bravo D&D
bravo D&D
Other urls found in this thread:
>well night king
>looks like you just lost
>*turns to camera*
>the game of thrones
fucking oof. Do you cucks actually like this?
I'm glad I'm seeing this now because I was just about ready to buy an HBO subscription just to watch GoT. Thanks, m8
>young female defeats pale skinned male with blue eyes
what did they mean by this?
Deadwood movie is coming out next month. a one month subscription is worth it for just that
What is that move called?
fucking hell what a joke.
they also stole the scene from HBO Rome when the house is under siege and the wined up mom says that the guy is there to slit all their throats if they break through
I thought it was Far Cry 3 that I remembered but it was in that fucking movie too.
I totally forgot about FC3 doing the knife drop thing kek, what the fuck is wrong with writers today? Was this ever cool?
The Donut Steel
lol i forgot about this
yeah but that was the best episode of the series so w/e
Why are they trying so hard to push this as the ultimate badly written mary sue finisher move?
is this next "crabs opponent with legs and throw them away" move?
Jon should had killed the Night King. He had way more personal stakes and vendetta against him than fucking Arya did. Arya can omae mou kill Cersei or have Dany do it
can someone add the original far cry move to the clip of these two side by side? Idk if there are any more pieces of media with the switcheroo hand move but add those as well.
We need this with Arya and Rei's stickfighting as well, Jesus Christ are D'n'D just really into nu wars?
I haven't seen any of the show, yet. I know it gets a lot of praise around here, but is it really worth trying to finish it up before the movie comes out?
Nah, the webm is perfect as it is. There's so much parallel between GoT/TLJ and Arya/Rey. The subverted expectations, the feminist agenda, the OP strong female character propped up by plot armor and deus ex machina writing. It's the perfect comparison.
How old is the NK again? like how do you not have enough combat experience after several millenia to fall for that shit?
>holding back weapon with hand she uses to stab
she would die instantly from the opponents weapon
Gamespot of all places just put out a really good review of this episode. I'm really surprised.
delete this
Can i ask why the fuck they had their cavalry attacking the darkness while their siege weapons were throwing shit?And why the fuck were the siege weapons outisde?And why the fuck were they outside?Why the fuck build castles then?
This is shopped right?
>be the most powerful supernatural force of evil in the universe
>get defeated in a fistfight with a teenage girl
Epic. Just epic.
How can the zombie dragon breath fire when everything dead is allergic to fire?
Reminder that the red guards second knife disappears into thin air so that the mary sue could win: twitter.com
how Arya killed the NK might have felt like an asspull but she is far from a Mary Sue.
The ol' patriarchy switcheroo
He fought countless men
I'm glad it was shit, anyone who still watches this trash deserves it.
What the fuck was bran doing all the time?Just chillin around in a raven?
This reminds me of Darth mauls demise both ridiculous and night King looks like him
arya already did this in season 7 dumbass, not the show's fault you have early onset alzheimer's
By lifting her the Night King inadvertently supplied her the high ground to win
Originally no, her character wasn't a Mary Sue, and actually book Arya was one of my favorite characters. But the current flanderized version of her character on the show is absolutely a Mary Sue.
I KNEW that scene felt familiar, lol
>deep 3 eyed raven stuff, you wouldn't understand so we're not gonna explain it and its not gonna pay off in any way, same as his conversation with Tyrion
t. Dabid
combat experience doesn't stop you from being a frail old bitch. he most likely never fought anyone who actually had weapons that could kill him. he even stood there and took Drogon's fire because he was confident in his god mode being enabled. wouldn't be surprised if his encounter with Theon was his first time actually dodging an attack.
>Atia and Octavia arguing about who should get to kill themselves first
Man I need to watch that show again
the show writers have no idea either
Jaimie: I am the kingslayer.
Arya: Hold my beer
And you know a video game that released a decade ago did it before that? Faggot niqqer
Dont be retarded. NK has seen that the living have weapons that can kill wights and WWs. To assume that he would think he could take a single hit would be retarded.
He probably tested being dragon fire-proof with his own, undead dragon.
