How do you call that body type?
I laughed when that giant punched her out of the way.
Cute and funny
I am embarrassed to ever been asoiaf fan, now I will be forever associated with this shit
webm or gtfo
The episode was a dumpster fire. They should've just killed everyone else and let angry bear cunny finish out the last 3 episodes berating and bossing people around. It'd be infinitely more enjoyable than whatever they have planned.
Damn Danny DeVito looks like that?
she should be dead from that
Does her character exist in the books?
Out of all the character deaths, hers moved me the most. And when she got resurrected too.
She was the best part of the episode.
Better than nothing personnel goblin girl
remember that scene in the show where stannis gets a letter from her saying no? that's it, she hasn't appeared in person
I don't really remember. If she was she wasn't elevated to meme status.
>Watching a Yea Forums show in 2019
I'm asking about the book
At least she lost her virginity last episode before she got wighted.
I like women so this shit doesn't bother me
>How do you call that body type?
Late bloomer.
i was so happy he crushed her to death. i hated her character as she was annoying and for whatever reason pushed to be all of a sudden important. i also wonder how many good people died trying to protect a 10 year old child in battle. like it angered me to know end seeing good people die to save cry baby obese sam's life.
All she needed was some dick
a boy for homosexual pedos
She's not dead though.
>6'1" vs 5'11"
Fuck you that was awesome. Best death.
she was turned into a zombie and then the zombie king was killed. That's pretty dead.
She made a funny squeal in that scene too. It's a shame WebMs have no sound.
that's what i meant, that scene with stannis is in the books, nothing else with her character is
>turns into a zombie
>dies again
but apparently not dead?
>Lolis in armor
Look up the episode credits you goose, her character isn't done yet.
fuck how I wish that were me
C) perfectly tite
What is dead may never die
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die
We saw her die, idiot. Rewatch when Night King was resurrecting people.
She is dead though.
If you see frame by frame she is just shoved by hand, and was left injured with prolly all the ribcage broken
she was rezzed with blue eyes you fucking dipshit
>She is dead though
She died a virgin, at least I think.
Different girl, this one didn't get fucked.
She was rezzed on screen with blue eyes, and in the making-of video they EXPLICITLY REFERRED TO IT AS HER DEATH AND THE END OF THE CHARACTER.
I haven’t seen the episode yet. Is it true?
footnote character mentioned like two or three times to add-up to the scene/atmosphere, though in the books she's an adult and is quite pretty and wears armour and fights like a man.
fute and cunny
Webms do have sound just not on Yea Forums
what the hell
what's wrong with that girls face?
user, I
Maybe you mean her older sisters. Lyanna is the youngest and rules Bear Island. Her mother, Maige and older sisters fought and died with Robb. one of them Alasayne was part of his kingsguard.
Looks like fetal alcohol syndrome lmao
that was a backhand, not a punch. dumb idiot
fuck so did i.
Why the fuck does she just stand there? Why is she the only one targeted?
With Jorah & Lyanna dead, who will succeed the Mormont line?
>With Jorah & Lyanna dead, who will succeed the Mormont line?
You will never hear of Bear Island ever again. Just like Dorne, the Stormlands, the Reach and the Dreadfort. The characters are dead, so their lands don't exist anymore. This is the D&D way.
White girl
>tfw you'll never be ordered around by a 12 year old girl to kill all the enemies of her house
A child
As a corpse idiot, like Tywin
>Born in 2004
>15 years old
Mormont line is dead. They join the list of dead family names.
>last member of house Mormont
>let's throw her in front of a fucking giant!
bug people
this is fuckin awful
>Are you an ugly female like all the other fans of this show? Well guess what! You can defeat the big bad white male!
she runs like a goblin from LotR
Imagine considering this show good
same here
so powerful
so brave
how embarrassing
I don't understand the point of a scene like this. It makes no sense in the context of her character, or in the context of someone her age/sex, or in the context of her position, or in the context of physical reality. It's like they were just looking for a "cool" way to kill her off.
I liked her as a character but this is just silly
So does this make Mormont yet another extinct northern house?
it's like the people of America vs Trump
based and cunnypilled
>t. SEETHING incel
not that I'm defending this garbage
GoT always had shit writing and was moving towards a bullshit ending
and if you couldn't tell this was the case since the second season (at the latest) you are a naive brainlet and a sheep
He meant Dacey, no? She was indeed a beauty, and sadly died at the Red wedding. On top of that one of the Freys refused to dance with her right before everything started ;_;
so stupid
>It's like they were just looking for a "cool" way to kill her off.
