Is something wrong with me?

I look on Reddit and I see masses of people enjoying the Night King's fate.

That 9 year build-up leading to that scene was utter garbage to me.

Anyone on this board in the film industry care to comment? Am i just a debbie downer or was that bad?

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Nothing is wrong with you. They censor all dissent.

you are special person
anyone can clearly tell by the type of media you choose to consume

the good guys were going to win in the end. Does it fucking matter? They kept pushing the idea that the NK and his army are the true threat and the kingdoms need to set aside their difference, yet couldn't write the NK properly to save their lives. So the only baddie that matters is Cersei now.

it matters because Hollywood is intentionally shitting on every story to demoralize the western world.

Reddit was pretending to like TLJ for a while too. Same thing is happening, give it a few days maybe.

nothing wrong with me

Yes. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I thought that it was hilarious watching NK getting cucked by some girl a knife.

I thought nothing could win against the WE WUZ WOMEN vs Thanos fight but I was wrong, this takes the #1 prize as cringe kike commie feminist shit that can Hollywood can put. It's not funny anymore.

Shouldn't you be on /pol/?

HBO is astroturfing. Only NPCs and basedboys are praising this heap of shit.


They loved it until it was popular to hate it, until the surface level medias they consume told them it wasn't good. Medias who themselves copied concise articles about basic cinematography.

It's just one of those things that's so undeniably bad that it reached the masses.

shouldn't you be sucking a clit?

They literally don't and this moron is lying about being on reddit, otherwise he'd know they're complaining about how the scene was executed

technically it will be racist to dislike this episode.

>morons that clearly don't browse reddit
The current reddit stance is contrarion "it's not that bad" and "I enjoyed cuz fun" while you guys are the tards who actually have the majority opinion on TLJ

Yeah they do. Reddit has become a perception management website where nothing is organic. They changed Rotten Tomatoes just for Captain Marvel. The entire internet is becoming a place where only corporate approved opinions are allowed.

As far as I can tell the Reddit hivemind holds the same opinion as Yea Forums.

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Even leddit is pissed. I hate to direct you to that cesspool, (not that 4channel is worth much anymore) but most of r/asoiaf is tearing this episode to shreds. r/freefolk is just making memes, because they gave up taking this seriously years ago.
George, please answer our prayers and give us a worthy successor to the fantasy throne. Become the new Tolkein, or die just another pretender...

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grrm didnt finish the fuckin things and now theyre wingin it and completely ruining it and he can only blame himself

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>mfw Cersei resurrects The Night King when it becomes apparent she's going to lose the throne.

>muh buildup

sure is reddit in here

It's perfect and only brainlets can't understand. The night king was just a representation of pure evil. A big bad boogie man, like Sauron and his big ugly orcs. In case you haven't noticed, this isn't lord of the rings, it's not a children's story; GoT is more nuanced and complex and thrilling than simply good vs. evil. We all KNOW good always triumphs over evil. But...

But what happens when things aren't so black and white hmm? I'm glad the NK is out of the way. And they did away with him in a manner that BTFOs Tolkienfags. I'm way more interested in the battle to come at kings landing. We will see something much more intriguing than simply good vs evil. We will see betrayal, cunning, tyranny, and a whole array of mixed emotions.

The heterosexual thing to do, yes.

it is utter garbage, people who loved it, they never experienced true art, theres millions of people who only watched 00´s and 10´s hollywood products all their lives
dishonest flicks curated and chosen by hollyjew execs, money is the first goal, not art.

prove me wrong guys

>I get way more annoyed when twists and "shocking swerves" are thrown in just for the sake of catching people off guard.
But thats like the entirety of GoT.

I like the part where all the Muslims charged off to die stupidly.

> Literally the top comment on /r/asoiaf
Reddit is hating on it too

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Yea Forums is acting like the writers pulled this out of their ass. They've been setting it up since the first episode when Bran gave Arya the dagger on the exact spot she'd kill the Night King.

If Jon or Bran had killed him Yea Forums would still be bitching about how he died too early. There's four episodes left and there will probably be more to the story than we're guessing.

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You're a Debbie downer and no ending to the NK would have been enjoyable to you.

If they truly were contrarian it would mean they are actively trying to disassociate their opinions from the popular one. They don't. They genuinely had a good time watching a terribly incompetent movie

Clever way to avoid the show having to address the political implications of Dany's army of savages sticking around after the war is won

The Night King was a cringy faggot. Glad BASED Arya killed him.

Theyre ripping on it

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The episode makes sense.

I mean, really, it does. Season 1 started with Ned being "the main character". Everyone though he was gonna be the main character, gonna solve all the problems. And what happens to him? He dies. He's not the main character. He never was. That's not that kind of story.

Cut to season 8. Night King. The main villain. The big bad guy. The Great War. Well guess what? He's not a main villain. He dies. Cersei is the main villain and Euron with his big cock.

This show has REPEATEDLY trying to tell everyone it's not LOTR. This whole show, the whole theme is subverting your expectations.

"There's only one war that matters. The Great War, and it is here"

Said by a guy that was supposed to be the chosen one. Azor Ahai. But there was never Azor Ahai. He was never the chosen one, and there was never the great war. Just a big ass battle between Cersei that is just gonna sort of happen now.

The show begun with subversion and ended with subversion. That's what they always wanted to do. The only people that are fools are people who got baited.

There's a reason why David Benioff and DB Weiss were hired by Kathleen Kennedy. They operate on the same kind of thinking Rian Johnson does. Having your expectation subverted. Snoke never mattered just like Night Knight never mattered.

And now it begins. No, now it ends.

I don't know what you're talking about. That whole fight sequence was pretty bad ass. Felt like Dark Souls with Arya sneaking around and shit. The only problem I really had was that Bran was absolutely fucking useless. I don't understand why he had to warg. Other than that, it was great.

