Okay, so how would YOU have killed him, faggots?

Okay, so how would YOU have killed him, faggots?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wouldn't have. I would have let him win.

Dance off bro, me and you

psychic battle with Bran, flashback to whoever the Night King was before becoming Night King

>killed him
He should have won

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After Melissandra tells her the shit she needed to hear to go after NK the Hound is like AY BITCH WHERE YOU GOING and follows her. They see NK approaching Bran and she tells him to throw her. She fast ball specials him, Sandor dabs.

Minimal change:

Jon NK 1v1 everyone has been waiting for and then Arya stabbing.

Jon and him fighting it out honestly it was built that way for the past 4 seasons, esp Hardhome ... it’s th reason Jon was brought back.. I’d at least have him kill some more main characters

Something something Melisandre & R'hllor

jon fighting him, losing, then bran warging into a dragon saving him at the last moment

>Theon is on the floor, the NK gives him a glance and thinks he's dead. He looks back at Bran. Suddenly, with his last bit of energy, Theon pulls a dragon glass knife and stabs the NK in the back.
>"The Starks send their regards"
>fade to black
>And who...are you...

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He should have won that battle, a small human contingent should have survived and gone south.
If everyone was so set on the goblin looking broad killing him, that's fine, just spend at least some time showing the army of the dead running havock in the known world.

>Bran wargs into the Night King himself and an heroes

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anything but the rey "dropped muh lightsaber move"

Not now.. he was the final villain.. now it’s fucking what Cersei? That’s just such a tease ... how does Cersei compare to the literal army of the dead?

He walks up to bran, they stare at each other.


The night king kneels before bran. And presents him with frostmourne.
Bran stands up and takes the sword. His eyes light up with blue fire.
He then beheads the night king all the undead shatter into dust.
Bran summons the undead dragon, jumps on and rides him north.

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Let him rape janny's mom until he contracts AIDS and janny kills himself.


>There must always be... a NIGHT KING!

I would have killed him off in a different season, then had the next season end the war between Cersei and everyone else. Putting both together is why this feels rushed and shit.

But if you're forcing me, Bran suicides with forest children bombs and takes the Night King with him.

This except. "What is dead may never die."


Is that the Shiva bike Eidolon from FFXIII?

This. I wouldn't have introduced something this stupid in my so called mature fantasy setting about a civil war in the first place but if I was on coke for a year and shit out a book introducing these cliche zombies I'd let them overrun the setting.

he should have spoke this episode

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He looks kind of cute there, I'd ask him to be my bf.

I already posted this in another thread but:

here's a better ending:

>Night king approaches Bran
>Theon is already dead, it seems that there is no escape for the crippled boy
>Bran stands up
>He takes off his jacked revealing his 300lb ripped body
>He roundhouse kick the Night cuck into oblivion
>the other white walkers cower in fear and agree to rebuild the wall, they will pay for the damage
>thus the legend of Bran the BodyBuilder is written

meanwhile in the south

>Cersei killed herself trying to fit an elephant dildo up her ass
>Euron is fully king now
>the (((iron bankers))) took all King's Landing money to banks in Braavos, they got away with it because of all the white walker turmoil
>king Euron starts coining fake gold coins to calm the plebs
>inflation makes all currency valueless
>in a desperate act Euron surrender King's Landing to the North, making the king in the North the true king of the seven kingdoms
>this makes the pleb hate Euron even more, and now he is pretty much the most hated king in history
>a charismatic young man named Adolf is rising trough the political ranks with his speeches about how the "iron bank" fucked King's Landing
>soon his followers overthrow king Euron and Adolf starts an ofensive taking land back from the North, land that was surrendered by king Euron during the Treaty of Winterfell
>with the backing of the "iron bank", Dorne, the North, the Reach and the Vale declare war on Adolf
>despite being in the right Adolf loses the war, Pyke, it's only real ally get nuked by two dragons
>after Adolf's death, the winners make a bunch of stuff about how he killed iron bankers in wildfire chambers
>decades later the Seven Kingdoms are now a hellhole full of degenerates and soibois overrun by Dothraki immigrants

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>it’s th reason Jon was brought back
He could have been brought back to rule the 7 kingdoms

I wouldn't, OP. Like all right-minded people on Yea Forums I would have given him a jaunty tip of my battle fedora and said "night king based and redpilled unironically /ourguy/", to which I'm sure he would have responded favorably.

Bran has c4 hidden in his wheelchair and explodes NK breaking bad style

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adolf based and redpilled unironically /ourguy/

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I said this last week already, but:
Would have saved him for at least the last episode. The south needs to feel the touch of frost and the horror of the white walkers, it's only through that would the Stark's (mainly Jon's) fears be vindicated in the eyes of the kingdom. Right now it feels weird, because most of the people in the kingdom wouldn't even know or care about what happened north, it'd just be brushed off as northern rumours. Just feels like an unsatisfying course of events.

While he is walking through winterfell he accidentally gets cut by all the dragonglass laying around.
>alternate ending
He wins the battle of winterfell, goes to kings landing to dab on Cersi. Sits on the iron throne. Pricks himself on one of the swords which happens to be valerian steel, and fucking dies.



where's the azor jaime screenshot when you need it

not killed but almost...

>danearys suck the night king's cock in exchange to get his army back to the other side of the wall
>he agrees but just with the condition to make her his queen
>daneaerys gets her nipples hard just by this thought, agrees and the army of the dead left wintefell
>cersei sends euron for elephants to volantis
>euron dies unexpectedly
>everything remains the same
>the norf remembers
>the end

>Arya stabs Night King like in episode
>Night King drops her, Arya grins
>Night King hunched over
>Night King stands up straight
>Pulls dagger out (ice than reforms over hole).
>Night King stabs Arya in the eye
>She plumps over dead
>Night King walks over to Bran
>Pulls out his sword thing
>Jon turns corner and runs towards them
>Slashes Bran like previous Three Eyed Raven
>Disappears into flock of ravens
>Jon screams out NO and runs toward Night King
>Night King fades into snow with entire army
(Not dead just gone away for now).

than in ep.6 gets killed by Azor Ahai, the only one that can actually kill him

The moment he steps into Winterfell The past kings's souls come out of the Weirwood Trees and attack him they don't beat him but they spare time for the survivors to go south

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A little too on the nose user

the Night King's a pretty fucking one-dimensional character even for the series he was in. nothing to get hung about

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Bran kills him. a thousand ravens start swarming the NK, he blows them away with an AOE, then Bran drives his obsidian short sword into the NK. the Wight army don't just die though, they stop moving for a moment then retreat. it's revealed later that Bran has become the new Night King and controls his army. he "warged" into every zombie during the siege, but could not control them until the NK himself perished and relinquished his command. Bran sits on the frozen throne in the Land of Always Winter.

Considering they fucking had Lady Cunny Mormont do the exact thing to the wight giant. In the same episode. Only minutes later.

