The Night King will come back

Reminder that they went out of their way to show us that the Night King has seven pointed pupils. They would not show us this if it was completely meaningless. The Night King will return fuck you. Something related to the faith of the seven. idk

Post theories about how the Night King will return.

>Makes a big deal about Craster's sons with no payoff
>Didn't need Craster's sons to justify the existence of White Walkers

Craster's sons will be used as vessels for the Night King and his White Walker generals to come back

Attached: night king.png (480x292, 192K)

There's 3 episodes left dude.
It's over.

>Post theories about how the Night King will return.
I only have one: he won't.
This show will end with Cleganebowl.

this. there HAS to be more. bran will turn into the new night king or something we will get double subverted no way they end it like this

Lol cope. This show is hack writing normie trash and they just baited you to watch it with spoon-fed supernatural level boss.

It's literally Rick and Morty pupils.

>Night King turns up during the middle of next episode
>"Im good now guys"
>joins forces with danny and jon to take down cersi
>danny backstabs jon
>NK to danny "it was always ment to be this way"
>turns danny into a WW

you poor sperg. his eyes have 7 points because the directors wanted to make them look like snowflakes and that's the truth. there's no deeper meaning. I honestly feel bad for you for not realizing that this show is exactly that level of childish and meme because I was you once.

>They won't make a movie trilogy to finish it all off

They were standing in the doorway and blew up.

Based and Hypepilled!


Attached: star.png (800x923, 30K)

>They would not show us this if it was completely meaningless.

Book fags are seething.

A new Knight King will emerge just like a new 3-iraven. Bran will explain this. We might not see it though.

I'd like to believe this isn't the end for the White Walkers as well. Bran was on pornhub for way too much time and only came back at the very end. He must have been doing something offscreen with the ravens. If the rest is just dealing with Cersei I'll be extremely disappointed. The supernatural side of the show would had been pretty much for nothing.

melly killing herself pretty much ensures he isnt.

i know you're memeing, but still. no chance.

He does have beedy eyes and a big long nose.

They're going to leave Winterfell to go fight Cercei, everyone has to go because LOL cleaning up all those bodies, once everyone has cleared out the Ice King's daddy will show up and rez all the bodies, and then the KWEENS will start fighting but as soon as it turns in Dragon Kween's the new ice army will show up so the two human armies are forced to team up anyway. Maybe Jamie has to kill her to do it, who knows. At any rate, the humans more or less lose and so they blow up King's Landing and the dwarf says something clever.

night king will return and based strong womyn arya ex machina will stab him again because she's an amazing and talented assassin and stuff!!!!

This. They thematically gutted both the fire and ice supernatural aspects of the show. Beric's dead, too.

>night king shatters
>comes back together like terminator 2

*teleports behind you*

pshhh nothing personnel king

DND aren't fucking smart enough for that. It's over bro. Fucking Arya Ex Machina.

Also why didnt Mel try resurrecting Beric.

When Jon told her not to bring him back, she said "I'll have to try". She should have tried with Beric instead of instantly being like "naa he's done"

this actually made me laugh so fucking hard, imagining the ice king from adventure time fucking murdering thousands of people

Jon is still alive

He revives next episode but he's a good guy now! and he has heart shaped pupils!

This show sucks dick lol. The only reason "people" still fawn over it is because a lot of women are obsessed with it because they think its "cool". Literally THE only reason the show is so popular still.

If you hate the show you are an "incel" or some other fun hating bullshit term.

Most guys are gonna go along with whatever bullshit happens because they dont wanna look weird in front of their wife/gf/potential gf

Attached: based and redpilled.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

Nah, he’s fucking dead. Accept it, user.

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She will pray to the "Stranger" or the Drowned God.

Then a flashback. When the First Man was stabbed by the Children of the Forest, he prayed to one of them. In time, he was free but stayed undead.

I'm also calling this shit now. Theres no way these goons can go through with this ending for all that build up. Someone can still be deemed azor ahai. Maybe there will still be some surprise night king fuckery or some shit with Bran.
This is meant to

Holy shit, just noticed this too!

Attached: L O L.jpg (317x267, 22K)

Melly can see the future... so she knew nothing else interesting was gonna happen

>Projecting this hard
All that stored spunk in your teeny testicles is making you hate things

In three fucking episodes?

>call it the final season
>make more episodes anyway
wow who could see this coming

Shit. An add somehow blocked all my text so I just had to post what I already had. Anyways.
This is meant to throw everyone off. The build up and prophecies will mean something.

So what was everyone staring at in the crypts at the end?

They see the Harp in Lyannas tomb?

Euron and Cersei are pushed back. They're about to lose but Cersei goes mad and prays to the Stranger or Drowned God. She stabs herself or Euron with a dragonglass dagger.

4 hours is enough time to do something like that

the only thing left to happen is the plot twist when Tyrion betrays everyone

>So what was everyone staring at in the crypts at the end?
Couldn't be the zombies that are now dead again that ten seconds earlier were ripping people to shreds.