You ain't no normie no more.
Also, reddit is not an objective gauage, as dissenting opinions are censored, and reddit is not a reflection of society.

>Is something wrong with me?

yes, you need to get laid

does that mean that we have to like it? oh no nono

One more

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Star wars is fucking stupid man.

no death in game of thrones comes out of nowhere, they're almost all a product of mistakes or slights to the wrong person

He's on Yea Forums, what's the difference?

Literally anything would have been better than Arya Ex Machina.

>GoT is more nuanced and complex

>Spends the first 2 episodes jerking off characters in Winterfell without progressing the plot

Problem is they don't know how to write those complex characters.

Isn't that subreddit for the book series? I thought the gameofthrones sub was for the show. Of course they hate it, but I wonder why they are even talking about it considering ASOIAF and Game of Thrones are two completely different stories.

Idk it got me hooked in the first season because the deaths were all realistic in-universe. Bobby was a fat lazy glutton and he ends up getting gored by a bore and bleeding out. Ned is ridiculously honorable and he ends up getting beheaded because of this by the sociopath king.

Why is the modern human such entitled scum? Was it always this way? Were humans always this unbearable and awful at all times?

What a fucking joke of a season, I thought season 7 was trash but this is really pushing it. No wonder GRRM doesn't like this show, complete disservice to his work.

I think it was a good plot arc and was cool seeing the family welp and black sheep wind up becoming an agent of death serving the many faced god. You can wax realism but it's a magical world anyway. I usually don't enjoy stuff like that but I did enjoy Ayra killing the Night King.

did anyone catch what the Night Kings tax policy was???

>modern human
Nigga people were shitting on Paradise Lost when that was first written, people are allowed to criticize stuff that was put out to be consumed, get the fuck over yourself.

Heres the top comment on /r/television too. The entire post there is shitting on it too.

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I might be wrong, but didn't Arya give Sansa the VS dagger? What did she actually kill the NK with?

no, every twist/shock has been set up and isnt completely random/fantasy
>nuanced and complex
>not a fantasy
it has dragons and fucking ice zombies and magic
yeah a little girl can single handedly become a magic assassin and btfo armies of 100k troop who all die when their leader is killed.
completely realistic
never in the history of the world has shit like that happend
a comparison to the white walkers would be something like the huns or the mongols an outside invader, they managed to conqueror massive swaths of land before falling to infighting over succession, not because some village twat became an assassian and kill Ghengis Khan then his army just died.
It was basically lord of the rings without the epicness, when the ring gets thrown into mount doom and all the orcs die.

when the red wedding happend, it was set up, Rob had betrayed the Freys by not marrying his daughter then they kill him and his wife.
it was set up and related
This was just retarded and real shit "bait and switch"/red herring

This show died when the mountain killed the serpent violently crushing his head. All down hill since that moment. Nothing was ever as violent.

Wasn't it the dagger Gendry made for her?

Reddit is the autistic brother who is optimistic and Yea Forums is the edgelord fag cousin who is constantly pessimistic about anything.

just enjoy what you like and don't enjoy what you don't

also LMFAO @ "in the film industry"

if its so retarded that reddit complains, then its really dumb.

And dont you see that you are the same drooling crybaby as they were back then?

>Nigga people were shitting on Paradise Lost when that was first written
Niggers can't read (and apparently neither can they use commas). And people were shitting on Paradise Lost when it was released, not when it was written.
>people are allowed to criticize stuff that was put out to be consumed
Criticizing is one thing. Whining because "it didn't go my way boo hoo" is what homosexuals do.

>it's not a children's story

Night King was spawned by children of the forest though

It sucked, the popcorn normies just like their cookie cutter big budget fantasy schlock

>the way she kills him isn't particularly poignant or interesting

saving the brother you're closest to (in the books) by killing the god of death with the dagger that was given out to kill your brother isn't poignant? jesus christ, what a normie


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Half of all people are below average intelligence.

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The NK was (and has always been, since the beginning) just a way of getting everyone to join against Cersei. The politics and scheming are the best part of GOT anyways.

Acknowledging that jews have a disproportionate amount of influence in hollywood and the media doesn't make you /pol/.

>not black and white
they killed of all of the moral dubious characters all we are left with is good guys and the bad evil witch women and her evil henchmen

the entirety of seasons 5 and 6 were about a battle between good and evil, and followed the exact same plot as a lord of the rings movie, with the good guys battling against an 100%evil and irredeemable charatcer, Ramsey, like Saurman, and then they were saved by charging horses exactly like the battle of helms deep

There's a vocal group in gameofthrones not pleased with it, but it's mostly leaning towards "Most amazing episode, epic!" and "You're just looking for reasons to hate it."

And most of the rest of you are in the average to barely above average range.

Nobody thought Ned was gonna do anything because he was played by Sean Bean. I was surprised he survived for as long as he did.

Are you an HBO shill? I see you copy pasting this everywhere.

>9 years of clever writing and world-building leading up to an unsatisfying anime ending
What a fucking shame.


Daenerys has two fucking dragons that survived a zombie apocalypse. Realistically it's literally over for Cersei

mr. reddit is actually spot on with that post. and we could go deeper and deeper on the criticism.
here's a little seed: Jon was utterly useless the entire battle. Jon. The guy who's been fighting the Others since Season 1. Jon. The guy who's parentage is essential to satisfying several prophecies regarding the destruction of the Great Other.

And average intelligence is heavily skewed towards the low end. Median intelligence based off some raw numbers would be a better indicator of where people really stand. I'm guessing 3/4 of people are below that line.

she was closest to jon

get subverted bro haha

>Is something wrong with me?
obviously, if you're going on reddit. fag

Television is for morons. Night King isn't even in the fucking books.

George is already suicidal over the Giants' retard-level draft. Now he has to watch his magnum opus get an anime spinoff series. Poor guy.
But it all does ultimately rest at his feet for not writing the fucking books.

did you watch the interviews following the episode? Dear God. The stupid gushed so thickly from my screen that I had to replace my keyboard.

she gave her an obsidian one moron, what was sansa holding in the crypt?

