What do you guys think? It was definitely the lesser of the two(you can call it Endgame all you want disney, it's Infinity War Part Two) but it was still fun schlock I guess, there are parts in this film thay completely contradict itself however and hopes the audience doesn't notice it or care, some pretty glaring issues imo
Fan Service: The Movie
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Some scenes were good. But overall it was disappointing and felt hollow. There was literally a #girlpower team up scene. By the way, the ridiculousness of the final fight scene completely overshadowed Tony's death. I didn't even tear up, whereas I cried at his "death" in infinity war. Overall, it just made me want to rewatch the Iron Man trilogy.
I genuinely enjoyed it. It was absolutely flawed and deserves every critic it got, yet i really enjoyed watching it and realized that, although i didnt like many of the previous marvel movies, I cared about the characters in this one.
I never liked captain america, but in this movie i emphasized with him and the scene where hes getting up to face thanos army alone was really emotional.
nevertheless, the time travel shenanigans, the endless fansercive and the immense plotholes were kind of overshawdoing it to the point of pure: just turn your brain of bra
>why did they make thor a fat fortnite playing loser after he became the best character in the previous movies?
>what the fuck is captain marvel, she could have singlehandedly taken care of thanos whole army and prevented or helped with so much, yet shes just not there because shes "busy"
>why does everyone magically and without a scratch survive the complete destruction of the avengers base?
>why did nebula not tell anyone the information she had about the stones?
>why the fuck is hawkeye killing gangmemberes and why am i supposed to care about him suddenly?
>why was the hulk completely useless in the last movie, now hes just normal again?
This was a movie made for real comic readers. The fan service is what makes it great. I’ll agree it isn’t as exciting as infinity war, but seeing so many late line comic stories coming to light is nice, professor hulk, Ronan, captain falcon, the completed families of the characters, Rescue was fucking sick imo, I kept expecting her to be shit, but was really surprised, I enjoyed giant man sucker punching the flying centipede. I liked how little of captain marvel there was. I liked the parallel of hulk holding up the avenger base like he did with the mountain on battle world. I liked a lot of it
I'm being way too dramatic but no matter how flawed this movie was I still loved it because it's the end of an era for me. I've lost a lot of interest the last few years and it's been a hassle to keep up with everything so I finally got the perfect moment to end it and get off the ride. It went from when I was 12-24.
Being proud of wasting away 12 years in shitty movies
That's the point user. When I was young teens I was really excited for them and I got to witness myself just completely lose interest gradually which was rough. Glad I got to see it all end.
Just got out. The theater clapped when Steve picked up the hammer, which was probably the most fanservicey thing besides "I am Ironman"
Pretty decent capstone and now I'm finally free from ever seeing any of these movies again.
His chest arc reactor going out as he died reminded me of Scary Movie 3 when the girl is pinned against the tree by a truck, and as she dies the truck's headlights go out. It's not even a fucking part of him anymore and has no connection to his health, but it goes out because he gets a fatal dose of radiation. All I could think of was this scene and chuckle to myself.
I actually felt it's a lot better than infinity war. Less excitement but it felt more like an actual movie and less like a string of events.
>unironically putting spoilers on your post
Reminder that Iron man dies killing thanos and his army
Gamora comes back to life
Black widow dies
Captain America carries thors hammer and makes eagle nigger his heir when he retires
>Why did they make thor a fat fortnite playing loser after he became the best character in the previous movies?
That's probably my biggest gripe, they turned him back to Ragnarok Thor and completely undid his character growth.
Where is caps?
That was the only scene where everyone clapped when I saw it. As much as I enjoyed that scene, I prefer when thanos gets restrained, cap walks and you can hear thano's groans , I wish they would of gotten a better shot of black widow.
He's worse than Ragnarok. I was fine with the fat joke until he decided to remain a fucking loser at the end and pass the responsibility on to a womyn.
My problem with thors character is that they apply human psychology to a god
>he enjoyed an extremely high budget movie revolving around childhood interests
>what a loser
I couldn’t imagine being that opposing desu
I really thought we were gonna get a quick training montage during the time machine setup to show him getting back into shape because that fat suit looked so terrible
I thought it was better than IW
Well, BvS and Last Jedi have shown how negatively audiences react to anything other than fan service. It's what people want.
no shit, he failed
He has been like that through out the movies, just look how he felt when he was not worthy of mjolnir.