Only that the whole fucking tag line for the past eight years has been"winter is coming"

I got paid. People call me "Furdo", by the way. FURDO!

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i have no prob with this.

seven of which the stout yeomen of Yea Forums spent in the expectation of it being a complete disappointment. with the result they're now complaining about getting it

That was just an expectation to be subverted.
Have sex, tho.

I masturbated all the way through it. I had a big stiffy.

Now how would you kill Vlad in RL? I would
>go to GoT wrap up party
>pretend to be a server
>serve him poisoned vodka
>as he sputters mumbling in agonizing Russian that he's dizzy and falls to the bar floor I whisper in his ear "The North Remembers" and make my escape out thru the kitchen into back alley

stupid-a facking show

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come to think of it all the shitwit dothraki got killed by their own conceit their tactics would succeed against anything and were wiped out. I am confident there's an opportunity in there for the people who always hated them to work up at least a few crocodile tears for poor brave Wanko and Faggo

Don't take the field. Keep almost everyone inside castle, build up defenses like crazy. Spike pits, flaming trenchs, murder holes, etc, and an endless stream of artillery and arrows.

The only people outside should be the Dothraki, acting as fast cavalry horse archers, like they're fucking supposed to. They kite the zombies, thinning them out and peeling off chunks that chase them through the tundra.

Hopefully, this would create fewer casualties among the Living Army.

But other than that, keep the plan mostly the same. Put Bran in Godswood, but have best fighters, armed with dragonglass and Valyrian Steel, waiting, including Arya in the shadows and archers all around. Godswood should be a death trap. More dragonglass spike pits, hidden squads of warriors, etc.

Use Drogon and Rhaegon to doubleteam Viserion and try to kill NK like that, but obvi we'd find out that dragonfire is ineffective, but maybe we can ground him, kill zombie dragon, then just stomp/bite the shit out of NK. At the least, a dragon's intense strength could pin NK in place for someone with Valyrian steel or dragonglass to strike the killing blow.

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Lets keep everything equal, but when arya stabs him he doesn't disintegrate, he falls to the ground, bleeding, as do his lieutenants and zombies.
Then he rises up again, smiles, and kills her.
End of the episode.

I tend to be positively disposed to these people who end up taking on such stupid, thankless roles in GoT.
(Also he's a Slovak.)

This, the whole thing was set up for a 1v1 with Bran before Arya plot daggers him. They should've had a mental duel to the death.

I didnt even know he was sick

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Honestly expected these endings instead of what we got

I would had let Jon Snow duel him for 20 minutes until both of them fought their way to where Bran is ultimately leading to Night Kings defeat by Jon

Does anyone have the pasta or screenshot of the Jaime v. NK scenario? The one that has the heroic rendition of reigns of castamere? Very similar to this but without te fire sword and Azor Azai

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yeah that's what I'm talkin about

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So Slovaks don't drink vodka or speak Russian?

Stick him with the pointy end. How many times do they say it?

>Bran's eyes are rolled back in his head as he wargs.
>Arya's desperate gambit succeeds...partially. The NK holds her and slowly, deliberately, shoves his sword through her gut. As he lets go, she pulls herself closer and manages a stab that shatters him.
>Arya collapses to the floor, obviously dying.
>Bran suddenly begins white-knuckling the arms of his chair, pushing himself up, eyes still rolled back.
>He stands, shakily, then his eyes roll forward. They are ice blue.


If you want a totally serious answer I'm pretty sure the people of that lightly populated country (the ones under 70 anyway) put all the effort they might previously have given to Russian into learning English.

>Yea Forums writes better endings to villains than ''''professionals''''

>Jon kills the dragon
>Struggles to get through to night king
>NK about to kill Bran
>arya realises she has to save her brothers
>jumps from tree and does same shit to NK, except this time his other hand is occupied by grabbing Bran too
Wow problem solved, now NK isn't a moron for not immediately countering her

It makes sense Arya is the prince that was promised. In the earlier seasons everyone thought she was a boy.

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Theon is dead. Arya attacks the night king but has her neck snapped. All seems lost, but then a flaming sword pierces through a white, and then more and more flaming swords then destroy the wights

an army is approaching with flaming swords and some with flaming hands or clothes as well

they look like wights, but with a fire red theme instead of a blue, and their eyes are only a little bit changed int ored, and they walk normally

a man walks from them, he seem to be the leader, he slowly walks to the night king and takes out his sword, beheading the NK after a brief kerfuffle

on their clothes you can see a banner, a stag in front of a flaming heart

a scream is heard

Melisandre shows up
>I saw your victory in the flames, my lord

She disintegrates, the man turns around, his flaming eyes not concealing his true identity: Stannis Baratheon.

He turns to Daenerys:
>Bend the knee or you will die

Daenerys laughs as her dragons arrive, goes full

The dragons slowly go towards Stannis but then turn around, they've found their true master.

>We march South at dusk.

I let smug king win

Why does everything have to subvert our expectations nowadays? Arya killing the Night King is unexpected yes, however it is enormously anticlimactic and doesn't deliver on the years of speculation. There is no payoff, especially after seeing the Night King survive Dragonfyre.

Call me old-fashioned, but this is the same issue I had with the Last Jedi when Luke's fight is ultimately meaningless. Archetypes are essential in storytelling and the Fool should never beat the King. Here's how I would've solved the Night King's defeat and I fully recognize that he needs to be stopped at Winterfell:

>Aegon embraces the Dragonfyre and we are lead to believe he's dead. Cut to Bran and the Night King.
>Same scenes ensue, however this time Arya doesn't kill him but he kills Arya. Turns out Dragonglass or Valyrian steel doesn't kill him. At the same time we hear a faint howl from the Ice Dragon.
>The viewer has lost all hope now, the last chance at ending this war is gone with Arya.
>Night King about to slice Bran in half.
>The light of Dawn shines between the Night King and Bran.
>Night King looks to his right, where Azor Ahai emerges jumping through the undead on Ghost, shrouded in a flame cloak wielding a glowing sword.
>Queue exposition between these ancient entities.
>They fight until Aegon or rather Azor Ahai slices the Night King in half.
>The undead wither away and the flame extinguishes from Aegon, leaving him mortal again.
>In his last moments he looks to Bran smiling, knowing full well he fulfilled his destiny in saving the world.
>His borrowed time is up and he dies on his knees holding his sword.

>"You're a good man Theon"
>Theon rushes NK and gets killed
>Sad orchestral music continues to play
>NK approaches Bran slowly
>sad orchestral music stops
>Staring contest
>NK reaches for his sword
>Bran stands up and stabs him in the gut
>cue "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
>Zoom in on Bran removing his face revealing Arya smirking

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with the mortal blade of course

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phwoar i bet she is thinking about intercourse

>Arya gets knocked out somehow
>Bran wargs into her
>let Bran in Arya's body climb again like he used to love now that Arya is more nimble
>Brarya jumps at the NK
>He catches Brarya by the neck
>he unwargs right before Arya's neck is broken
>stabs him with the dagger used in the assassination attempt
>NK and Arya are both dead

80's Letterman subverted. This is just a poorly sculpted resolution.