Made me realize my mistake of wasting my time on western media.
Never again, haven't watched a movie for at least 10 years and certainly won't watch western tv shows again.

she's closest to Jon in the books, what are you on about

but user they had some ballistas that hardly worked when the dragons were smaller than they are now

Yea Forums(nel) is dead user. It's been dead for years, and is only moderately better reddit at this point. First we lose our internet forums, and then we lose our beloved culturally iconic masterworks to incompetent losers.

i didn't bother

watching arya *teleports behind u* to the NK was the most laughable television i'd ever seen.

So when the show runners say they came up with Arya killing the NK like 3 years ago your asspull is how correct then?

>If Jon or Bran had killed him Yea Forums would still be bitching about how he died too early.

Yes. Winterfell should have fallen. The Night King should have taken every city and castle north of King's Landing. Years of building him up to be some apocalyptic force and he didn't take a single city. Just a couple of shitty castles in the middle of nowhere. Even Winterfell isn't that big of a place.

It was a real "aha, not only do I know that you ARE retarded, but I understand HOW you are retarded!" moment.


GoT is about rooting for the honorable people while knowing they could get a knife in the back at any moment. Get rid of these blue mute men so we can finally get Cleganebowl and have our hearts ripped out when Bron kills Jamie for money.

>Anyone on this board in the film industry care to comment? Am i just a debbie downer or was that bad?

industryfag here, never underestimate the power of fan-service. upside is that no TV show will ever have this large of a fanbase again so hopefully some TV writers will grow balls again and cater to smaller fanbases who don't demand that their favorite characters be given permanent plot armor.

I mean, we saw this coming a mile away after what Melisandre said to Arya, right?

Night's King isn't the only thing with blue eyes. Every single White Walker and Wight had blue eyes. Congratz on being in tune with Hollywood's shitty "subversion" culture, though.



>there are niggers who legitimately think this

most modern movies and tv shows are flashy entertainment of convenience for retards. if you want a deep plot and compelling character development try books, though there's a lot of shit ones too.

Tywin, littlefinger and varys were the real strategists doing all the conspiracies to someone in the throne after tywin's death and littlefinger and varys departure the throne plot was fucking boring if it wasn't for the walking dead this show would have been more boring.

Fuck you, anime is fun.

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Yeah,none of that bullshit flies when you're talking about an ancient undead antagonist who was held at bay by a magical giant unmelting continent spanning icewall created specifically for him 8000 years ago.

>tfw they shut down the time-travelling Bran theorykino three episodes in

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>Become the new Tolkein, or die just another pretender...
He could never.

I'd like to be yeah

just proves once again jews are matriarchal

>Made me realize my mistake of wasting my time on western media.
Only now? Got has been irredeemably shit since season 6 and only first 3 seasons were arguably good. Either you are retarded or you are lying. Most likely retarded since you are just blanketing all western media under the same blanket, there are still a lot good movies and few worthwhile shows, you just wont find them if you look at whats popular currently and ignore everything else.

>muh build-up
is this a new meme?

Yahh dude so much buildup like literally the episode prior to the last they set up that scene wow that's like a whole episode in between woah

Sure is a lot of samefagging in here

yeah, that combined with her not showing up after that tease made it obvious

you're not wrong. it's quite bad.

>gives bran the dagger
>shows the move she uses against Brienne
>blue eyes thing hammered in to you that same episode
>arya shown being sneaky and shit

>teleports behind you
>nothin personnel, kid

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> I swear guys this all planned
So what's the next step on your master plan D&D?
>this isn't LoTR
>undead evil guy is defeated by strong little girl and saves the 7 kingdoms from eternal winter.

Literally everyone in the r/asoiaf subreddit is shitting on it.

>bran doesn't warg into dragon
>bran doesn't warg into the NK

>bran wargs into a flock of crows

he's copypasting the pasta every thread, just ignore him

>The Nights King and his army of the undead utterly swarm and destroy the North
>Danny, John the dragons and what ever survived of their combined army make a desperate retreat back to Dragonstone to reconsolidate a ragtag force
>Meanwhile, Cersei made moves into the Riverlands with force, poised to strike the iron islands
>But wait, Eurons fleet launches a surprise attack at White Harbor and stops the retreat
>Theon makes a desperate plea to his uncle, you must join us or face oblivion to the undead
>As the undead press south, does Jaime and Tyrion warn their sister of the undead come to annihilate the Lannister army?
>Bran wargs into Ghost, the only survivor in the north, and finds the Nights King waiting for him
>What do you want? Bran asks the Nights King
>Peace he replies

This desu. Hollywood churning out oscar bait lgbt, refugee holocaust biopics is one thing - At least we have sci-fi and fantasy right? Nope. Star Wars ruined, Marvel & Capeshit ruined via Black Panther & Captain Marvel, Game of Thrones is irredeemable shit. Everything is shit. Hollywood is a Marxist tool. When they're not openly making "entertainment" that pushes their social and political narratives like RGB documentaries they're subverting ideas & themes behind western society found in what would be heroic stories.

This is pasta but I also interpret it as anti-D&D pasta. It's saying subversion is bad writing and this is what GoT is built upon.

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8 seasons user.

Tagline for 8 seasons:
>"Winter is comi..."
Nevermind it's over already.


It seems legit to me. Isn't it a shitty troupe to kill the big bad leader and have that automatically solve the problem?

what politics and scheming? we have had literally no idea what's been going in the majority of westeros since season 6 at best

What the fuck is even the point of this character at this point? It's like they realised how the closed-loop timeline they set up with Hodor was restrictive and opened up too few possibilities despite its still-significant strengths and just decided "lol he's autistic now so he doesn't give a shit and doesn't help anyone xdddd"

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This is exactly the point of that GRRM quote contrasting himself to Tolkien that gets posted all the time here - that the "head bad guy drops, so all his minions do as well" is far too clean of an ending for his writing style.
Is this the ending George planned? If so he's the biggest hack on the face of the Earth.

