Dear insufferable Yea Forums

Seriously, fuck all of you.

You guys are a bunch of larping assholes, pretending to not have been entertained beyond your wits, by what was the equivalent of the final episode of the Sopranos, Seinfeld, and The Wire rolled all into one.

The only thing that was disappointing about this episode is that it happened 1 or 2 episodes too early. Everything else was majestic, but you 15yr old dorks can't risk your hivemind mentality for a moment to appreciate what "normies" on reddit might also appreciate.

9/10 - Pure Kino

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have sex, incel.

>something, something, something reddit spacing

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WHY are you so MAD at us

peak söy: the post


When you can't defend your position, throw out some meaningless meme-misdirection.

No faggot. This should have been a season long conflict. You don't build up an existential threat that transcends dynastic politics for eight seasons only to dispatch it in one episode. What happened to the "longest winter in a generation"? All shit. This show fucking sucks fat cock and you're a stupid fucking drooling automaton non player redditor if you think this shit is "good". Go watch your shock and awe shit with your fellow basedboys, you'll be in good company

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based and redpilled

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have sex incel, seriously

Listen, I hate to burst your bubble but there was NO FREAKING WAY that the Night King was going to "win" this season and be the end of GoT.

The adult viewers realized this, but you for some reason held out hope that the Night King's army were going to somehow take the throne.

Seriously, look at how ridiculous of a saga that would've been. The Night King died. Accept it.
You're embarrassing yourself.

Imagine feeling superior about an episode of Rome for Retards

Why isn't it a bannable offense to have gayddit in your search history before browsing Yea Forums? Honestly, it would reduce most traffic from gayddit subhuman by at least 80% since they're dumb retards anyway.

Agreed. Yea Forums has always been full of contrarian edgelords, though...

I suppose it's more fun to have awful taste. You get to enjoy everything, no matter what hack bullshit it is.


Fix your shit.

Most complaints are how he goes out and how quickly via a bullshit anime teleport move by a character not intricately associated with the North plot the last 7 fucking seasons.

Compare the writing in Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure to Game of Thrones. It's way better.

A cartoon for little girls is way better than a show that used to be for adults.

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Because they hate seeing dissent for their corporate propaganda.

Kill yourself

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I am slowly but surely starting to believe that Yea Forums is full of literal autistic faggots.

OP sucks mousecock.

the most disappointing part of this episode is how i had to actually adjust the contrast on my screen to even see this shitfest


>9/10 - Pure Kino
I agree OP.
Pure Kino indeed.

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Shoulda attacked the Night King right from the very beginning. Just like how Alexander the Great did against the Persians.

Even the Washington post didn't like the episode. You could be doing much more with your life then baiting on a Croatian Hyperbaric welding board.

>people with brains and taste arguing that the writing is awful, regardless of the events
>teenagers and brainlets arguing that the events make sense therefore any criticism is invalid
what matters is not what happened you stupid idiot but that the writing telling it was so awful
arya could have killed the nk in this episode in a million ways that would have been less retarded
a tv show isnt a collection of events its a fucking story and storytelling takes skill which d&d seriously lack

>b8'ing this hard
if you think a hoardf dothraki charging stupidly into the darkness in what should of been a defensive battle was kino, then you belong back in reddit.

Not him but alright, I'll take your bait.
Arya killing the Night King was not probably set up. People all over this board are left puzzling what exactly happened:
Did Arya
>sneak by the undead
>rush by the undead
>took on the face of the undead
to reach the NK?
This is shitty writing. Good writing would have required a prior scene to hint at what she was about to do. But as it stands, her assassinating the Night King was an asspull aka fanfic-tier writing.

Do you get this now, Rian?


Can't see shit the episode.