Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 Review: Out With A Whimper
>Through all the twists and turns over the last eight seasons, Game of Thrones has never been straightforward--until now. Season 8 Episode 3, "The Long Night," brought one of Game of Thrones' main storylines to its conclusion. The battle with the dead is over, the Night King is defeated, and the forces of the living are victorious. And it happened in the least inventive, most predictable way imaginable.

>It's possible that I've been immersed in the world of Game of Thrones theories, speculating, and prophecies for too long. But that's a huge part of the fun of being a Game of Thrones fan: The books, and sometimes the show, are crafted so densely, with layers on layers of meaning and allusion, that combing through line-by-line to suss out every last secret feels endlessly rewarding. Fan communities across the internet have been cranking out theories for literally decades, even as the pace of book releases slowed to a crawl (and apparently stopped altogether at some point).

>All these years of deep-digging have sometimes made it hard to enjoy the show, which is (understandably) simplified compared with the source material. But it also gives the series' biggest fans a huge amount of perspective: We can see all the possibilities for which the groundwork has been expertly laid over the years. And in "The Long Night," those possibilities all amounted to basically nothing.

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>Where do I even start? I guess with the fact that it seems like Game of Thrones, the show, has just missed the point of the entire series: that the squabbles between the great houses of Westeros are nothing compared with the unstoppable force of nature slowly bearing down on them from the wintery north. Game of Thrones was never supposed to actually be about the battle for the throne--it's supposed to be about the characters coming together to realize what was really important. The quintessential human fallacy, according to the brain of George R.R. Martin, is believing with absolute certainty that your personal battles are the most important fights that exist. It's a failure of perspective.

>Now, with three episodes left, the series' ultimate threat died with a whimper, and its most short-sighted characters turned out to be right, their selfishness justified. As we saw in the preview for next week's episode, the survivors are going right back to their squabbles. They won the great war, but lost the thematic throughline. Why did any of this matter? To give Arya a cool hero moment? So Bran could keep doing absolutely nothing? So Theon could die pointlessly?

>The litany of "whys," "whats," and "wheres" won't stop marching through my mind: What has Melisandre been doing in Volantis since last season? Where was undead Rickon Stark (or any other recognizable character) when the Stark corpses came alive in the crypts? Why was there so much foreshadowing about the crypts if nobody important was going to die down there? Why does the show refuse to acknowledge Ghost or include the direwolf in any meaningful way? Why did Jon's revelation to Dany--one of the most important plotlines in the entire series--occur right before this battle if it wasn't going to have any bearing on the events of this episode?

>There's no catharsis or payoff in anything that happened in "The Long Night." Yes, it was cool to see Jon and Dany tearing through the sky on their dragons laying waste to the army of the dead with massive gouts of flame. But this episode felt weirdly self-contained, like everything that's happened leading up to it didn't matter. Every fan theory I've seen about the battle with the dead--whether it's a theory from the books 20 years ago or from Reddit last week--is immeasurably more interesting than what actually happened.

>One of my favorites until now was that the Night King wouldn't actually show up at this battle--that the attack on Winterfell was a feint, and he was flying to King's Landing to roast Cersei on her throne. There was a ton of evidence for it, but it still would have been a shock. And even better, it would have fit that ultimate series theme--that the fight for the throne was a petty squabble, and the people who failed to see the big picture (i.e. Cersei) would pay a price for it. Instead, the Night King took the bait at Winterfell and died like an idiot. He took his entire race with him, and we never learned anything about them besides "White Walkers=bad."

>There are so, so many things that will just never be paid off now. Dany unified the Dothraki tribes and brought them to Westeros so they could die, one and all, in a single ill-conceived charge (seriously, what was the strategy there?). What was the point of Melisandre's entire storyline--the Lord of Light, the resurrections, the Prince that was Promised? Was it really all so she could light some swords on fire and tell Arya to go stab a dude?

>Even within the confines of this episode's story--Night King is just a dumb Big Bad Guy after all, he comes to Winterfell, he gets killed--there are endless more rewarding ways it could have gone down. Remember when Dany magically survived Khal Drogo's funeral pyre in Season 1? Now imagine Jon hadn't told Dany about his true identity last season, and instead she had realized there was more to him than she thought when he stepped into her dragonfire, unharmed, and stabbed the Night King in the back. Or it's Arya--but instead of nonsensically jumping onto the Night King's back, she employs her Faceless Men magic to pose as Bran. Bran stabs the Night King, removes his face, bam, it's Arya.

That's payoff. This was boring.

>The battle wasn't even that cool, for all the show's creators hyped it up. Long, yes, but much of it was so dark that it was hard to read the action and tell what was happening. And all their strategies were terrible: They wasted the Dothraki in a single pointless charge, Jon and Dany flew around in the clouds doing nothing for minutes on end, and they sent their most vulnerable people underground to the place with dozens of pre-packaged zombies just waiting for the Night King to pop them into the microwave. Dany sat on the ground for no reason and didn't notice the horde of undead crawling onto Drogon's back, and the Night King and all his generals didn't hear the young woman sneaking up on them through the snow. Every single character, living or dead, acted in the stupidest ways possible. It's incredible to me that this episode was written by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, because it feels like it was written by somebody who's never seen the show before, much less has any understanding of the source material.

>With three episodes left, Game of Thrones has pulled one of its final twists: It subverted all our expectations in the worst ways possible. We expected some real, impactful main character deaths in this episode, and it turned out the stakes weren't nearly as high as we thought. We expected some payoff for things Game of Thrones has spent seven seasons setting up, and the reality is much of it was simply pointless. And worst of all, we expected the culmination of Game of Thrones' most important storyline--the literal battle between life and death--to matter.