It was really bad, tbqh
This is the biggest plothole of them all
Bran didn't do anything in this fight
Why not use ravens to give vision of enemy and tell others where enemy is??????
>He probably tested being dragon fire-proof with his own, undead dragon.
You can tell these writers are star wars fan bois
she dont have army anymore
everything thus far has caused him no damage whatsoever. why would he not assume he could take a hit?
Sneed wars
>has lightning fast reaction time to stop the first hit even unexpected from behind
>watches the second hit happen (we literally see his eyes and head move to track it) yet stands perfectly still and just lets it happen
They have arya, she will just teleport around and kill their enemies.
>me whole episode
They compared this to Helm's Deep LOL
He's fine, in the preview for ep 4
Still alive, he's in the ep4 preview
because other white walkers were killed. how stupid are you
both rian and d&d are hacks
other white walkers were also killed by dragon fire, which has absolutely no effect on him
>They compared this to Helm's Deep
This one is actually fine because it's not calling attention to it, showing it in slow mo and treating it like its some ebin move.
Would he be able to defeat arya in combat?
>mfw slaying the patriarchy
oh please, if they did it without slow motion you'd be bitching even harder about how the night king went down too quickly. and arya already did it without slow motion last season
That scene was actually pretty clever. Of course neckbeards will cry about it though, so whatever.
No, Arya is only weak to hordes of dozens of people at once
>asspull is clever
hey look a neckbeard crying about it
ITT: incels
>pretty clever
Did anyone not see Arya killing knight king right away?
It's like thinking Bronn isn't going to kill cersei with the crossbow as a deus ex machina device after she beats danny
I don't get it, why is this funny?
*Teleports behind you*
>Okay, I'll stand over here and you'll breath fire on me. Got it? Good. Alright, here we go!
>about how the night king went down too quickly
Well yeah it's second reason why the scene was bad
Because of how terrible it is. We are not laughing with the webm. We are laughing at it.
I'm not mad Arya killed the Night King, I'm just mad he denied Jon his 1v1
>Final Scene
>Sam is Grand Maester for Aegon (Jon) Targaryen and Khaleesi
>Writing a book titled The Song of Ice and Fire
>And they lived happily ever after...
Oh my god in heaven this is a last jedi reference.
it just hit me.
Why didn't boss man just grab her hand the his other hand? Thought he was supposed to be OP?
They compared a shitfest like this to the mastefully executed and WELL LIGHT Helms Deep?
They couldnt even make DIALOGUE as poetic as lord of the rings, what makes them think they're battle scenes are even remotely close?!
How about you don't kill the main villain of your show that's been built up since the first episode with this one stupid move? How about you actually give him a good fight scene with some nice choreography, maybe throw in that move in the middle if you think its really awesome and you just have to throw it in there?
the superhero shuffle
>main villain
Oh fuck off, you know what I mean, he was built up as one of the biggest threat to Westeros.
Fellow bookfags
Does this mean Arya was Azor Ahai the entire time? Or the prophecy was bullshit the entire time? What the fuck is happening?
look at that dollar store "ice" sword. they truly sparred no expense.
no he wasn't, his army was
Except for a few names this has literally nothing to do with the books.
>watching TV shows post Lost
OP and I are laughing. So yes. We. Are you retarded?
Deus Ex Machina
>NK died too quickly
>let's just add a slo mo effect, it'll make it longer
>fuck writing.
TV died with Lost and The Sopranos.
yeah let's drag his death out to be 5 episodes long, that's good writing, clearly more shows should listen to Yea Forums
>Watching the kinotube after the second season of Twin Peaks
Snowcones for everyone.
The prophecy doesn't mean anything in the show.
Drogon and all the invincible main characters are more than enough.
Yeah, which was defeated instantly when a Mary Sue jumped out of the anime she was hiding in and one shotted him after whispering nothing personnel in his ear. His army died with him, he was the threat, stop it with your circular reasoning bullshit.