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wtf I love reddit now

This fight should have happened in episode two. They should have lost the battle and all the important characters that survived should have fucked off on a dragon to the south. Dealt with Cersei for two episodes then fight the WW in Kingslanding. Jon kills the NK. last episode is the wind-down.

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I could hear the entire world hold their breath when..
The night king held Arya by the throat. The music. The moment. One of the best moments in television history!!

Definitely the fuck not, the writers clearly don't give a shit about what he thinks, and he very clearly thinks the same about them, there's a reason why he never talks about this shit show after season 6.

>comparing lotr to dogshit got

Kys you spastic

I haven't seen the episode yet but I don't care about spoilers because this show is fucking trash.
Are the White Walkers done for good, forever? Was the Night King a literal self destruct button?

Good bait

you're not wrong. it's just that plebs, as with TLJ, don't understand this:

try five years ago you absolute fucking retard

Well they're literally zombies being constantly animated by walker magic
The part that is a mistake is making the other walkers drop due to the night king dying, since the other walkers are meant to be their own sentient beings

why are you taking such low res screenshots
whats wrong with you

>There's four episodes left

three you moron

no, we still dont know for sure if arya
>sneaked by
> ran by
>took on an undead's face

it was NOT properly set up, ergo the headscratching here and elsewhere. the BEST we can come up with it that is most likely she took an undead's face. that's not good enough for such a critical plot element.
ergo: bad writing.

This is why you faggots are doomed to ruin entertainment. You buy into bullshit like 'hype', 'build-up' and 'taglines'.
>Winter is coming
Where does it say it must arrive at the last page / last episode? It's literally a house motto.

I swear you're the modern equivalent of teenagers crazed by the Beatles or dumb women learning how to cook to please their husbands.

women should learn how to cook to please their husbands you ignorant slut

>what a normie
you're really blending in

anyone have a link to the ep?

It's literally shown that she just ran really fucking fast, hence the explicit showing of the walker's hair blowing past

>Where does it say it must arrive at the last page / last episode? It's literally a house motto.
there's not an in-world reason for it but a dramatological one.

we're still left to guess. we can say that this or that was probably/most likely the case, AT BEST. that is not good enough for such a central, climactical plotpoint.

9 seasons in and we still don't know what Westeros's tax policy is

it is the ONLY possible case because it is the ONLY case that fits the evidence

I work in film, honestly most high scope writing is like this now, writer rooms are circle jerks and people are too afraid to disagree with each other. It’s a really marketable idea to have Arya do it and if you argue against it you’re a misogynist.

No, you probably just watch/read more content than most people, so there are overused notes and predictable turns in a story that feel cheap to you, but not to the majority of viewers.

GoT started being aimed at people like you, who have grown tired of certain tropes, beats and devices and wanted something new, but now it isn't anymore. Nothing we can do about it.

t. not a visual storyteller

>What did she actually kill the NK with?
third wave feminism

>A decade of television just to watch the Night King get Snoked

Will I walk again?
No, but you will fly

.....oh. wow. Crows.... cool.

The rape, Sansa

It was beautiful

or she could have sneaked nearby and then rushed the final meters.
we dont know jack shit. and we don't know jack shit because they wanted to spring this surprise on us - but they didnt know how to properly foreshadow it.

Nothing wrong with me!!

name any other theory that has any other evidence
>arya with a mask has nothing showing her with a mask
>arya with shadow magic is refuted by the fact the walker looks at her as she goes past
>arya in the trees has no evidence she was ever in a tree

The show has been shit since they resurrected Snow. Predictable. Plot armor. Worse than meguka.

>couldn't write the NK properly t
They needed to write the rest of the show better.

>there are overused notes and predictable turns in a story that feel cheap to you, but not to the majority of viewers
I think people are generally underwhelmed, as if they couldn't see this coming.

They also found the episode too dark, which is what they get for not watching on something where they could adjust the gamma like civilized people.

That's just a trope, not a fucking law.
When you're narrow minded or illiterate you think every first scene must absolutely have something to do with the final scene. You get off that and when some fat guy and a duo of hacks literally set on subverting some tropes you get sad.

You don't know how to deal with underwhelming shit. That's too bad. It is what it is. A series that will never end by a fat American guy writing about UFOs and magic wands who thought "hey, what if I can do better than Tolkien".

i have no problem with that. my problem is with the lack of set-up, springing this shit on us out of more or less nowhere.

>inb4 blue eyes
that's not a good set-up because it leaves us still puzzling over whether she actually changed faces or not

if by final metres you mean through the entire line of wights and past all the wight walkers, it's still the same fucking problem of how the fuck did she get that far without being stopped
the writers are morons who wanted it to be a surprise while simultaneously having foreshadowed it over the past two seasons and ended up with a mess that misses how she got from A to B

Why though? He's south of the wall and out of his element.

>out of his element
>literally conjured up a fucking snowstorm
>still out of his element
>is immune to fire and winterfell has been snowed in for 3 seasons now
>out of his element

melly reminds arya of blue eyes, meaning she can take on the face of the undead.
but that is beside the point. it is the visual storyteller's job to remove any umcertainty about what happened, instead of us having to consider evidence to the contrary.

Yes, Arya nothing personnel'd the NK

well, it's just bad story-writing to get your readers/viewers invested into something but foreshadowing it for a long time, giving it gravity in the process. and then it gets wrapped up just like that.

>They literally don't
You are very naive. Reddit is censorship Mecca.

yeah, i agree. we're left to guess how the critical moment of the episode came into being. just for the purpose of surprising us. and that's objectively shitty writing.
TLJ fans will disagree, naturally.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw that scene. Other than "oh god imagine the seething shitposting about to commence on Yea Forums", I realized that I have wasted hundreds of hours of my life watching, reading about and thinking about some anime-tier story that could've been written far better by a fucking teenager.