He lost twice, not to mention he chopped thanos head off.
no you're definitely right user, grown men should definitely continue to indulge their childhood interests
Cap 1v1ing Thanos with the hammer was my favorite part
Remember who you are, user. What did you like before you became a piece of shit?
>begin watching a high quality camrip
>starts off with an emotional and eerie scene that grabs my attention
>cuts to some dadrock as the marvel logo emerges
>cuts to iron man quipping over some middle school game
Fuck this shit. I liked infinity war because it was so serious and dark, this is fucking gay
Based and redpilled. Fuck this escapism kiddie shit.
cringe and Reddit pilled, what did I hurt your feelings cause you wanna enjoy your capeshit without anyone calling you a manchild
I know that feel, I sat through Thor, first avenger, avengers and finally said fuck this shit and walked out of iron man 3. I honestly was hoping they got better but didn’t.
>The theater clapped
mine gave a pep cheer when Thor transformed.
they were literally SPEAKING to imaginary characters.
>i fell asleep during the movie
shit was boring. i took my japanese girlfriend
I actually appreciated their restraint in keeping Thor fat. It elevated his character.
Because the dumb meathead move would be to have a montage like you said.
That first act with them hurting and feeling helpless hooked me. Seeing them grow and try to move on and deal with not having the stones anymore would of been a better movie. Instead we get retarded time travel and infinite infinity stones.
>Fan Service
Haven't seen it, does Scarjo take off her top and dance around in a thong and a pair of heels?
If not then you and I have a very different definition of fan service, if so, then I should really go see it.
>Thor a fat slob fortnite player
Same boat. Didn't like how he didn't slim down when he went full on warrior mode when he got hit by the lightning. Not an exact disconnect to his Ragnarok persona, but a very disappointing turn out nonetheless.
>Captain Marvel
Busy "guarding" other planets. Probably heard a distress call from Fury but was too slow on the pick up since she's light years away.
>Scarless heroes
I'm guessing the main focus was on the trio, so no time to put some make up on a bunch of characters who's only appearing a split second or two.
>Nebula's information
Wasn't she out with Rocket in space or some shit while they were out planning how to get the stones? IIRC, by the time they got there, they already knew where the stones are so there's really no point in her divulging any other information.
>Yakuza Killer Hawkeye
He's using it as a coping mechanism for the death of his family. Probably the only way he knows how.
>Useless Hulk
Banner realized that him and Hulk are two sides of the same coin, so instead of resisting him, he merged with him resulting to the new Hulk.
fucking weeb
Man, imagine being so retarded that a fucking Marvel movie confuses you. Kek, all those questions were answered during the movie.
>Posting a 12 year old picture from a 12 year old show
It's time to move on manchild, it's 2019 and you're an adult now.
>Captain Marvel
>Busy "guarding" other planets. Probably heard a distress call from Fury but was too slow on the pick up since she's light years away.
i get that, just really seems like lazy writing to me, but nevermind
>Nebula's information
>Wasn't she out with Rocket in space or some shit while they were out planning how to get the stones? IIRC, by the time they got there, they already knew where the stones are so there's really no point in her divulging any other information.
she could have told scarjo and hawkeye that the soul stone needs a sacrifice for example
also why did nebula and the black dude go to the place of the powerstone exactly when thanos is going there as well, i mean she KNEW that and told black dude when they arrived there, why didnt she mention that earlier? and why didnt they just go to the place earlier?
>Useless Hulk
Banner realized that him and Hulk are two sides of the same coin, so instead of resisting him, he merged with him resulting to the new Hulk.
But why couldnt he use hulk at all in Infinity war?
but also nevermind, just general plotholes, im just thinking too much
>5 years pass
>all the married couples who lost their partners move on and find new ones
>they return as if no time passed at all
>half the population got instantly cucked
well that last part is explained, hulk got his ass beat in the beginning of infinity war and pussied out.
I wish a certain few people would use the word schlock more often
I get that those questions were answered, just in a ridiculous and stupid way
"we are trying to save everything and bring half the universe who got snapped, this is our only chance, can you help overpowered superheroine?"