> Forget they have two hands
can someone explain to me what the fuck is valyrian steel. If the NK accidently pricked himself or stepped on a valyrian sword he would've poofed
he was no threat at all, the only somewhat threatening thing we've seen him do is throw a fucking spear. he has no feats to his name, his army does all of his shit for him. and he's obviously an overconfident dumbass, based on how he stood there to take dragon fire despite having no idea if he could or not. the only impressive thing about him is that he survived this long without dying like the dumbass he is.
christ talk about underwhelming,the dude has the power to one shot a dragon at 300 meters with a javelin but dies to an assassin with his hands around her neck. should have fucking snapped her head off and died to something more compelling
>showcase the NK fucking snap a spear in half with his bear hands and then immediately stab Theon with it, showcasing an almost inhuman agility
>NK turns around incredibly quickly to grab Arya by the throat, demonstrating his incredibly keen senses
>gets stabbed from the front
You know those blades Aragon gave the hobbits?
That but more bullshit.
I think main villains shouldn't be fighting protagonists one one at all, let alone ending the film in an EPIC fight
Let alone GoT that hyped itself to be more of a political drama than a generic sword and magic fantasy (at least at the beginning, I wouldn't expect anything better from the YA garbage the show evolved into)
I mean Napoleon didn't lost Waterloo because he got stabbed after hour long acrobatic sword fight with Wellington and Korean war didn't end in draw because both Kim-Ir-Sen and Ridgway run out of bullets after epic gun-fu scene
lmfao that slow look down at the knife.
Whichever side has higher billing will win
>I think main villains shouldn't be fighting protagonists one one at all, let alone ending the film in an EPIC fight
Yeah, I agree 100%, but they set up this army of the dead, they had to deal with it somehow and as you said the show evolved into YA garbage. Still, a fight scene between Jon and the NK would have been better and more satisfying YA garbage than the YA garbage we got.
How was he fast enough to turn around and catch her, but not fast enough to throw her back when she dropped the dagger?
at least we get some solid memes out of this shit show
>no blood on the ground
>no snow on the ground
>nobody is wearing a hat
Deadwood is another trash show.
Shit b8 m8
Well, they said I'd go blind if I played with myself, and it looks like they were right.
I haven't watched any of the new shitty star wars films but the way she holds the light saber near the plasma sword or whatever the fuck it's supposed to be- is so offensive.
fuck off
Falsie teeth mcgee as a sheriff again. No thanks. That actor with the weird name jimmie elephant or whatever the fuck stage name he has is annoying as fuck.
Except the series has made call backs to the prophecy and the last time was the previous season
The prohecy is bullshit
>Haha dumbass you're so stupid for not remembering an obscure reference from an episode that aired two years ago.
the first few seasons tricked you into thinking it was good
oh i see it's the show's fault you have the memory of a fucking amoeba
This is completely different. There aren't any jump cuts and it's well lit so you can clearly see what's happening and how the blows connect. This is actually a good technique to used rapidly like he did because it catches a shield bearer off guard because he can swing his arm around and hit Cap in his exposed areas.
>she did it once
>now she can do it against any enemy, even ancient unstoppable evils
Wow, if that's how it works why didn't Theon just let NK try to kick him in the balls and then beat him into submission? He already did that once, guess you forgot about it you literal goldfish brainlet
the night king was only unstoppable because nobody knew the means to kill him or any white walkers until recently, chucklefuck
I remember that NK knew immediately when some warg was watching him and killed the animal. Why didn't he do it now?
>OP character
>Can't even break a neck
Probably you are too retarded to have your own opinion.GO back to twitter fag.
I can't believe they spent all this time building up the night king and the white walkers and they literally solve it in a single episode.
What the fuck are they even going to do for, what, five more episodes?
They should've just made dragonglass caltrops all over the grounds around winterfell.
What a fucking letdown. I imagined those scorpion ballistas used with dragonglass tips to shoot viserion out of the sky, anything smart or resourceful. Why not shoot arrows at their ranks when they stood at the burning trenches?
>Why not use ravens to give vision of enemy and tell others where enemy is??????
>Well lads, uh... they're basically everywhere
Didn't answer my question, pea brain
Three more episodes.
They will march on KL, kill cersei, euron and the GC and then the show is over.