>We expected Game of Thrones to be better. And unfortunately, the show did what it's done so many times before: It turned our expectations upside-down. But being surprised by Game of Thrones has never felt worse.


Surprisingly fair

Im so surprised at how fast this was written and how well written it is. It's really cool to see that some well spoken individuals still get it.

>Or it's Arya--but instead of nonsensically jumping onto the Night King's back, she employs her Faceless Men magic to pose as Bran. Bran stabs the Night King, removes his face, bam, it's Arya.

fucking hell

wtf I love Gamespot now

Wasn't even on the bankroll to pay off the game journalists, I'm sure. Big miscalc, HBO

Do you guys unironically watch this garbage show?

Don't worry, he'll be fired soon and replaced with a diversity hire

Attached: Rei Arya.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

sounds like someone needs to have sex

I'm shocked most are hating the episode. usually people eat this trash up


>A TV shot was framed better than the Movie shot
Fucking hell Disney

I read the books when AFFC came out, 2006 I think.
I'm too invested to not see it end at this point.

It's not following the books anymore. You can still save yourself.

>It's incredible to me that this episode was written by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, because it feels like it was written by somebody who's never seen the show before, much less has any understanding of the source material.
What did he mean by this?

I think I'm pissed off now.

have sex

I've not seen Star Wars, is that showing the full frame and scene? If so the fuck is up with that framing and the terrible camera choices. Say what you want about magic anime girl dabbing on the night king but at least it was filmed well.

Yes, the movie was released in vertical, exclusively for iPhones.

Are you under the impression that I'm going to read any of this?

You know it's bad when a Gamespot reviewer is a better writer than the fucks who make the show.

Great review, all true

If only.

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>It's incredible to me that this episode was written by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, because it feels like it was written by somebody who's never seen the show before, much less has any understanding of the source material

To be fair, none of the writing that they did for season 7 indicates that they understand the source material even remotely.

anyone have linkage to the ep?

If you have ever read one of martin's books that aren't game of thrones related, you might know that he really does have great endings. This absolute horseshit is not one of them.

Based. Needed to shit talk Arya's teleporting more too, that was literally high school tier writing.

Only, “yasqueens”,Reddit and Twitter. Everyone else realized how underwhelming the whole fight was. Most people don’t even have a problem with Arya, rather how stupid it was and the fact that barely anyone of importance died.

I hope Dany vs Jon happens, Cersei being the final threat is the absolute worst.

This show only exists to be irredeemable garbage and shit on the books.

based haver of sex

>It's not following the books anymore.
It stopped following the books in season 5

I legit thought that was gonna happen until she jumped at him out of nowhere.

I'm still stunned by what happened honestly. I can't believe it.

The shittiest garbage fan theory was better than this. They used a shitpost as a central story event for Game of Thrones. They literally just had Arya teleport behind the Night King and kill him? Not Jaime or Sandor or Jon. Arya? Teleporting and jumping. I... how can this be happening? We waited almost a decade, for this?

It’s going to be Dany vs Jon vs Fake Aegon

> Game of Thrones, the show, has just missed the point of the entire series: that the squabbles between the great houses of Westeros are nothing compared with the unstoppable force of nature slowly bearing down on them from the wintery north

Why would Jaime and Sandor do it over the plot protected Stark girl who's been training in secret death superpowers for the past 5 seasons?

>dude look it's some random video game reviewer!
>let me just post the whole thing for no reason

>Hurr durr lemme attack the messenger
>Ignores the message completely
You're part of the problem.


washington post didn't like it either

>What is squishing

"Every fan theory I've seen about the battle with the dead--whether it's a theory from the books 20 years ago or from Reddit last week--is immeasurably more interesting than what actually happened."

Unfortunately, this

>This absolute horseshit is not one of them.
Why are so many retards like you acting like its an ending? Its episode 3.

it's an ending to the white walker storyline. that's an ending to a story. and it's trash

The white walkers storyline was the most interesting thing in the show

The single plot thread which has been consistent across the entire series, the mysterious threat across the wall, has been resolved and amounted to exactly nothing. The NK was less of a threat than Cersei is clearly going to be presented as.

This. It's also clear that this was intentionally made to be as unsatisfying as possible. All the support on social media is astroturfing.

bunch of wet blankets

Holy shit lol

>I love “Game of Thrones"; more than any other work of art, George R.R. Martin’s novels and the television adaptation of them have defined my career as a critic.
>But “The Long Night” was a powerful, late-in-the-game example of how its showrunners and directors have too often mistaken the show’s weakest qualities for its strongest.
>But if you asked me whether “Game of Thrones” is a genuinely great show, after “The Long Night,” I’d have to answer: not today.

The writer, she was impartial and fair. I'm glad everyone is calling bullshit.

Except no houses join forced against that ultimate terror, and they still won

>It subverted all our expectations in the worst ways possible.

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Then you should probably go change them if all of this valid criticism is causing you to piss them.

so how about that episode

what kind of faggot is suprised by this ?
how can he pretend that this is bad and at teh same time be suprised that it came from David Benioff and Dan Weiss.

noone expects reading from niggers

wouldn't even work, NK knew where bran was at all times

yep, this covers just about everything

and that's why this episode and this season was fucked

>The white walkers storyline was the most interesting thing in the show
Season 1 had absolutely nothing about the white walkers after the first scene. Tywin Lannister and Oberyn weren't white walker shit. They've barely done anything except a few big meme battles.

something something Brans was hiding behind the tree or whatever

I guess it was a mistake to think that people on the internet were literate.