I would have tyrion throwing some frozen ring into the heart of a volcano

This would've been great. All this buildup for Bran with the Night King, for this? It was disappointing. A mental showdown would've been UH-MAY-ZING.

Instead we got Bran saying stupid one liners and a night king who, despite being HYPED for the past 10 years, dies pretty easily. They should've dealt with Cersei first.

D&D said they came up with Arya killing NK three years ago. So after S6 was written. While it was on the air. That means when they killed and resurrected Jon, they still thought he would be important and kill the NK.

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died like 50 years ago..its okie

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I would have jon beheading him after a duel and tell him "I told you not to lose your head"

anything that doesn't involve trying to exploit our expectations for a quick GOTCHA moment.

you can do any combo of characters stalling and dueling the night king (a few die to do it) at the direwood as bran is warging some sort of macguffin that can defeat the night king or stop the dead

instead they didnt want todo this. they just wanted to write a bunch of meaningless characters die (why couldnt most of them have just died before the battle in other shit, wasnt Jorah already fucking dead from grayscale why bring him back to do just this

He's not dead. Spoiler alert. He already has an heir.


Dany would've jumped off her dragon and landed on his face and brapped on him.


As song of ASS and fire.

>the mark on Bran glows
>Night King had to be killed to move to a new host or some shit
>Bran grows an ice crown and stands up

>Night king approaches Bran
>Theon is already dead, it seems that there is no escape for the crippled boy
>Bran stands up
>He takes off his jacked revealing his 300lb ripped body

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I expected him to ambush cersei and wreck KL.
The whole point of the books was that petty mortal squabbles mean nothing vs the terror of the night.

That, or win Winterfell, wreck cersei, and then have them team up (finally)

No shit, he marked Bran.

The only thing they can do is ship Bran off to the far north before he fully turns.

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No. it's Arthas the Lich King from WOW

>"You're a good man Theon"
>NK goes foward ready to kill Bran
>Theon gets in front of him and they fight
>NK throws him away and is about to kill Bran
>Theon just in front of him as he is about to attack and gets pierced by his icy dagger
>Sad orchestral music continues to play
>NK a little away since theon managed to push him off
>Bran's eyes come back to normal
>he looks to Theon and puts his hands on the NK's sword
>Staring contest
>Bran reaches for the sword
>NK makes an "oh shit" face and runs towards bran
>sad orchestral music stops
>Bran takes the sword from theon
>The Ice glows and Melts and under it you can see steel, valyrion still
>Bran cuts NK in half as he gets close
>Zoom in on Bran revealing his eys are red
>Melisandre comes in, gets a scared look in her face and bows down
>People look wondering wtf is going on
>All the Dead die again
>Bran suddenly raises up from his chair, he can move now

I can think of a few ways that would have been more satisfying.

1. Jaime and Brienne 2v2 White Walkers and win with their valyrian steel swords, they have a reprieve, then night king appears. Jamie tries to catch NK's sword with his golden hand, golden hand explodes, then NK shatters Jamie's valyrian steel sword. NK smacks Jamie across the field, then proceeds to shatter Brienne's sword and kill her. Jamie's hand suddenly appears as fire and his eyes ignite as well, and he charges the night king from behind, sticks his flaming hand into NK and rips the dragonglass dagger out of his chest through his back. NK explodes into ice that mixes in with the remains of the swords that used to be Ice. Fucking pottery.

2. NK fights Jon and beats him, maiming him in some way. Just before the execution Arya appears and Omae wa mou shindeirus. Honestly it's so frustrating that Jon's had what, 4 seasons dedicated to trying to kill this guy and he doesn't even get a good crack at him.

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>thus the legend of Bran the BodyBuilder is written

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without changing too much because realistically it seemed like they were desperate to do this 'twist' and have arya deliver the blow.

Jaime/Brienne/whoever the fuck battles the White Walker bodyguards. Some cool battles happen, people get killed

Night King duels Jon/Theon to protect Bran.

Night King and White Walkers get the upperhand, all hope is lost. Arya comes in to save the day. They should also not try to make it a surprise but actually show a scene of her trying to get past the chaos.

There's nothing wrong with just playing it straight instead of subverting misdirection.

Jesus, fucking this

Those kikes going "muh subverting expectations" can shove this one up their ass

A reminder even her BF asked why Jon wasn't the one to take down the NK. Her own fucking BF, a filthy casual, knew better.

This would've been cool too. It's sad how internet autists can write better than the DnD kikes.

The best ending possible

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learn photoshop you fucking weeb loser

just like this

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Have sex, alt-right incel

I wish that were me.(the burger)

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you basically just copied my fucking idea moron

the niqqa in the ring looks like a gnome and dances like a WoW toon

"Bran, my son..."

>that retarded little run with a toy spear that Theon did before he got btfo'd

What a silly way to go out after 8 seasons.

I wanted to see Jon Snow kill Night King and I'm angry that didn't happen. But I've cooled off now.
I hope GURM's taking notes so he knows how not to end the books

It should have had EVERYONE die. And then the zombies starting fighting each other for the throne.

"What is dead...may it stay dead"

I fucking hated this shit tier episode. Are they really gonna let Cersei be the main villain, not Big Daddy Ice? All that setup for nothing? We don't know shit about the Ice dude, he should've won or at least gotten to King's Landing

>Why does everything have to subvert our expectations nowadays?
It's a meme, or a sad attempt to shut up all complains about media these days.
I expected a shit ending to the NK saga and shit happened, so they subverted my ass.

>Zoom in on Bran removing his face revealing Arya smirking
This would've been unironically amazing

what do you expect, even the writer hasn't finished this shit. they are pulling out their ass at this point.

it would have been retarded considering Bran has a fucking homing beacon on his arm so the night king knows where he is

That would mean she had to kill Bran. Which she would never do.
What she should have done is just hid in the tree above him.

This may seem obvious but why didn't the Dragon just EAT the knight king? He's probably a tasty morsel.

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Arthas story is million times better than GOT

I just want to see Jon become the NK so all of his whining was for nothing.

>dont make night king immune to dragonfire
>jon ends up 1v1'ing night king
>night king easily toying with him but jon doesnt give up
>daenerys lines up to blast nk with dragonfire but she cant do it without burning jon too
>she decides she has to do it anyways
>burns them both, nk dies and all the wights shatter
>everyones crying because jon is dead
>jon still standing there in the dying fire, unharmed, proving he is a targaryen

it makes 2 different people the "hero", while creating conflict because now everyone knows he has a claim to the throne

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Avengers Endgame was a masterpiece compared to this garbage

who are you?

