Why do you faggot hate lyanna Mormont so much...

Why do you faggot hate lyanna Mormont so much? She serves the exact same purpose as the underage loli waifus in you gay ass animes

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Because I need to have sex

I know it’s wrong to say but I bet she is so tight.

Stop that.

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That’s a crime

I really really hope no creepy pedo Hollywood producers touched her

Was it Dan what’s his name again?

Dis bitch ugly as fuck doe. She aint cute like my gay ass chinese cartoons

based and cutepilled

This post reads so bad you gotta be black

you know they did, or thinking about it.

im an adult i dont watch anime

She relied on her first scene as her entire character

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You're essentially watching a live action anime, lad. Adults don't watch fiction

Oh well, it's not like she was a major plot point. She was cute and you're too afraid to admit it

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She has dead eyes. All women I know that have those eyes have at least 4 children by multiple men.

>she has dead eyes
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You hate her because of the shape of her eyelids?