>Season 1 had absolutely nothing about the white walkers after the first scene.
It got brought up in that conversation between Mormont and the midget

Agree, I should have say, it's one of the most interesting, at least in my eyes, I always wondered who the NK was and what was his intent

I just wish it had been consistent, Arya was slicing through the wights 3 at a time to start with and although I thought it was kind of dumb how easy she made it look at least it was entertaining.
Then suddenly she's shitting herself and hiding under tables from about 4 of them.

arya was posing as his chair
arya was posing as the tree
arya was posing as the snow
arya was posing as the night king himself

Melisandre's entire role in this episode was just baffling to the point of hilarity. She struts in out of nowhere, lights all the Dothraki swords on fire, and then proceeds into Winterfell while the Dothraki just fucking die instantly, all the while acting like she's hot shit. The only remotely useful thing she does is light the trench on fire. Her death scene would have been kino if she'd actually been integral to the battle, if there was a scene where she resurrects an important character or reveals Jon as Azor Ahai and helps him kill the Night King or something to that effect, instead she gives Arya a pep talk I guess?

Yeah I agree they could have done more with his backstory
And I will say the politics angle only works well if it's not good vs evil, so Cersei has to not be the final villain of the whole series and there needs to be a struggle between Dany and Jon for any kind of surprise to happen

It wouldn't have been any less stupid than what was actually shown. The white walkers can hear a blood drop, but not Arya charging at the Night King?

D&D said that her head injury impaired her ability to fight, but I guess it didn't impair her stealth abilities.

Anyone have the comic edit?

She hit her head on the wall after the lance fight scene and there's a close up of her eyes showing she had her senses dulled.
Also Melisandre could have boosted or willed somehow seeing as how the Lord of Light was the main culprit in defeating the NK judging by the last scene

I felt this was gonna happen so I stopped watching seasons ago. Winter is coming! WINTER IS COMMIIINNNGGG!!! I think what tipped me off was that they never, ever dropped hints as to the motivations of the white walkers. At some point they gave a half-assed explanation of their origins, but it was completely unsatisfying, and that was it. Literal ice zombies? And with the pathetic trope of being a hivemind "kill the queen" type deal? So, so gay. It would have been better if they just never put in the white walkers at all and had the main thing be danny and the tribe coming in for a big war.

>devotes years upon years upon years of her life searching for Azor Ahai, believes it to be Stannis, performs multiple rituals to give him 1 flaming sword
>"lol btw I could actually give like 10,000 people flaming swords in 10 seconds with no effort just didn't feel like it any other time"

>has to tell us what happened instead of showing us
wow very nice cinematography

Cersei just has to not be the final villain
if it's Dany vs Jon it will at least be unpredictable.

archive plz

But they showed her smacking her head against the wall and her eyes straining as if she couldn't see.

>seeing as how the Lord of Light was the main culprit in defeating the NK judging by the last scene

Melisandre the servant of the Lord of Light showing up and inspiring Arya to do the deed, then the final image of the episode is her fading away to dust as if her job is done. Not rocket science.

I thought for a while they were going to go for the Mad Dany angle but her scenes in this season indicate otherwise.

The point and the catharsis was the same.... YAAAAAS KWEEEEEENNN

fair enough, i must have missed that.
guess I'll rewatch with my night vision goggles on at some point

>Arya has to hide, HIDE, and sneak, to avoid detection in the keep

>They hear fucking blood drops on the floor

>Minutes later, she teleports and kills the Night King

This makes absolutely no fucking sense. If she was a super ninja, she should be teleporting/killing them with ease as they are FAR BELOW the fucking Night King, who withstood a DRAGONFIRE BLAST.


The comments... Jesus Christ. This episode served as an undercover IQ test: if you loved it you're a capeshitter brainlet, if you were sickened by it you have some modicum of intellect.

Her senses were dulled after the head injury and she meets the super magic user Mel after the library scene who tells her what she needs to do.

No, I’m staying a virgin till marriage like God intended heretic

Its only fair because of the spic director polished the turd to the point of chrome

It's sloppy writing though, the lord of light is all about fire and blood magic, so to have his agent's final act be to simply talk to Arya is random and doesn't feel like the culmination of that character's arc. If Arya just needed someone to give her the confidence to go kill the night king that could just as easily been The Hound, which would have made more sense since he has a long history with Arya and she respects him, and he overcame his fear of fire to rescue her. This episode has the potential to end a shitload of arcs in a satisfying manner yet it squandered almost all of them.

He's a fucking white male

Arya is a Stark and they've been connected to the Night King in the plot in many ways, plus the final showdown taking place in the Godswood is enough for Arya to be the agent the Lord of Light needed at that moment.

Maybe the real Game Of Thrones was all the frens we made along the way.

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>old lady tells you to kill the big bad man
>this gives you the ability to kill the big bad man

Glad I never started the series. You could see from a mile away this was going to be a dumpster fire.

You know she's one of the few characters that actual real super powers, right? Faceless Men have always been built up as some secret shit no one truly understands for the whole fucking series

>*teleports behind you*
>Heh, nothin personal, Night Kid

>Arya is a Stark and they've been connected to the Night King in the plot in many ways
Seems more like specifically a Jon and Bran thing. Far as women go, Dany had more build up as his final enemy.

