Are they correct? Is infinity war better...

Are they correct? Is infinity war better? Is endgame the same as return of the Jedi which was inferior to the film before it?

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yes, but come up with your own opinion without feeling the need to have it validated by the internet jesus christ

Yeah. Endgame's Thanos was depowered and a large chunk of the movie was revisiting the previous Marvel movies. The final battle was just the last big fight scene from Ready Player One. Not a bad movie, but not as original or with the same tension that Infinity War had.

Fucking kikes

Iron Man was old and emaciated. Thor was fat. Steve finally had some superpowers for the first time ever.
That they couldn't beat base Thanos may seem like bullshit, but it kind of makes sense.

>How was it light out in America AND Africa at the SAME TIME???!

They're approaching Cinema Sins levels of being not only needlessly pedantic, but just objectively wrong

Writers need to stop neutering their best characters in sequels.

So basically all of the white men failed whereas women and brown people succeeded?

They liked it too much in my opinion, but then again... they're americans

They also totally dropped the ball on the whole earthquake thing - they misinterpreted and misremembered three entirely separate scenes and criticized the movie for a problem that didn't exist

I'm surprised they didn't even mention the Peter Parker post-revival high school situation
That pinged me immediately and I know for a fact I'm not alone on that

This always happens
When you make a sequel that is just so great and so perfect the next movie gets crushed by the pressure of going bigger and bigger in the next movie. They had to have a big clusterfuck lord of the rings grand superfight at the end with every character and it was all just a mess and very tiresome.
The same thing happened to Return Of The Jedi; Empire was so good that they tried topping it- New! Exciting! a NEW DEATHSTAR! 3 Battles going on at once!!! More cute characters that you will want as toys! MORE MORE MORE!
Same for Spiderman 3- Hey kids! Did you like Spiderman 2? It was really good but now we have 3 villains! If Doc Ock by himself was so good just imagine how awesome it'll be when Spidey has to face 3 whole villains by himself!
Or even Pirates Of The Caribbean- Remember how awesome it was when Davy Jones was chasing Jack in the last movie? Well this time it's a grand giant battle with allllll the pirate kings and all the pirate ships against Davy Jones AND The East India Company! It's bigger so instead of being more bloated that just means it's better!

It always happens. The first movie establishes your characters, then you have a really good movie in the middle, and then the last movie needs to be better than the last one so you try to go bigger and bigger until it's all a bloated mess.

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More like fucked it up hard
>get the dragonballs
>get everyone back
>suddenly there's twice the mouths to feed across the universe that was already traumatized and recovering from having 50% of the population to remove
>they all effectively killed over half of the universe by starving them to death
That's why capeshit fucking sucks. But at least we get to see booboo purple bad guy get his butt beat by all the heroes. Nothing about how utterly devastating massive depop and repop is to any ecosystem. It's more damaging to the universe to have them all back.

It's a lot like Fury Road where it seems like the kweens won in the end, but they made things far far worse if you start thinking about it.
>all the relationships and marriages torn apart
>now they're back, except it's 5 years later
>and the lover has moved on
>and gotten older

Piss poor writing

I thought the references to voyager were quite apt.

You're just retarded. Why would they care about that? That's not what an Avengers movie wants to tackle. They just care about bringing people back since it was their failure that caused them to disappear hence the name "Avengers".

>The Dark Knight Rises
Hey Remember the last movie with the Joker which was pretty much perfect? NOW we have BANE the guy who broke the bat and he's literally gonna break Batman's back and now there's a GIGANTIC NUCLEAR FUCKING BOMB!! This is going to be the biggest Batman adventure ever!!!
>X-Men: The Last Stand
X-2 Was so good but now we're going bigger Bigger BIGGER! Now the dark phoenix is coming and she's going to fuck everyone up and there's going to be a huge clusterfuck fight at the end! More explosions more dying more X-men on the screen at once!!!

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not me

that's how I felt as well I have no clue why the fuck he has to talk about star trek especially fucking voyager of all things

so nothing new then? cinemasins is just the rlm prometheus nitpicking video minus the protective layer of irony. they've always been just as retarded as the cinemasins people, only less obvious about it.

is half in the bag ever going to have its "endgame"

will they ever repair plinkett's vcr?

what happened with the yellow cake plotline?

who was that intern that looked like plinkett?

>what happened with the yellow cake plotline?
they know autists like you are watching and that it triggers you so they just trot it out to fuck with you and never address it again

It's a really straight-forward point, but ultimately, it has to be the time of day they already depicted with Fury and the Ant-Man cast and so on. The time for the critique is past. Besides, Disney probably did tests and had too many people question "hurr, but why do they not disappear until later that night? Thanos snapped during the day."

what about the red stain on jays shirt?

bleeding nipple


I don’t know about RotJ since I haven’t seen it.
But films like Spider-Man 3 can easily be seen as a confusing mess.
The problem with PotC 3 was it started to get serious towards the end. You really had to suspend your disbelief that they could every have beaten the Company after being so largely outnumbered. But the first half was good old classic PotC fun. It wasn’t too serious.
TDKR was entertaining though. It may have been trying to be better than TDk & even if it didn’t succeed, it didn’t feel completely like a convoluted mess.
X-Men The Last Stand had no clear plot or idea what to do to create new villains or characters. It had a good idea for the basis for the film but it executed it poorly.

On the whole, you could say it was because it had big expectations but each had its own individual problems.


Your precious movie isn't perfect, faggot. Get over it.

Don't be so upset at the truth, Friend Simulator Defender.

I would not blame them, the movie had a lot of "tell, don't show" moments.

The truth is that they can't have dramatic picnic scenes at night, user.

The thing is that there is a ten hour difference between San Francisco (where AMATW happened) and Kenya, which according to maps we've seen in the MCU is right below Wakanda. So there is absolutely a time where San Francisco, Ohio, New York, and Wakanda are all still in daylight. If you wanna go and analyze where the sun is in the sky then go ahead, but I just don't think "HOW IS IT LIGHT OUT IN TWO DIFFERENT PLACES IN THE WORLD AT THE SAME TIME?" is a valid point