No, they were looking for a good way to do the YAASS QUEEN SLAYY meme. Not only was this girl prancing around in battle, ordering grown men what to do, but now she is a giant slayer and fought bravely, doing more than even Jon Snow did.
This is what the white inbreeding of tiny islands does to you
Why does she run like that?
I thought we were gonna see her head get bitten off
broken leg maybe? I mean she did just get punted
maybe her leg hurts
itt faggots throwing shade on bear loli
*teleports into the thread*
Was Bran Stark controlling her with his mind? Why else was Bran just sitting there in a trance?
Lady Mormont got exactly what she deserved. To be the David versus Goliath, and crushed to death. She was extremely cute and totally well done. That little tomboy wouldnt have accepted to go into the crypts no matter what anybody says, and her tummy was very tight.
>dead giant uses a weapon
>live one uses bare hands
why do they keep doing this?
Why did the zombie brought her so conveniently close to his eye that she could reach it, instead of just stomping or crushing her with his log weapon thing like he was doing not 2 seconds before?
Because Normies won't bother anyways and celebrate the epic giant slayer.
because their hands are enough? a weapon just adds range. wun wun did use a tree before to swing at wights.
Why do you expect an undead giant to take the safest, most logical course of action. It's mindless, it was probably going to bite her head off
user was clearly talking about when she got slapped out of the way, before being crushed to death. upgrade your reading comprehension you morons.
>White Power sign
someone explain ?
they are much, much more deadly with a weapon you retard. Just cause they can take on a man without a weapon doesn't mean a weapon won't make them much, much stronger
>>White Power sign
That's an "OK" symbol. Power White doesn't quite work.
The undead aren't completely thoughtless. By extinguishing the flames they showed more thought than most of the good guys.
>lvl 1 iron dagger
>iron shield
Based and redpilled.
just deny ever having read it and proclaim yourself a Malazan connoisseur till they make it for television and poz it
You utter spastic, Yea Forums repuposed the "ok" sign as a white power sign for the lulz kys
Sex have.
So how does the Night King die in the books?
Okay I don't watch this show...Why does every single actor in it look inbred? And why does every big baddie get killed by a girl?
they were controlled by the night king. it wasnt their decision to put out the flames
>It's like they were just looking for a "cool" way to kill her off.
The concept of "cool" in a woman's mind is usually very cringy for men. Whenever a girl is trying to act "cool" and "badass" in a movie or any media the whole scene just feels forced and lacks logic.
Poor Dacey, opened the doors to escape and got fucking axed in the gut
Actually, in the behind the scenes portion, they say they just loved the actress, so they kept her. And wanted to have the smallest and strongest character, kill the biggest and strongest creature.
So yeah, they basically did it because it was "cool"
What is this cancer.
user, you're confusing characters written by men, with real girls.
One of the Star Wars games
her death would have probably been more poignant if the scene happened the way it did up until she staggered towards the giant, she should have just been swatted aside at that point.the way she staggered was quite disturbing and would have been good enough.
I have no problem with this because she's cute desu
I don't know who was the writer for last night's episode but most of the cringy stronk wahmen characters are written by women nowadays.
keep choking on that soi
OK fag
>grown men watching a W network show
>female children should be fight in battles
>said no one ever in the entire human history, let alone it's myths, fantasy tales or literature
that level of retardedness was unprecedented
Men want to prove themselves to be worthy, while women just want to crush those who are bellow them.
When you think about that, it makes a lot of sense. Especially when you take into consideration the omega incels who tend to act like women themselves.
David and Dan wrote the episode. They're the writers of the next 3 episodes too. The episode before this was written by another man. The episode before that was written by yet another man. In fact, I'm pretty sure the show only has male writers. So if you want to blame anyone for all the female empowerment, blame men.
The person who made this retarded pictur ein Paint not once looked at the filename and realized that the person who posted it is most definitely just some troll who found it somewhere else?
Is this the real joke? How retarded person must be who made that pic and scrounged together all the laughing shit faces?
Not a single man did anything remotely positive in this episode (on top of that they all died) and every position of power is occupied by a woman, if this is not female power fantasy then I don't know what else is
I didn't read the books, but as far as I've read wikis, it hasn't happened yet. This season and the previous one aren't written yet.
A while back they waterboarded GRRM to tell them how it ends, so he gave them a rought draft on what he plans to write. They were afraid he'd die before they milk the series, because he's old as fuck, it takes him a 100 fucking years to write a book and he has 1 more after this upcoming one.