>It's incredible to me that this episode was written by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss
lmao statements like these make me realize that people still have faith in these fuckheads to write a coherent story.

Paywall nigger

She had to wait for her dragon shout meter to fill before she could use whirlwind sprint.

How did the Night King get more people in his army than like the entire population of Westeros.

He is literally everyone's enemy, I don't get why people wanted cliche obvious hero vs obvious villain as the final battle.

He didn't. I think the highest number of undead ever mentioned was like 100,000. Kings landing alone has a population of 1,000,0000.

The same way that we owe more money to the central bank than money in circulation

Dude those magic trees have faces, Arya took the tree face.

Also Arya = aryan and the white walkers are jews using their magic media powers to NPC-program normies

Its all so stupid

can gamespot readers be any gayers?
>it's not about the night king
>hating just to hate

>I don't get why people wanted cliche obvious hero vs obvious villain as the final battle.
Arya's still a hero, people just like long standing feuds to have a climactic payoff. You know, like wrestling, don't just have someone else snipe the fucker unless that someone is the new villain or some shit.

they're drones user, it's easier simply to pity them than care about the dogshit they write

Was it the Lord of Light demon-god and the Death God of Many Faces teaming up with their earthly avatars?

>these seething faggots in the comments
This motherfucker was 100% right and knew exactly where GRRM was coming from.
Only thing I don't agree with is his surprise that this was written by D&D themselves. That just explained everything.


I have nothing against Arya killing NK, but the way it was done is terrible

.... Jews?

But Mellisandre always needs a ritual or magic words or a magic necklace to do shit

I agree with you there, it should have been a chaotic battle all the way to the end as he slowly walks up to Bran instead of him just walking up casually while the White Walkers are just chilling

>Maybe THE REAL WAR was the friends we made along the way.

>Or it's Arya--but instead of nonsensically jumping onto the Night King's back, she employs her Faceless Men magic to pose as Bran. Bran stabs the Night King, removes his face, bam, it's Arya.
Except the Night King had Bran marked and could feel him wherever he is, NK would know it wasnt the real Bran

Thats what I said faggot


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Have sex.

Maybe she leveled up enough to get access to Mass Enflame Weapon spell

Honestly, that’s kinda hot

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bran was hiding behind the chair, or under it,

Nuh uh

Arya used the kingsjizz to get fire god power ups and defeated the incel whitesupremacistwalkers

He's on fucking contract to keep his fat mouth shut until the show ends.
D&D just confirmed they, i.e. THEY have been planning for Arya to kill NK for 3 years.

If the last two books ever get completed/compiled they are going to be so radically different from the show that it will me mind numbing.

Did anyone else expect a bit more from Jon? Towards the end he's just running back and forth shouting at zombie dragon

>send out horsies into the dark for no reason
>night king doesn't even bother to raise his hands and create his own huge dothraki army

I can go on for about 40 lines about all the stupid shit in the episode.

This was fanfic pandering writing.

Did Podrick the Dicklord survive and if so who is he gunna fickie fickie

>white walkers have blue eyes

Sam's conversation with Dany, where she tells him she killed his family without a hint of remorse, indicated the fuck out of mad Dany.

bran is going to reward all the survivors by warging them to sansa's rape scene.

He isnt going to finish the books. This will be the only ending lol

I was really fully expecting Jon to do more since he gathered literally everyone in the North to fight and yeah I guess he was using the dragon to fight but you couldn’t even see them in the background either just burnin up WW except for those like two or three shots we got. If we took out the scenes where Jon is dumbfuck flying in the sky, he would’ve been doing nothing and I’m sad

>long night
the irony

It was like “oooooooo yeah sowwy i killed ur bro and daddy :/“

>It's incredible to me that this episode was written by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, because it feels like it was written by somebody who's never seen the show before, much less has any understanding of the source material.
The irony

Spot fucking on

What was their original plan before Mel arrived? Just let the Dothraki charge into the zombies without Dragonglas weapons? Lmao

If the night king always knows where Bran is, and Bran was sitting in the middle of the godswood, exposed to the open sky, and the night king has a flying dragon, why didn't the night king just do 1 quick flyover firebomb of the godswood and accomplished his goal in like 5 minutes.

imagine coming up with theories
scouring through episodes

for a HBO fanfic show lol

>all these plot hooks must be for something big!

nope literally just *teleports behind you* and everyone survives ending.

The white walkers never even fought a single person.

I'm very aware the writing quality has declined greatly since they ran out of book material, but I'm too invested to drop it at this point.

now just add this and boom

Attached: arya killing nightking.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>hey guys I made the same tired joke again

or just have a single fucking undead go slit the handicapped dude's throat while you chill north of the wall in a cave.

So it can drag out for an hour and 30 minutes of people screaming

Exactly. She had no remorse at all and Sam was so concerned about her sanity that he flat-out told Jon that he should be the actual king.
This episode may have fucked all that up though. I'm not expecting any consistency here.

Exactly. Such garbage fanfic tier writing

>If I die the entire army is fucked.
>a single stab with certain materials and I explode
>gonna do a epic walk through this battle with my WW bros all alone while tons of people are alive with bows and shit laying around.

fuck fuck, this episode was so fucking retarded

so is Gamespot going to be called a Gamergate alt-right Nazi now?

NK didnt want to hurt Bran, he wanted to kiss Bran and make Bran his Night Twink.