Death Blossom

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Here I was 100% certain Arya would kill Cersei

nice anime, retard

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>NK kills Theon, starts to walk towards Bran
>Arya jumps to stab NK, but is stopped by him while being stomped into the ground
>Undead Dragon trying to kill John
>Jorah getting stomped, Dany about to get bopped
>a scream is heard from afar, still very loud and clear
>On the horizon, a knight starts to charge towards the castle, apparently alone
>Suddenly, the sword he carries erupts with fire
>the fire illuminates him and what appears to be at least a thousand heavily equipped knights

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I am glad the focus is going to be on humans vs humans. As in actual characters vs characters. Though the way this night king shit ended was really shit.

naw, Cersei kills everyone now

>be born paladin of royalty
>city gets attacked by scourge
>this city must be purged
>your allies condemn you for this and refuse to join with you
>purge the city
>suddenly triggered your allies didn't have your back
>join the scourge and kill all your allies, even the king your father, and become king of the scourge
Arthas was just a retard. The story was always shit weak compared to Thrall/Grom and Illidans story.

No one

Should have been a tag team fight with Theon. Arya getting sneaky is fine, but the show did Theon dirty. He deserved the killing blow.

>Illidan the cuckold

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uhhh. I think you might have missed about ten plot points there or just conveniently "forgot" them there in your attempt to make him seem retarded.

they totally ripped off my mans Ivan Oooze.

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I knew someone would point this out, you could resolve it somehow like says.
Aria using the faceless powers should've been more relevant, she never was a ninja or received training of sorts.

who got the better ending? Illidan who stopped Sargaras and was redeemed, or Arthas the cuck killed by a small paladin boi

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I was hoping to see a Jon vs NK sword fight on top of dragons, even though it sounds dumb it's still far better than what we got

Is this the incel version of how the Night King gets taken out?

These are honestly pretty terrible and read like the works of young/new writers.
What strikes me as so terrible about it is how cliche it is. It hits all the right beats, and that's the problem. The night king is freakishly strong. There would be no contest. There would be no "back and fourth". There also wouldn't be toying. He's not the "toying" type. He's mechanical. That's what makes him creepy. If he does anything stupid, it would be a trick. That shit on the ice last season and him getting killed by Arya could very well have been tricks.

Arya killing him works, she has the skill and is a ninja. Could've been a thrown dagger though.

Alternatively it could've been Sam with the crossbow while jon and some mainys try, pathetically, to go toe to toe with the white walker bodyguard.

she obviously is wearing his arm too brainlet

This should've been the ending, or something similar.
>muh unexpected ending
What a fucking scam this was. 6 years of a show for grown-ups, for it to end like a generic Disney movie. It's like watching the new Star Wars movies.

based and uchihapilled

>D&D said they came up with Arya killing NK three years ago

Isn't this MAJOR PLOT POINT supposed to be in GRRM's story outlines, why the fuck are D&D doing something so major.

Look at the bright side, if GRRM releases TWOW before he dies, and someone else compiles ADOS, we'll probably get a much better series 20-30 years from now, with LotR production value

absolutely unironically would have preferred this

We did see that. The night king fell off his dragon.

>living lose battle of winterfell
>retreat to the south
>NK army fucking up everything
>Survivors including Jon, Dany make it to KL with their dragons.
>Warn Cersei, NK is coming
>Cersei refuses to let survivors take refuge in KL thinking it is a trap
>winter comes to KL, NK army attacks golden company and lannister army
>Jon and Dany torn between helping their enemy Cersei after she didn't listen to them
>Decide to help her anyway
>Jon and Dany ride in on dragons for le epic dragon sky battle
>undead dragon and NK fucks them up
>Dany is hit by ice spike in the air or some shit and falls to ground
>Jon gives her mercy with his sword
>Pulls out flaming Lightbringer
>Cue epic NK vs Jon fight sequence with other various heroes around him fighting off NK generals/vanguard
>A few of the heroes die
>Looks like Jon is going to die
>Bran goes back in time to the moment the NK was created and does some children of the forest magic shit in the timeline that he saw from his visions and causes the NK to stumble
>Jon seizes his chance and slays NK
>zombies die
>living win but cost was high
>Jon de facto king, all other claimants dead
>Jon reluctant but sees it as his duty and common people want him
>Sansa allowed to be Queen in the north for feminism lip-service
>the end

>implying i play WoW
>implying anyone who made RoC and TFT the great games they were wrote for WoW
just stop user

Attached: cuckold_who.png (1280x720, 1.77M)

>tfw random guys on Yea Forums can make more moving stories than "professional" writers with an essentially infinite budget
the absolute fucking gigastate of the entertainment industry. fucking christ, what a shit show

btw, the way the Night King died is absolutely retarded, if Valyrian Steel can oneshot him, they could've just popped him with a Dragonglass arrow and be done with it. Fuck this shit, seriously

Attached: game-thrones-night-king-meme.jpg (720x432, 23K)

>Camera cuts to the night king
>night king starts smirking, dagger in him
>Arya looks confused
>Night king takes off mask to reveal shocked arya
>arya then takes off mask to reveal smirking night king


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jaime since you know being a kingslayer and all

What's this image from?

>arthas fucked jaina like a little slut
>tyrande never even let illidan kiss her feet

She should be the one.

Attached: loli.bear.jpg (720x480, 23K)

She should have been crushed like an insect

la goblina brutos asqueroso

Strap a wildfire bomb to Bran's chair and give him a bell that triggers it.

>Sorry but you're a 1000 years too early to fight me.
>Bran stand up

Attached: game-of-thrones-check-out-all-these-bran-stark-memes.jpg (618x412, 49K)

>bran left with only one working limb
I don't think even Arya is psycho enough to want to do that.

>who got the better ending?
Horde PC

imagine a loli running at you screaming with an axe


She's so fucking ugly. I'm glad she's dead so we don't have to see her anymore.

Breaking Bad got so insanely bad by the end.

>all these shit suggestions
Yea Forums makes D&D look like writer gods

Why would it be? In the end a random character could've arrowed him and it wouldn't make a difference. The whole deal about NK is what he does and why, not who kills him.

jamie running after him, characters dying around him as they're fighting off the dead. clips of characters saying "king slayer" playing as he approaches the night king, half dying. last clip is aerys screaming "king slayer". cuts back to jamie's sword through the night king. total silence as the night king's eyes fade before he bursts into ice.