I'm now wondering if the madman actually gave them some made up story parts, so he'd see the peoples reaction. Now that he knows Arya killing the Night king seems like shit, he'll do something else. This way he sidesteps the SJWs because it already happened in the movies, and then writes a good ending for book readers.
Also seems like the show writers are absolute cucks. Ever since they're on their own, there's no notable deaths. It makes it so boring, it's basically like any other generic movie. Plot armor so thick, I'm surprised the loli didn't stab the giants eye, then backflipped out of his hand and headshot the night king.
Malazan is never getting adapted kek.
That one actually isn't bad. It's from star wars old republic game.
She's the sith emperor's daughter, she also has two brothers who are strong.
>while women just want to crush those who are bellow them
You meant crush girls who aren't fat and ugly as themselves?
bitchy beta males as well.
>hating pedophiles
u wot
it's trendy among retards to jump on the pedo-hate bandwagon
>ywn never giant fuck her and keep in pocket as onahole
Night King stopped microing it after it smashed the gate and left its AI on auto-attack.
You're a faggot if you wouldn't fuck that. Look at those little titties.
she could have literally just touched his hand with her axe and he would have died because dragonglass kills on impact
she could have thrown her axe at him from where she was standing and killed him
lol hit the zombie in his big glowing eye you were making this out to be the peak of tv nigga...what's the legend of zelda boss fight LOL
>gets asked a BRAP question
This whole episode in 10 seconds:
why did they make her death so funny
*muffled Brienne UUAAAGGHHH in the background*
That's how a super athlete runs. See women are actually stronger and faster than men, but they're raised wearing dresses which curbs their development so they never make the NHL, NFL or MLB even though their genetics and morphology are not only the exact same but better.
Homosexuals and Pedophiles are the same thing.
Your autism is showing user.
she's a hag?
Sekiro UI would be better
rip my last reason to watch this show. I will miss her and her adorable little suit of armour.
goodbye my little lord ; ;
That's not actually her death.
She gets her chest crushed as she takes one last stab at the giant's eye and kills it
what is wrong with that big ol bitch like shut up. This is why women aren't knights it's embarrassing and off putting when you scream like a stuck pig everytime you swing your sword.
Gonna stick with anime from now on.
"Huge thank you to the writers of #GOT for making little Arya Stark the biggest baddass EVER!!! Women can do ANYTHING - they can even single-handedly kill the f*cking night king! Hell Yeah!!!!!"
It would have been 100 times better if Arya stabbed the night king while Theon was distracting him BUT NOOOOOOO, had to give that cunt all the credit.
We all knew this predictable cringe YAS QUEEN shit was going to be posted.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
god I wish she'd charge me
she reminds me of kmau a little
If you put your dick in her hand she just has to fiddle with it....
>So yeah, they basically did it because it was "cool"
honestly i don't see what's wrong with this. the show has been a fantasy soap opera with "cool" gotcha moments for normies for nearly its entire existence.
Arya is my favorite character and this shit still bothers me because it's awful writing.
this right here is the optimal amount of development. I wish girls would just freeze at this point
Because she's English.
There. Is. No. Night. King. In. The. Books.
>what's wrong with that girls face?
she's british
>"Why are you even talking about things? Just be silent and awkward like I am, a nice little fagglet."
Cursed image never talk to me or my wife's son ever again.
*jews/jewish descendants
>Yea Forums hating a cute little girl
what bizarro world did I step into?
thank you for that, I laughed very hard
>the Stormlands
so empowering
>cute little girl
she's not cute
in any way, this scene looks stupid as fuck
i'm a cunnyseur and have certified her cute
What the fuck
>Just be silent and awkward
nice projection, incel.
How does the "kill on impact" work? Does it have to pierce them or something.
Because if not they should have smashed a bunch of dragonglass into tiny shards and just sprinkled it over the army of the dead
More like why are you even complaining about this particular bit of bad writing out of all the rest of the bad writing on this normie soap opera.
god I wish she were my niece/ gf
>We never got to see her lose her virginity
its retarded
Little loli bear > Araya NK scene
We got to see her get fucked through
she's a pure cunny for eternity now
*tap tap*
*tap tap*
*tap tap*
*sips Frappuccino and/or Bobba tea while doing jazz fingers*
Reminder that this is the demographic.
I was disappointed when she came back as a zombie and didnt have a fight with jorah. Wasted opportunity
Yeah man gurl power.