- "no busy"
>thinking posting a reaction image means you're somehow fixated on a show
It was the perfect ending movie I cried a Tony's sacrifice
Saying this, I will never watch another marvel movie again
why the fuck did howard the duck show up during the end of the battle with thanos. it made no sense
BvS is the definition of fan service. Last Jedi is just a total dud in every sense of the word.
ya, that's true. Also, the supply chain that's retrofitted for half the population. They didn't show the deaths caused by food shortages. Also, the massive recession from insurance insolvency now that everyone is actually alive.
Honestly, the more humane thing is just leave them dead.
Both took a fairly critical approach to their respective brands. BvS much more so than Last Jedi, actually.
i'm still interested in the spider-man movies and guardians of the galaxy 3. but i didn't bother watching captain marvel and have zero interest in anything avengers that might come after. ant-man 3, black panther 2 seem like easy passes. tony dead and cap retired there's all the investment i had in the team, black widow and vision being dead kind of just leaves hawkeye, war machine, falcon, bucky, and scarlet witch. which honestly too b-squad.
The entire idea of
>durr two heroes fight who win
Is masturbatory fanservice. Especially with how contrived it has to be for the fight to even happen and bats to stand a chance
Not interested in Strange? I'm like you with Strange added in.
>that gif
here take the webm
i honestly forgot about him, yeah i'd watch another strange movie.
>Need a hand?
>I like this one.
>You better not throw up on my ship!
>There. I aimed for the head.
>Remember me? Ant-man! We fought at the airport!
>No, not like back to the future... okay, yes. Just like back to the future.
>I'm ant-man, do you want my autograph? Oh, I see. I'm not as great as the hulk is that it?
>Watch out for the idiot eating tacos in the landing zone.
>I think I pooped my pants, but I don't know if it was baby me or old me or meme.
>Tell noobmaster69, I'll come to his basement and shove his arms up his ass.
>Come on, Thor! We need you... ... we have beer on the ship.
>Easy there, Lebowski.
>I think you look great, Cap! As far as I'm aware, that's america's ass.
>Hail Hydra.
>That IS america's ass.
>Thank you for all you've done... for this country.
>Weird beard.
>So he's an idiot.
>Haven't you seen indian jones?! There are always traps!
>I can do this, I can do this... I can't do this!
>I can do this all day.
>No no no, I take the big one, you take the small one!
>The first time didn't hit! The second time hit them both!
>It was either him or a tree...
>Yeah? Well, I am... Iron man.
>You like cheeseburgers? I'm gonna give you all the cheeseburgers you want.
>Yeah, of course you're in charge! Hahahah! ... Of course.
SJW's are destroying sci-fi and fantasy. They must be stopped at all cost.
Imagine being Thor in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Captain Marvel, you fuckin' powerfull, all strong with your glowing body and horrific emotionless bitch face. I would totally fight you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fight Thanos regardless on which planet. Like seriously imagine having to be Thor and not only stand in that room while Brie Larson flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her toes and lack of ass, and just stand there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that bitchface. Not only having to tolerate her blank fucking visage but her naughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's POWERFULL and DAMN, WOMEN CAN BE THAT STRONG?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking bitch face having no emotional range at all, which you didn't even know was possible before that day. You've been fighting nothing but a healthy diet of monsters and villains and family members for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies of Asgard. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her flat ass as she sucks it in to writhe it fearless at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her „omnipotent" (for that is what she calls herself)" powers, the powers she worked not at all for with bad writing in the previous movie. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this movie before the other avengers could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Thor. You're not going to lose your vengeance over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Your post amuses me but you seem to be losing your grip on reality and confusing actors with characters.
all fair desu, only exceptions are
>Easy there, Lebowski.
>Yeah? Well, I am... Iron man.
i thought those lines nailed the character perfectly, and there for were not cheesy at all
>heil hydra
Thought that was good, did not see that coming
Same here, 13 to 25, literally my entire youth and most formative years, and I’m not even mad, at least it wasn’t fucking Harry Shitter or something else; we got an actual good franchise to remember our youths with.
It’s was a very nice way to put it to rest, hope it dies slowly and it gives a chance for other franchises to arise.
It’s not a great movie but it did what it set itself to do and that’s saying a fucking lot.
i forgive the shitty movies they made, they managed to make a 10 year long ensemble of movies for children and adults that got a good ending, that it deserved
half of all livestock, game, and crops got restored too
I cant understand why did tony have to die.