*and no face

Dabid pls go

>Bran goes back in time
>Has sex with the night king when he is a young snowman
>Night king gets a vision of bran
>Night king was angry, he was just a happy snow man at first but is now an angry snow man
>Night king swears he will get revenge on mankind for this act
>nice going bran

I wouldn't have

>Grey Worm and Tormund die in the initial parts of the battle
>The people in the crypts are forced to flee from the rising dead and Tyrion uses Sansa's dragonglass dagger to save her after their moment together. She reveals that she know a way out of Winterfell via the crypts
>The White Walker LTs actually engage in the battle. Jaime kills one with the help of Pod who dies in the fight. Brienne kills one and is injured and pulled to safety by Jaime. Arya kills one to save The Hound during his PTSD breakdown. Jorah kills one protecting Dany but is mortally wounded in the process. Davos is saved by Beric who sacrifices himself here to kill a White Walker
>The survivors flee to the crypts where they meet up with Sansa, Tyrion and the others and leave Winterfell with them, the warriors in the group keep fighting off old dead Starks as they flee.
>Theon still kills lots of Wights and sacrifices himself to protect Bran. >Bran is warging into Viserion so that Jon and Rhaegal can knock the NK off of his mount by injuring Viserion. >Rhaegal is still injured though and forced to land.
>Daenerys is forced to kill the injured and undead Viserion with dragonfire from Drogon to keep it from killing Jon and Rhaegal
>Now on foot, Jon makes it to the Godswood as the Night King is killing Theon and about to kill Bran. He intercepts the NK's sword blow and the two have a fight. Jon is injured but Rhaegal swoops in despite his injuries and rains dragonfire on the NK while Dany arrives on Drogon
>Jon grabs Bran and carries him to Drogon and they escape as Rhaegal runs interference for them. It is implied the dragon dies but it is left unclear
>Dany, Jon and Bran meet up with the other survivors south of Winterfell where the crypts exit
>The survivors look on as Winterfell burns and, having lost, head south to regroup before the true final battle
>Cut to black for several seconds
>Scene changes to the Golden Company marching up the King's Road to face the injured heroes

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What's Jon's purpose now for the last 3 eps? To do some bickering with Dany over the successor to the throne? Zzzzzzzzzz

He better end up killing her or some shit. Wow what a letdown.

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The retarded thing was ending the whole NK thing in this episode. He should be the final boss, the entire series was building up to him from the beginning.
Here's how it goes:
>Battle for Winterfell = complete disaster
>Bran kidnapped by NK
> or he wargs into Ghost and rides off with his body, narrowly escaping NK
>Have NK's army expand south and reach King's landing
>Jamie arrives in King's landing
>"Cersei you have to help us."
>lol no
>throws him in jail.
>Jon, Dany arrive on Dragons
>Now you can have a battle b/t Cersei and the NK simultaneously
>Can still have Clegane Bowl
>Can still explain NK's motives
Something like this, I'm just pulling stuff out of my ass. At some point someone can break Jamie out of jail so he can battle the NK. There are a lot of possibilities if you follow this series of events.

>Tyrion uses Sansa's dragonglass dagger to save her

>in the crypt
>There's a few armed guards, instead of women, a dwarf and a bald eunuch
>They're fighting back the dead but losing
>Tyrion grabs a dragonglass axe and kolls a few
>His back against a wall, an arm comes blast out from behind and grabs him. Pinning him back
>He sees Sansa being cornered, she's got her dagger in her hand but looks afraid as they start to surround her.
>He takes the axe to his own hand, cutting it off to get away and head to her
>Echoes to when Jaime lost his arm
>Saves Sansa, actually does something useful instead of hiding
>Ends scene with him hurt and Sansa crying over him, it's unsure if he survives until next episode.

Attached: John_Picacio_Tyrion.jpg (250x333, 51K)

For what purpose?

Attached: wut.jpg (590x333, 33K)

>Has sex with the night king when he is a young snowman

>imagine a loli running at you screaming with an axe
That would be a first for me.

>brother fucks your dream girl for 10,000 years while your rotting in a prison
>try to impress her still even after he is freed

I would be confused to say the least

>Bran shouts "ZA WARUDO!"
>Omae wa mou shindeiru
>*NK explodes into ice*
>Finally I have become Game of Thrones™

Not all Targaryen are immune to fire, season 1 Jon burns his hand fighting the wight at Castle Black and Viserys died to hot melted gold too

you're fucking fooling yourself. The Night King does not have a consistent personality under D&D. He literally smirks in this very episode. How are these ideas any weaker than what we got?

How is that even a question

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He's a half-blood. Only half his body has fire immunity


>bran stands up
Stopped reading there

wtf i love stannis now

this is good, much better the what we have, could have made some important characters die too like Jamie

woah stop i can only get so hard

Its called joke my reddit friend.

Fuck dragons and Fuck white walkers


Yea Forums autists aren't their primary audience. It's all corporate market research trying to appeal to the capeshit normie audience and it works. When you realize the point is to get the most viewers possible not create the most compelling story it all makes sense.

I wonder what stand would brand get. Probably a remote controlled one that takes control of a living thing, allowing him to see through it (pretty much the power he has right now). The name it's a tricky one though. I can't think of any song, album or band from the 80s or 90s that would fit him.

Was that one first wight in the crypts Maester Luwin?

We don't know for sure how consistent it is. But yeah, I saw the smirk this episode. It made me laugh, but that could also symbolise something more to come.

Why are those ideas so terrible? They are generic comic book fight dynamic type shit.
>"there is a big fight against a big bad man and at first the hero tries hard but then starts to lose and the big bad man gets cocky and starts to toy with the hero but then the hero has to do a roll and then he takes the big bad man by surprise and the big bad man dies and the hero wins "
WOW, never saw that before in dragon ball z.

The night king getting pounced is a bit more believable than him losing in a straight fight to a bunch of tired regular humans. If that happened, it would've been pure piss.
The night king is HELLA strong.

what does it matter? - D&D

Scare normies

yeah user, you're right. It's just depressing to me to see artistic integrity sacrificed in the name of mass appeal. GoT season 2-3-4 was some of the best, most captivating television we may ever get and to see the state of the show now that it became as popular as The Avengers is just, in a word, depressing.

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>implying he didn't accounted for that
That's the reason he sent all the undead first, so his brolkers and him would be safe from that kind of danger.

have him hack all the main cast to bits then the last on standing kills him while also suffering a mortal wound
everyone dies but good guys win because humanity survives

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nice triples



This is the answer. The ending was unsatisfying because through the whole series every "villain" has their own reasons for doing what they do, they're heroes in their story, but the Night King is just a doomsday device with little to no explanation. The Children made him, but even then the wights kill the Children without hesitation so there's nothing left there apparently. We have no idea who the NK was, why he came back, why he was gone, what his goal was, or what he'd do if he won. There were two options, have the wights destroy everything and let death reign because everyone was too obsessed with thrones to deal with them until it was too late, or finally shed light on what the Night King's deal was. I guess there's still time to give us some information, but at this point it's a lot less interesting.


The problem with this and any other "too many mayor cast characters dies" scenario is that they still have to deal with Cersei at the south.

Give Ser Bronn 10 seconds and he'll impregnate the NK.

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Blast it with piss. Dragonglass piss.

The nightking unfurls his large ice penis and dany gasps and jon gets jealous and mad and cuts it off with his magic sword.


Okay, but him having this weakness is fucking retarded, he took dragon fire to the face and didn't even give a shit, yet gets one shotted by Valyrian Steel?

People would complain no matter what happened.

mad lad just likes to make modern art.