>Loli Mormont kills the Giant
Based and redpilled
>Arya kills the Night King
Cringe and bluepilled
How the fuck is that girl 15? All the girls where I live look 20 by the time they hit 14
most of them are brits
>let me just stare at this thing that tried to kill me and that I'm going to eat
I know you're going to brush aside any plot hole with "the zombies are dumb", but at a certain point you have to admit the writing is shit.
Is there a TV show character stronger than Arya Uchiha?
Keep in mind, I'm talking about Faceless Man Arya Uchiha with the Blood of The First Men, the Greensight, a perfect Valyrian Steel blade and the ability to move silently and change her face at will.
I get that you're under no obligation to know physics, but guess what increasing the range of a swing is. Why do you think the police use batons instead of just swinging their arms?
user, stop. This is for your own good.
>rushing your light cavalry against an unknown enemy
>putting your siege equipment in front of your army not at the back so you can shoot all the time
>not using your archers all the times, just watch the enemy as they are standing before your walls when they lit the trenches
Were they fucking retarded?
How is 2013-04-12 a filename that makes it definite that he didn't take the picture?
>Only one giant wight
Where were all the other ones?
Kill pedos when?
She’s 16 IRL
>implying it's a bad thing
I can't see shit.
what is this an onomatopoeia of
Too old
Exploitable. Brb
You can just stop liking it and move on. It's not hard you know. Jesus.
I hope she gets lots of tummy rubs in heaven
D&D are the biggest fucking cunt hacks in the history of television. Imagine getting the rights to potentially the greatest tv show in history just because you pilpuled in an interview and guessed that Lyanna was Jon’s mother which is the most basic bitch ass foreshadowed theory in history and then doing well SOLELY because you had a huge budget and an excellent script to draw from, then get all the credit because the show is widely praised then completely shit the bed when you can’t rely on someone else.
He was like "can you believe this shit?"
What did they mean by this?
Top kek
Why is that girl blocking the symbol for economic prosperity?
The "soap opera" used to have better writing. Previously, the characters would be deserving of care, due to their great characterization. And they die in a way that was shocking, but also consistent with the world's logic. Now, it's nothing like that.
>Women can do ANYTHING
Yeah, such as being the gender with most porn stars in.
"It's a trap"
but isn't that just a good thing?
I remember a hilarious post a few days ago about what an user wished would happen to her for thinking little girls have any place on a battlefied and this webm is even better than that what he described
I'm trying to figure it out too. it's defined in the urban dictionary as thot laguther. But I can't find any examples. I think it might be that snicker some people do when they're trying to contain their laughter.
Imagine being this retarded. The Night King is literally playing a real time strategy game. If you notice in the beginning while he was leaving the horde on auto-attack they were just retardedly jumping into the flames until he made them stop and wait.
Godspeed user
That scene is actually cool. I don't disagree but you picked the absolute worst example. It's Star Wars, some people are strong in the force. Notice how she's not beating those guards physically? You conveniently cut out the 10 seconds before this when she kept getting her ass beaten by them when trying to attack with that stick because shes a little girl.
in the incel is strong in them...
She is 15. Many places 14, 15 or 16 is legal not everyone is in retardistan.
>many places
Most places
Yeah it's cool in your head...
I remembered that too and legit laughed out loud
But then she stabbed the giant in the eye
i can't wait til this wave of absurd feminism is over and we can go back to having cool tv shows and not have everything beat you over the head with it's grrrrl powah and muh diversity.
this episode could not be more 2019.
>mfw brainwashed NPCs still think 14 year olds never seek sexual gratification from other people
>mfw brainwashed NPCs keep spewing the (((mainstream media))) propaganda without questioning it
>mfw brainwashed NPCs fail to realize they're using the exact same shaming techniques women use to control people they don't like
Because women yearn for chaos and anarchy so they can whore themselves out and kill babies, order on the other hand will put them in the kitchen rising a family and being happy.
Why is it always Lucas?
Jorah called her a retard but she told him to shut his cis white Male mouth.
We'll never know. Fat fuck will die of heart attack before he finishes the series.
>this is what 6'11" manlets actually believe
Yeah, it's my opinion. I gave reasons why yours was shit. How low IQ are you?
Same when I made that post I was still watching the episode. I'm more pissed off that Arya just killed the nk
they do things like that in every single action movie
That should have been her death. And it would fit the tone of ASOIAF. But no, we gotta have her slay the giant.
prepubescent boy
Why do Turks pretend they are not the most child-marrying pedos of all?
