool unique outfit
> golden gauntlet and sick ass blue clothes with gold trim
> a cyborg with black samurai rip off clothes and an exposed fuse box

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This is the only correct answer.

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Darkseid sucks

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