Why couldnt he just retire like cap
Endgame was very enjoyable. It could have been GoT S08E03.
I posted this in the other thread, but here goes.
I seriously had trouble telling if/when the movie wanted me to take it seriously. For every intriguing or interesting scene, there was one (or more) that completely took me out it.
I want a stand alone movie just about thanos on his farm
just a comfy 90min movie showing how the mad titan builds his hut and harvests his gardens. the antagonists would be annoying rodents, who try to mess up his crops, so he fights them off using the gauntlet. It ends with a montage of him riding his bycicle to the beach to get fish and enjoys the sunset.
Maybe he would have a dog
What the hell? The Japanese version actually does it right and Thanos doesn't have a full gauntlet yet.
because if Tony retires just like Cap, it takes away the emphasis from the latter.
Same goes for vice versa. If the characters all end up doing the same thing, it becomes mundane.
i feel you
how the beginning was dramatic and deep how everyone dealt with their losses and then you get a selfie with hulk scene and a fatbelly thor insults fortnite kids scene
He is the most crazy
It was fine, but it is inferior to Infinity war. I didn't liked the campaign battle at the end, felt that the stakes were high enough with just Thanos there.
TLDR, hit and miss with some scenes, I liked Hulk and fat Thor the most, some of the resurrected avengers were there for like 4 lines and called it a day, I feel killing off Iron Mand and Black widow deserved better scenes
It failed at fanservice. The fights in IW were better and the climax was unsatisfying.
It was fucking dumb how Captain America and Thor pretty much just fuck off and sit down in a corner to watch once the big fight starts, they should have had at least SOMETHING in the climax.
Even if they don't fight Thanos himself again, Thanos did bring his cronies with him so they could have had proper fights with them. Instead the fucking cronies just dick around and then get dusted at the end, what was the fucking point of having them there even.
Would've been nice if say Thanos brought Ronan too and he fought Thor and Cap.
>>cuts to iron man quipping over some middle school game
Him trying to teach Nebula a game because they are alone and have nothing else to do but wait to die stranded on a ship is pretty grim dude
I just saw it. IMO there was way too much drama and "remember this?" sorta fanservice, and way too little action. I see these movies mostly for the fights. Infinity War had better action and the drama that was there felt much more real. This one it was obvious that Iron man and Black Widow were going to die because they had all these monologues and shit, and the movie seemed to focus on them more than usual, and we all knew that everyone who died in the snap in IW was coming back. Also I didn't like how they made Thor into a buffoon the whole film.
The fight scenes that were in the movie were pretty sweet though. My favorite was actually when Hawkeye was swordfighting that Japanese gangster. A lot of the choreography from the final fight with Thanos looked almost like moves from a fighting game or an action game, like Cap banging mjolnir against his shield in midair to cause a sonic shockwave
>Hulk and fat Thor
"Smart" (still dumb) Hulk and fat Thor and hail hydra were the best parts of the movie. All of the action fell flat on its face.
What's wrong with japanese? Why they have shit taste
Fan service will NEVER EVER be a bad thing. This month we got to witness the difference between that and disappointing hack writing with game of thrones, it will ALWAYS prefer the former over "subverting my expectations"
can you post a smaller picture
>what is population
>killing off the most beloved character of the franchise
>fan service
I am sick of you
This is what most box office looks like though, with the Chinese at the lead
So Peter Parker is still in high school, but half of his classmates are now 5 years older than him?
Japan is a high stress society, so the people there are in constant look for escapism. That's why they have such a strange pop culture.
This was so weird, the fat guy that is his friend makes that cameo at the end, but they were still in high school and looks the same?
> Japs is Capekino fans!
Obviously, only smart person watch capekino. Retarded one always shitting on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
>Also I didn't like how they made Thor into a buffoon the whole film.
He lost almost everything, killing Thanos after that fixed nothing and left him with no purpose in life where as in IW he was driven by honor and revenge. Becoming a drunken shut in is a natural progression.
Exactly, when he gets stabbed through the torso in infinity war, there's plenty of lead up, you can tell he's struggling, then it happens, and the music cuts out, it's well done enough to give you a startling impression. When he dies in endgame, it's just like "oh, he snapped his fingers, now he's clinging to life? should we call a medic, oh wait guess he's dead". It just happens so suddenly and it feels artificial, like they needed a body count because it adds emotion.
