How many little girls will be killed by Hollywood propaganda?

How many little girls will be killed by Hollywood propaganda?

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Fewer than are killed by bombs.

This is why I ain't getting into any kind of armed forces
awww hell naw

Holy shit lmao, basic training is literally NOTHING compared to walking around in 120 degrees with almost 100 pounds of equipment on your back.

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t. watched Generation Kill and would've totally killed like 3 iraqi's

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>died in navy bootcamp

Looks like they died during the fitness test. When I went to RTC I remember some asian kid died because he drank a shit ton of energy drinks (I guess he snuck them back from the NEX) right before the fitness test and his heart gave out. Kinda retarded that they sell those to recruits.

Not enough unfortunately.

They don't. You arent allowed to have caffeine while at rtc

How in the Fuck? All you got to do is run 1 AND A HaLF!!!

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Iirc both died due to some unknown medical condition that wasn't caught at MEPS.

This would have to be it. I refuse to believe there wasn't an outside factor.

Dog bless

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They're just roasties. Their rancid beef flaps got infected and sloughed off.

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Well that was the scuttlebutt in our division at least. I remember seeing energy drinks at the NEX when we went for phone calls. I just found the story though and it doesn't make any mention of energy drinks so it was probably just his heart condition. You would think they would do a better job of screening for those types of things.

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What I want to know is that why do feminists think that "empowerment" = taking on male roles and acting masculine? Are they subconsciously admitting that women are inferior?

ave maria purisima...

Military fitness tests are basic shit even 300 pound mother fuckers can do with a month of PT. Why do you think the military is full of fat fucks?

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Holy shit you're a boot

It would be completely impractical (if not impossible) to test for ever single disease for every single recruit. These heart conditions are genetic and the recruits more than likely knew they had it (or had the possibility of having it) yet didn't disclose it then died. That's why it's important to know your medical history

yeah, why can't women invent their own shit and be good at it.

see this is why the Russians keep getting bolder and bolder

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This big ol porking shitskin shouldn't be allowed any where near a gun.

They already have their own thing, it's called motherhood. Stick to that, stupid fucking bitch.

Because the military doesn't care who it puts in the grinder.

You mean STDs, by getting fucked by every guy at bootcamp?

American white men hahahaahaha

Fuck the Military Industrial Complex and fuck the American film industry for supporting it.

hold gun real close to face for better aim

They inject you with 30 vaccines when you sign up, no wonder people are dropping dead

Based retard

Their faces lmao

Literally nothing wrong with feminism.

Kathy and Mindy do yoga plates and starve themselves why can't they have upper arm strength is the goat yoga not working anymore?

Why dont they just segregate Women and Men in the training? they're obviously not on the same level in terms of strength.

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>Hollywood propaganda.
But user, Top Gun 2 comes out NEXT year.

The Dangerzone song and Top Gun were actually banned on my ship because every time the song played there was a casualty. Even humming the song was grounds for a chastising. Sailors and their superstitions

>All those recruiters desperate to make quota who told their sickly enlistees to lie at MEPS whenever these deaths happen.

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Its like Goku with the weighted clothes. she's done for

Isn't having a woman in a ship bad luck too? Just saying.

Women don't need an abstract concept such as luck to sow disaster on a ship.

is this special ed military?

Oh the feminists and SJW's would have a field day with that
They want to prove that they're just as good as men and your suggestion would spit in the face of that.
Like the episode on King Of The Hill where Peggy argues with Hank that a woman can be just as good a firefighter as a man, Hank asks if a woman can carry someone out of a fire just as well as a man and she claims YES by performing a "fireperson's carry"
She tries to demonstrate by picking Bobby up to carry him but hurts her back and walks around hunched over in pain the rest of the episode, and she doesn't admit that she hurt herself because that would just mean admitting Hank was right.

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If only they could have had that same mentality when they were filming that shit on base here a few months back.

For horny first classes who got married straight outta boot to avoid barracks life, maybe.

If your entire life was in the hands of something like the sea you would pray to whatever you could too.

No fucking wonder the drug cartels are roaming freely down there.

Recruits will lie on their own. The overwhelming majority of people enlisting do it because they have no other choice in life.

>being in the military and getting married
Might as well wear a big neon sign with "cuck me" on it.

How fucking embarrassing.

that's standard issue in boot camp

fuck military brats, what a bunch of faggots

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>Delta company next to mine back in Ft Jackson was a shitshow with only 1 drill sargeant per platoon
>one kid from tried hanging himself with shoelaces and got sent to ours, where two extra trainees had to stay up during the night for buddy watch so they wouldn't kill themselves
>some shit actually happened in the iteration after mine where some kid actually fucking an heroed and a drill sargeant got fired
>then some fucking sex scandal happened at Reception during my 10 Wells
>also got a letter from my brother that Total Biscuit died

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tbqh I and some other nubs thought it was silly so when we were waiting on checkouts we started humming it and right towards the end one of the SSMGs failed.

oh no a job with free healthcare and food, retail discounts and countless other benefits. how awful

>everyone unsure if shes about to kill herself at the very end

I never said it was a bad thing. It's certainly better than flipping burgers or putting yourself in tens of thousands dollars in college debt for a degree that you got on a whim

>Decided to hit the gym last week for the first time in 5 years
>Start warming up on the treadmill
>Qt treadmill bunny is running next to me
>After 5 minutes my pulse is fucking skyrocketing
>Can't accept defeat and humiliation. Must go on
>After another 3-4 minutes, starting to get lightheaded
>Hit the red button to stop
>Lightheadedness getting worse. Suddenly nausea hits hard
>Puke all over the treadmill
>Pass out on treadmill
>Wake up covered in puke with 3 gym employees standing over me and everyone else at the gym watching
>Ambulance arrives 10 minutes later

I haven't even dared post this on /fit/ yet.

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who are you talking to lmao

Thats some discordian shit right there mate.

I could lift myself too if I weighed 20kg less.