Yup. Apparently the Last Hearth is the only other northern castle in existence.
Malazan is dogshit and full of girl power feminist shit
I was hoping for a comical death like the giant just bats the fuck out of her it cuts to the gods woods and we see her land need theon
Underage girl. You pervert.
the only one who thought she should be there was her
and since she was in charge, that's what happened
she died like a mormont
fuck you retards
did Arya really kill the night king of is she confused?
Yeah, with this exact same move.
so glad she's dead
yeah Arya killed the Night King
Just admit you faggots would never be happy unless some retarded fanfic shit happened like Stannis coming back from the dead to kill the NK.
Imagine being so miserable that you literally can't enjoy anything ever. Just imagine.
At least in Far Cry 3 they were both really fucking high
These type of people should be killed.
Imagine being so miserable that you literally can't enjoy ripping into a corporate product made to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Just imagine
>shoves the named character away
>completely obliterates the nameless characters
I hate plot armor so much.
Her getting gibbed instantly made me sad and laugh at the same time. One of her soldiers should've prevented her from joining the fight
I already do that in MCU threads fagboy
Pretty cute for having fetal alcohol syndrome.
Yup. Considering how insane the writing has been I fully expect the Northern kingdoms to switch over to being a republic in the final episodes and noble houses not really mattering anymore.
So, you mean women in general?
That's how they speak, worlds devoid of logic. Like a vegan telling someone to kill themselves for eating meat.
Then why are you getting assblasted when people do it to GoT? It's made to appeal to the same audience, just under the pretense that it's only for adults
But retarded fanfic shit has already happened.
Speaking of Wolves. I assume Ghost was killed by the wall of death sense we dont see him running back?
It was an absolute cringefest, I'm surprised they didn't recruit more little girls though seeing how OP they are.
Remember when this show would punished brave but dumb characters?
Imagine being this pleb
>Jon survived
>Brianne survived
>Jaime survived
>Tormund survived
>fucking Sam survived
The only way ghost might have died was if D&D just got really tired of people asking for him instead of having their minds blown by dragons so they killed him off
She's a pretty impressive, acting-wise, for her age. Definitely one of the better young actresses on GoT.
she plays an ordinary young girl in the Worst Witch - seems she can portray radically different characters very well.
Girls are not dumb user, just look at Salsa. SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD because she got raped I guess who knows everyone just nods respectfully towards each other
well she was crushed to death wtf do you want
she literally died screaming in pain
Arya killing the NK was Shit and Dumb, but this one takes the cake for shittiest part of the episode. So dumb.
GoT was known for subverting the young noble hero wins the day trope. Ned, Quentin, Oberynn, all died punished by their heroic but dumb actions.
Here's how the show handled "facing a giant" in the past
Whatever helps them feel better about trannies beating them at everything they're good at.
They're gonna sing songs in her name "MORMONT THE GIANT SLAYER"
But you dont see him again after the charge
Fucking retards
>single handedly
>GoT was known for subverting the young noble hero wins the day trope. Ned, Quentin, Oberynn, all died punished by their heroic but dumb actions.
that's the books this is the show. quentyn doesn't exist. oberyn was not being heroic, he was practically showboating when trying to make gregor confess. ned is your only valid parallel.
that was a living giant and not an undead giant. one was killed with magic fucking weapons and animated by magic. holy shit you are so dumb and blinded by your cringey incel rage that you ignore what makes these things dissimilar just so you can try to use it to support your ignorant opinion. cringe
You barely saw him in the last 3 seasons but he was still tehnically there
you don't need to remind me the books are infinitelly better and the writting in the show is shit, i already know that
Females can only be punished with rape user, it's the only thing they fear
worlds works too, something is wrong with this timeline. someone has either been slipping me crazy pills or i've died a while back and now inhabit a containment simulation that operates at low priority. yes, like that fucking cartoon. i think that was a tip off. i'm definitely dead and am in simulation hell.
we gonna have a little talk you and i
the FtM
they literally say after the episode that they wanted to give one of the "small characters" a cool death
you wish
what titties
14yr old in armor
>Alex E Cunny
>Sex abuse attorney
it's the clown world timeline
why are her eyes so close
If this is real someone legit googled c*nny kek
It's called Justice and Beauty.
be honest bros... if you were the giant here.... wyd?
Time to vore
It's real
HAHAHHAAHHAHA, jesus christ
Man even my radeon card renders better than that shit