Also factor in the ridiculous idea that if you aren't "strong" enough to use the stones, they can very well kill you. This is the dumbest part of the whole movie imo, even worse than the time travel. Why not wish for more strength, then? Why not build a glove that can defend against the damages? It felt like nothing was at stake, particularly after captain marvel showed up
>watching movies
>year 2019
that scene at the end with Jon Favreau / Happy Hogan and Iron Man's daughter talking about getting some ice cream just made Favreau look like a child predator
His friend was probably dusted too which is why he was the only kid peter recognized at school
Time travel was a mistake
I can be convinced if they disappeared together.
The hardest part is the classmates that have not disappeared.
They are five years old with their friends.
gotcha, yeah I guess.
since when can Pepper Potts fight?
Ironman 3
>Also factor in the ridiculous idea that if you aren't "strong" enough to use the stones, they can very well kill you. This is the dumbest part of the whole movie imo, even worse than the time travel. Why not wish for more strength, then? Why not build a glove that can defend against the damages?
You need to have power to wield power. Without the rest of the suit, using the Gauntlet would have vaporized Tony as Banner was barely able to survive it.
She did in one of the iron man movies, but it looked very dumb.
She can't, but the suit has an AI that can basically fight for you.
>t.I don't know how population works
>MHA didn't even get another collab with Avengers EG
Is it dead?
It truly was the Endgame.
They didn't have to turn him into a fat blob of comic relief. He was pathetic compared to how he was in IW. Except at the very beginning when he was still seething with rage, there he was cool and still had some presence
fan service done right desu
It's a rewritten copypasta, originally written based on True Lies.
I honestly dont think it was fan service. If you take the core characters. Thor, Ironman, Hulk, Cpt America, Quill, Spiderman, Antman, Black Panther, Capt Marvel, Dr. Strange.
The got SJW treatment or ignored.
Thor's confidence from all prior movies destroyed and he becomes a fat drunk and gives his title to a sassy minority lady
Captain America, gives a gay guy dating advice in the wake of population extinction. Gives up his title to bird guy, also a minority, not Bucky
Thor looses looses the one he loves and never has his romance plot develop, he doesnt develop other then he is a mix of Hulk and Banner off screen.
Iron man dies, but Pepper Pots somewhat replaces him.
Antman was important but they had him fuck around with his van in the battle just to give him something to do, then blew it up.But he got back with his family and this was the most meaningful of all the main characters.
Dr. Strange hardly talks, and nothing significant is developed with his character
Spider Man is similar to Strange, but gets to talk to Stark and a hug.
Quill comes back from the dead for his girlfriend to kick him in the balls and dump him.
I hate Brie Larson and Captain Marvel, because she is so fucking arrogant. But as a character it was really awkwardly used. They had her show up, be arrogant and give an excuse to not be in the movie till the end, then stuck her in the back at the funeral. I dont want anyone to think I wanted to see more of her, I would have preferred she was not in it, but honestly it was janky character use.
>Thor nearly redeems himself in IW after the offscreen fight despite having redeemed himself in Ragnarok
>doesn't redeem himself after that
Seriously what the fuck
The original only refers to the actors names because its funnier that way, user combined the actora and characters, fucking it up
>If the characters all end up doing the same thing, it becomes mundane.
It was frustrating that everyone time travelling went back and met their lost parents / loved ones. By the third one which was Steve seeing Peggy, I just didn't care because we'd already done it with Thor and Tony already.
>Falcon is the next Captain America
How? He is not even a super soldier nor does he have the heart; he is a pathetic weakling compared to Cap. I just saw it's like that in the comics but still it seems dumb
The movie was focused on Cap, Thor, and Tony mostly and it did a good job of handling their characters for the most part.
All the characters that were dusted have minor parts obviously. Bucky can't be cap bcause he's mentally unstable. Gamora is fucking dead, the new one is a different person and was never Quill's gf.
this, one of the best lines in the film imo
Thanks, I made a webm out of the gif but I was too lazy to get the video and make one without the watermark.
I enjoyed the Cap using Mjolnir for a while, but actually managing it proficiently in fight for the long term felt too tacked on, like they needed to justify somehow his presence in battle and used that one comic as an excuse. It should have been a spur of the moment until the rest of the team came.
