Every thread is an Avengers thread

>every thread is an Avengers thread
>every thread is a Game of Thrones thread

you people are every bit as disgusting as the normies you claim to be superior to

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>Cape shit threads
>Throne shit threads
>Threads complaining about threads

Son...they ARE the normies. We've been had!

Burn this board down

I wish all the threads were about Bane and Sneed instead

how was Iron man able to wear the infinity gauntlet long enough to snap his fingers, shouldnt he been burnt to a crisp as soon as he put it on?

he's literally a man made of iron. it's right there in his name

everyone complaining about lack of other threads only proves that you're a boring person who isn't interesting enough to come up with a good thread on your own cause all the people who usually make the good threads are talking about got and endgame

I doubt these are board regulars. They're probably crossposters making threads because they have nowhere else to talk about shitty GoT.

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What were you talking about on Yea Forums before the annual influx of Throneshit, Capeshit and Starshit posts? I bet you just use this board for shitposting and you're annoyed that your bait threads get lost and ignored in the flooded catalog.

I can't believe the state of that catalog. Time to find new sites to go to, this is a normie marketing cesspit.

reddit scum

It's been getting steadily worse over the years. I don't think we are at rock bottom, but close. I'm sensing some sort of /vg/ split soon that will help the same threads clogging up the board but it will ultimately kill the board as a whole.

You didn't know?

Extremely based OP

game of s*y is a mistake

Alright OP what do you want to talk about.

guys if we all make sneed threads at the same time we can delete all the gay of thrones threads

Hey retard, Yea Forums traffic goes up 1000% during Game of Thrones and Avengers/Star Wars movies

4channel is absolute shit

>newfag is unaware of /GOTG/

>increased traffic and server loads that lead to more aggressive captcha and advertising is a good thing and here's why

shoo shoo reddit bug

dude WHAT??? made of iron what are talking about? fucking boomer educate your self

>tfw everyone at work just keeps talking about throne or endgame
>don't care for either so have no choice but to fuck off

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>thinking a guy who is LITERALLY named "Iron Man" isn't made of iron

Retarded zoomer pick up a science book.

his name is actually I, Ron man

>Yea Forums is one person
They are the normalfags and they don't belong here.

it's actually a lower-case L.

His name is L. Ron Man, a man with all the powers of L. Ron Hubbard.

his brother is enron man

You contrarian fuckwits are so predictable, it's fucking sad. Why don't you do what you always do, jerk each other off to how niche your preferences are.

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they steal money from hollywood egotists and gullible pensioners to finance their heroics.


this is the reality of capeshi/tv/
take solace in serial killer kino, and forfty cent kino

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There's an appreciable difference between WAAH PORPULER THINGS R DUMB N GAY and being annoyed that 80% of the threads on the board are about a show that has a fucking stickied general.

Aileen is fucking shit LOL

Popular things just happen to be shit quite often.


are you mentally deficient?

This but unironically

Ain't we all?