Thanks to this show and how the movie industry managed to turn from an entertainment industry to a pandering propaganda industry, I am literally never going to watch another TV series again and will be highly skeptical of any movie being produced west of Berlin. Everything else was somewhat bearable but pulling such a cheap Mary Sue who shits on the entire 8 years of hype buildup just so you can push your feminist agendas and pander to the easily-panderable half of humanity was too much.

At this point I'm not even mad, I'm simply no longer interested in this form of entertainment. Not doing this anymore and actually producing movies with the point of artistic expression and not propaganda won't buy me back either, hopefully all of it bankrupts so humanity's time and resources can be focused on more important things.

Have sex.

>I look on Reddit

It was predictable, one or the other would have to die and they only have like 3 episodes left or something.

>"Never question. Always consume and get hyped for next product"
Man I wish I could live a simple life with a simple mind like you.

Mfw twitter normies liked it. Tfw you share a planet with these people.

faggot detected

>In case you haven't noticed, this isn't lord of the rings, it's not a children's story; GoT is more nuanced and complex and thrilling

Attached: 1360074793304.gif (266x207, 260K)

>Jamie, Tormund, Sam and Brienne were able to massacre white walkers relentlessly
>white walkers
pic related
Speaking of which
>end last episode on an entire line of hundreds of WW
>show like 8
The absolute state of Dabid I swear to god this is so fucking trash, who pays for this shit

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Thank God the board police are here, I was getting worried.

>3 episodes left or something.
That will now be devoted to useless fucking nonsense. There are no more stakes to this conflict, what's the worst that can happen? Cersei wins and the 7 Kingdoms end up with a shitty bimbo monarch for a decade or three? Whoaaaa, so climactic, much gravitas, so woooow.
Cersei shit should have been wrapped up as an afterthought, before the NK even shows his face, perhaps by wights giving Winterfell a wide berth and marching at Kings Landing to """Subert Expectations""".

>Half of all people are below average intelligence.

Dumb and wrong. Average intelligence is supposed to be set at 100 IQ points. Give everybody a test, there isn't one faggot with a 100 IQ and everybody else higher or lower; tons of geezers have 100 IQs.

they were supposed to be like mongols or a generic steppe nomad analog. the mongols actually knew strategy though..

>So many side characters with valerian steel and no one kills a white walker.

It'd be great if one could discuss the disappointment over NK storyline without all the incels.

>The night king was just a representation of pure evil.
But the fucking writer said he doesn't want to write lotro-type of kiddy shit with pure evil. Besides, there isn't even an explanation for the body art white walkers did. That shit doesn't make sense if they are a pure evil hivemind with one goal.

Outside of that, Cersei is a shitty final opponent and the fight will be even more black vs white than fucking lotr.

Why are motherfuckers still talk about Ghost like he fucking matters?

>browsing reddit
You have to go back

>hasnt watched a movie for 10 years
>browses Yea Forums
Fucking based LMAO

A true patrician.

>they tried to compare this to Helm's Deep
>not even top 3 battles in GoT


>your khaleesi has a literal nuke she can fly through the air with, being untouchable from the zombie menace
>she fucking LANDS the nuke in the middle of the mindless zombies
>she obviously gets knocked off
>have to go kill myself because this dumb bitch is retarded
I knew Jorah was a goner but he should've killed a WW with Heartsbane for fuck sake.


Attached: 1368817704208.jpg (104x178, 5K)

>Where does it say it must arrive at the last page / last episode? It's literally a house motto.
It's called the Chekhov's gun, brainlet. Don't tell the audiences something that never gonna happen.
You don't red herring for fucking 8 seasons long.

To be honest, I watch maximum of 2-3 movies per year and this is the only board I use on this sorry site. I also like to talk about anime despite the fact I've stopped watching it since like 2008.

So Bran warged into Arya? fucking lol

I cant wait for this show to end.

A proper parallel of why this line of reasoning is just dumb is Chekhov's gun. Sure, it's a cool trick. It does make for some nice and clever story telling. Doesn't mean every story ever must adhere to Chekhov's taste, to canon, tradition or whatever.
Is the Odyssey poor writing because the backstory of 95% of the characters is just a full list of their lineage? Is any story that does not employ such 'backstory' shit?
All these devices were ideas repressed nerds came up with to earn money or fame and feel good about themselves. Sometimes these devices work because literally the dumb masses cheer them and they are preserved for posterity.
It doesn't mean everything must fall under the same principles.
ASOIAF is not supposed to be The Bible of Westeros. It's just another story of REAL PEOPLE and REAL LIFE EVENTS that will probably be magnified by legends and time.
GURM was probably referring to the human villains in the show, because he cares about gray morality. From the get go, the WW are represented as pure dumb evil. Does it mean they're the only source of evil out there? Only if you've received a shit education.

What? It’s a bell curve.

>From the get go, the WW are represented as pure dumb evil.
Yet they acted somewhat humane even in the show, so the whole MUH BIOLOGICAL WEAPON explanation doesn't hold up.

Except it's not subversive when you could see it coming a mile away you fucking mongoloid.

Attached: 1517537708853.png (1024x768, 122K)

I mean, if you’re moving 3mph.

Attached: Arya has leveled up.png (645x501, 170K)

>I look on Reddit

Attached: Pro+tip+drink+bleach+_a656c1f00c710c481f06271954885891.jpg (1000x920, 121K)

See . Winter is coming is a house motto. You can pretty much interpret it however you like. Time passes. Prepare for the worst. Winters in this fucked up planet are weird.
Where does the fucking fat fuck say "These are the sacred words that will prevent the end of the world"?.
You literally bought into a marketing's concept lmao.