Nebula only knows the planet the Orb was on. Starlord had the map and the "key" to get to where it was.
So we saw in Guardians 1 that just holding a stone will straight up explode an average person and fuck up strong people. If your real fucking strong like Ronan was, you'll be fine.
As far as I know that's the point of the original infinity gauntlet made by dwarven space magic, and it still fucked up Thanos when he used the power of all 5 stones simultaneous in IW, his arm got fucked up then and even more so in endgame. Both uses really fucked the Infinity Gauntlett.
The glove they made that Hulk used clearly wasn't as effective as the original Infinity Gauntlett and Hulk is supposed to be resilient as fuck.
Tony's whole super bullshit powerful suit took most the blow of him using all the stones and it still fucked him up to the brink of death.
thanos dies
stan lee
captain america picks up thor's hammer
black falcon
dr strange
"i am iron man"
captain marvel
Yeah it was kind of awkward. Expect an
impending #metoo
We have to make a lot of assumptions to fill in plot holes.
Spiderman didn't have an uncle Ben before this, it's like the single most important thing in his character development
Did Hulk specify that? Probably not.
Lol Tony should have just went to bed
What if MJ wasn't dusted when Peter was? is she now 5 years older than him?
Thats all garbage. Did you read what I wrote, I said they got SJW treatment or ignored.
Cap kinda has an ending, and you focused on that. But in context of all the avengers that give up it 100% goes to the non Cis White males. Its pretty clear there was a theme throughout the movie too, the shot where all the women heros form up. The is no reason for a scene to be in a movie of captain America being in an extinction support group, to give tips on dating to a gay guy, other than to make a political point.
I am aware old Gamora is dead. The point is Quill fucking came back to see the love of his life, alive again, destroy his reproductive organs and reject him.
You can try and nit pick and say these are isolated incidents of WOKE, but its not, because its every character that was focused on.
Its a cgi fest without any substance, cinematic junk food.
I'd still see GotG movies. I'm slightly interested in what they do with Adam Warlock and Stalone and those pirate people
True, I think his character was fucked this reboot around, so I cared least about him.
On the fist viewing I was underwhelmed, considering all the praise the movie has gotten. Will need more viewings.
I enjoyed it. it's a fitting, if flawed, swan song to an era of pop culture.
Dumb question: how did the Asgardian survivors and Korg made it to earth? Did Heimdall transport them offscreen at the same time he sent Hulk away? Or was it before Thanos attacked them?
I kind of expected Warlock to appear as a last-minute addition in Endgame.
The guardians will never be complete without best girl, though.
I would have liked to have seen more of a reaction to the snap from the general public's point of view. They said governments were in shambles, but I feel as if we didn't see anything from outside the Avengers' perspective. I mean in Infinity War, we saw things like planes falling out of the sky. The ramifications of losing three billion people instantly are something worth exploring.
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
>We have to make a lot of assumptions to fill in plot holes.
While you can argue that now, there is still a new Spiderman movie coming which could end up delivering that exact explanation. In any case, I don't think his friend dusting away (which would've been a 50% chance) is a particularly huge stretch.
>Use picture of faggot who almost let million pajeet immigrate to Japan and known as capeshit fans
We live in a clown society
How do you even tie your shoes in the morning? You must need Velcro with that low iq.
Useless Hulk and Fat Thor I could let slide because I understand trying to balance the stakes in the final battle is difficult with all those heroes on screen.
Captain Marvel I don't understand. She honestly feels like a tag along. They really should've introduced her after Endgame, but maybe they had to lock her in early for a favorable contract/schedule or something.
They only have three hours bro.
Then they shouldn't have treated Endgame as Infinity War: Part 2, and instead as its own movie to build towards.
I'd have been fine with one of those movie moments where you show a bunch of TV screens with news anchors chattering about how fucking crazy everything's been. "World in chaos!," "Did the Avengers fail us?," "Countries on the brink of collapse." Stuff like that.
>Captain Marvel I don't understand. She honestly feels like a tag along. They really should've introduced her after Endgame
They even wrote her off for most of the movie. Absolutely no idea what to do with her
are you really trying to arnie/jamie post?