He truly is a villain.

>Jaime did literally nothing this episode
What the fuck has been the point of this entire series

i witnessed this comedy

Attached: witness me.jpg (870x790, 277K)

>everybody expects mains to die horribly
>everybody expects NK to "win"
>episode subverts expectations
>everybody bitches incessantly

Keep on truckin', you beautiful bastards.

>man with one hand
What did you expect him to do? Shouldn't even be still alive.

why was he immune to dragon fire?

Attached: 1551155763947.gif (815x815, 803K)

>BADASS BITCH Lyanna Mormont is being held back by 10 Unsullied as she screams for them to let her go so she can fight the Night King
>The Hound, visibly annoyed, grabs Lyanna by the throat and says, "You want a go at the Night King you little bitch?", pours wildfire down her throat, and tosses her at the Night King
>As the Night King catches her, the Hound grabs Beric Dondarrion's flaming sword and throws it through Lyanna's torso, spraying and igniting wildfire all over the Night King
>*camera pans out to everyone staring at the Hound in disgust as they know the twitter shit storm he has just opened*
>*camera focuses on a smiling Tormund, who being a primitive man, doesn't understand that modern societal nuance needs to come before the objective

Attached: tormund.jpg (320x240, 64K)

i hope cerci gets cancer and dies in a hospital bed then gets a state funeral with everyone attending and the last shot is dragon cunt putting a rose on her grave
"truly this was....a game of thrones"

the answer they gave in the bts post show was basically "why not"

>subverts expectations
Also known as shit tier writing, same as TLJ.

Theon gets animated as a wight but his loyalty to the starks outweigh his loyalty to the NK he stabs the NK with the blade arya dropped and vanishes into dust

a lesser night lord would have got melted. all of his ice bros that were shown throughout the seasons played zero role except walking behind him

The reason the first few seasons were good was because they were working off source material which Grrm wrote trying to make a fantasy lit masterpiece. When the book writing ran out D&D were lost and could do nothing but the literal corporate selling out shit because that's all they know how to do. If you ask normies they hated the first few seasons because there was "too many characters" and wayyy more political intrigue and subterfuge than action. Plus it had the magic elements /historical fantasy world building that normies don't really care about and you'd have to read to understand. The latest seasons either ignore all that or barely touch on it like some annoyance and their audience appeal is much wider now.

who cares normies like it

They should've just hire Jaqen to assassinate NK. Saves a lot of trouble.

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Three episode long running battle, defenders are slowly whittled down until the castle has to be evacuated by secret tunnels. Almost everyone is dead and the survivors agree that the weak should flee on the dragons to set up holding defenses at the neck. Everyone that can hold a sword volunteers to stay and get trapped in a creepy forest (that has always been a motif of the zombies) next to winterfell. Night King shows up to taunt and everyone decides to rush him through his army, almost everyone starts dying. As Anya and John Snow (and a few others) battle him, the Red Priest suddenly starts chanting before being skewered. Anya dies while injuring the Night King. Just as John is about to die, zombie Stannis comes in from the side with a flaming sword, crippling the night king enough that John instantly gets a headswing deathblow. Him and the few remaining survivors just get up and stand there, staring at Stannis as he turns to dust.

Attached: Stannis the Mannis.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Vamosman headbutts the night King to death with his dragonglass forehead

Attached: eu0vf3f.gif (320x240, 485K)

I agree. That said I don't blame them much because they didn't expect to get ahead of the books, and probably had no idea what to do. So just hit all the major beats, normies are happy, money is made, and go home.

my fucking sides

How did Arya launch herself up to jump so high and far?

he has won

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Based Hound, I knew he was the best character

I don't blame them either because they made a ton of money and they probably had HBO breathing done their necks to make the show more appealing and drive audience viewership to their other shows. That being said I'm still disappointed and pissed at that episode. Just have to wait on the release of book 6 which should be coming next year since the show is over and hope Grrm stays dedicated to writing a better ending. If it never comes out then fuck this series.

With brapforce.

typical lefty reddit nigger with no respect for a place's culture and traditions

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With a stick. While he slept.


melisandre should have raised beric one last time as ultra undead rhllor zombie with fiery eyes and shit and then he goes out and allahu akhbars the night kings liutenants, leaving the path open for arya/the hound to double team the NK.

that whole fucking sequence of beric and the hound teaming up to save arya and then barricading themselves in with mel who says the magic words to give arya confidence is just SCREAMING for a teamup moment where they each play a part.

They actually subverted expectations by killing the night king earlier on in the show. Did you honestly expect him to die?

Also, what makes you so certain he's even dead?

>So just hit all the major beats, normies are happy, money is made, and go home.

If that was the case they would've killed him off on the final episode. There's a lot of long episodes left to go. Why do you assume that nothing interesting will happen you braphogs?

You people care too much about "twitter shit storms".

John Snow manages to get past the Blue Dragon with the help of the Black Dragon, the one that escaped from the field with the undead on his back. Starts attacking the wraith at the entrance, kills one or two some of the undead fall to the ground because their commander wraith died. The Night king after killing Theon that still tries to defend Bran, sees John and orders the other undead to focus on John . Arya sees an opening with johns distraction and pulls Bran out of the way, goes for the NIght King. Stabs him but he doesn't die. All the undead feel pain and stagger over. Night King wounds Arya and she falls back taking Bran to safety.

John Snow starts killing more of the undead and Wraith that are to weak to fight back. He makes his way to the Night king that starts fighting John. He is still to powerful and all most kills John. At the last moment Daenerys arrives in the courtyard with the last dragon and after she gets a nod from John, makes the dragon shoot fire at them both. Daenerys is in tears but John is not dead he can withstand the fire and amazed for a second his eyes glowing fire red, he strikes the neck of the Night King with his sword taking off his head, and killing all the undead.

Attached: Psychicbattle.jpg (780x439, 67K)

Funny how
>subverting expectations
seems to be the go-to excuse for retarded shit tier writing

Jesus...You'd need to be pretty far gone in self-pity to make something like that.

I hope you're right.

"No, John. You are the Others."
and then john was a others

No. Yea Forums did edgy racist shit to be funny. It brought in newfag retards like you who thought racism was the point, not the means. Get the fuck off my website.

Bran more like Brap.

By spending more than one episode. Pacing is so shit. Was the last two episodes of reunion and jerking each other off doing fuck all really necessary? I can get by Arya killing the night king. It was just executed so poorly. At least have her disguised as a wight or literally anything other than yolo leaping 50 feet unnoticed by anyone. Master assassin my ass.

John isn't immune to fire, though. They already showed it earlier in the show in like Season 1 or 2.

This is decent.

Having Bran warg into Ayra

He just wanted to be a girl all along, i can't blame him.


Still think he should have warged into one of the dragons

Literally 11/10 kino

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>"This is what you get fags, you better like episode 9 or we will fuck another incel franchise next!".