>OP character
and your source for this is? night king hasn't done shit that would suggest he has notable physical strength. sure he threw that javelin shit, but we don't know if that was raw strength or if it was just a magical weapon. he has no feats that suggest he has any level of heightened physical ability.
because theon is retarded, have you even watched this fucking show?
>that entrance
>that everything
It's times like this I wish Game of Thrones was given to someone with a more grounded view of story telling
dont ask questions stupid goy
Only another female poochie made by her writers.
The Arya one actually makes sense though.
One hand on throat, other holding hand. He didn't have three hands.
Literally pure physical strength.
Now gtfo, back to plebbit.
>washington post
>100% based article
subverted my expectations desu
>no one remembers arya doing this multiple times on the show after her teacher or why she would want to use a spear like her teacher
Yeah I get that this is really lazy writing but are you guys really just ignoring that they did set it up as a possibility just for the sake of arguing that it 'makes no sense'
And don't forget how he counters Theo.
He did it once already, so he can do it again. Goes to show how well you remember the show, micro-brained dementia patient
yeah i'm sure he keeps those specially made spears around for no reason, definitely can just throw whatever the fuck he wants
oh yeah breaking a fucking stick takes so much physical strength
>cap uses his right hand to also block with shield for a single arm thrust from bucky whos not even using the robot arm so he can do the dumb hand switch mid combat literally one time
it's just as bad
GoT will literally proceed as follows to the finale:
>attack on King's landing
>Qyburn preparing wild fire for battle
>Arya appears behind him, chops his head off
>Euron Greyjoy eating grapes in the throne room while Cersei prepares for war
>Arya appears behind throne, slits his throat
>The Mountain, guarding Cersei's chamber door
>Arya appears behind him, she's disguised as the door, stabs him through the heart then dismembers him with three swipes of her blade
>Cersei in her quarters, there's a knock at the door
>Arya, but Cersei has something up her sleeve - the crossbow used to kill Tywin, she fires, hitting Arya in the chest, but it isn't Arya
>it's Undead Joffrey disguised as Arya
>Cersei says "if you're Joffrey disguised as Arya, then who is that behind me disguised as Joffrey?"
>she turns, but Undead Joffrey stabs her in the eye, killing her instantly. He removes his face to reveal Arya.
>Jon Snow and Daenerys enter the throne room and congratulate Arya for uniting the kingdoms
>Arya teleports behind them, stabbing them both at once
>Arya sits on the throne
>teleports behind herself
>stabs herself to death
>fade out
Marvel retards will love this shit.
and that's a good thing.
For fuck sake D&D, "Teleports behind you" was a meme, it was not meant to be used for scenario.
Honestly I'm willing to look past the calvary charge because it was fucking cool to see those lights go out almost immediately.
The retarded siege weapons in front of the infantry though... boy I tell you what..
>pops out of nowhere and solves the problem in seconds with zero buildup
Literally Mary Sue definition
You don't need an army when you've got plot armor, kiddo.
you're right i forgot night king's history of trying to kick people in the balls, that's his signature move
Did you see how small the courtyard was. They obviously werent meant to be permanent tools to use.
The Crab Cracker
Glad you came to your senses, if someone does something once they can do it again against anyone and have it work flawlessly as you stated from the get go. Maybe you're only a peanut brain after all
It really did remind me of the brainless marvel action including the retarded 'badass' moment at the end that kills the villain.
What a joke.
>pops out of nowhere
I didn't know 20 minutes of running was out of nowhere
>in seconds with zero buildup
Wow, just like pretty much every other fucking death in this entire series
would someone be so kind as to meme arrow the series for a bookfag?
last thing i heard is that stannis kills his own daughter and dies
i'm about to go to work and listening to every normalfag talk about this shit could be a little more tolerable if i knew what they're talking about
many thanks in advance
seriously. fuck dnd, fuck martin, fuck the actors, fuck got, fuck the got watchers, fuck this shit. preston and dragon demands are gonna tear this shit appart.