I decided to check the reddit and gauge normie opinions for myself and these post are clearly cherry picked. Majority is loving every part of this shit.

it's not an issue of good vs evil vs complexity. grrm will probably be more complex but i don't expect d and d too.

I'm ok with the night king being pure evil, it's how you get there. no exploring his backstory? no psychic battle with bran. just kill him and everyone dies. fucking disgraceful.

endgame actually did a good job with this with thanos no joke

>comment score below threshold

I'm pretty pissed off that they didn't do any Trump alluding .


This, it's more like 40% are in the below average, 20% are the median and 40% are slightly above to well above.

It was obvious that they were going to do this after Beric died saving Arya, Melissandre said that that was his sole purpose and she finally told Arya that she would kill people with many eyes, including people with blue eyes.
It's bullshit, it wasn't built up at all until that moment, plot armor, she came out of nowhere, I agree. But when I heard that I knew, specially since Jon (the one we all thought would do it) couldn't get past the dragon.
The problem with the TV guys is that everything they do they do for cheap drama. They had to create the worst of situations: Jon was about to die, Daenerys was about to die, Tyrion, Sansa, Brienne, Jamie, Podrick, Tormund, Bran, all of them were about to be killed. The funny thing is that when you build an impossible situation like that usually you would solve it in an unexpected manner, but with what they did 10 minutes earlier it wasn't unexpected: it was dreaded at the time it came.

I don't mind so much that Arya was the one who killed the NK as the way they did it. They could've set it another way. For instance, having Daenerys and Jon kill the wight dragon. Having Jamie or Brienne or Clegane fight to death against a general. Let the Night King arrive to Bran, but not just as if he was talking a walk. You can set up the main characters fighting the general right next to him, trying to reach him while he's about to kill Bran, and then yes, out of nowhere comes Arya. But she is able to get there because both armies are down to their last breath.
But no. There's a little wind and that's it, Arya somehow passed through literally an army of wights AND the generals completely undetected. That's bullshit. So many years building to this. Too bad the fat fuck never bothered to finish his books, because the show has only been good when it was adapting them. I hope that the outrage at this shit ending prompts him to finish his work to save its good name, because this was really horrible.

Arya is actually a good character and it was ok that she killed the knight king. But the writing lf her character went terrible since bravos


Right? The NK should've said "I'll make Westeros great again".

This is just bad, senpai.

Not until you've dilated that axe wound to be big enough for my 14 inches monster cock bub.

>the person that made this isnt white lol

>Is something wrong with me?
>I look on Reddit and

Yeah. You're so fucked up and in need of ingroup/outgroup-based validation it's become impossible for you to stand on your own two feet even when you're using the internet.


>None of the prophecy shit meant anything
Oh man, can't get enough of this subversion. Can I have another helping? It's not even filling. I can eat it all day.

What is your unique opinion on the latest episode then? Genuinely asking

What I can't understand is, if it's so easy to kill the NK, how come no one did it in the past?

Not surprisingly, everyone on Twitter also loved how the Night King died.

Attached: 1518752587217.jpg (510x495, 49K)

here's my theory for how Game of Thrones ends and how the Great War ends
this is my theory guys
>okay so we gotta have a big battle ok?
>protagonists make this epic masterplan of luring Night King to Bran because Night King wants to beat the crap out of Bran because Bran is a human library, ok?
>ok so now Melisandre comes, do you follow?
>anyway, Melisandre comes and she L I T T E R A L L Y makes the Dothraki kharaks go aflame, like they start burning into the night
>ok now Dothraki are pumped, you know
>they're Dothraki, so they just charge at the enemies, because they. are. Dothraki.
>and they're OMEGA strong on the open fields
>ok now so look, hear me out, stick with me, now Dothraki all DIE, because this is a twist and will be something people do not expect
>now the undead charge, but the protagonists are - wait for it - waiting outside, meeting a 10 times bigger army on an open field
>wait, hold on, guys, this is great and very, VERY heroic
>things don't go according to plan, they run away and hide in Winterfell
>ok now they fight on Winterfell walls and nothing happens while we follow Arya and Jon and Dany and our heroes
>Arya - hear me out, I'm serious here - almost dies, but meets Melisandre and REALIZES that the blue eyes she was supposed to shut were the eyes of the NIGHT KING!
>ok now, look, I mean, uh, this is awesome!
>meanwhile Dany and Jon, Ice and Fire, fly around and do nothing, especially Jon who needs to take a rest on the walls
>ok now, time passes, nothing happens, action scenes right, they're cool so cmon
>Night King makes his way to Bran, and Theon sacrifices himself
>sad piano song for 10 minutes!!!!!!!! (how cool is that, literally Golden Age Hollywood tier storytelling!)
>remember how Theon betrayed Bran in the past? THIS IS POETRY, THIS IS REDEMPTION
>now Night King wants to put and end to Bran and Night King is >:( angry!
>but WAIT, Arya sneaks through all NK's commanders and wights and kills HIM!!!!
this would be great!

Attached: Arya Night King Death.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

the white walkers were completed wasted??

instead of walking behind the night king in one until and then just dying with them, they should have been on the battlefeild sooner,.

For example. When the fire trenches are lit, that are the ones to walk over the fire. The quiet bit inside where Arya was sneaking around should should have been vs a white walker that was stalking around inside the castle.
The diffferent main characters with valyrian steel swords should be squaring off with different white walkers around the castle.

Arya had a better fight with Brienne than she did with the night king here. Jon should have had a bit of a fight with him, then teamed up with Arya, or she does a saving kill that is similar to the ending of the fight at the tower of joy with Jon in place of Ned.

Well he was hiding pretty far north where people can hardly survive the weather, let alone attack him. Also most people didn't even know he existed.


I found the problem. Reddit is a collective of mindless retards who post all the same comments (for "upvotes") and if you dissent from the majority you are banned or downvoted into oblivion.

So what you get is a group of mostly SJW feminists who don't like the books, don't like good TV, they just want "YASS SLAY" and bad guys going down.