I thought fat Thor was great. I could care less about his power level and what it should have been or what ever, but I'm so glad to see he got decent amount of character development. When captain America first tried to pick up the hammer in ultron, Thor was worried because of his ego. But in this movie he was happy that Rogers was able to lift it and was worthy as a sign that he overcame his ego and was happy to see his friends improve.
Yeah too many things felt off or inconsistent.
I loved a handful of powerful scenes but they are buried under 2.5 hours of filler.
This will be a movie to have on in the background as opposed to sitting down and watching in whole.
I dont see why anyone is praising a movie where they use the TIME TRAVEL trope to defeat the main villain after he was already defeated. The plot is stupid. They kill him twice on screen to really stick it to whitey i guess.
The movies all lead to time traveling to unsnap via collecting all the stones and then sending them back through time?
We are really praising a movie with fucking time travel used to write off plot holes??
it's cause Chris no longer gives a fuck about the character. Slacker Thor is how he WANTS to play the character now, he'd rather horn in on Pratt's antics. He better not fuck up Guardians 3.
>Cap kinda has an ending
"kinda"? It's how they wrapped up the movie, and I'd say he had a stronger ending than every other character, with the possible exception of Thanos.
>But in context of all the avengers that give up it 100% goes to the non Cis White males.
There are so many easier examples of bad diversity shit to pick out in the film, you're acting as though they tore the roles away from Downey and Evans as opposed to them being fed up with the roles and both having pre-established black sidekicks. I hate forced diversity bullshit too but if you complain at every appearance of a black person you just come off looking like a bitch.
>the shot where all the women heros form up
I agree this was fucking terrible
>The point is Quill fucking came back to see the love of his life, alive again, destroy his reproductive organs and reject him.
This is in line with Gamora's character, again you're trying to read into it as some sort of emasculation tactic which just makes you come off as a bitch. He was looking through information about her in the end, they're clearly setting it up as a plot point for the next GotG movie. You cannot possibly be so stupid that you think this is a permanent change in their relationship.
>You can try and nit pick and say these are isolated incidents of WOKE
Weird that you're the one accusing people of nitpicking.
when I saw the bannerhulk all I could think of was his huge green cock rearranging black widow's internal organs
>There was a time when THIS seemed impossible
>she talking about time travel or slinging giant green wang
It remembered me of that gif
>Cap fucks off to the past with mjolnir
>Literally lives his entire life
>Nothing in the world is different
So what the fuck did Steve do for decades? Did he just let every bad thing possible happen with zero intervening?
who said it was the same timeline
Cap was right there alive at the end of the movie. I'd have been fine if they left it off on a note, with like, Bucky saying "he went back," or whatever, and then cutting to the dance scene. But him actually being there in the canon 2020s timeline raising too many questions.
I mean they literally showed he had Thor's hammer. Did he just hang it on a wall for decades as a trophy?
It's honestly probably the best comic book movie ever made. Easily the closest to the spirit of comic book stories.
I know it's the most pretentious thing to say, but I genuinely think people who flat out don't like the movie don't understand it.
Like this guy>why did they make thor a fat fortnite playing loser
Are you fucking serious right now? Can you not understand context clues? Are you literally retarded?
The assumption we have to make is he did return Mjolnir first to 2012 Dark World. Then went back to where he got the tesseract and returned that to and decided fuck it, I'll stay here with Peggy because now is my chance.
Then the old Steve we see is either that Steve having lived his entire life with Peggy now returning to his home timeline after she died shortly before the final scene so he could wonder over and sit down. Or another Steve from another timeline that had done the same things as we witnessed, where he then has come to the main timeline to return the main timeline's tesseract in the past and has been living with Peggy in secret this whole time and not needing to do shit, because there was a younger version of himself that was from the current timeline there to do all the Captain America stuff.
It's kinda stupid and convoluted. Time travel is lazy writing.
>I mean they literally showed he had Thor's hammer. Did he just hang it on a wall for decades as a trophy?
He dropped it off at the same point in the past fat Thor took it, just like he did with the infinity stones.
You're assuming he did absolutely nothing else, he could have lived a life through the 20th century, and then swapped timelines to visit the OG timeline one last time to finish up the last bit of business without messing with what happened in the OG timeline. He would have been chronologically already sitting there, and then appeared the moment he left as this timeline slightly changed.
I just saw this movie right after watching the latest GoT episode.