Speaking of which, another bullshit plot with Jon and Dang being related. Bitch didn’t even care about the fact that she “loved” Jon and literally only cared about the Iron Throne and then they just never addressed it again...whole thing was rushed and led to no where.

The True HBO ending

>Night King walks through winterfell and steps on a dragonglass nail.

fucking epic

It also completely invalidates other White Walkers like him. Beat for beat, they're the GoT equivalent of the Knights of Ren.

Attached: WhiteWalkersHorseback.png (611x361, 354K)

At least that would have been funny.


It'll come back up next episode.
It's so predictable I can't even meme this shit anymore.

Antifa makes a bunch of dragonglass caltrops and saves the world

You forgot about the part when the undead rangers attacked Mormont?

Yep, the WW do nothing this episode except for the boyband walk.

As soon as they allocate it from the marketing budget and make the bank transfers to the shill/guerilla marketing agencies.

I guess this means the show will be canceled and the last 2 episodes will never come out.

What a waste of 15’d think they’d just try a little to make a great episode...

Probably the worst thing is that this episode was feature length. How it managed to tell so little, and get so little done in nearly 90 minutes floors my ass.

heh, noting personal

All they did is walk around looking nordic death metal as fuck which by itself was cool

100% shit you can foresee now at this level of writing

bronn kills cersei with the crossbow
sansa and tyrion get married and take the throne

There should have been a big character sacrifice made in order to kill the night king. Someone important giving their life in order to defeat him.

But nope, just jump out and stab him. Completely forgettable.

That's barely enough to work for a music video; it's not nearly enough for a feature length episode that's entirely war.

Even worse is that shipping Sansa and Tyrion is the most interesting thing in this dumpsterfire.

>Melisandre at the end of the episode

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I wonder if HBO and their Jews have a say on the show and who they want to come out victorious.

Either way, the Jon vs NK 1v1 battle we waited 3 seasons for didn't happen. The only possible way for Jons story to end is for him to become king after killing Dany and becoming Azor.

Or maybe they are retarded enough to have Jon die so that Dany can be queen, effectively making it the worst final season in the history of any show I've ever seen.

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Kek. Fucking hell.


>Open your battle with a head-on charge with all your cavalry into an enemy you can't even see as it's so dark
>they all die

Does anyone writing for this show know what cavalry are for. I'm 15 minutes in and already seething.

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Guess we’ll find out next Sunday how shit gets written worse

The Total War player in me was furious. Terrible tactical decisions follow throughout lad, prepare to be vexed.

Same. They hyped the Undead for so long so much but showed literally nothing as to what their actual intent is. What a fucking joke of a show

literal D&D explanation (they personally wrote this episode)

It was to have a cool scene to make it more suspenseful.

Found the speedwatcher

Don't forget that the enemy is a necromancer so they just gave them a bunch of free soldiers and horses.

>teleports behind u

Attached: uk10.jpg (1280x720, 176K)

This guy pays attention.

Arya should have taken the face of a dead person and then killed the Nightking with a thrown dragon glass dagger.

>I wonder if HBO and their Jews have a say on the show and who they want to come out victorious
Yes. They wrote the episode and are the shotcallers. Mediocre jews are responsible for all of that. This is what you get when you have a system of tribal nepotism instead of meritocracy.

So did the hound throw arya?

>Her magic is suddenly stronger than before wtf

Maybe because this is the very last battle and she and her god are giving it everything they've got. Maybe she's giving it so much that her magic and life will end when it's all done.

maybe that's shitty fucking writing.

I had assumed she did take the face of a dead person... But the white walkers can smell/sense a living person. But maybe there was so much blood around they couldnt smell her blood.

Nah she wasnt staggering. She just wanted to die to rest


So basically it's because the plot requires it.

Been a fan since the third book. Dropped the TV series at season one because of awful casting. You just have literally zero standards.

>Jon is never a good fighter and has not won a single battle on his own. Remembered all those battles that he was involved in, he was always saved by his female members, from Sansa in battle of bastard to Danny in the 1st showdown with Night King. He always lost the battle

>Does anyone writing for this show know what cavalry are for
yea you're supposed to zerg rush with them as the huns.


I really REALLY hate how fucking shitty and inconsistently the Northern Houses have been portrayed. No North Remembers, Manderlys, loyal Umbers, and the Glovers betray House Stark TWICE!

source that gay shit

Apex kek

I think that the show would have been smart to have the horror-battle at the Fist of the First Men in Season 2 or 3

>It's incredible to me that this episode was written by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, because it feels like it was written by somebody who's never seen the show before, much less has any understanding of the source material.

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Endgame’s ending was Citizen Kane compared to this laughably horrible episode and it’s retarded ending.

No refunds ;)

What the fuck was the point of Jon standing to scream at the undead dragkn withoit his sword even drawn?

Would it have really been that hard to kill of maybe like, 2 main character and have the episode end on a down note, and resolve it next episode?

The fact that the entire conflict is contained within 1 episode and has virtually no consequences makes it feel like this whole thing just happened in some weird void.

>killing your main villain in a cutscene
the absolute state of modern videogames.

this incel needs to have sex

Night king should have stayed at a place and have his other generals bring bran for him. Only if he waited 5 more minutes.

It's all tiresome.

Huns didnt zerg rush they swarmed in circular patterns and fired arrows never engaging

I think it was suppose to be like faramir's ride on the fields of pellenor or something like that

why do you antagonize everyone who doesn't mindlessly consume this corporate demoralization subversion as an incel who needs to have sex?