See: Avengers stuff.

>tfw "oof, right in the ice cubes!" prediction came true
based 4channel

No but you should apparently.

>this is the guy who oneshot a dragon with musclepower alone
man this show really has gone downhill

the white walkers were so much more better in that other battle, the one where they actually fought and jon killed one of them

wtf were they thinking

You should be in a room with wooden doors and some pesticide.

I kinda think he was talking about the Long Winter where he buttfucked Westeros, only to be pushed back by Based Azor Ahai, and walled off by Donald "Stark" Trump.

They were oppressing women by not letting them become magical anime assassins (but not really, because following rules is boresome), those stupid males!

I don't get that.
I can understand if you like that Arya killed him. Arya has been a great character, at least while the fatso wrote her. But the execution was shit. It was actually awful.

It was much much much better than all you faggots predicted.
Fuck you all and fuck this board and fuck Yea Forums, and fuck loser incels and I hope you all die virgins without every experiencing sex.

literally what raised surface did she launch off of? aren't they out in the middle of an open field?

nothing about this makes any sense

plus, the bit in the crypt didn't go anywhere. if there wasn't some kind of stark magic or secret down there, they should have just left it be

dont niggers have humor ?
this must have been made by some so(y)boy or some harpy

Wait, I recognize that technique! Didn't the MC of new Star Wars do the same in the throne room battle?

>When the min/max rogue in your party passes all his saves and rolls a crit

Why bother making all those dragon glass weapons when the NK gets shanked by a basic bitch dagger? The whole thing seems utterly pointless.

>I hope that the outrage at this shit ending prompts him to finish his work to save its good name, because this was really horrible.
If anything it's going to prevent him from finishing them.

That was like 8000 years ago. The targaryens didn't cross the sea and bring valyrian steel with them until 7700 years later.

And like I said before, nobody had enough plot armor back then.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha its incredible how bad it was

It was fucking bad but only people who read the books or give a shit about lore care because they know what the series should be. A majority are just watching to follow the popular hype train, they are having fun. This has been something we have been saying for a while though, and show plebs have always talked shit on us.

Yeah, this pretty much sums up why this sucked.

>Arya has been a great character
Arya has never been a great character; she's been a walking feminist schlock-fantasy since day one, if albeit a tolerable one. She may have been a good character. But she's been AT best a COMPLETE TRASH character since she left for bravos.

it's got to inspire him. come one... what a waste

shhhhh we gotta act like we're special because we post on top secret 4 CHAN unlike those idiots over at reddit

reddit hates this just as much as we do. got is the pleb board; asoiaf and freefolk don't like it either

But in Avengers the females had just 2 minutes of "glory" and that was it.
The ones who mattered were Tony, Steve and Thor, as it should be.

I always thought the night king would be killed by the sword of the promised one.

The sword in which he pulls out from his beloved's chest

>only people who read the books or give a shit about lore care because they know what the series should be
no? anyone who watched and liked the first three-four seasons should hate this.

>implying Ghost isn't the rightful heir to the Iron Throne

The dagger was made of valyrian steel Aka dragon glass

You're not special or smart because you post on Yea Forums as opposed to reddit

redditors are hating on it. the positive comments are mass downvoted too. pretty sure any positive comments are just astroturfers anyways. anyone who is lukewarm is gonna realize it's shit by the end of the week.

it was horrible, not even a normie could justify or like most of it. especially when a movie like avengers endgame came out and dealt with a similar kind of situation much better

Logically, if NK facetanks dragonfire, he should facetank Valyrian steel. That's just ordinary steel, albeit smelted in dragonfire.

What morons think is fun should not be a guide to making good entertainment. Remember a huge percentage of the population think smoking meth is a good idea.

The show has always been significantly worse than the books. It's just gotten even lower. Also bookfags don't know shit about all the plot points that were set up because they were maybe a minor talking point or two or tossed out.

Lol this show makes MCU look like fucking Lord of the Rings in terms of planning

Exactly. As I said, she was great while the fat fuck wrote her. The TV show destroyed the character and make her shit once she left Bravos.

I can only assume it's the other magic in valyrian steel that does the trick. The wall also stopped him and that was just ice with magic cast on it.

Even Youtube is shitting on the NK scene, the only people excited by it are indians.

I wish Arya would have hurried the fuck up so Theon wouldn't have died.

>not watched anime since 2008
don blame you senpai, modern anime is trash.

I know that along with apparently every sword any significant character has. If all that was required to kill the night king was something that is readily available why even bother with dragon glass?

Pure delusion

It isn't a guide to making good entertainment. They aren't making shit they're just viewing it and having fun getting excited and discussing with their peers.

Arya goes from... total badass fighting the zombies to running away pissing her pants from the zombies.. to Force jumping to the Night King and stabbing him with a stupid knife fighting trick. It's jarring.

Attached: 1499593995582.gif (360x270, 1.82M)

who /nothypedatall/ for the rest of the season? I don't give a fuck about them killing cersei

reddit is doing that thing where it censors every popular 'unpopular' opinion, keeping an illusion of a small and angry minority. Same with twitter

you can always tell by checking out youtube comments, normies are seething as well

Can you make it any more obvious you haven't read the books? Every major lord typically has at least one valyrian steel sword in the family they pass down. They still needed more weapons to arm their armies to fight the fucking horses of undead too.

>pic is you


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>Is this the ending George planned?
If you think GRRM actually has an ending in mind then you're retarded.

are you kidding? downvote button has become a disagree button. meaning anyone who disagrees with what the normies say, gets their comment hidden cause it has negative points.

he helps sam confirm jon is a targ and shows the audience some time travel shit
he's pointless

Normally these images can be funny but there is so much anger and vitriol poured into it that it's just sad.

>Fuck you all and fuck this board and fuck Yea Forums,

>imagine being so salty at the internet

>much much much better
Yeah, sure it was you 100iq mong. Fuck off.