It was just "cool" like everything in this fucking show now after the source material has run dry

>all the undead gone
>summons undead dragon

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Clearly the ice lord Night King should have died by the hands of the fire lord true Targaeryn, Aegon Snow. Would have been poetry. But instead it was shallow grrrl power anti-climax. All it took was a tiny girl to jump on his back. The end. Shit writing.

I've been rewatching, and haven't seen him come near fire except to throw it on a walker. I've never read the books though so you may be right regardless.

STRONK WYMANS HURR DURRRRRR. non stop feminist fantasy horseshit. 10 year old ugly girl is the savior.

how about no. get the fuck out of here. this show's been shit for years and this proves it.

>he will obviously kill cersei then himself
man can't wait for only Tyrion to live

I thought everything specifically NK related was fine until Theon's death. I thought for sure he would stab him in the thigh with dragon-glass or something and get the hot double KO.

You literal sperg. The show is not that complicated and you are giving them way too much credit. Nothing else interesting will happen. Maybe Tyrion will betray the Starks. Maybe Euron is a dragon tamer. Maybe the Night King is still alive and fucks everyone with his 10 foot ice rod next episode. It doesn't matter. No more important characters will die except for the bad ones. Jon and Dany sit on the Iron Throne together happily ever after and Dany is pregnant. Based Sansa is queen the north.

There is no deeper plot and hasn't been for a while now. This show is exactly that level of childish and a meme show and I actually feel bad for you not realizing this because I was you once.

Well it wasn't fire, but it was something too hot for him to touch. I can't remember what it was.

In season 1, Dany got in that fucking hot bath and didn't break a sweat, so I'm assuming there's an immunity to heat, not just the immunity to fire that's already been established.

>story happens the same
>dagger that the children used to make the white walkers falls to the ground after he dies
>it gets picked up
>with the army decimated they decide to use the dagger to make there own army of the dead
>100000 years later winter is comming again

With the force of millions of feminists holding up a launchpad for her

Where is Stannis, the one true King? I have come to bend the knee. When the Throne is usurped, the long night begins until balance is restored...
You... killed him?

>see this post every thread
>keep thinking this would be gay as fuck
>finish watching the episode
>wish it was gay as fuck
What the fuck is wrong with Dumb&Dumber?

It's that smile.

Oh and Dany's brother was killed by molten metal.

Maybe they don't have an immunity to fire and Dany is just special because she has dragons?

wtf thats actually fucking good

Have sex


>literally rewrite game lore and history because he was actually the good guy all along
bravo honestly surprised D&D didn't steal it it's that bad

Sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language, I'm trying my best. Looking up now synonyms for "other "

God Theon died like a tard. Wasn't even for any purpose. Didn't fit the character at all. It was so un-Theon and also pointless. The worst kind of writing that goes against character motivation and plot purpose. That was so pointless and meaningless. Just the absolute worst kind of writing imaginable.

B-BASED !!!!

>all the Night King wanted to do was to consult the Three Eyed Raven of where the one true king of Westeros was

Attached: 1442765966497.jpg (298x297, 20K)

>Why are those ideas so terrible? They are generic comic book fight dynamic type shit.

yes, and those things work. what kind of show do you think this is? it's always been comic book bs.

>song of ice and fire
>ice gone
>all that's left is the fire to put out
He is the Water, the Storm. Even looks like Jon, least in the books.
He will unleash the kraken, fuck Cersei's mutilated corpse, throw it off king's landing, piss on the throne, and put his thumb up Westeros's ass.

Attached: Euron.jpg (1920x1317, 625K)

Ironic racism is still racism

I would send out Mewtwo and command him to use Psychic.

Attached: m2.gif (498x326, 2.04M)

Yea Forums has been racist for longer than you've been on the internet bugman

>racism is edgy


Yeah you're right, and I don't think they ever really explain why. Maybe there's some deep lore shit about ancient Targaryen genes, but I'm not that deep into this to find out.

Yeah. For edgy, funny reasons. You don't belong here, stormnigger. You never have. You never will. Have sex.

You sound 12, please leave

I just did some quick research and GRRM has said, that Dany's immunity to fire was a one time thing due to blood magic thanks to her Dragons or some shit like that, and in book 5 she gets burned on something too, so it's not a permanent immunity.

I'm guessing in the show, she's got a permanent immunity, because they've shown her unharmed more than just the one time.

>He is the Water
Too bad nowhere in the title does it mention water, you fucking degenerate.

Euron's not gonna do shit except die a horrible death. Probably by Yara's hand of all fucking people

the very fact you think saying the word nigger is edgy is telling me that you're a plebbit cuck who comes from a place where you can get banned for that

>psychic versus ghost type

Attached: yeah ok.gif (350x335, 3M)

>load Barrett M82 sniper rifle with Valyrian steel-tipped bullets
>shoot him from two miles away like the CoD4 sniper mission

Attached: USMC_Sniper_M82.jpg (1853x1228, 751K)

It really should of been Jamie, Kingslayer, Night King. COME THE FUCK ON!

Psychic attacks aren't ineffective against ghost types.

This. Why is Yea Forums more talented than dabid ?

Reminder that Meera killed a white walker, but Jaime never even got to fight one, whereas Lyanna Mormont got to kill a giant. And Arya genocided the white walkers.

So Yea Forums, when did you realise that they've stopped bothering with interesting intrigue in favour of appealing to the faggots who all watch GoT at a bar where they can't hear shit, so all they can enjoy is big action-packed plays with zero weight?
I've been sitting on it for a while, and it sucks. Game of Thrones could've been the adult-oriented LotR, but here it lies, buried by bar faggots.

Attached: gameoffucked.jpg (1200x1060, 119K)

Except he calls himself the Storm, and they're the fucking greyjoys, they're all about the sea. Learn to fully read and comprehend you fucktard.
He's been around the world and full of mystery. Unlike that batshit blonde.

>Have him invade in like Season 5
>He beats a coalition of armies and spread havoc
>Kills Jon 1v1
>His army gets spread out too thinly across Westeros and he has to retreat north after a series of defeats
>By this point he's not as big of a threat, but the entire continent is in ruins
>Daenerys goes to kill him with her two dragons
>A dragon breaths fire at him, but the undead one jumps in the way of it to protect the night king
>Night King & Undead Dragon vs Two Living Dragons duel commences
>Night King wins
>Charges at Danny
>She uses an explosive to try and allah snackbar him
>She's ded but he's still alive twitching on the ground
>One of the living dragons that was fighting the (now two) undead ones goes in for the final kill, before the other two dragons take him out
>Season 8 is post-apocalypse-tier
>One of Cersei's generals pulls off a coup and fucking wins it all

Stormniggers have been here ever since /new/ same with commie fags but you only ever see the commies or niggers such as yourself trying to limit other posters' speech.