The sheer awfulness of tonight’s GoT episode made me appreciate Endgame more than I usually do for superhero films.
>Banner realized that him and Hulk are two sides of the same coin, so instead of resisting him, he merged with him resulting to the new Hulk.
Off-screen character development sucks. They should've showed it.
>durr two heroes fight who win
That was just the marketing, the movie isn't about "who wins"
Is it really character development if the characters personality is the same?
Bannerhulk talks and behaves just like Banner in the previous movies.
It's not about anything
Kill yourself faggot
>Is it really character development if the characters personality is the same?
Yes. They didn't show the progress of Bruce giving up to be Hulk forever, despite the fact he was scared of it in Ragnarok.
Cap went back in time to live his life AFTER intervening everywhere, user. It's not that hard to understand. both things happen at the same time, it's just that two Steve Roger's have been alive at the same time, one as an active Captain America and one as a retired Captain America. Both are the same guy at a different age.
It is about two conflicted heroes learning they have the same motivations.
That's what happens when you've been hung up on failing the universe and been unable to get justice for your dead family and entire race for five years
He's Captain Falcon now
>5 years since getting dusted
>peter returns to school
>his fat hawaiian friend is exactly the same age and still in school despite indications that he wasn't dusted
This really bugged me
I knew it "Stevie" Wonder is really Steve Rogers in disguise so he doesn't mess up the timeline
Its just really jarring to go from IF where theres this constant problem with Hulk refusing to come out to EG where all of that was resolved offscreen and the Hulk persona is pretty much dead now.
What are the so called indications that he wasn't dusted? If he's in high school after five years he was dust.
and now you get to experience the next 20-30 years as the corporations slowly grind into dust one of your childhood's best memories.
they will use every good memory you have for ruthless and nihilistic nostalgia bait.
you will sit there as everything you loved about this franchised gets raped into oblivion for the entertainment of clapping seals 20 year your junior.
it ain't over until there is nothing left but the taste of ash in you mouth.
but anyway, endgame was a pretty good movie, i liked it.
The reunion between him and peter made it seem like he hadn't seen peter in ages with the hugging and all.
Peter just got back from a battle and (iirc) a funeral. He probably hadn't seen Ned in ages.
Cap's ending was so shit that it ruined things I actually did enjoy about the film. God, it would have been so much better if he just died.
Mine clapped and cheered at picking up the hammer as well as BP coming through the portal and to a lesser degree the girl power moment.
Don't u see. The "Endgame" is the og avengers becoming daddies. Hawkeye is a daddy, Tony is a daddy, Thor looks like a drunk daddy, Hulk can be anyone's daddy, Black Widow finds out who her daddy is. Steve probably went back and made a few babies, one of them is Sam Wilson and that's why he's the new Captain Black America
how exactly did Antman survive a space rocket to the face?
A girl in front of me clapped during the vagina moment and I shushed her.
He was in tiny mode when we next see him
ned knows peter is spiderman and he just lost tony
How did Hawkeyes wife still have a working phone after being dusted for 5 years? Was hawkeye paying her cellphone bill for 5 years?
Is he wearing his fucking high heels under the track suit? Fucking hell man, why is he so self conscious
Italy and France are half Japan's population, brainlet. And let's not compare it with Korea...
>Was hawkeye paying her cellphone bill for 5 years?
Yep, it was half-priced
he has trouble letting go, and leaves everything in the house exactly as it was when they disappeared
That hugging scene had to have taken place months after the main events of the movie ended
There's no way they'd resume school immediately after half of the population returned, so chances are Peter and Ned hadn't seen each other in ages
>america's ass
>Cap would fuck his clone
Anyone else think the whole 'alternate timeline Loki escaping with the tessaract" is them leaving a door open to shoehorn Loki back into the MCU whenever they feel like it?
It would be funny if he couldn't remove the mask and spends the whole series doing a Bane voice.
Not gay, just marturbating
I know people love to shit on Ms Marvel, but she helped them kill Thanks and all the stones were destroyed. She didnt know they were going back in time, how was she supposed to know to be on Earth to fight Thanos and his army? A time travelling Thanos at that?
You guys are so fucking dramatic, as though a 2 hour movie here and there means anything.
maybe she could have turned on her space radio and gotten her space email about how they invented time travel and were going to bring half the universe back into existence