>does nothing with his offhand
great draft d&d, wonder how epic it will look for us gamers in full 4k when we watch it and drink Gfuel Raspberry
lmao keep trying to project your insecurities, we Marvel fans got a near perfect ending to the epic MCU saga and you faggots got this shit
That's what you get for trying to appear like anything other than manchildren watching another fantasy show about assassins and dragons. At least we know what we're watching, superhero schlock. You ACTUALLY thought you were getting some sort of nuanced drama and not just an even further simplified and dumbed down version of Lord of the Rings
What are you going to even say back to this shit? Your show is fucking awful.
Lets be honest, the show has been shit for a few years now. Season 6 papered over the cracks with the excellent Battle of the Bastards, but even that was a shit season full of scenes and moments designed to pander to social media "reaction" culture. There hasn't been a single interesting or nuanced plot development since.
The Red Wedding was the high point of the show, and probably of television.
Literally perfect.
and fuck that part of society that commits 50% of violent crimes
Mark my words the Jews will pay for this. They've taken everything from the white man, but now they want even the slightest joy of escapism to be snuffed out. All I wanted to see was John-Night King duel and they've taken that away from me. They even fucking teased it before they snatched it away. I'm not even going to gas you before throwing you in the incinerator. The Nazis showed kindness in that, but you will get no such mercy from me. KIKES WILL BURN
Any Marvel movie was better than this trash because you could s e e it.
And I hate capeshit
At least Arya’s was decently executed. Rey’s is just total bullshit.
it went off the deep end. imagine some 9th grader picking up lord of the rings after The Two Towers and writing an anime inspired Return of The King fanfiction.
Thanks guys, we were worried the fans wouldn't like it because we didn't have Arya kill Tyrion, too. She enslaves him instead.
Contrived nonsense. I knew she was gonna kill a WW, I was just hoping they wouldn't have her kill the NK. Now we have three boring episodes of King's Landing to finish off the series
>Night King: no MAN can defeat me
>Arya Stark: what about a WOman?
>Night King: oh no sneaking, my only weakness!
And then everybody clapped
Could be worse. I didn't mind it. Overall the episode was waaaay better than expected. I've had Battle at Helm's Deep vibes. You can call me names now.
lol holy shit based marvelbro
Okay faggot, what's next?
The whole episode was so dark it took the excitement of the battle. The cop out was the icing of the cake.
>euron is a one dimensional bad boy
>some fucked up version of the dorne storyline was attempted and then swiftly deleted
>stannis turned into a fanatic lunatic who burns his daughter
>jaime had character development for a moment and then the writers didn't know what to do anymore
>bran is an autistic time machine
>tyrion and varys go to danaerys, become second tier characters and forgotten
>cersei 9/11s the sept of baelor and is unironically the most based character in the show right now
>jon is jesus
And more but I can't be bothered.
does anyone realize how stupid this is?
how can they write 3 episodes about taking kings landing and killing cersei? Just fucking send arya to teleport behind her and stab her ass. she can sneak past thousands of zombies apparently.
what kind of stupid excuse will they write to rationalize her not doing it?
Why does Valyrian Steel kill him when dragon fire doesn't? Isn't it implied that Valyrian Steel is made using dragon fire?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx fug
you're such a non-contrarian
So what? Am I supposed to believe Cersei can do anything to stop Arya from killing her in her sleep?
>paying for tv
hahahha no pls stop
because no one gives a shit about the NK, get over yourself autismo
>stoneheart never happens
>doran martell is killed off, dorne is irrelevant
>benjen appears as deus ex machina for one sec, then is gone forever
>stannis burns shireen then loses the battle anyway
>tysha is never mentioned after s1, and 'where do whores go' doesn't exist, tyrion has no arc
>jaime's redemption arc never happens and instead he remains cucked by cersei and always loved her and his kids
>littlefinger is outsmarted by sansa who is declared by arya to be the 'smartest person i've ever met'
>euron greyjoy basically looks like charlie from lost, the kingsmoot is irrelevant, and victarion doesn't exist
I've probably missed a lot, but this should be enough for you.