I would have had Jon defeat him in a sword fight
Based and Whitepilled

Don't forget the Coriolis effect

this is a 10/10 in England and pedos

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I would have had Rh’llor fight him through Melisandre and her fire powers


does her face really defound like that?

woah I actually like it

But it wasn't even shit. The build up was good and the character dynamics were interesting. That's why you braphounds have been watching this shit. Because you're engaged.

As for what will happen? Honestly, I'd quite admire the show if it took an easier path for the last few episodes. Instead of explosive action it actually showed an unwinding of the war machine, civilisation advancing a little bit, characters settling in to their new lives. I don't know if I've ever seen a movie or series end like that, where the big finale is at the start.
Well, there's a few more episodes and they are pretty big. This was the big one.
I'm not that bothered if it turns out to be shit.
I thought it was shit at first an then got interested when the zombies showed up. I gave up on mainstream media a long time ago so now I just show up shit post.
Hardhome and this episode were genuinely quite tense and entertaining and as far as the mary sue thing went? I was surprised that it wasn't shit. Dany looked vulnerable. All the women did. All the characters looked vulnerable and if you've noticed, nobody ever complains about Milesandre ever who'#s been consistently good throughout the show which is why she is waifu#1.

This episode could have been a full on turd. It was actually ok. Still puzzled by the dothraki part though.

God no, it would’ve been fuckign terrible

I would have the whole episode exactly the same but with just 10 extra seconds of footage where Lyanna Mormont shambles to the front of that circle of the dead in the Godwood and runs in to stab the Night King because Arya is wearing her face, because she actually DID die. Would have been way better. 10 seconds of footage. Or Gilly's face, or any other smallish woman's.

>Night King stops Arya
>suddenly Jon falls from the sky and hits Night King
>shot to show Bran warging so normalfags realize that he's controlling Vyserion
>Night King overpowers Jon and raises his sword
>gets hit with a spear in his stomach
>camera reveals Jaime, Brienne, and Melissandre charging into battle with horses
>Jaime and Brienne start fighting the white walkers
>Melissande lits the spear that's still piercing Night King
>he tries to recover and fight Jon and Arya at the same time
>Theon pierces his hearth from the ground
>everybody watch how Night King dies
>Melissandre says "guess the Azor Ahai was the friends we made along the way"

>Walk right up to him and throw my valyrian steel dagger
>It misses
> He picks it up and says goodbye to me as he throws it at my head
>I catch it and quickly throw back it at his heart
>He dies
>Its all in the reflexes
>Get in my truck and leave

here's my theory for how Game of Thrones ends and how the Great War ends
this is my theory guys
>okay so we gotta have a big battle ok?
>protagonists make this epic masterplan of luring Night King to Bran because Night King wants to beat the crap out of Bran because Bran is a human library, ok?
>ok so now Melisandre comes, do you follow?
>anyway, Melisandre comes and she L I T T E R A L L Y makes the Dothraki kharaks go aflame, like they start burning into the night
>ok now Dothraki are pumped, you know
>they're Dothraki, so they just charge at the enemies, because they. are. Dothraki.
>and they're OMEGA strong on the open fields
>ok now so look, hear me out, stick with me, now Dothraki all DIE, because this is a twist and will be something people do not expect
>now the undead charge, but the protagonists are - wait for it - waiting outside, meeting a 10 times bigger army on an open field
>wait, hold on, guys, this is great and very, VERY heroic
>things don't go according to plan, they run away and hide in Winterfell
>ok now they fight on Winterfell walls and nothing happens while we follow Arya and Jon and Dany and our heroes
>Arya - hear me out, I'm serious here - almost dies, but meets Melisandre and REALIZES that the blue eyes she was supposed to shut were the eyes of the NIGHT KING!
>ok now, look, I mean, uh, this is awesome!
>meanwhile Dany and Jon, Ice and Fire, fly around and do nothing, especially Jon who needs to take a rest on the walls
>ok now, time passes, nothing happens, action scenes right, they're cool so cmon
>Night King makes his way to Bran, and Theon sacrifices himself
>sad piano song for 10 minutes!!!!!!!! (how cool is that, literally Golden Age Hollywood tier storytelling!)
>remember how Theon betrayed Bran in the past? THIS IS POETRY, THIS IS REDEMPTION
>now Night King wants to put and end to Bran and Night King is >:( angry!
>but WAIT, Arya sneaks through all NK's commanders and wights and kills HIM!!!!
this would be great!

>Jaimie kills cersai.

What was the reason he had to kill Bran himself when he still had hundreds of walking deads and dead bodies he could revive again?

I don't really watch GOT anymore
they already killed this guy? isn't it only like half through the season? lmao

the moment the night king died i turned it off, i feel robbed. 7 seasons of buildup to get stabed by arya who just jumps off camera

Wait...he's dead already?
Thats rather...anti climax.

by fucking arya on top of it? HAHAHAHA
I'm so glad I stopped

They trick the NK into a pit they dug and bury him alive

Not really, it was closer to dark knight level capeshit in that it was plausible and numbers mattered.

I thought hardhome was a really good episode because you saw how the undead were relentless. Even getting shot in the head didn't stop them. That was cool because, how do you actually fight shit like that? Running zombies with weapons. How are you going to get the fags beyond the wall to even stop fighting to deal with this shit? It was pretty cool. Jon also got smacked about and seemed surprised when he won against that white walker.

That wasn't full on cape shit.

looks like one of those zombies from i am legend

Damn, they really took notes from Rian for this one. Straight-up Snoke'd him.
>he wasn't really important and he died like a bitch
>the end

Explain how Jon just kills the dragon after being as exhausted as he was.

pssst, nobody cares about racism anymore.
As soon as liberals started bashing Whites and talking about representation, anti-racism ceased to be a factor in politics.

>final battle of humanity vs the dead
>Bran is warged into the past, being protected by Jaime and Brienne
>white walker stabs Brienne with her own sword, she lays on the ground dying
>cut to young Jaime kneeling, with Aerys Targaryean saying "In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave..."
>Jaime kills the WW, and after a brief moment of grief, draws the sword from Brienne, now aflame
>cut to Aerys: "Do you swear to defend the innocent and the helpless, in the name of the Seven?"
>Jaime looks at Oathkeeper, then sees the Night King appearing
>young Jaime: "I swear it"
>Night King stares at Bran, his ultimate target
>Jaime steps in between them, chuckling to himself
>"Do you know what they call me?"
>as Azor Ahai walks toward the Night King, all that can be heard is a cacophony of voices from past seasons cursing:
>"Kingslayer.. Kingslayer! KINGSLAYER!"

Attached: 1556010416008.png (391x551, 219K)

When the NK walks up to Bran he steps on a switch that activates a log trap that knocks him out, temporarily knocking out all the zombies as well.

Attached: ed3.png (968x544, 555K)


>the episode ends as the Ice and fire sword clash
>Rains of Castamere for credits but more heroic or desperate

so fucking gay
would still be better than what we got

*ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding*
>drops ice pick

Attached: skinnen.png (564x704, 213K)