>sure is reddit in here

ribbit vs 4klan mindset is retarded. You sound like someone super into playing WoW as horde in '05.

If you honestly thought there was going to be some kind of epic sword duel between Jon and the NK you are an idiot.

The internet consensus is that Game of thrones fags loved it and ASOIAF fags hated it.

I have pusy snoring next to me right now and I have been on 4channel since day one, tranny.

It's the complete opposite of that. Bookfags know that ASOIAF is a subversion of fantasy trends and that includes not having an epic showdown.

>another data point proving the conclusion that the left can't meme


he shattered in thousands of pieces. how would she do that?

Stop perpetuating this myth. Reddit isn't full of normies, it's full of 4channel-tier autists, schizos, and otherwise deeply broken people who THINK they're normies, unironically making them even more fucked up than the average shitposter.

This. How many did she kill on the way to the library? Way more than what was actually in the library but oh noes, we need a tense scene xD

"zoooinks! m-my snow balls"

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Thaw out the pieces, then refreeze him.

Just check the internet, literally every ASOIAF forum is fucking seething.

Am I the only one who was actually really upset with a bunch of major characters NOT dying?

Seriously, for a show that used to make no character feel safe it sure as fuck felt like everyone in this episode got saved 4 separate times when they should've just been brutally murdered.

If Dany died, it would have been a legit good twist and redeem the last 5 seasons of shit

Now that "political scheming" is back, Littlefinger better be alive. It's the only reason to kill the NK this early, I swear if it's just some random fighting for the throne for the remaining 4 episodes, I'll rate the whole series a 1/10 on IMDB.

It was okay, I would have liked more stuff with the NK and Bran but oh well!

Attached: AryaNightKing.jpg (599x599, 307K)

user they don't know how to write this story for shit. Even when they had the books they fucked up. Ever since they went off on their own it's been shit. Theon's death was so fucking retarded, dude basically died to give him like what? 10 seconds?


I so desperately wanted Arya to get fucking smashed into the ground by NK and then killed. It would've actually been cool. But nah, can't have cool things anymore. Need stuff for those fucking insufferable idiots at that one bar reaction youtube channel to freak out over and fake reactions to.

>for a show that used to make no character feel safe
that hasn't been this show since at least when arya got eviscerated then jumped into shit water and wasn't just fine but was fine the day after

>Everyone starts to celebrate.
>Ice pieces start to move and collect into a pile
>Night King starts to reform and take shape
>Looks directly at Arya and lifts his finger to wave side to side while shaking his head.

The left can't meme.

You guys are jaded. Real people actually appreciated the masterpiece that was this episode

Attached: reddit.png (898x733, 164K)

i could pick random anonfags on here and they would write a more satisfying story than whatever hockey shit going on now.

who cares about plotholes now, if plotholes were the only issue this shit would be bananas.

other than it maybe being too dark for a battle, which is an easy way for them to tone down the cost of the episode by not having to do too much recognizable high quality CGI.
the two major complaints are valid ones; hardly any of the main characters died, which is unrealistic considering the scope of the battle and past history of the show, and the ending was fucking terrible for a variety of reasons 1) cunt appears out of no where, walkers and zombies standing around 2) big bad guy stares menacingly at everyone doing fuck all, 3) the death is asinine, anti-climatic and obvious pandering to the SJW's.

As is typical of a redditor, they are ignorant of their own fascist mentality. This redditor sees only what he wants to see, thinks the show show develop only in his imagined way, and anything else is obsolete and needs to be dismissed and disregarded.

Arya has been hardened in ways that few others have, and the hardening of Arya has been continual since the first season including suffering the murder of her young friend and bearing witness to her father's decapitation. Remember, Arya was already a tough young girl who wanted to be a soldier before the tough life's lessons began to harden her. Her training with Syrio Forel was just the beginning. And then she endeavored to become a Faceless One. She is a trained assassin that has plied her craft numerous times already. It makes absolute sense that Arya would emerge in a climactic moment to be the assassin of at least one major antagonist.

Don't get me wrong. The mechanics of the Night King's assassinaton were dull — the result of creatively lazy writers. I mean come on, "As if from out of no where™, Arya leaps from the shadows and pounces on the Night King". That's day one of screenwriting 101 in a local community college. But that is was Arya should have come as no surprise, not from the point of view of her character's seven-seasons of development, and not from the scenes in this episode where she sneaks around and through the wights only to run away off screen after hearing prophetic words from Melisandra.

Attached: 1548189372446.jpg (1600x503, 46K)

> none of the other main characters even saw or came face to face with a whitewalker because they were all glued to the night kings ass instead of actually doing anything


truly, this is how the meeting was when they were discussing the plot

Everybody hated her after her shtick grew stale, of course everyone loved that scene

As id reddit and 2019 Yea Forums were different.

Stop baiting btw, we all know it was incredibly anticlimactic

you can tell these posts were unironically written by women and """men""" with sub-50% normal t-levels.

not even joking, only women (including ones with feminine penises) care this much about trivial personal relationships above things like the plot or even the action itself making sense if just by 'rule of cool'

if reddit isn't proof of the hypothesis that testosterone levels of men in the west are dropping dangerously low then I don't know what is

faggot who enjoyed the series as a fanfic ending to a series he really enjoyed reading
the emotional hype as everyone is about to die and the night king was walking up to brann was extremely suspenseful
then arya comes flying out of the dark to kill the night king like Vin Diesel flying through the air in Fast and the Furious

what was the point of this
it's not good story telling

Just watched it.
Pretty bad ending.
Almost expected it to say "Directed by Rian Johnson" at the end.

its funny how you can immediately tell this meme was made by a leftist retard. 10 times funnier than the meme itself haha

>all the unironic redditors in this thread
have sex and also fuck niggers

But you are definitely dumb if you post on R*ddit

You can always watch anime from back when it was good.

I didn't read the books and I hated it.