lol no
to defeat Arya you have to put her in a stealth restricted level
you guys need to get new monitors, he clearly walked back safely after the dothraki charge failed
thats a good point that no one is wearing a hat in the coldest part of the continent
holy shit, thank you for proving that you are absolutely retarded and have zero idea what you're talking about. all weapons other than dragon glass or valyrian steel shatter on contact with white walkers.
well, that was underwhelming
Hit girl kills the lich king by jumping out of nowhere in the middle of an open field surrounded by zombies without being stopped or seen
The battle of helms deep was filmed by a cameraman with down syndrome who shit on the lense
>NK dies to slow motion anime tier move
>Whole wight army dies, entire plot is resolved
>Threat hyped up for fucking 9 years resolved in ONE fucking battle in ONE fucking episode
>No major confrontation with Jon, who was built up to be the primary adversary over the whole series
The series is officially complete trash. It's not even redeemable at this point.
I was gonna try, but I've forgotten so much of what happened because a lot of it was so pointless.
At this point,
>Cersei has the Iron Throne and has killed a bunch of her enemies
>Euron is in Cersei's pocket
>Jon was king in da norf, but he bent the knee to Dany so she would help him fight the army of the dead
>and they just lmao killed the Night King with 3 episodes to go
yes, but in a bad way.
A swing of his arm literally threw that fatfck 10 metres away.Are you fucking blind?
I didn't get it either. I thought he was immune until she stabbed him. BS
When this is 90% of the responses in the thread its clear that no one really wants to discuss the imperfections of the series anymore, you just want to make fun of the people that still watch it.
10/10 would watch
desu the level of contrarian of Yea Forums might be affecting my psyche. i browse here, /g/, Yea Forums and honestly i feel like shit from reading posts here
>haha like nigga just close your eyes lmao
why did episode 2 show Arya throwing dragonglass dagger accurately, and shooting a bow? Why even bother when she's just going to jump at the Night King anyway? this show is just pure trash I don't even know why I still watch it
Good scene
t. d&d I shit you not
D&D said that it had to be valyrian steel stabbed in the same spot that the Children of the Forest stabbed him with dragonglass to create him. Why this is? Who fucking knows. They probably made it up.
wtf i love d&d now
they must be making shit this bad to not interfere with the GRRM books.
it is the only feasible explanation.
because the night king is a targaryen
the fuck are you talking about? he shoved him and he just slid on the fucking snow, it's not like he flew through the goddamn air
What kind of a hyperlink is that you absolute fucking retard
What did they even miss last year for
You can literally see him flying in the air.
He's not your 2 Y/O brother, that your father swings.
so what the fuck was the point of this Azor Azhai bullshit
Why was the lord of light raising rnadom people from the dead to "fulfill their destiny" when all it took was some cringe anime little girl to sneak up on the night king and slow mo kill him?
thanks a lot
is today's really a
>entire cast gathers for one last battle against evil
you can literally see him sliding on the snow for 90% of that distance
That white walker Jon fought beyond the wall was pretty skilled. Why wouldn't the nk be?
They are supernatual beings and their reaction time and related things are probably far superior.
yaaaasssss queef slay
Are you fucking retarded?
why the fuck isn't the night king wearing plate if his one weakness is being stabbed?
Did you miss the entire part where he's literally a fucking manufactured magical weapon of mass destruction that was created to win a war you absolute fucking retard?
He was called Jon the 'At
because he never has to do anything himself when he can just raise fuckers to do it for him. we never see him fight, he just watches from a distance or shows up after the fight is over. it's only natural to assume this means he has no notable fighting ability.
>Arya sits on the throne
>teleports behind herself
>stabs herself to death
>fade out
>couldnt even
>DIALOGUE as poetic
>couldnt even
That's actually a very hard thing to do without sounding like a faggot.
you fagots aint seen nothing yet. we still have 4 more hours of this cringe to go
he was created to win a war, yes, but not by him fucking self. that's why he has the ability to raise the fucking dead. his power is creating armies, nothing more.