It had to have been a wight's face. If she had killed a white walker all his wights would have shattered and we never saw that.

Nevermind that the white walker's face would have shattered upon death, and the extreme difficulty of killing one of the handful of white walkers present that were never alone.

I thought it was a good episode. Didnt have high expectations but there were enough little twists of characters getting out of bad situations I enjoyed it.
I'm blown away people could think episode 2 was good but this one was bad.
Im happy the night king story was wrapped up, weakest part of the story.

>the series' ultimate threat

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The piano music was too loud, no one could hear over it

Bran as well
The only thing that got resolution was Theon's 'redemption', even if he did get one shotted

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Same as the Parthians did to rekt Crassus. They had camel loads of arrows resupplying. Do that shit all da nigga, all day

Let’s kill her already

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Well if they detect them through warm blood that was spilled some of the wights there were recently deceased and there are freshly killed Ironborn there.

If they just feel life energy there's Theon and Bran still alive there.

If they feel heat very well there are still potentially torches there.

In theory they could just magically sense a living person with great accuracy, in that case the plan would fail, yeah.

Well the wisp of hair moving on one white walker indicates she sprinted right past it..yeah undead I guess

The faith of R'hllor is the biggest religion across the Narrow Sea. She literally could have gone back to Volantis, Lys, etc. and told their religious leaders that the Great fucking Other was going to show up and they'd probably all go take up arms and go to Winterfell. That's what I assumed would happen.

Should have been Jons 1v1 moment. They dropped the ball just so they could have another girl power moment. I actually like Arya but she shouldn't have been the one. Jons characters destiny was this battle. They built him from episode one for this moment, and they told the fans to eat a dick.

producers/actors already mentioning how they assumed people would hate it, which possibly reveals a lot. They knew it would be underwhelming

I expect some random LichKing Jon shit, they're setting up for a twist

>how they assumed people would hate it, which possibly reveals a lot. They knew it would be underwhelming
And it happened anyways because corporations are using media to demoralize populations

>we never learned anything about them besides "White Walkers=bad."
DnD are fucking hacks and should never have made an adaptation of post book material.
They should have payed GRRM 10 million to write the script for the last season(s)

that's not what aoe2 taught me

Without the great other there is no need for the lord of light anymore, plenty of other gods.

I totally agree, I guess this means now that Jon has a different destiny than we all thought otherwise what was the point of bringing him back to life? Ugh he should’ve been the one to end the “long night” siNCE I THOUGHT THATS WHAT THE BUILD UP WAS FOR but I guess not..maybe it’s to rule the 7 kingdoms....????? Idk anymore

Yep, Arya's arc should have climaxed with Cersei.

Now Arya is OP as fuck and it's going to be retarded if Arya doesn't just assassinate her.

>the series ultimate threat

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He has to kill Dany when she goes mad and become king, or else what the fuck was the point of Jon at all?

I think the night king raising the dead when he sees jon instead of having an epic duel is much cooler.
Also the night king story is more about bran anyways.

Only heavy calvary zerg rushes and that doesnt always work

>Game of Thrones has pulled one of its final twists: It subverted all our expectations in the worst ways possible.
>: It subverted all our expectations in the worst ways possible.
>: It subverted all our expectations in the worst ways possible.
>: It subverted all our expectations in the worst ways possible.

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>the night king story is more about bran anyways.


Not when you realize we shipped Sansa and Theon last episode. Amd Sansa and Hound ages ago, as everybody forgot.

No, user, I understand him. I followed the show ever since the winter-is-coming days, hated the cast, hated the composer, hated the pilot, and still ended up watching it.

>You think you're pretty cute huh bitch

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Either works.

I hope he finishes the books. I love dune but Frank Herbert died before he managed to write the last book.


What is his armor made off?

Get a load of this retard who thinks ASOIAF is LOTR.

Newsflash dumbass: it ain't. All of that prophecy nonsense will turn out to mean jack shit. Jon doesn't have any "destiny". He was brought back because... Melisandre brought him back because... fuck you you'll never know.

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>how will we give Jon another epic scene like last season?

because jon was a uniting force between wildlings and westeros.

I miss walt

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>Jon didn't even get to cut the dragon's head off before Arya's bullshit

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If you expected some epic clash you are watching the wrong series.


I thought Theon was trying to distract the NK long enough for someone to stab him but nah. He just died for nothing cause bran said he's a good boy.

hollywood almost always has cringy battle tactics. just accept it.


The only thing I actually enjoyed this entire run of the show is the rape scenes and the intro.animation

Yes, yes, well done, Night King. Well done, NIght King. HOWEVER

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>just no selling fucking dragon's fire

The only reason I can tolerate this at all is because it's a powerful magical antagonist not being destroyed too easily. Otherwise this was some cheap ass dramatic bullshit.

Oh my..

have sex incels, you're just angry that arya owned a white man


He didnt even have his sword unsheathed.. He was just screaming at it

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Littlefinger is still alive, right?

LIterally anime tier
>character gets shot at by enemies
>cloud of smoke and everyone thinks he's dead
>smoke dissipates and the character stands there untouched with a smile on his face

technically he's an eskimo so she killed a minority

I can't believe all the creepy and psychopathic shit Arya has done is all going to be handwaved away because it was all necessary to lead her to the position to kill the Night King and save the world. There's probably going to be an implied happy ending for her, not addressing the fact she's totally mindfucked.

Wait a sec... the Azor Ahai killed the previous Night King right? The different looking one from the cave drawings?

