You know it's bad when Yea Forums and reddit agree it was shit
You know it's bad when Yea Forums and reddit agree it was shit
Where does he say it's shit?
he heavily implies it.
The only difference between 4channelers and redditors is that 4channelers say nigger sometimes and have a mild case of incel rage. Thats it. The vast majority of you fags love the same shit reddit does and you're all about the same IQ and preferences wise.
cringe and bluepilled
Fuck off shittid newfag.
They're mad they missed the Arya Melisandre prophecy
>cunts swarm Yea Forums after the Fappening
>Unique IPs increase by literally 2 million in a month
>y-you guys are basically the same!
No. You fucking worthless cunts just never left and the oldfags couldnt tell you to lurk more or fuck off fast enough before you overran the entire website.
You're still not welcome here, as is any other fucking retarded shitstain cunt who uses reddit.
people are mad because you're right. the real answer you're looking for is that gen z is the worst
>samefagging to try and save face
Dont bother posting your shitty paint edit trying to pretend otherwise
Have sex
based and red pilled
Plenty were here way before that
So basically they are The Others. Which means... who's gonna be our Arya and save us from the endless night?
this. lel at all the seethis redditors.
Stop having sex.
Go back.
I'm just glad Arya is alive so she can still get naked hopefully. Sideboob was nice but I need more.