Literal 0/10 shit
>heh, nothing personal kid
>jobs to a 14 year old girl
yep, real threatening weapon of war
Is this even a realistic circumstance? He could not predict she'd grab the knife again? Is it even possible to grab the knife like that? Someone explain.
she became a mary sue when she revealed she could throw knives perfectly in episode 2 this season without ever practicing
The only bad thing about this fight is the obnoxious CGI shield.
Kino as fuck
yes, but it's a joke. This is Sonic on Xbox Tier writing.
The show is pointless now. Arya is a super assassin batgirl. Cersei doesn't have a claim to the throne and can easily be killed by Arya any time she wants. The show is done.
>lol no
>to defeat Arya you have to put her in a stealth restricted level
Conan has levels in rogue.
8 fucking years
To see the Night King lose to a teleporting anime character.
>lauches spears like a javeling
>no notable fighting ability
Other white walkers are very skilled and no one of them was dumb enough to just trust their godmode. You can say the same about them.
>they have wights they don't need to do anything
Still they are fucking skilled and didn't do anything retarded in battle just because muh godmode.
>muh skilled worker has absolute dumbfuck as boss
He also fucking knew that they has valyrian steel swords.
>muh just tank it because skilled but lazy
i really don't get what they were thinking with the Others
they're supposed to be evil Sidhe but here they're just rubber mask zombies
Is this show worth hatewatching now? I stopped watching a while back, I sort of just assume it to be the most retarded shit imaginable, thinking about saying fuck even trying to catch up and watching for the memes and so I can talk to normies at work
Because now we're expecting it so they need to subvert our expectations by not doing it.
can somebody make a assasins creed/far cry/ hitman throw rock to distract meme?
They killed Stannis for this.
It's realistic. Got some skills with knives. I can toss them from hand to hand and spin them from reverse to regular grip easily.
The Night King has very good reflexes and situational awareness and speed. But so too does Arya who is supposed to be some sort of special supernatural ninja. That's not really the issue.
The issue with this scene is how it was executed. She comes at him from behind and seemingly from where his leitenant wights were without being noticed or heard by anyone. No explanation of where she came from? The entryway behind him that was blocked?
And though the move was legit, it was just underwhelming due to the pacing and buildup.
It would have had more effect, I think, if it truly did come when you didn't expect it. You fully expect something to come out of nowhere to stop him but the thing that ends up coming out of nowhere feels very underwhelming. If Arya had come out of nowhere say when the Night King was dueling Jon and both were at a stalemate, that would have actually been surprising. It just felt too easy considering the magnitude of the event.
>she's disguised as the door
kek Bran smiling
seconding, god that cover mechanics are meme worthy
>and your source for this is? night king hasn't done shit that would suggest he has notable physical strength
He pierce Theon's steel cuirass with the wooden end of a broken spear, through two plates, front and back.
On top of that, Arya was just having trouble sneaking past low tier wights and somehow sneaks past a shit load of them including the leitenant wights.
goku killing raditz through sacrifice with piccoro was kino af
One thing i didnt get at all is how come they were killing wights by just stabbing them? I thought they were supposed to be really hard to kill without fire
>it's better than Helm's Deep
lol indeed.
It was alright, better than Bastardbowl which was dogshit, though not as good as Blackwater or the Wall.
¨Yeah except there's three episodes left to defeat the true evil, Cersei
it's almost like there was no sound at all in the first case and a fucking blizzard in the second
This. Why were wights dying to dragonglass I thought that was only good for white walkers?
strength doesn't magically make wood capable of piercing steel, meaning it wasn't fucking steel
>it's only natural to assume this means he has no notable fighting ability.
He dodges Theon's spear thrust, disarms him, snaps the spear in two and then skewers Theon with it through a steel breastplate in a split second. There is reason to think he has notable fighting ability.
He was watching a better alternate version of the episode
>not including Twin Peaks Season 3 in the pantheon of Yea Forums GOATS
Were any of the leaks true or was it all bullshit
Do you remember when sand SNAKES scene was peak D&D? Like in 2015.
this can't be real right?