Showed her kissing someone in the previee

>It subverted all our expectations in the worst ways possible
Pretty much the slogan for this entire decade.

my only complaint about the episode is that it wasn't dark enough. There were a few times where I could actually make out what was going on, and who needs that shit.

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>It's incredible to me that this episode was written by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, because it feels like it was written by somebody who's never seen the show before, much less has any understanding of the source material.

Maybe they could have written it differently so that he didn't know where Bran was

Post yfw Arya kills Gregor

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>Now imagine Jon hadn't told Dany about his true identity last season, and instead she had realized there was more to him than she thought when he stepped into her dragonfire, unharmed, and stabbed the Night King in the back
Retarded. Just being a Targaryen doesnt make you fire proof. Im sure Jon would know if he had some inhuman tolerance to heat at this point in his fucking life and would have been questioning it. Its one of the first things you even witness about Dany.

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>it's a "if you have legit complaints and criticism it just means you hate women and are a nazi" episode
Jews really gonna wear this one thin, aren't they

the Dothraki charge was really jut a ploy by Melly to remove minorities from the north

How is it not literally plastic wrap thin at this point?

>Charging light cavalry into unknown, unseen force instead of putting on the flanks
>Only using one volley of artillery
>Placing artillery IN FRONT of their front line instead of in the keep or rear for constant bombardment
>Double dragons fly around with unarmored riders when they know giant archers are a thing
>Place barricades BEHIND their army
>Place trench BEHIND their army
>Not keeping enough people in reserve to fully man the walls for defense
>Relied on flame arrows to light the trench, notoriously unreliable, instead of an oil flame like the catapult ammo
>Not emptying the CRYPTS of fucking bodies when fighting a necromancer
>Dug a trench 2 feet deep and a few feet wide when you have dragons who could rip through strone if needed
>Dragon fight opens with an ambush from below where they are hovering. Avoid dying somehow. Hoes back to hovering again that same damn way.
>Dany saves jon and then LANDS HER DRAGON ON THE GROUND in the middle of a fucking swarm instead of flying off or even just hovering
>Jon tries to divebomb a dozen wraiths on the treeline when he knows they have ice spears that can one shot dragons

Holy fucking shit. I never watch GoT for the battles, I know they are bad. But this is beyond stupid. This is beyond someone knowing nothing about even video game level tactics. This is beyond giving the heroes an idiot ball for drama. This is someone who intentionally, knowlingly, wrote that an army led by some of the most decorated fighters trained from childhood and "smartest people alive" made every single decision they could possibly make, wrong.

Why couldnt they just lose legit? Why make them beyond fucking retarded to the point its not even possible in shitty fiction stories? Fuck GoT and fuck the writers!

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>Best (remaining) military commanders in Westeros, btw.

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my only complaint about your comment is that the font is big enough for me to read it.

Fucking kek

I think the purpose is to show that Danys army is completely wiped out. They could have done it in a much better way, but I think that's what they were going for. Dany has nothing left but the dragons, and it's pretty obvious one of those dragons belongs to Jon now.

Not only that, she didnt even need to use her powers to sneak in. They could have let her faceswap with a ghoul to get close, or faceswap woth fucking bran and surprise the king while he was gloating with a knife in the stomach. ANYTHING except, she just so.ehow sbeaks past a dozen wights and hundreds of ghouls that are all staring directly at the kings back where she appears. How are people this fucking pathetic at writing in charge of the biggest show in the US?

I think they thought it would look cool. It's unfortunately usually the answer when dealing whit this like this. It's the same reason why all the characters are on the front line at the beginning of the battle but when the dead hit the front lines they are miraculously gone and somewhere in the back or the dead just run past them.
They should honestly be ashamed for flaunting plot armor this blatantly.

So what was the point of Bran lads? Why was he such a threat that the Night King was compelled to kill him first? He did nothing except act as bait.

I've seen drunken Yea Forums shitposts about the final battle with the NK that was better than what we'd got.

They knew they were going to win in the end, they were trying to get rid of the Dothraki now while they had the chance because after the Night King is gone they're going to be a scourge on Westeros.

Honestly couldn’t have said it better myself, everyone on Twitter is jerking each other off at how good everything is and I’m like “.....did we not watch the same episode or do you guys really just not know what bad writing is?” Like I’m dumbfounded

Night King had to destroy all memory of humanity. Bran downloaded the three eyed raven into his brain so he had all of the Night King's embarrassing old skype chat logs. That's why the Night King had to personally kill him

The three eyed raven is the entire memory of everything a human has seen and learned for all of history. Knowledge is a huge threat and bran knows everything, he can even see into the past. If he manages to kill a raven then the chain is broken forever. He didnt need to do it himself though, as far as we know. A zombie could have just walked up and stabbed bran, gg, game over.

>when the cool aunt brings you cool toys

The show has become so popular, that the anticipation people have in the week leading up to an episode clouds their judgement. 15 minutes of this episode could have been Sam taking a shit talking about how scared he was.

I thonk we see every Hero take a dozen stabs each meanwhile the dothraki and enuchs all get bodied by single zombies just rushing forward. One of the worst examples of a battle and plot armor.

why does he look like zubatlel

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That's where 15 years of Mystery Box as the main type of tv writing will get you.

The most problematic part for me is that all the brown characters died to protect the white characters. I mean, really guys?