I don't even watch this garbage but surely it didn't get this bad. someone tell me this is a fan edit
it's like that last fucking star wars movie
theon is fucking shit at fighting, he got his ass beat by that one faggot until he used his no-balls magic
>strength doesn't magically make wood capable of piercing steel, meaning it wasn't fucking steel
Yeah, well wights can smash through stone sarcophagi now when they couldn't even break out of a wooden box before. The writers don't care about materials.
lmao can we talk about how daenerys was better with a sword than jorah cuckmont
Uhhh stannis? He was an alt right bigot sweetie.
>night king hasn't done shit that would suggest he has notable physical strength. sure he threw that javelin shit, but we don't know if that was raw strength or if it was just a magical weapon.
Technically, it is a magical weapon, but he wouldn't have taken the time to aim it if it would have just homed in on Viserion like a heat seeking missile regardless. And he missed Dany on Drogon twice afterwards.
The most logical conclusion is that the Night King has great aim and superhuman strength.
T-thanks? I guess. I know it's trendy to shit on everything for whatever reason, but I enjoyed the episode.
It was clearly steel.
Now retards will make it wood too.
It's not edit
So I guess we are never getting backstory of the NK or the wights or anything. Ok then.
Don't bother, everything that gets in way of the maymay and shitposting posibilities will get ignored here.
Teleports behind am I right guys?
>bazowane i czerwonopigułkowane
Arya Hodor?
Glad I stopped watching this garbage ages ago.
I remember when the bad pusi scene was leaked and arguing that people were getting trolled and it was too stupid to be real
>my reaction when someone throws something sharp at me at it knicks the skin
reminder if you watch
>game of thrones
>soi wars
you don't belong here and should fuck off back to /r/eddit
what's funny is retards like you don't realize that 99% of posters here watch GOT out of sheer morbid curiosity and don't give a dime to HBO while doing it
but I'm sure you're definitely not the one from reddit
To say there's some who're upset that, after seasons of set up, neither Jon nor Dany were the one to kill the Night King would be a...significant understatement.
>You were so beautiful that night… Reek...
GOT the anime
Did you miss her entire dialouge with the red woman?
>brown eyes
>green eyes
>blue eyes
She took one of their faces, which combinded with her stealth made it possible. Gotta say though that the angle she comes from is really off..
I'm so fucking glad this happened just to see the shitposting from this board
about to watch the new episode
what am i in for?
>Zero Build
4 season of character build up as the Assassin Rogue Class Ninja
Okay Retard
>night king shown to have inhuman perception and reflexes
>she doesn't start dropping the dagger until after he catches her hand
>he just looks at the snail switch dumbfounded and doesn't do anything despite it being perfectly in his dexterity to stop
>gets KO'd like a fucking jobber to a reactable
Holy shit they phoned it in. What a goddamn waste. At least have Arya win the fight by reading him and starting the drop a moment before the catch starts.
Bravo Dumb&Dumber
haven't watched the season yet
what happened to azor ahai and the flaming sword shit
wasn't he supposed to fight the night king
and all of them are neckbeard Yea Forums contrarians
the cop out
>Theon charges at yards away.
>predictable as fuck
No doubt the Night King would have notable fighting ability but I'd imagine a few of the OP main characters would be able to match him.
arya should have just taken 20 good men and assassinated the NK on his way to Winterfell and have been killed offscreen instead of wasting everyone's time
mind if I copy this pasta?
Nah she's been a Mary Sue since she easily killed the Waif and the faceless men with several stab wounds in her stomach.
I didn't see her take any of their faces.
Got to admit, that was kind of funny. Arya from nowhere totally subverted my expectations! What a twist.
I guess it was only fitting that Arya the magic assassin got to finish it all with a scene like that.
He wanted out of the dullest franchise
Melisandre implies that she should in the dialogue, how is that such a difficult concept?
The Jews did it.
also this part of the execution was shit
theon should have killed him and then died afterwards
What was clever about it reddit fag?
The ending has shown the same consistency and themes once this shitshow started deviating from the books since season 5/parts of 4 you fucking idiot.
Was it just me or was the brightness in this episode utter trash? I get it that it's night and everything, but I had a hard time following the scenes, especially during the high-tempo fight scenes.