Since they went this route what they should have done is kill the Night King in the first episode of the season. It would be just as unsatisfying but it would save them a lot of time and money which they could spend on other cool shit. They spent two whole fucking episodes building up to this and this is how it all goes down? Really? If ever there was definitive proof D&D don't know what the fuck they're doing without GRRM it's this episode.

Now that scary ol' Winter has been revealed as precisely zero threat, what difference does it make who sits on the throne?

>Dany saves jon and then LANDS HER DRAGON ON THE GROUND in the middle of a fucking swarm instead of flying off or even just hovering
This was the worst. And for what, so Jorah could come to her rescue to fight and die a literal white knight death? They could have gotten her ass off that dragon in a much less retarded way.

Can anyone explain to a brainlet why anyone thought it was a good idea to meet a gazillion wights on an open field? WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING?

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>be giant undead zombie
>crush little girl in hand while her weapon hand remains free
>being her up to eyeball so she's in striking distance

enabling girl power like all cripples do, cripples don't have any meaning in the female world grrrrlll powa

They didnt even let the NK speak. It was all set up when he was face to face with bran. Your already just standing there gloating, just give us a little taunting speech and banter between the two eternal enemies who are fibally face to face. The last raven did it. For fucks sake. Im so god damn pissed at the incompetence. They are so bad at writing even capeshit directors are better.

they weren't, D&D had the season plot in mind and had to kill off an whole army


So is Arya Azor Ahai or is it still Jon lmao

>We didn't even get the reveal of white walker Hodor for EBIN HOLY H*CK MOMENTS!
>Not even Lady Stoneheart reference with Ice Mom
>Not even Rickon zombie
>Azhor Ahai BTFO

Seriously, what a let down.

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I don't think they were or rather, the writers weren't. They just thought it would make for a cool battle scene which it didn't. The decision to have the entire battle take place at night so you could see fuck all just so it could end at dawn was not worth it.

>all your organs and bones in your torso and your fucking spine is crushed
>someone able to stab anyways

Not even a Littlefinger chaosh Zombie

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Why are you complaining about a fictional TV show intended for children? Turn your brain off and just enjoy it for fuck's sake.

Easy as fuck. She got skimmed by a spear when she couldnt kill NK. Have it knock her off and the zombie dragon and last dragon chase each other off. Then you can have plenty of fanservice by having NK send a swarm after jon/dany who are getting overwhelmed but oh shit here comes jorah outta nowhere wrecking shop who saves jon, the man banging his crush, and dies protecting them. Jon getting into the keep and runnign around did about the same as being trapped outside the keep.

Come on guys we have an agenda to push here. Women will save the world not men. Sorry if that hurst a bunch of incels in here. Move on people nothing to see here.

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Women really can have it all

why didn't the night king just nuke the whole castle with his dragon he had multiple opportunities and he just does it once


LOTR had a battle at night AND in the rain and it was one of the best in all movie history. GoT just cant into fucking directing.

Then again man Beric was running when his back was stabbed a dozen fucking times, did he even die?


>Guy trying to slice her head off
>She lets go of the light-saber, and subsequently lets go of the weapon attempting to slice her head off
>Nothing is now stopping the weapon from slicing her head off
>Weapon does not slice her head off

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it took like half a year to make this episode, let that sink in

Nothing wrong with wanting to watch something good. If I’m watching a show, I want to be actually be good and keep be drawn into the action instead of getting frustrated lol you act like it’s a bad thing to want something good out of a long time running show

so now bran can finally fucking die

Im guessing the dragon would die to even a dragonglass arrow, and he probably wants to save it for later battles where it cant die. If a dagger can kill a Zgiant or wights just as easy, makes sense. I figured thats why he was just hovering out of sight.

THIS. This shot is the only reason why they make a move like that with te cavalry. To show how cooll that looks. Lit fire swords fighting in the distance, in the dark, until no sword can be seen.

I'm not an historian, i juts loved to play the total war games and this was painful to watch.

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Herbert written more Dune books than he should have.

Sure but it was well lit and well shot. This looked awful. They probably did it so they could hide some stuff and save budget but I don't even know what else to say. It just wasn't good.

Dune should have been one book only.

If Dragonglass just instakills a zombie by just touching it once with one stab, why the FUCK did they bother making big slow heavy weapons like Axes and Hammers?

The Hound swinging his big dumb axe killed like 1 at a time.

This is videogame shit. If the buff is where all your damage is coming from, you just need a fast weapon to get that DPS.

Fucking dumb cunts

100% agree. Thats an easy sign of amateur/terrible directors. They make the characters do stupid shit just to have a cool visual. Same thing as the star wars rogue one where they open with the imperial admiral landing his ship and walking to a farm dozens of miles away just so they could have a big wide shot.

It bothered me too and I thought that maybe they cant cast it into long shaoes without being brittle, but then they have people running around with long knives and spear points. Literally everyone should have had a rapier or saber.

I thought the dragon glass was for the white walkers.

Better yet: why not just find a way to make dragonglass shrapnel bombs? Explosives on some capacity exist in GoT thanks to Pyromancers.

The rule of cool. It seemed cool and it created a lot of suspense to have the bad guys defeat the first attack against them.

It's a fast, easy, low effort way to make the story dramatic.

Why did you stop watching during season 1? That's objectively the best season.

>NK steps into a dragonglass nail


I unironically believe Season 1 was some of the best TV people will ever get

There's not even a need to make a bomb if a single stratch kills them. Just load a shitload of small dragonglass shrapnel into a catapult and sent it at the dead.

But it wasn't cool.

>Are you under the impression that I came to this board to read what people have to say about TV?